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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Legacy system, your my only hope


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Well just like all of the other features they dance around an ETA on, they would have you believe that it's very soon in hopes of reinforcing your faith in the developer enough that you stick around for a bit.


Sorry if I sound like a negative nancy, but ugh.

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Seems 2 months from now for legacy is a tad too far off for my tastes.. Rolled an alt, got her to level 5.. and aside from the story quests, its exactly the same play-threw... just with female reproductive organs instead of male...


The put such a big emphasis on Replay-ability that the legacy system brings to the table, but if its implimented After ive quit, than it doesnt really help me... And im not going to spend another 30 bucks, just to be dissapointed by a system that should have been in at launch.... The devs Really need to give us a bone when it comes to legacy mode..


My troopers halfway threw lvl 43, and the farther i progress the more Bland and repetative the game becomes.


collect 5 sand people sniper rifles, go to next planet.. collect 5 shield disabling rifles.. Etc.


They didnt even bother changing the Icon graphic for the rifles... so its literally the same exact mission.. on Every single planet.. Make it feel like im doing something Different atleast..


Thats kind of what i was hoping legacy would do, add just the right amount of flavor to change the feel of the game for my new character.. so its not an Exact play-threw of what i did on my trooper...

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Well just like all of the other features they dance around an ETA on, they would have you believe that it's very soon in hopes of reinforcing your faith in the developer enough that you stick around for a bit.


Sorry if I sound like a negative nancy, but ugh.


Indeed, if i cant find an Exact answer or even a glimpse as to what legacy actually brings within the next 6 days, i wont be resubbing.. Hell throw me a screenshot taken with a camera, threw a window from across the room..


I Really liked the idea of a legacy system, my alt will be my mains daughter.. who happens to turn evil somewhere in the mix.. alienating herself from her father.. and the republic, eventually to defect to the imperial side...


However, somethings in this game Really break my roleplaying immersion, lack of a legacy system is a big one.. The others are way to abundant to list here, as ive done in another thread 1 Month Reflection.

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It's your only hope for what? I wouldn't get too worked up about this feature. It's probably going to be small perks and not game-changers.


For enjoyment of this game, Last article i read said that the legacy system made the game Very Replayable.. as the game stands now, there is no replay ability.. Other than the story quests for each class.. Everything else is exactly the same..


I Was under the impression the Legacy system would change things up abit, like a smuggler using heavy armor since my main is a trooper.. like a Genetic strength for using a different weight of armor?


Or a gunslinger using a rifle?


Or a jedi using a blaster in an offhamd?



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It's your only hope for what? I wouldn't get too worked up about this feature. It's probably going to be small perks and not game-changers.


If it's only small perks then why haven't we had that since launch?

Regardless, legacy isn't my only hope, but I am getting tired of advancing an xp bar for nothing. :( I'd at least like to know a projected range of time we could be seeing that coming soon screen disappear.

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For enjoyment of this game, Last article i read said that the legacy system made the game Very Replayable.. as the game stands now, there is no replay ability.. Other than the story quests for each class.. Everything else is exactly the same..


There isn't likely to be an entirely new storyline.


If it's only small perks then why haven't we had that since launch?

Regardless, legacy isn't my only hope, but I am getting tired of advancing an xp bar for nothing. :( I'd at least like to know a projected range of time we could be seeing that coming soon screen disappear.


It sounds like both of you are already not enjoying yourselves. I just don't know that this legacy thing is going to save you is all. I would rather see you pin your hopes on other patch features/fixes *shrug*.


You're not alone, in any case. I canceled inside of the first week for my own reasons, but they ultimately boiled down to the same thing (not enjoying myself). My gut feeling is legacy is "gimmicky," but I guess we'll find out soon-ish.

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Okay, just out of curiosity. What are social quests? Are these anything like what RIFT has with their rifts spawning randomly in a zone?


I know exactly what you know cause I read the same article... but ya I'd assume they are some kind of open area quests akin to what rift does.. but who knows

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There isn't likely to be an entirely new storyline.




It sounds like both of you are already not enjoying yourselves. I just don't know that this legacy thing is going to save you is all. I would rather see you pin your hopes on other patch features/fixes *shrug*.


You're not alone, in any case. I canceled inside of the first week for my own reasons, but they ultimately boiled down to the same thing (not enjoying myself). My gut feeling is legacy is "gimmicky," but I guess we'll find out soon-ish.


I just said it wasn't my only hope. :rolleyes:


I already love the look of the new content approaching in this next patch, along with the PvP updates, and I love the community that I play with, and I look forward to the future of the game.


I just wanted to voice that I'd like to see a legacy xp bar actually do something other than level up. :p

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Any news if they are going to remove that Surname BS from the legacy system?


Its not enough to have a unique First Name but you also need to have a single Unique surname per server that you can never change regardless of technical issues.


Heck I wouldn't be surprised. I can't even my Real Name corrected (which I didn't input into that page or matches the info I did enter when I created the account) on my account info despite contacting Support half a dozen times (including by Phone).


Hope is the first step on the road to Despair.


^ I can't think of better thing to say about the thread title.

Edited by SysOpPsyche
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I'm always suprised at how clueless devs are. He says in that article that they were suprised inquisitors were the most played class.


Has he not read the forums for the last 6 months?


if I was a Dev I wouldn't... I'd make some intern read them... then type up a detailed report complete with a power point presentation on it daily... then never read them and throw them right in the trash

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I know exactly what you know cause I read the same article... but ya I'd assume they are some kind of open area quests akin to what rift does.. but who knows


Yeah, I suppose that was kind of overly optimistic on my part in assuming you'd know the answer to that, wasn't it? Hehe! Ah, well. If it's some form of "dynamic world" (I think that's the proper buzz phrase for that), then I'm all for it. It'll help to make the worlds look more alive.


Nothing gets the blood pumping than being in Anchorhead and suddenly a Sand People raid happens.

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