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Implementing naming restrictions (for RP servers)


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Hello community, and hello Bioware.


I'm playing Republic faction on Lord Calypho RP-PvP server, EU.


My gaming experience so far has been good, even though there's the classic bugs and "beta" like problems in game.


One thing I can't stand though, is people calling themselves faulty names, (eg. Countdooku, Dk-bladestomer (yes, misspelled even), Saberdude, Ninefingers etc. etc.)


Just to clarify, are GM's checking through character names on a regular basis?

It's something I find very annoying, meeting characters with such dumb names, especially when I rolled on an RP server.


Please hit hard on this one. :(


All the best.

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Just to clarify, are GM's checking through character names on a regular basis?

It's something I find very annoying, meeting characters with such dumb names, especially when I rolled on an RP server.


No, they are not. Players need to report names that violate the ToS before anything will happen. The GMs are not omniscient.

Edited by imtrick
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hey hey now... my toon "Darth Sarah-Palin the Merciless" is not hurting anyone and the name goes with my backstory :mad:


I don't really care about character naming on "normal" servers - PvE and PvP - but every server that has the RP tag, should really stand up to it.


If this game wants to attract (and keep) the casual aswell as the hardcore RP'ers it shouldn't be possible (imho) to name yourself anything that doesn't fit in the universe of SW. And that's pretty big.


Just no political figures (surnames), no leet speak, no Foxmulder, no Stickybomber, no.. and so on. on RP servers that is

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I don't really care about character naming on "normal" servers - PvE and PvP - but every server that has the RP tag, should really stand up to it.


If this game wants to attract (and keep) the casual aswell as the hardcore RP'ers it shouldn't be possible (imho) to name yourself anything that doesn't fit in the universe of SW. And that's pretty big.


Just no political figures (surnames), no leet speak, no Foxmulder, no Stickybomber, no.. and so on. on RP servers that is


common now... this is annoying.. I swear RP servers are full off little kids more needy and pushy than all the PVPers and Min/Maxers combined... They will whine all day long that you are not RPing correctly if you aren't PLAYING PRETEND the way they wanna play it... it's like watching 7 year olds argue about a game of cowboys and Indians on the grade school playground


if a name blatantly violates the rules and is very offensive I can see you reporting them and BW making them change it... but other than that it's just you saying "Play pretend the way I say it should be played or I'm gonna tell on you"


for instance *** is wrong with "Stickybomber" ? maybe the toon I'm RPing has that as a nickname?

Edited by Liquidacid
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BW, like many other mmo companies, have said that they are not going to spend time/resources policing RP servers to make sure people follow the community's rules. For better or worse, it is up to the players to take control of that. If you don't like the name, don't group with them, sell to them, interact with them, etc.
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I'm on the jung ma server and I've only seen a couple of innapropriate names. I've seen: Mace-Winddu, Shinobi (obvious video game character), and Woman, yes just Woman. I agree though but, I doubt Bioware will do anything, their will always be people with stupid names even on RP servers.
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The names are annoying. But it is sad that they dont enforce their own naming policies.


Just remember in the end, you can't fix stupid.


they DO enforce their naming policy... but they are not all seeing and do not have the time to check the name of every single newly created character... if they see one they make you change it but if YOU see one it's up to you to report it so they know and can make them change it... I know me and a few of my guild got letters and name changes.. these people in this post are complaining because they want someone to sit around and police RP servers to make people play pretend the way THEY say they should

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for instance *** is wrong with "Stickybomber" ? maybe the toon I'm RPing has that as a nickname?


OK, I can see your point, that it's difficult to agree upon where to "draw the line", since a nickname might work. Although usually nicknames are something people close to a character would know, but not available for the public to see. To hear, yes - "did you know that Sergeant Gavon Benda goes by the name "Stickybomber"?? He's insane with all his cryobans. Goes on a grenade spree on the field!" - maybe something like that.


But yes, I hear you. I would ofc. "accept" someone called Flash if that was his thing.


I don't want to be an annoying-*****-RP-judge, but there's just generally a lack of seriousness when it comes to RP servers, which I hope people can change.


Besides, when there's so few RP servers, wouldn't it be more fair to roll on a normal server, if you're not gonna RP at all? Just out of respect for people wanting to do so. Or for the people joining RP servers to avoid the occasional Lazerbeam DarthFamilyGuy. There's alot of those people.


I'd find the character name Sarah-Palin offensive, if played on an RP server.

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OK, I can see your point, that it's difficult to agree upon where to "draw the line", since a nickname might work. Although usually nicknames are something people close to a character would know, but not available for the public to see. To hear, yes - "did you know that Sergeant Gavon Benda goes by the name "Stickybomber"?? He's insane with all his cryobans. Goes on a grenade spree on the field!" - maybe something like that.


But yes, I hear you. I would ofc. "accept" someone called Flash if that was his thing.


I don't want to be an annoying-*****-RP-judge, but there's just generally a lack of seriousness when it comes to RP servers, which I hope people can change.


Besides, when there's so few RP servers, wouldn't it be more fair to roll on a normal server, if you're not gonna RP at all? Just out of respect for people wanting to do so. Or for the people joining RP servers to avoid the occasional Lazerbeam DarthFamilyGuy. There's alot of those people.


I'd find the character name Sarah-Palin offensive, if played on an RP server.


the Sarah-Palin one was a joke ... lol.. but ya I just can't stant those RPers who want to enforce rule so you RP "the right way" which just means their way... RP servers don't really need anymore naming rules than the normal servers (look them up they are very restrictive actually) the problem is BW can not police all servers all the time.. it really is up to the community to report names they see that are in violation and the quality of the over-all community is up to the players and not BW


check out the nameing rules for ALL servers


Inappropriate Language and Naming




The Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Customer Service team prides itself on maintaining a friendly game-play environment. Therefore it is required to provide guidelines for you to follow when chatting with other players in game or when naming your character, Legacy, guild, or any feature that allows a player to choose a unique name that will be visible to other players.


Violations that are inappropriate and can result in a name change and/or game suspension include:


Sexual or obscene/vulgar references

Xenophobia or hate speech



Impersonating EA or Bioware employees

Gibberish/unintelligible character names

References to significant religious, political, or historical figures or events

References to drugs or other illegal activity

References that violate trademarks, copyrights and other proprietary rights

Generally inappropriate


As far as the naming of characters, pets, guilds, items, etc. it is important to remember that BioWare reserves the right to change any name deemed inappropriate at any time, as well as take action on an account based upon any communication that is considered to fall into one of the categories above. Multiple violations of the Terms of Service may result in temporary or even permanent suspension. This policy applies to all languages regardless of what language server the player is playing on.

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Hello community, and hello Bioware.


I'm playing Republic faction on Lord Calypho RP-PvP server, EU.


My gaming experience so far has been good, even though there's the classic bugs and "beta" like problems in game.


One thing I can't stand though, is people calling themselves faulty names, (eg. Countdooku, Dk-bladestomer (yes, misspelled even), Saberdude, Ninefingers etc. etc.)


Just to clarify, are GM's checking through character names on a regular basis?

It's something I find very annoying, meeting characters with such dumb names, especially when I rolled on an RP server.


Please hit hard on this one. :(


All the best.


So you have a problem with me on my character named Bieberfett?

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It is nearly impossable to police names RP server or not.


Report those the brake the TOS but sadly beyound that RP servers do not have any extra speacil rules. And will not get any extra specail rules. Do you really want GMs tied up in arugments justfing the logic of a silly name?

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Whal kind of a dumb name is Phaldoo Phal as in phallic doo as in something brown ?:D


Yeah, you certainly brought a whole new meaning to that. Never my intention to imply anything Phallic. :o


Phal is actually a curry. Or as in Phalaenopsis.. Orchids. :rolleyes:

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