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3 big problems with SWTOR


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Overly large planets: Planets are far too big. This spreads players out way too much and makes the place look like it's empty (add to that the other factors, and it probably IS empty).


Planets are really not that large. They only have the illusion of being larger because the linear paths wind back and forth throughout the zone. The reason that planets make it feel like a single player game is because they are not seamlessly connected with other zones. Also, because your movement is restricted by mountains, giant concrete walls, and other impassable objects the game feels like it's more on "rails", adding to the single-player feel. The SWTOR zones lack many freedoms that traditional MMO players are accustomed to.

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This is simply not true (5 year wow player here - 85 b/elf lock, 85 belf pally 85 b/elf dk, 85 b/elf priest, 80 troll druid,) ahem eg... Tol Barad daily quests are NOT grindy??? it took me 28 days!!!! of dailies to get enough to buy the tol barad flying mount (which finally gave me the gumption to stop playing) 28 days of get rusty rifle, steal fish, kill spiders, get bones, kill shark boss, collect lumber, collect cannonballs etc etc etc.

I won't list the Firelands dailies here but sometimes I almost cried having to do them to get the stuff I thought I wanted/needed.

Almost everything is a grindfest in WoW, rep especially. Bg's for honor points grrr just to find that the full set you ground honor for has just been replaced in new patch...so you have to grind more bg's for the newer better hand me down gear from arenas been there done it all (mostly lol)

You don't even have to quest in wow now, when my wife and I leveled alts we did bg's and random dungeons. Best and quickest way to get to 85 and gear. Seeing as a lot of quests you do don't even give you gear relative to your class(which I noticed SWTOR does, every class quest I do gives me gear related to my class or for my companions woot!!!)

and don't get me started on the bugs and issues that came with patch 4.3 (a whole sticky on wow forums about this and other game bugs which a lot of people fail to mention by the way) the sudden loss of durability on all items either worn or in bank. lol I logged on to my toons to find all of their gear red!!!!

Don't get me wrong I loved playing wow especially with my wife we made a great tank/healer combo. Often switching roles when we got bored.

It was exactly the way you quest in this game that tempted us over from wow (if blizz did the same we wouldn't even be having this exchange of ideas and opinions we would still be there)

So for now we are playing this, wow is on hiatus for us until we have a chance to play the beta of Mists (we both signed for yearly pass got mount, getting Diablo 3 and beta access)

But before you make claims make sure you also inform people of the things that are in wow that you claim exist here.



THIS 100 x's, well said Sir, my wife quit after cata, and thought Pandas were silly

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This is simply not true (5 year wow player here - 85 b/elf lock, 85 belf pally 85 b/elf dk, 85 b/elf priest, 80 troll druid,) ahem eg... Tol Barad daily quests are NOT grindy??? it took me 28 days!!!! of dailies to get enough to buy the tol barad flying mount (which finally gave me the gumption to stop playing) 28 days of get rusty rifle, steal fish, kill spiders, get bones, kill shark boss, collect lumber, collect cannonballs etc etc etc.

I won't list the Firelands dailies here but sometimes I almost cried having to do them to get the stuff I thought I wanted/needed.

Almost everything is a grindfest in WoW, rep especially. Bg's for honor points grrr just to find that the full set you ground honor for has just been replaced in new patch...so you have to grind more bg's for the newer better hand me down gear from arenas been there done it all (mostly lol)

You don't even have to quest in wow now, when my wife and I leveled alts we did bg's and random dungeons. Best and quickest way to get to 85 and gear. Seeing as a lot of quests you do don't even give you gear relative to your class(which I noticed SWTOR does, every class quest I do gives me gear related to my class or for my companions woot!!!)

and don't get me started on the bugs and issues that came with patch 4.3 (a whole sticky on wow forums about this and other game bugs which a lot of people fail to mention by the way) the sudden loss of durability on all items either worn or in bank. lol I logged on to my toons to find all of their gear red!!!!

Don't get me wrong I loved playing wow especially with my wife we made a great tank/healer combo. Often switching roles when we got bored.

It was exactly the way you quest in this game that tempted us over from wow (if blizz did the same we wouldn't even be having this exchange of ideas and opinions we would still be there)

So for now we are playing this, wow is on hiatus for us until we have a chance to play the beta of Mists (we both signed for yearly pass got mount, getting Diablo 3 and beta access)

But before you make claims make sure you also inform people of the things that are in wow that you claim exist here.


I never said WoW quests aren't grindy.. you really wasted your time posting this :/

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The SWTOR zones lack many freedoms that traditional MMO players are accustomed to.


...then those traditional players must not have played many MMOs.


Many if not most of the MMOs on the market are designed like 'corridors', even right down to the openings in the mountains, etc etc etc you speak of. I suppose if one only played something akin to maybe a game with flying mounts that were 'recently' added, one would want to also do that all over the new game world here, which would give you ZERO real challenge to explore and look around while also slowing the leveling pace.

Edited by skinthinner
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The biggest problem is lack of content at 50. This is what will cause players to leave the game. I truly enjoyed leveling to 50. It was the best leveling experience out of any MMO I have every played. The FP's were awesome and the planets were overall very fun. The problem is once you hit 50 the game flips to a PvP game. You should be able to run hard mode flash points as much as you desire. What is their reason for only allowing you to run each flash point once per day? Surely it is not that they are worried that you will get gear to quickly, after all i can PvP all day and acquire superior gear with ease. Bioware has I would wager thirty days to fix this problem. Most people will more than likely sub one month to see what happens. After that though I doubt most will stay. I know I will not.
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The biggest problem is lack of content at 50. This is what will cause players to leave the game. I truly enjoyed leveling to 50. It was the best leveling experience out of any MMO I have every played. The FP's were awesome and the planets were overall very fun. The problem is once you hit 50 the game flips to a PvP game. You should be able to run hard mode flash points as much as you desire. What is their reason for only allowing you to run each flash point once per day? Surely it is not that they are worried that you will get gear to quickly, after all i can PvP all day and acquire superior gear with ease. Bioware has I would wager thirty days to fix this problem. Most people will more than likely sub one month to see what happens. After that though I doubt most will stay. I know I will not.



You do know they are adding new content on weds right? And in March huge content release, I have a level 30 and 15....Taking my time

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About the large planets, I can see where you're coming from. Personally, I love seeing people around me when I level.. but this is just preference / opinion.

FWIW, the planets ARE larger than the zoned areas. The zones on each planet don't represent the entire surface of the planet, just a small portion.

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impassable objects

Another problem is that many of them aren't actually all that impassible to a determined played with a good use of the jump button.


Which is good, because a world SHOULDN'T feel unnaturally constrained to the paths the devs have created. But this is also bad because they've clearly not smoothed out the seams between one area and another properly.

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You do know they are adding new content on weds right? And in March huge content release, I have a level 30 and 15....Taking my time


How exactly does that change the fact that you can only run each instance once per day?

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The biggest problem is lack of content at 50. This is what will cause players to leave the game. I truly enjoyed leveling to 50. It was the best leveling experience out of any MMO I have every played. The FP's were awesome and the planets were overall very fun. The problem is once you hit 50 the game flips to a PvP game. You should be able to run hard mode flash points as much as you desire. What is their reason for only allowing you to run each flash point once per day? Surely it is not that they are worried that you will get gear to quickly, after all i can PvP all day and acquire superior gear with ease. Bioware has I would wager thirty days to fix this problem. Most people will more than likely sub one month to see what happens. After that though I doubt most will stay. I know I will not.


This wall of text hurts.. but i agree with him. This game was a lot of fun to level up it really was. I enjoyed my juggernaut and the the voice overs and only space barred over the silly random guy who asks u to kill ten of things for no reason at all. I loved my story quest and was sad after i had finished it.


However thats just it. Thats the only thing this game has going for it is leveling a character. I have a few alts a 22 marauder a 25 op and a 15 commando. I can't stand the two empire characters cause once that whole "new" feeling has faded i just can't bring myself to level them cause its simply boring. I may visit my commando from time to time to at least experience republic side.


I raid one day a week, tonight, thats sundays and we clear heroic EV in about 2 hours ( permitting Soa encounter doesn't bug to the point where we get the shaft) and at least attempt heroic hutt hospitality. For those of you who don't know if you wipe on bonethraser when you attempt him again hes spawned on top of where you come in and cleaves the whole raid for 15k~~ damage making multiple attempts on him a rough feat. The bugs in this game are for a whole nother thread as a lot of end game operations involve you fighting the games bugs more then the actual encounters themselves.


Its ok to like this game guys, I enjoy it but you have to accept that their are glaring problems and hope that they'll fix it. They don't do themselves any favors by not letting their community in on what their plans are for the future. People constantly say oh wow was just like this back in 05!!! Well... unfortunately this game is competing with wow today.. and not WoW then. Let them co-exist cause this game and nor any other will "dethrone" it.

Edited by dxfiendish
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You must of started WoW during TBC or Wrath because if you had played WoW on release you would know that WoW had less content at cap on release than this game does.


I assume you're talking to me. Glad to know you almost read through the post. if not apologies.

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This wall of text hurts.. but i agree with him. This game was a lot of fun to level up it really was. I enjoyed my juggernaut and the the voice overs and only space barred over the silly random guy who asks u to kill ten of things for no reason at all. I loved my story quest and was sad after i had finished it.


However thats just it. Thats the only thing this game has going for it is leveling a character. I have a few alts a 22 marauder a 25 op and a 15 commando. I can't stand the two empire characters cause once that whole "new" feeling has faded i just can't bring myself to level them cause its simply boring. I may visit my commando from time to time to at least experience republic side.


I raid one day a week, tonight, thats sundays and we clear heroic EV in about 2 hours ( permitting Soa encounter doesn't bug to the point where we get the shaft) and at least attempt heroic hutt hospitality. For those of you who don't know if you wipe on bonethraser when you attempt him again hes spawned on top of where you come in and cleaves the whole raid for 15k~~ damage making multiple attempts on him a rough feat. The bugs in this game are for a whole nother thread as a lot of end game operations involve you fighting the games bugs more then the actual encounters themselves.


Its ok to like this game guys, I enjoy it but you have to accept that their are glaring problems and hope that they'll fix it. They don't do themselves any favors by not letting their community in on what their plans are for the future. People constantly say oh wow was just like this back in 05!!! Well... unfortunately this game is competing with wow today.. and not WoW then. Let them co-exist cause this game and nor any other will not "dethrone" it.




Sorry for the wall of text.


The cold and brutal fact of the matter is that this game should not have been launched in the current state. However, they were in a situation were they either launched the game in an unpolished an incomplete manner or they alienated followers of the game. Individuals were getting further annoyed by the lack of a release date. So Bioware flipped the coin and launched the game. Sadly, this was a major mistake.


You cannot launch an MMORPG in this market especially one such as SWTOR with as much money and time that was put behind it when the game is not ready to roll. Comparing this game to WoW vanilla is an insult to gamers. This is not 2004 and gamers will not play a game that was built to compete with a game from 2004. Bioware has to compete with MMORPG's that are on the current market, not those games that came out nearly a decade ago.


I love Star Wars, I enjoy the game, and I want to continue to play SW:ToR; but, I will not pay to play a game that is not ready. When Final Fantasy launched they knew their game was not on par so they made the hard choice and delayed subscriptions. Bioware should either do the exact same thing or rapidly i.e. now fix the massive bugs and lack of endgame content.

Edited by Fastin
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You must of started WoW during TBC or Wrath because if you had played WoW on release you would know that WoW had less content at cap on release than this game does.


So basically, it was acceptable then so it should be acceptable now? Sorry, no.

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This. I had a blast playing with my Sage. I was addicted. I started 20th of December, and reached 50 about 2 hours before the year 2012.


Excited that i had access to all of the endgame content, i couldn't wait to play more. After a few days of playing battlegrounds and trying flashpoints, it hit me. There really is nothing to do, the best part of this game was the journey to 50. Propably because of the new-factor. Everything was new and exciting. Reaching level 50 killed this game for me.


I know i won't be coming back. I love Star Wars, and i sincerely hope they will make a game worthy of the saga sooner than later.


Goodbye, may the force be with you.


And nothing of value was lost.

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Sorry for the wall of text.


The cold and brutal fact of the matter is that this game should not have been launched in the current state. However, they were in a situation were they either launched the game in an unpolished an incomplete manner or they alienated followers of the game. Individuals were getting further annoyed by the lack of a release date. So Bioware flipped the coin and launched the game. Sadly, this was a major mistake.

I'd be surprised if the decision to launch had anything to do with the followers of the game. I'm betting it had more to do with contractual obligations or corporate politics.

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And nothing of value was lost.


Keep saying that. This is the attitude that I always find strangely odd. People act as if players leaving the game is not a loss. Each time a player quits the community gets smaller and the potential pool of players to PvP and PvE with diminishes. Yet, here you are acting as if a lost subscription is not of any significance. I assure you, Bioware and those individuals who want to keep playing the game strongly disagree.

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I'd be surprised if the decision to launch had anything to do with the followers of the game. I'm betting it had more to do with contractual obligations or corporate politics.


True. I am sure investors were tired of seeing soaring development costs without revenue.

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You must of started WoW during TBC or Wrath because if you had played WoW on release you would know that WoW had less content at cap on release than this game does.


The same could be said for most every MMO before vanilla WoW. The glaring difference is that you didn't hit the level cap in under a week in those games. . . it took months generally. I was 50 in this game release week and that's only because of all the christmas obligations or I would have got 50 during early access.


And that's playing the game twice during beta weekends, so I wasn't exactly an expert on how to speed level. I just played the game and ran quests. I felt almost no sense of accomplishment getting to 50 because it was so easy. To the contrary I was kinda disappointed because I knew I had exhausted the majority of the content.


I try to keep myself occupied PvPing, raiding, and alting for the time being, but it all becomes a little more shallow every day.

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The same could be said for most every MMO before vanilla WoW. The glaring difference is that you didn't hit the level cap in under a week in those games. . . it took months generally. I was 50 in this game release week and that's only because of all the christmas obligations or I would have got 50 during early access.


And that's playing the game twice during beta weekends, so I wasn't exactly an expert on how to speed level. I just played the game and ran quests. I felt almost no sense of accomplishment getting to 50 because it was so easy. To the contrary I was kinda disappointed because I knew I had exhausted the majority of the content.


I try to keep myself occupied PvPing, raiding, and alting for the time being, but it all becomes a little more shallow every day.


Yeah, they definitley made leveling too easy. This becomes an even bigger problem once you realize they don't have any end game content.

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I never said WoW quests aren't grindy.. you really wasted your time posting this :/

You said the quests were grindier than wow, my post was no they are not. you didnt even address any of the valid and true points I made about wow. or even acknowledge the 4.3 issues and the ongoing wow bugs in general. in fact you didnt even discuss any of the points I made. Why because you know i speak the truth. sorry telling me i "wasted my time" is not imho a logical response to my post. So to clarify no (and I play wow remember) SWTOR is not grindier than wow although wow has grind and anyone who plays wow will know I speak the truth here

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The same could be said for most every MMO before vanilla WoW. The glaring difference is that you didn't hit the level cap in under a week in those games. . . it took months generally. I was 50 in this game release week and that's only because of all the christmas obligations or I would have got 50 during early access.


And that's playing the game twice during beta weekends, so I wasn't exactly an expert on how to speed level. I just played the game and ran quests. I felt almost no sense of accomplishment getting to 50 because it was so easy. To the contrary I was kinda disappointed because I knew I had exhausted the majority of the content.


I try to keep myself occupied PvPing, raiding, and alting for the time being, but it all becomes a little more shallow every day.


Yeh fair point, I havn't reached lvl cap yet due to taking my time and trying an empire toon. It just that every MMO i've played the situation is the same as this one. I'm not sure why people expect twice the content on release with this particular title. I will agree tho that leveling does seem to be a bit quick, but it is definately enjoyable.

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The same could be said for most every MMO before vanilla WoW. The glaring difference is that you didn't hit the level cap in under a week in those games. . . it took months generally. I was 50 in this game release week and that's only because of all the christmas obligations or I would have got 50 during early access.


And that's playing the game twice during beta weekends, so I wasn't exactly an expert on how to speed level. I just played the game and ran quests. I felt almost no sense of accomplishment getting to 50 because it was so easy. To the contrary I was kinda disappointed because I knew I had exhausted the majority of the content.


I try to keep myself occupied PvPing, raiding, and alting for the time being, but it all becomes a little more shallow every day.


SWTOR is like wine: sip it and it is very satisfactory and enjoyable; chug it fast and you just make yourself sick.


You want to blame the wine, but the problem is all in how you (ab)use it.

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