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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Even if Bioware is awesome, EA will kill this game


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because historically speaking (and history repeats itself) everything EA touches turns to ****.


Bioware is killing this game. They are too used to making single-player games and weren't prepared for the demands of an MMO. The improvements to the game are coming at a snailpace by MMO standards and the customer service doesn't exist.

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because historically speaking (and history repeats itself) everything EA touches turns to ****.


Bioware is EA, EA is Bioware...its just another studio under the EA umbrella, they keep the name because of brand recognition.


Finkle is Einhorn, Einhorn is Finkle

Edited by ItsToof
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Bioware is killing this game. They are too used to making single-player games and weren't prepared for the demands of an MMO. The improvements to the game are coming at a snailpace by MMO standards and the customer service doesn't exist.


See 1.1, bye.

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