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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Fix the Groupleader from being able to remove everyone with no vote.


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Wha? So it's cool to get people together to take everything down then kick them so they can't loot?


Whoooo ignoring you pronto.


OP: Please tell me you don't play on Krath. If you do, please PM me.


That wasn't the point of the OP. No it isn't cool and that person would go on my ignore list :p


Her argument was that we should have a vote system. That's a terrible idea for organised groups.

Edited by OldBehn
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Wha? So it's cool to get people together to take everything down then kick them so they can't loot?


Whoooo ignoring you pronto.


OP: Please tell me you don't play on Krath. If you do, please PM me.



He didn't kick them after they downed the boss, he kicked them before and brought in his guild mates to down the boss.

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Wha? So it's cool to get people together to take everything down then kick them so they can't loot?


Whoooo ignoring you pronto.


OP: Please tell me you don't play on Krath. If you do, please PM me.


he never said it was okay, they didn't break any of the game rules so they cant get in trouble for that one, being a jerk is not punishable.



These kinds of things have been happening in MMO's forever

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This is very standard, and I agree with it, whoever makes the group should have control over it. Does it get abused sometimes? Probably, but so would a voting system. Now you know never to group with that guy and so do 4 other people.


This is not very standard, ive played mmo for years and never got kicked at last boss just so the group leader could get his guildies in.


And btw, there is 4-man groups in tor not 5.

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he never said it was okay, they didn't break any of the game rules so they cant get in trouble for that one, being a jerk is not punishable.



These kinds of things have been happening in MMO's forever


Ugh! I've never seen that in 10+ years of playing MMO's!


I know it "isn't against the rules", but I reject the entire argument that the group leader can act like a d-bag on that magnitude simply because it's not technically illegal. It *should* be.


Group voting may be bad, but if the alternative is garbage like this, bring it on. It would also shut down crap like need on companions or people deciding whether or not to spacebar past stories and whining about those who don't. Set up loot options, story options, and kick options.

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Ugh! I've never seen that in 10+ years of playing MMO's!


Wow, what the hell MMO's you been playing? This stuff happens all the time even back in EQ days. What do you ONLY group with friends?

Edited by Shillen
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This is not very standard, ive played mmo for years and never got kicked at last boss just so the group leader could get his guildies in.


And btw, there is 4-man groups in tor not 5.


Just because you've never gotten kicked doesn't mean the group leader didn't have the power to. The mechanic is standard, not what happened to the OP. And yes, I misspoke, 3 people. : P

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If someone doesn't want to play with you and removes you from their group then it's perfectly fine and always should be perfectly fine. If they are a jerk to enough people they won't have people to play with. At the very least, you can avoid playing with them.


Really, this sentiment that people not wanting to play with you is a problem with the game has gotten out of control. People don't exist to be your tools.

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Ugh! I've never seen that in 10+ years of playing MMO's!


I know it "isn't against the rules", but I reject the entire argument that the group leader can act like a d-bag on that magnitude simply because it's not technically illegal. It *should* be.


Group voting may be bad, but if the alternative is garbage like this, bring it on. It would also shut down crap like need on companions or people deciding whether or not to spacebar past stories and whining about those who don't. Set up loot options, story options, and kick options.



You know that these Dbag leaders are like the rare minority, right?

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Just got to last boss in HM Flashpoint and group leader removed everyone from the group and brought in his guildmates im guessing so he could get the loot.


Pretty assinine considering this type of crap should been thought about WELL before launch.



That sounds like exploitng the mechanics of the game for his own benefit at the cost of other players.


He should be warned by BW and then banned if he keeps doing it.

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They had this problem in DDO way back when. The fix was, once you entered the i nstance, you couldn't be kicked from the group.


So then you have a dbag groupmember (say your healer) who refuses to heal because someone annoyed him and he refuses to leave group also.


Dbags will be dbags, you just have to deal with it.

Edited by Shillen
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AO, UO back in the old days. Never played EQ, the stupid elf on the front cover turned me off.


Didn't play AO but UO was pretty much 50% dbags. People exploiting bugs to steal all the stuff in your house, running around naked and pking everyone at no risk of losing anything because they're naked. The community was the reason I only played that game for a few months.

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