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I am bored of this game....


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Constructive post at least...


I think the game has a good balance right now. Sorry you got bored. Perhaps you should come back when you believe there is more content up your alley. The fact remains that AT LAUNCH it had more content that WoW (comparing launches). Yes, its competeting against other MMOS that have been out longer but you can't expect a game that is 1 month old to have 7 years of content. Thats the truth and you can't debate it.


People still compare a launch of a game in 2004, to a fresh and new MMO market compared to a 200 million dollar game released just a week before 2012?


Valid argument, don't you think?


What we expected? A MMO


What we got: A single player RPG still in beta stage.

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People still compare a launch of a game in 2004, to a fresh and new MMO market compared to a 200 million dollar game released just a week before 2012?


Valid argument, don't you think?


What we expected? A MMO


What we got: A single player RPG still in beta stage.


What BioWare said it would be (and which should mold expectations): a very story-driven game not focused on endgame raiding (they specifically said this during the development phase.


What you expected? Should be based on what BioWare said the game would be, not on your own pre-existing expectations of what "the game should be".

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This game has an incredible amount of content.


If you just do all the quests (storyline and planet, + Bonus), stay away from Flashpoints, PvP and Space, you should have about 8 hours of quests left over when you hit 50.


That happenned to me.


I probably only hit about 1/6th of the Heroic quests, also.




Someone made a good point that this is 8 KOTOR games for $60.




Some MMOs have 1-30 in three different zones, this one you jump linear planet to planet. Maybe that lack of choice is making you bored?

Edited by MadMac
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What BioWare said it would be (and which should mold expectations): a very story-driven game not focused on endgame raiding (they specifically said this during the development phase.


What you expected? Should be based on what BioWare said the game would be, not on your own pre-existing expectations of what "the game should be".


I thought they would come to their senses and make a game that would actually last.


If their focus isn't on end game, this game _WILL_ die, quickly.

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I, along with others tend to spacebar a lot, because in my opinion I think a lot of the side quests are the same, therefore I find it difficult to just sit there and go through every one, when I just wanted to level up and see more content.(...)



So for me this translates to: I'm skipping content to see more content.


Question that arises is, what is content?


The main underlying quest mechanics are, correct me if I'm wrong, the same in pretty much every MMO. Kill X, Collect X or Activate X perhaps sprinkled with an escort this/make sure this doesn't die while you are at it or activate first then kill etc.


Now you hide this behind a story and it doesn't become as boring. So traditionally you got the big window of text in a small font "Hello Adventurer! Rats are all over my strawberry-fields! ..." which you know, get's tedious to read for some.


Of course skipping all that, now there is no reason why you are killing rats all over sudden. Well to level, get stronger and then to kill bigger and stronger rats.


The only thing (again) that can be done is disguise all of this behind a story, which is really neatly done here (imo).


Or is loot the only "content"?


There are certainly different playstyles, be it solo, instances/raids or pvp, even rp. But if you are skipping everything and not even being at max level and already saying there is nothing to do, then I don't understand what perspective you are coming from or what you could potentially want/expect.


Not trying to convince anyone or the OP, but perhaps elaborate and tell us about what would not bore you and why. Perhaps it's more the genre in general and not the game itself?

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People still compare a launch of a game in 2004, to a fresh and new MMO market compared to a 200 million dollar game released just a week before 2012?


Valid argument, don't you think?


What we expected? A MMO


What we got: A single player RPG still in beta stage.


We meaning YOU


SWTOR had a development and creation time from start to finish of what, 4 years? There is NO WAY HELL, I would expect swtor to have all of the features and such that say wow has.


If wow was in development for 4 years before release and has on another 7 years worth of expansions and fixes and polish and content and features tacked onto it, expecting SWTOR to have 11 TOTAL YEARS worth of polish and features is a STUPID and impossible expectation and you were setting yourself up for failure before the game even got into its alpha phase.


Things take TIME to complete, write and make. Not only does SWOTR NOT have the total time wow has had from start to today, but it also is working with a different graphics engine AND a different style of coding to actually make the game. Expecting this game to have all of that on the limited timeframe it has had up until launch is moronic and you should just quit now.


I expecting this game to not have as much as it does to be honest here. SWTOR only had what, 5 years from start to finish? I wasnt even expecting this game to launch with any raids or battlegrounds at all but it did. IMHO BW did great and came through with a solid game with enough features added to it. They did a great thing and used their time wisely with the limited time they did have from start to release.

Edited by Darth_Grissom
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People still compare a launch of a game in 2004, to a fresh and new MMO market compared to a 200 million dollar game released just a week before 2012?


Valid argument, don't you think?


What we expected? A MMO


What we got: A single player RPG still in beta stage.


If you werent aware of it here are the fact:


Creating a game takes time, effort and money. Real life people goes to work each day to create this game for you. they have IRL life outside this carreer, probably also have wife and kids, and they work hard to make their customers happy.


A game is not forcing you to play it. If one is unhappy with a game, do as most people do, and find something else to play. QQing about a game doesnt help anyone. Bioware knows they need more content. Its a fact and they dont need tons of posts with complaints.


My personal opinion: I rather see it they fix the current bugs then push out new content. Rather want the current content to be smooth than having more buggy content :)


Also here is something you probably did not consider:


When you create an MMO you have a limited timeframe to create the game before the game gets outdated. Most devs that create MMORPGs stand between 2 choises: Poor leveling experience and tons of end game OR Awesome leveling experience and poor end game. Its impossible to do both unless you ahve twice the team and twice the money.


Investing in an MMORPG is a risky move because no matter how good it is it can still go down the toilet. (many MMORPGs ahve actually been decent but havnt caught peoples attention ergo they died / went F2P).


BioWare choose to go for awesome leveing experience (Bioware style) and save end game content for patches.


I relaxed and had fun whilst leveling and spend 1month to get to 50. In wow I usually rush and I knew beforehand that this game would not have the end game to back up rushing so I relaxed and enjoyed my time insted. :)


So in short: Let the game grow man or find something else to do. You cant expect things to be awesome right away, things take time. thats just a fact of life.



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This is the dumbest most unproductive post I've read, right along with the thousands of other ones posted daily. The search bar is back guy! Learn to use it!


If you're not happy you have 2 choices:


1. Post a PRODUCTIVE constructive critism post.


2. Stop playing and move on.


Only other forum trolls really care why, it's like a cult of unintelligents came together and made it official recently.

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By "real MMO" are you wanting an ongoing grindfest with lots of fun drops that you'll cherish until your next instance, where they will be casually discarded in lieu of new shiny?


I'm sorry, for that, you need to go to some other company's MMO. This isn't that much of a hamster wheel.

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If you werent aware of it here are the fact:


Creating a game takes time, effort and money. Real life people goes to work each day to create this game for you. they have IRL life outside this carreer, probably also have wife and kids, and they work hard to make their customers happy.


A game is not forcing you to play it. If one is unhappy with a game, do as most people do, and find something else to play. QQing about a game doesnt help anyone. Bioware knows they need more content. Its a fact and they dont need tons of posts with complaints.


My personal opinion: I rather see it they fix the current bugs then push out new content. Rather want the current content to be smooth than having more buggy content :)


Also here is something you probably did not consider:


When you create an MMO you have a limited timeframe to create the game before the game gets outdated. Most devs that create MMORPGs stand between 2 choises: Poor leveling experience and tons of end game OR Awesome leveling experience and poor end game. Its impossible to do both unless you ahve twice the team and twice the money.


Investing in an MMORPG is a risky move because no matter how good it is it can still go down the toilet. (many MMORPGs ahve actually been decent but havnt caught peoples attention ergo they died / went F2P).


BioWare choose to go for awesome leveing experience (Bioware style) and save end game content for patches.


I relaxed and had fun whilst leveling and spend 1month to get to 50. In wow I usually rush and I knew beforehand that this game would not have the end game to back up rushing so I relaxed and enjoyed my time insted. :)


So in short: Let the game grow man or find something else to do. You cant expect things to be awesome right away, things take time. thats just a fact of life.




I kinda beat you do it man but great post

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Wait have you beat EV on nightmare yet? Didn't think so. Don't see where these people get the idea that there is no endgame. Get rank 60 pvp and get full battlemaster gear. Go raid and clear everything on nightmare. Gear your companions out. Join a guild and do stuff with them. Level an alt.


But there is no end game right?

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I thought they would come to their senses and make a game that would actually last.


If their focus isn't on end game, this game _WILL_ die, quickly.


What does "endgame" have anything to do with a game "dying"?


I'm so confused by some of these posts....

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My main is L50, and has been there for about a week or so, there ARE things to do, so anyone who says otherwise is just using hyperbole.


However, it all depends on what the individual is looking for. So, with that said, I can certainly appreciate concerns about end game lacking certain features to keep people entertained (for instance, lack of progression in crafting, interesting things to do that aren't just centred on operations or flashpoints).

Edited by Tarka
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What does "endgame" have anything to do with a game "dying"?


I'm so confused by some of these posts....


ZOMG you know dudes that teh end gamezzzz matters only and that if there isnt good end gamezzzz bosses the game will DIE! We NEED end gamezzz progression gear treadmil phat LOOTS for this game to survive!!! Im saying so because without end gamezzzz people will get sooo boored and then go back to wow where it was raiding twice a week for 3 hours a night bro and thats all you do in wow until the next week. And thats MUCH BETTERS then this game where there is no end gamezzzzz


End Gamezzz is where its at!!!

Edited by Darth_Grissom
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Wait have you beat EV on nightmare yet? Didn't think so. Don't see where these people get the idea that there is no endgame. Get rank 60 pvp and get full battlemaster gear. Go raid and clear everything on nightmare. Gear your companions out. Join a guild and do stuff with them. Level an alt.


But there is no end game right?


Read 1.1 patch notes, then come back and edit your comment.


1. I've done several bosses on nightmare mode, same tactics as normal mode, just more hp/dmg. Fights are still bugged and it's kind of early for nightmare since you need a group of people with solid gear for that. It's hard to gear people when loot is randomly given to someone in normal mode so we only have hardmode to gear in. There is no change in difficulty, only numbers.


Normal mode and hardmode are easily doable in not so good gear, nightmare though requires higher numbers > better gear.


2. Why would anyone want to get to rank 60 in PvP in its current state? It's barely playable until they fix several things, and valor 60 is only about time input, I don't have that kind of time to waste on something that isn't even playable.


3. Why would I want to gear my companions out? I've never used my companions after level 49. Besides from crew skills of course, but they don't need any gear for that.


4. Three weeks after launch "level an alt", lol'd.

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End Gamezzz is where its at!!!


Yes. End game is where it's at, if there is no end game people will not keep on playing, why would they?


Perhaps you think SWTOR till survive and grow stronger because all you can do in the game is level up alts.

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I don't get it.. there is enough endcontent..

The only problem I see is that for most people they want everything now, and the endgame is much more progression oriented with 3 different difficulties..


Most single player games have endgame content too. Just play the same game again on hard mode, then again on Insanely hard. Only difference is that we get to pay subscription to do it!

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I came to this game because I thought MMo meant more milk organization! I can't even find cows. This makes me so mad. It's not like Farmville or Harvest Moon or Hello Kitty Island Cowz at all. How can I even know what to do in endgame when I can't level my farmer. I went to farm on Tattooine and it was all desert. I tried finding a farm on Alderaan and it was too cold. Hutta had too many swampz. All I wanted was something where I didn't have to read or listen. I'm so mad right now I'm going to the store to buy the Goonies. Then I can fast forward to the beach scene at the end and watch the credits. Take that you MMo people.


I hope people read this and know where to get milk.

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I think one issue people have is that - in their own words, they expect an "actual MMO". Meaning they expect a WoW or EQ2 in its current state. Games which have been on the market for half a decade if not longer, and as such, ontop of their initial development time, had 5-6 years of patches, addons and expansions stacked onto them, giving them a whole wealth of content that swtor cant hope to match.


Endgame content will come in due time, as will new leveling content down the road. The legacy system is still not in the game, and there are many other things that could -and sometimes should - be introduced to improve the feel of the game.


Personally the most noteworthy things to include would be a guild vault or maybe even guild ship, a place to gather for people and be social maybe. Additionally, a flashpoint/heroic finder would be a nice addition. Sure, yelling in General-1 works most of the time, but oftentimes LFG/LFM requests are just drowned out by the barrens chatter and people have a hard time joining up.

Some might argue dungeon finder mechanics make things too comfortable, but I found it was THE one mechanic back when i tried WoW which really got me hooked on grouping up with other people, since it was hassle free and worked out well.

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What I would like to see is the inclusion of activities and progression that, like I said in my earlier post, doesn't necessarily solely centre around flashpoints and raids (yes, they are indeed needed, but I think this game shouldn't focus solely on them):


  • More involving space combat features. Different maps that allow for multiplayer (pve AND pvp) gameplay and give full control of the ship to the player.
  • More reasons to explore (datacrons, achievements).
  • Reasons to implement swimming (water quite literally adds more depth to an MMO).
  • Crafting that isn't JUST reliant on random chance of purples and offers unique items that cannot be obtained via other means.
  • Ship customisation (providing players with ship customisation and objects to customise their abodes can keep people entertained). Drops in the world that can be used for customisation, items that can only be obtained from crafters, etc, etc.


These are just a small amount of areas that could help to "flesh out" the game.

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Yes. End game is where it's at, if there is no end game people will not keep on playing, why would they?


Perhaps you think SWTOR till survive and grow stronger because all you can do in the game is level up alts.


I for one will not have any alts at all. My imperial agent is the only character I will ever level up.


Secondly, I would rather play this then only log into world of warcraft TWICE A WEEK to raid for three hours for those two nights and never log in again until the next raid night.


This game has end game content and such and when I hit level 50, i will experience it (me and my wife are currently level 42) and have fun. By that time another new raid will be out so we will have even more stuff to do other then raid the two initial raids.

Edited by Darth_Grissom
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