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I am bored of this game....


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So, wait a minute . . . he hit spacebar on a majority of the quests just so he could speed-on leveling and see the the content?


So, he avoided the various stories in a game that was clearly marketed as a story-focused game, and then complains he is bored without enough content?


Yeah. Okay. Obviously this is not the game for you. Good luck in your next game. :rolleyes:


Obviously isnt the game for me yes. I hoped it would, I wanted to listen to all the story, but unfortunately it became repetitive for me, and the need for levelling was more than the need for listening to all the cutscenes, the majority of which have no impact on my character

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The classic "dont like it, dont play it" approach. Obviously you cant think of anything else to say apart from that old response


To be honest, the response is valid. If you don't like it, don't play it. It's only logical and common sense.


He may be upset he spent $60 on a game that turned out not to be for him... but then why didn't he wait a month and read the reviews first? When you buy a game (or anything) on release, you take a certain risk.


And to be fair, if he did some research, he would have found plenty of info on the game from betas and other materials.

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His opinion is valid. "Correct" is probably not the word you are looking for.


This game is an "MMO". It's massively-multiplayer, and it's online. That's the "standard" definition. By that definition, the poster is factually incorrect.


I suspect he has a "personal definition" of what an "MMO" "should be". I'm curious to hear more about it.


They shouldnt have focued so much on the story, even though its a "story driven mmo". Obviously many people including myself have a problem with it, I wished they put a little more focus on other features than story alone.

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you are not even level 50 yet and you are declaring there isn't enough end game content?



That's like saying you don't like something without tasting it first.


True, then again its like reading a review or hearing/seeing someones experience of something and deciding that its something I dont want to go through.

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This game is not "massively" multiplayer. Slight correction there.


Otherwise I agree, it's a "multiplayer online rpg".


Most "MMORPGs" can have 2000-4000 players online per server at once. This game is the same. How is it any less "massively" multiplayer than any other current/past MMORPG? What game is more "massively" multiplayer?

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I know, Ive heard the same frmo other level 50s, which is why I suggested they add more end game content.


1. Complete Ilum dailies.


2. Go to Hoth and do heroic dailies there.


3. ???? Actually... no question marks this time, the process of gathering profit we know is killing sith and giant robots in the unethical experiments area.


4. Profit!


It's a legitimate way of earning credits, no exploit, just you vs. elites that you essentially invincible against. Ilum is still good to farm mobs, especially with the trash you can sell but meh, just not as much money relative to time and effort.

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not to mention the fact this game is BROKEN...doesnt work properly, if u dont know y it is then this game is for u....this is not a real mmo, i want my money back and wanna know how to get it, selling me something that doesnt work really pisses me off
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The classic "dont like it, dont play it" approach. Obviously you cant think of anything else to say apart from that old response


It really is the best approach. Why play the game if you don't enjoy it? Changing one aspect of it will not fix your dislike of the game. What do people expect, BW/EA/LA to up and scrap the game because a few people have a distaste for their product?


I can see all the bigwigs in their office having an emergency meeting " You know what guys I just read a bunch of DarthWoad's forum posts, We need to shut down the servers and rework the entire game"


The game is alright, not bad, pretty good, I'm having fun with it now but can see myself eventually unsubbing. Will I make a big huff and puff about it when I leave? Probs not

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They shouldnt have focued so much on the story, even though its a "story driven mmo". Obviously many people including myself have a problem with it, I wished they put a little more focus on other features than story alone.


Well... not all MMORPGs are gonne be the exact same (except for maybe Rift - WOW). This one they decided to focus more on the RPG part than other MMOs. They have their own market, and will probably have hundreds of thousands of subscribers paying for it. If they made it less story-driven and made it like Rift and WOW... well... less people would pay $$$ for that because those 2 games already exist.


The vast majority of (soon to be) paying subscribers are probably not level 50 yet. They can't please everyone at the same time... so they are focusing on story. It's a choice they made. I don't think they'll change.


That said, they're adding lots of "end-game content" soon. May not be soon enough, but many people will be turning 50 just in time for it.

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This sadly, the game was made for casual levelers who are more interested in storyline than a real MMO experience. Which is fine, they can stay and enjoy the game. It's just too bad for the rest of us that expected a real MMO.


This game has advertised from the day it was announced that it would focus mostly on story, and be different from other MMO's.


I'm not really sure what set your expectations.

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I'm also feeling bored, and this makes me so sad tbh. I'm such a huge SW fan, i have Millennium Falcons (yes, multiples), and an old AT-AT that i took out into the snow to re-create Hoth in my front garden, i've read the books and comics for EVER!! But somehow, the game feels just off, however, i can't put my finger on why. It truly feels like a single player game, and i'm not sure i like the idea of spending my boyfriend's wages on a sub for a single player.


To try and give the game another shot, i tried out a BH, and though i found that story waaaay better (compared to the Sith Inquis dogsbody errand running), it's not "grabbed" me yet.


To the person saying that this game is about number crunching, and gear-building, until we can see what difference talents make to our output (be that threat, hps, or dps), the need for gear is always going to be slight. We'll never know if that point should be spent here or here, unless we completely rely on someone else's ideas, and go with cookie cutter specs :(


I don't know, i'll try it again i guess, try a new class, maybe an Agent, though i wanted to be a Sith Healer from the very start

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If your bored do something else. Do things that are boring is reserved for school and work. It's called "playing" a game because it's playing.


I play the heck out of this game but somedays I don't play it because i don't feel like it, would be weird to play a game when i didn't want to.

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So is there nothing to do in WOW either? It actually has less content in its current tier of gear than SWTOR does.


I don't understand why people keep saying there is nothing to do at endgame. It has two operations with three difficulties, a bunch of flashpoints with two difficulties, two daily quest hubs, and a PVP grind that can be done through Ilum and/or three warzones. That's a lot to do.

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Implying raiding requires you to play 8 hours a day. Another braindead argument from a clueless person, zzz.


If you already finished with everything and are bored now, then yes you do play 8 hours a day or close enough to it. Do not expect developers to create tons of extra content for the very few (comparatively) who have blown through it all.

Edited by Kourage
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I have 2 level 50's... There really isnt much to do end game. The HM's are pretty easy except for being really bugged out, the raid is a joke and stupid easy, PVP is the same 3 warzones over and over and over and over.


PIf you play a melee DPS, you are pretty much screwed doing any HM's as they are ALL very melee unfriendly with their AoE's. The game 40+ was rushed and un finished.


With all the bugs level 40+, this game isn't worth leveling to 50. Its a great single player game till about level 40ish, but a subscription based MMo it is not.

Edited by JonnyFreedom
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Can people please stop QQing about lack of end game content and give the devs some time to actually make stuff?


I dont know if you are aware of this but creating stuff for a game takes hours of work, alot of people (who by the way have a life outside SWTOR as well) and alot of testing (to not bug the game).


Most MMORPGs lack end game content. Those that had end game content had a poor leveling experience. I know Rift had more end game than this but the leveling process in Rift was booring as hell.


World Of Warcraft had about nothing at release (and much more bugs for that matter as well).


If you are too inpatient to wait for patch 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3 to hit then fine go, MMORPGs are about community and evolving, dont expect the game to be like others. The most common game comparison is wow, may I remind you that wow existed for 7 years and they have had tons of time?


So smile, be happy, enjoy the game, level with some friends, buy some singleplayer games (Bioware have tons of other awesome games too) and enjoy life whilst it grows on you. Dont expect things to be the most awesome and perfect thing right away, give it time to grow :)



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I will write my opinion as constructively as possible without hating on the game (as hating isnt allowed on these forums, but opinions are).


I reached level 40, and thought to myself, "What is making me play this game?". I soon came to realise I had no reason to play anymore, because of the lack of endgame content, and I know many others feel the same because of this. Therefore I shall put forward a suggestion to add more and more end game content every month or something, to keep the players playing. I have only 10 more levels until max level, then I really have no idea how I will enjoy myself. I wont make another character, because it will just feel the same, in my opinion.


In my opinion, I think this game was made for the casual player; look how quickly people levelled to 50, look at the lack of end game content. I know someone who is about level 20, and has been playing since release, and they say they love the game, because obviously they are playing it slowly.


I, along with others tend to spacebar a lot, because in my opinion I think a lot of the side quests are the same, therefore I find it difficult to just sit there and go through every one, when I just wanted to level up and see more content.


Now it has come to the point where I really cant be bothered anymore. And Im not hating on the game. But I have included suggestions that will make myself and a lot of other players with the same opinion happy, and will continue playing.


Does anyone else feel it would be good if they focused on end game content, to keep the better/hardcore players playing? That is a suggestion. Id be surprised if this thread gets locked because I have an opinion and suggestion about the game.


I am like the person you know who is only at 20 (22 is my high level). With all due respect, I find it interesting that you characterize your friend as levelling "slowly" rather than characterizing yourself as levelling "quickly". It seems to me the two main selling points of the game were the Star Wars license and the introduction of Bioware's storytelling into the MMO genre. I believe you are unlikely to experience any change to your enjoyment of the game if neither of those two factors entertains you, but one never knows. I find the game a very refreshing change from the tired old MMO standards.

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There are things to do it just isn't Raid or die and never will be. Bioware clearly said that but Raiders could not accept it.


So please tell me, besides PvE, what is there to do?


Play PvP with low level players because you can't join do premades with ability delay and overall lag? Yeah I'll pay 12euro a month for that.

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like the OP, I too have not made it to end game, but am sure that it has nothing to do then, so I am bored now before I even get there.


wait, what?


Does trolling not even have to make sense anymore?




It never has. Never will.


Lawl'ed at the people who suggested he come back in a few months.


This game will change, the trolls won't. Once again - nothing new there.

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You're bored before end game? You should quit, there's nothing to do at 50.


The voice of reason. You are right. I was bored on all my characters right around level 10. I haven't logged in in over 36 hours. Only reason I'm on the forum now, is because WoW is doing rolling restarts.

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I agree with the OP slightly. I am a big Star Wars fan ever since my mom bought me my first AT-AT. I loved that thing. I am also a big MMO fan and have been spending more time in them than I should since UO. But, again I love MMOs.


My problem is that this game gets boring without anything really fun to do. Yeah, you can PvP (over and over again), do heroic dailies, flashpoints... etc... but even being in a large guild, it feels like a solo game. And that is what I can't seem to shake. It just feels like a One Player game with some MMO splashed in so that they can charge a monthly fee... Oh well. I hope it gets better soon.

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Constructive post at least...


I think the game has a good balance right now. Sorry you got bored. Perhaps you should come back when you believe there is more content up your alley. The fact remains that AT LAUNCH it had more content that WoW (comparing launches). Yes, its competeting against other MMOS that have been out longer but you can't expect a game that is 1 month old to have 7 years of content. Thats the truth and you can't debate it.

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