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I am bored of this game....


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I will write my opinion as constructively as possible without hating on the game (as hating isnt allowed on these forums, but opinions are).


I reached level 40, and thought to myself, "What is making me play this game?". I soon came to realise I had no reason to play anymore, because of the lack of endgame content, and I know many others feel the same because of this. Therefore I shall put forward a suggestion to add more and more end game content every month or something, to keep the players playing. I have only 10 more levels until max level, then I really have no idea how I will enjoy myself. I wont make another character, because it will just feel the same, in my opinion.


In my opinion, I think this game was made for the casual player; look how quickly people levelled to 50, look at the lack of end game content. I know someone who is about level 20, and has been playing since release, and they say they love the game, because obviously they are playing it slowly.


I, along with others tend to spacebar a lot, because in my opinion I think a lot of the side quests are the same, therefore I find it difficult to just sit there and go through every one, when I just wanted to level up and see more content.


Now it has come to the point where I really cant be bothered anymore. And Im not hating on the game. But I have included suggestions that will make myself and a lot of other players with the same opinion happy, and will continue playing.


Does anyone else feel it would be good if they focused on end game content, to keep the better/hardcore players playing? That is a suggestion. Id be surprised if this thread gets locked because I have an opinion and suggestion about the game.

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This game is made for people to play any classes that seem interesting to a player all the way to 50 to see all of the story lines. I am level 50 and doing the bonus series right now on my Sniper.


I am loving how different all the stories feel for all the classes. This is a casual, story based RPG that can be played at times with other people like Borderlands or Guild Wars. If that isn't your cup of tea, then yeah, there are a lot of other games out there. Best of luck to you.

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You're bored before end game? You should quit, there's nothing to do at 50.


This sadly, the game was made for casual levelers who are more interested in storyline than a real MMO experience. Which is fine, they can stay and enjoy the game. It's just too bad for the rest of us that expected a real MMO.

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You're 40 and haven't even tried the endgame content, but you seem awfully sure there's not enough to keep you around.


Already in 1.1 they're adding more - jumping to conclusions a bit too quickly there maybe?

Edited by DashFiss
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Gear/Modification speccing?


While I understand and respect your feelings towards this as a human being, this is an RPG. Its about loot, basic number crunching, and the infinite desire to become a stronger ingame character. If these are not something you request of yourselves, you're playing the wrong game genre.


You also didn't really add anything as far as suggestions to end game content and your ideas were... Vague.


I wish you the best, but understand you are not alone in this. There are many out there, most unheard, and we all want this game to skyrocket, but these things take time.


Good luck, and do what matters most to you amigo.

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This sadly, the game was made for casual levelers who are more interested in storyline than a real MMO experience. Which is fine, they can stay and enjoy the game. It's just too bad for the rest of us that expected a real MMO.


Exactly, i saw another thread saying that the story isnt supposed to be the main part or sometihng

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This sadly, the game was made for casual levelers who are more interested in storyline than a real MMO experience. Which is fine, they can stay and enjoy the game. It's just too bad for the rest of us that expected a real MMO.


What exactly did you see in the mess leading up to release that made you expect a "real" MMO? What defines a real MMO? Is there only one definition, which suspiciously mimics another MMO?


If multiple people play an RPG on shared servers with repeatable content organized around a framework of quests, PvP, and raids, how is that not an MMO?

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This sadly, the game was made for casual levelers who are more interested in storyline than a real MMO experience. Which is fine, they can stay and enjoy the game. It's just too bad for the rest of us that expected a real MMO.


What's a "real MMO"?

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What exactly did you see in the mess leading up to release that made you expect a "real" MMO? What defines a real MMO? Is there only one definition, which suspiciously mimics another MMO?


If multiple people play an RPG on shared servers with repeatable content organized around a framework of quests, PvP, and raids, how is that not an MMO?


Instancing. The game feels dead because of it. I barely came across other players, maybe the odd one or two who happened to have the same quest as me. But they didnt seem to want to party up along with me.


And dont go "oh join a guild". That isnt the answer to everything.


Honestly I was looking forward to the story in this game, but unfortunately the need for me to level up overpowered the need for me to listen to the story.

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Then you should leave, get on with your life, and never haunt our doors again.


Yes. Sometimes decisions in life can really be this simple. What remains to be seen is will you actually do this...or hang around and moan some more.

Edited by KennethHoover
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Alright, sweet.


Therefore you no longer have a vested interest in the game, so you should probably go post on forums of a game you actually play.


See, it's easy.


No thanks. I'd rather continue to express my dislike for a product I paid for.

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No thanks. I'd rather continue to express my dislike for a product I paid for.


Hey, I'm just trying to save you from wasting your time.


Posting on the forums won't do much, you're better off to directly contact BW or EA corporate. Could even probably weasel some free stuff out of them.

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No thanks. I'd rather continue to express my dislike for a product I paid for.


We'd rather you be silent since you aren't paying for it any longer. And to enforce that we have the magical ignore button. If you aren't going to make coherent points, you aren't adding anything except petulant whining to the discussion.



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The only real issue at end game are bugs and forming groups. Because the PvE content is bugged people grind PvP warzones until they're inches from insanity for gear.. No wonder level 50s are going insane.


1.1 is fixing some of the flashpoint and operation problems and also adding a little more content too.

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Developing extra content for the small percentage of hardcore 8 hour a day gamers is too costly. You'll blow through the end game raids, while the other 95% of the players haven't even started it. Then you'll be bored and wanting more & more.


Read this.


Edited by Kourage
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Instancing. The game feels dead because of it. I barely came across other players, maybe the odd one or two who happened to have the same quest as me. But they didnt seem to want to party up along with me.


And dont go "oh join a guild". That isnt the answer to everything.


Honestly I was looking forward to the story in this game, but unfortunately the need for me to level up overpowered the need for me to listen to the story.


If I was you I would quit. It really sounds like you dislike the game. Maybe try back in a few months when there is more to do. Good luck wherever you go. I know I will miss these informative and witty posts.

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Developing extra content for the small percentage of hardcore 8 hour a day gamers is too costly. You'll blow through the end game raids, while the other 90% of the players haven't even started it. Then you'll be bored and wanting more & more.


Read this.



Implying raiding requires you to play 8 hours a day. Another braindead argument from a clueless person, zzz.

Edited by zolthie
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