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How are people bored already?


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If the game isn't successful, it's precisely because of the highly linear, highly fractured, overall relatively weak for hinging your game on it, advanced class quest story lines.


There's enough content for someone who plays less than ten hours a week. The issue, however, isn't necessarily a lack of content, it's that content is used extremely poorly, and that all kind of barriers were designed into the game to effectively minimize social interaction.


Well said.



Game feels too much like I am being told how to play -- as if BW is sitting over my shoulder telling me each move to make. I enjoy theme park games, but there are just too many restrictions and too narrow progression.


I mean we cannot even really choose our own weapons, but rather 'get one assigned' when we choose our AC.



So for me, boredom is rising because I do not feel like I am really getting to play TOR, rather more like I am being told how to play TOR, by BW.


Edited by Loekii
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This thread is titled "How are people bored already" if you want a respec cost thread search for one. Theres a few out there. No need to take up posts on a different topic.


Im absolutely beside myself trying to figure out how you could reasonably separate the topic of "bored with the game" and "Prohibitive respec costs".


It's like trying to separate "I'm allergic to peanuts" when trying to answer the question "Why don't I eat snickers".

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Well said.



Game feels too much like I am being told how to play -- as if BW is sitting over my shoulder telling me each move to make. I enjoy theme park games, but there are just too many restrictions and too narrow progression.



this was clearly stated before release


is it everyone else's fault you expected something different?

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The issue for me is same-faction alts. I've got a BH (50), Inquisi (37), IA (23) and then some Republic alts.


I'm BEYOND bored playing my Empire alts, but whenever I hop on my Republic alts....no one is on. The fleet LITERALLY has less than 50 players at times (including peak), so FP's are out of the question. And the quests/story/planets are ALL subpar on Republic side of things.


So yes, in short, I can understand why some are getting bored/burned out already. They need MORE class quests/longer chains OR more planets/zones to go to in order to break up the monotony of things (trust me, after the 2nd run through a planet....you'll NEVER go back on an alt).


PvP would be a fine way to level, but as it currently stands, its basically only Huttball and that gets old fast (no matter how good your team is).




Given fixes to PvP/leveling, I wouldn't mind it...but currently its pretty messy (something I've had issues with since beta), so I'm giving up on my alts for the time being (putting me in the boat with solo toon 50's who are "bored").

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You can have all the friends and all the guild support you like, but if the game is cr*p there is nothing to do with the community. Too much brain washing from BW.


The game being "cr*p" as you say is your opinion, not a fact. And the brainwashing is from people that played wow and want swtor to be the new wow.

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1) Rush to 50.

2) Wait for others to catch up.

3) Complain on forums.


I hab a level 33


I came to this game because I thought MMo meant more milk organization! I can't even find cows. This makes me so mad. It's not like Farmville or Harvest Moon or Hello Kitty Island Cowz at all. How can I even know what to do in endgame when I can't level my farmer. I went to farm on Tattooine and it was all desert. I tried finding a farm on Alderaan and it was too cold. Hutta had too many swampz. All I wanted was something where I didn't have to read or listen. I'm so mad right now I'm going to the store to buy the Goonies. Then I can fast forward to the beach scene at the end and watch the credits. Take that you MMo people.


I hope people read this and know where to get milk.

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This is why I hate threads like this...


They always boil down to one person telling another person


- "You can't play the game how you want"


- "You can't enjoy the game unless you play it my way"


- "Your reason for not enjoying the game isn't valid for me so you are wrong".




Well.. it isn't telling someone they 'can't play the way they want' to point out that if they aren't enjoying themselves then they are doing something wrong.


Should nobody suggest they should probably let go of their preconceptions and learn to play THIS game?


If they insist on using the rules of checkers when they sit down to a chessboard someone should gently suggest that the game is different from what they are used to. Instead of complaining that Checkers lets you 'King' and Chess is therefore incomplete and stupid, maybe they should try learning to play chess?


It isn't a race.

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I'm going to lay out as succinctly as possible my case for late game boredom being directly connected to prohibitive respec costs here.


1. You spend too much time LFG because you are DPS spec, and the group that is LFM needs heals.


2. You spend too much time LFG because you are heals spec and the group needs dps.


3. You have played the exact same spec in the exact same playstyle for nearly a month, and you're bored. If respec was easier, you could change your playstyle and you would not be bored.


4. Starting another character or putting the game down for a full week to wait for the respec costs to reset is an option that will eventually lead to further boredom and migration to another game.


5. You need certain talents to pvp that may be less than useful in pve. You spec for your pve experience and then go into pvp. You get wtfpwndbbq sliced by players speced for PvP, and decide the pvp is broken somehow. If you could respec, more often, you might play around with your talents and actually figure out why you suck, instead of just being bored and ignoring pvp.


Thank you for reading.

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this was clearly stated before release


is it everyone else's fault you expected something different?


Actually it was not clearly stated, which is why people are complaining.


No where did they say their game would be so linear and narrow, that choices did not matter beyond which cinematic would play, nor did they market their game as one of the most linear and restrictive MMO's to date.


As usual, the fanbois resort to blaming everyone but Bioware.


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Actually it was not clearly stated, which is why people are complaining.


No where did they say their game would be so linear and narrow, that choices did not matter beyond which cinematic would play, nor did they market their game as one of the most linear and restrictive MMO's to date.


As usual, the fanbois resort to blaming everyone but Bioware.



Give me three examples of what you would consider to be adequate consequences for your choices.

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I hab a level 33


I came to this game because I thought MMo meant more milk organization! I can't even find cows. This makes me so mad. It's not like Farmville or Harvest Moon or Hello Kitty Island Cowz at all. How can I even know what to do in endgame when I can't level my farmer. I went to farm on Tattooine and it was all desert. I tried finding a farm on Alderaan and it was too cold. Hutta had too many swampz. All I wanted was something where I didn't have to read or listen. I'm so mad right now I'm going to the store to buy the Goonies. Then I can fast forward to the beach scene at the end and watch the credits. Take that you MMo people.


I hope people read this and know where to get milk.

LMAO!!! :D


But seriously, I had that same problem - only the directions Alfred E. Neuman left for all the Forblefarb component quest locations were buried in the story. So now I'm forced to actually play the game just to find them.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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Just to be clear. I am not one who is bored. Just giving my opinion on why someone might be. Also, I don't know that the Korean grind MMO is the best example here. Some may have be expecting something between a very easy experience and something like Lineage for example. I think the ease issue is why you see so many "You rushed" comments. In those people's eyes they didn't rush. That is how they play and now they are bored.


You are always going to get comments from people recommending changes to an MMO and those changes are always going to based on their perspective and playstyle. People don't recommend changes that don't fit their mold. Also, it's really to be expected that you are going to see a mass amount of these players looking for something new since this is a huge title and the first AAA MMO title in a while. It's to be expected really.


Complaints and "this game sucks and I am leaving because its not exactly what I wanted" are two different things.


The forums are not the place to preach about why your ideas are superior to bioware's game.

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Well.. it isn't telling someone they 'can't play the way they want' to point out that if they aren't enjoying themselves then they are doing something wrong.


Should nobody suggest they should probably let go of their preconceptions and learn to play THIS game?


If they insist on using the rules of checkers when they sit down to a chessboard someone should gently suggest that the game is different from what they are used to. Instead of complaining that Checkers lets you 'King' and Chess is therefore incomplete and stupid, maybe they should try learning to play chess?


It isn't a race.


Again, the whole 'anyone that is bored must have raced through content' defense is out dated.


Reading the posts here, you can see there are people that are bored, that have not even maxed out their toons.


The criticism is that they are finding the game design to be boring, not that they have run out of amazing content, and now are just bored.


Imo, it is not about 'learning to play a boring game', but rather it is expressing a desire to see what people are considering a boring game, improve and become an enjoyable game.



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Why must people keep bringing up WOW? I swear some people appear to have some weird form of MMO Inferiority Complex. This game is it's own game.


As much as I agree with this, sadly WoW does some things MUCH better. Specifically for me: alts.


I have a TON of options in how I can quest/where I can quest/etc. Yes, the questing part isn't on the same level as SWTOR (terrible "bring X to Y", "kill X number of Y", etc), yet it gives you FREEDOM to go where you want. SWTOR is MUCH more on rails: "go to X planet", do these quests, THEN your class quest, THEN go to your ship to get told which planet to go to next. There is NO choice in the matter.


I'll be honest: all I really care about while leveling in SWTOR is the class story. As such, I feel like I'm being held back by the sidequests (which are pretty poor to begin with). With WoW, I didn't care about the story; yet I had the option to quest where I wanted, which didn't bore me so much with leveling alts.


Sure I could say "no thanks. I'll PvP instead and only do my class quests"...but that gets old fast (given the state of PvP).



To personally remedy this, I'd love to see them do either of two things:


A) expand the class quests. Make them SUBSTANTIAL, HUGE chains, AWESOME quests (lets face it, each class gets maybe 2-3 REALLY good class quests, the rest are filler), that REALLY reward the user. Make subquests optional (in case you want to overlevel, etc). Keep FP's, heroics, PvP the same.




B) expand the number of planets/number of sidequests per planet. Give us more freedom in where we can choose to go level/advance our class quest (lets face it: leveling 2 chars of the same faction gets old REAAAAAAAAAAAAALLY fast).

Edited by LeSamourai
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As much as I agree with this, sadly WoW does some things MUCH better. Specifically for me: alts.


I have a TON of options in how I can quest/where I can quest/etc. Yes, the questing part isn't on the same level as SWTOR (terrible "bring X to Y", "kill X number of Y", etc), yet it gives you FREEDOM to go where you want. SWTOR is MUCH more on rails: "go to X planet", do these quests, THEN your class quest, THEN go to your ship to get told which planet to go to next. There is NO choice in the matter.




Well the depth of story in WoW is terrible. There is NO freedom in WoW quests. None. I don't know where you get your "freedom of quests" idea, but WoW was just as linear with it's questing and put it in such a dull format with text that I didn't really CARE to know what I have to kill 10 Molten Giants.

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As much as I agree with this, sadly WoW does some things MUCH better. Specifically for me: alts.


I have a TON of options in how I can quest/where I can quest/etc. Yes, the questing part isn't on the same level as SWTOR (terrible "bring X to Y", "kill X number of Y", etc), yet it gives you FREEDOM to go where you want. SWTOR is MUCH more on rails: "go to X planet", do these quests, THEN your class quest, THEN go to your ship to get told which planet to go to next. There is NO choice in the matter.


Sure I could say "no thanks. I'll PvP instead and only do my class quests"...but that gets old fast (given the state of PvP).



To personally remedy this, I'd love to see them do either of two things:


A) expand the class quests. Make them SUBSTANTIAL, HUGE chains, AWESOME quests (lets face it, each class gets maybe 2-3 REALLY good class quests, the rest are filler), that REALLY reward the user. Make subquests optional (in case you want to overlevel, etc). Keep FP's, heroics, PvP the same.




B) expand the number of planets/number of sidequests per planet. Give us more freedom in where we can choose to go level/advance our class quest (lets face it: leveling 2 chars of the same faction gets old REAAAAAAAAAAAAALLY fast).


There should be an option to quest in story mode or "Free" mode and go to the planets of your choice.

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Give me three examples of what you would consider to be adequate consequences for your choices.


  1. Reputation

  2. Story Deviation/Unlock

  3. Greater Difference between L/D


All 3 of which have been done before in other games, some of which are more than 10 years old.
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Well the depth of story in WoW is terrible. There is NO freedom in WoW quests. None. I don't know where you get your "freedom of quests" idea, but WoW was just as linear with it's questing and put it in such a dull format with text that I didn't really CARE to know what I have to kill 10 Molten Giants.


I meant, freedom in WHERE you can quest. SWTOR is VERY defined in how you advance through the "game". You go from planet X to planet Y. In WoW you have a choice (limited of course by level), but still a choice in where you want to quest.


For ex: if I was level X in WoW, I could go to STV or whatever other area to quest. If I'm level X in SWTOR, I go to planet Y, no iffs and or buts. No options. :\


Which is why I said they need to do either of those two things above (increase the class story or give more options in how you can do sidequests)

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