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How are people bored already?


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The one with multiple alts, that enjoy listening to the cutscenes and following the story of the quests. The one that also enjoys doing flashpoints because they are fun to do with friends even though it is not the fastest way to level up.


So many people seem to forget this game is about having fun.



...... There is more than just end-game.


I listened to every line of dialogue in every single quest I could get. Did all the Heroics I could do, and if I couldn't, went back once I hit 50 and did lower-lvl ones. Did many flashpoints. Sometimes explored the planets and enjoyed the atmosphere and design. Maxed crafting, did all the space missions. Dailies and purples on all equipment. Probably have 15 matching armor sets. I was still lvl 50 long ago.


If a person isn't lvl 50 yet, they either play 1 hr a day, have a bunch of alts (and are apparently getting nothing done going in a bunch of directions at once), or are desperately lying to themselves, intentionally doing nothing, pretending there's more in the game than there is.



I remember when STO released, those fanbois claimed how there was so much content at max level. What were they doing? Standing around in Quark's bar and RPing. (ie, doing nothing)



The only way not to be 50 at this point is that you have no time to play, or you're making an intentional effort not to advance. (that includes making a dozen alts simultaneously)




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yeah, I loved sitting in the cantina hours on end, standing in front of Theed starport hours on end, spending hours on end collecting harvesters and putting power in them.....really spoiled. SWG seems like a relic to me now after playing TOR.


Fishing with guildies.

Building a guild city.

Decorating your house.

Decorating your ship.

Decorating your city.

Space mining/exploration.

Socializing in cantinas (with chat bubbles.)

Customizing your look, outfit, speeder, etc.

Guild wars.

Bounty hunting other players.

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They could have slowed down the leveling a bit imo.


Fast leveling is fine but it's a little too quick in recent mmo's. It trivializes loot and crafting while funneling everyone away from all the worlds into a very small endgame experience. An endgame experience that is invariably unfinished and repetitious.


The saving grace for SWTOR is the different class storylines. Personally, I'm not interested in the endgame. It sucks like all modern mmo endgames. I'll be leveling alts to check out the different stories and when that gets old will probably move on to another game.

Edited by --Grim--
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I am bored and i have played one toon to 38 and another to 15.


This game managed to last one week more than WAR or AoC, RIFT but i doubt it is going to get a subscription.


I must STOP buying CE of games.

Edited by Bawheidbob
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If you're not 50 yet, you either play 1 hr a day, or you're not very good.


Or you're one of those self-delusional fanbois (redundant, I know) that intentionally play slow and get nothing done, so as to pretend there's more to do than there really is.




I'm sorry but some of us have lives you know.... so that makes us bad players or self delusional fanbois......



maybe you should rethink that statement..........very quickly

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It's a little late to claim rushing to 50 as a excuse.


Half the population is 50 now so pretending that these are just power gamers is a joke. If you're not 50 by 1/14/2012 then I'm a little surprised.


Also why are people who haven't even gotten to 50 criticizing players opinions that have played the game more and experienced end game? It's bad that they are playing and using the content?


Are you saying you want power gamers to "slow down"? How about I release HALO and tell everyone to give me 2 months to finish the final boss?

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I'm sorry but some of us have lives you know.... so that makes us bad players or self delusional fanbois......



maybe you should rethink that statement..........very quickly


Right. So you play 1 hr a day.



Don't complain about not being 50, or wonder why others already are.



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My highest character is level 35, and I'm bored of the game...


The old "don't rush to 50 then!" argument just doesnt hold much true, sure the voice acting is fresh, but the quests are even worse than other mm's if possible, the worlds are completely dead, I never see anyone from the opposing faction, and I'm on a pvp server, the endgame is already obvious, I can pvp as I do now or run dungeons.



I quit playing and cancelled the game, my question to you is, what are you going to do, when you've leveled 4 classes, and are stuck repeating the same side quests over and over? you're stuck with an endgame that is probably the worst I've ever seen.



The game is extremely dissapointing, when you take away the voice acting, I don't care about the bugs, they can be fixed, the core of the game is flawed.



Honestly, would you rather ride a bike 1000km to a 6 star hotel and live in luxery for however long you wanted to, or take a private jet to a cave in the mountains in Afghanistan? SWTOR is the latter, and I'll take a grindy game over a dead endgame any day of the week, when you hit 50 and stop doing alts, the voice acting will mean nothing for your gaming experience.

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1) Rush to 50.

2) Wait for others to catch up.

3) Complain on forums.




i got a 50 toon...but im not complaining

rolled a new toon and enjoying everything till new content comes and back to main.

those who rush are probably no lifers...they rush everything...EVERYTHING then they complain with the usual "no endgame content"


the endgame content FOR A NEW MMO is great and swtor did way better than mostly any other mmo's in that term.

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My highest character is level 35, and I'm bored of the game...


The old "don't rush to 50 then!" argument just doesnt hold much true, sure the voice acting is fresh, but the quests are even worse than other mm's if possible, the worlds are completely dead, I never see anyone from the opposing faction, and I'm on a pvp server, the endgame is already obvious, I can pvp as I do now or run dungeons.



I quit playing and cancelled the game, my question to you is, what are you going to do, when you've leveled 4 classes, and are stuck repeating the same side quests over and over? you're stuck with an endgame that is probably the worst I've ever seen.



The game is extremely dissapointing, when you take away the voice acting, I don't care about the bugs, they can be fixed, the core of the game is flawed.



Honestly, would you rather ride a bike 1000km to a 6 star hotel and live in luxery for however long you wanted to, or take a private jet to a cave in the mountains in Afghanistan? SWTOR is the latter, and I'll take a grindy game over a dead endgame any day of the week, when you hit 50 and stop doing alts, the voice acting will mean nothing for your gaming experience.


Ya because its not like an mmo is an expanding format and gets updates/expansions or anything. Right?


Also when you talk about repeating the same quests over and over what do you think "daily" quests are? And thats not only in swtor but wow as well.

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Fishing with guildies.

Building a guild city.

Decorating your house.

Decorating your ship.

Decorating your city.

Space mining/exploration.

Socializing in cantinas (with chat bubbles.)

Customizing your look, outfit, speeder, etc.

Guild wars.

Bounty hunting other players.


How many years this game is out? thought so....

And how much swtor is? again thought so....


comparing a game wich is/was years out with a new mmo is simply ridiculous if u want to compare them wait swtor to have the same time in the markets thx.

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That is what is really getting to me now. Had a quest on Tatooine last night and my BH actually said the EXACT same thing twice in that same quest turn in. "We better settle up" seems to be my BH's favorite catch phrase. Wouldn't be bad if the same exact sentence wasn't said in exactly the same tone and inflection each time I hear it. I say the same tings in real life a lot but I don't carry a recording of it so I can say it the exact same way everytime. VO is costly yes but how about everytime you do these crappy one liners you, Bioware, have them do several takes saying the same thing in different tones/mannerisms and that way I don't cringe everytime I hear the same thing.


Same. My Sith Warrior seems to like saying things like:


"Some elaboration is required"


"There won't be a single heart left beating when I'm done"


"Don't leave me out of the loop"


Wouldn't be so annoying if at least one of these wasn't in almost every single conversation....

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I rotate between 3 classes leveling and pvp. Unless you're 50 and sitting around waiting for people to catch up i dont understand how people are getting bored. Maybe its the notorious new mmo grind but i find it to be necessary to change up your classes instead of sticking with one all the way to 50.


I think for some it's because, for the most part, many players have been playing an online game very much like this one for the past 5+ years. They were ready and eager for something new, and there just isn't a lot of that here in the parts that really count.


Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the story and the way Bioware has gone about delivering it, but the simple truth is there's a lot of your typical MMO combat in between that really hasn't changed much from WoW. Monitoring cooldowns, clicking the appropriate icons.. it gets old when it's been delivered exactly the same way year after year. I thought this was an amusing, yet appropriate image: http://auditorydepredation.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/1326231905169.jpg


There are different ways to present MMO combat, some which require loads more thought and interaction from the player (perhaps more than some MMO players are comfortable with or physically capable of doing). DCUO made a step in that direction and I enjoyed it. Games like Vindictus and Tera Online went even further (Vindictus combat is crazy fun to the point where I can entertain myself just goofing around pulling off combat moves against the open air). Hopefully Guild Wars 2 will go in that direction rather than trying to be like WoW.

Edited by Apax
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Games been out for a month for most people so this "rush to 50" argument is a joke now..


People are bored because this game is extremely casual and endgame is laughably easy to get full epics.



Easy compared to what WoW, it might just not be meant to be hard.

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I think for some it's because, for the most part, many players have been playing an online game very much like this one for the past 5+ years. They were ready and eager for something new, and there just isn't a lot of that here in the parts that really count.


Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the story and the way Bioware has gone about delivering it, but the simple truth is there's a lot of your typical MMO combat in between that really hasn't changed much from WoW. Monitoring cooldowns, clicking the appropriate icons.. it gets old when it's been delivered exactly the same way year after year. I thought this was an amusing, yet appropriate image: http://auditorydepredation.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/1326231905169.jpg


There are different ways to present MMO combat, some which require loads more thought and interaction for the player (perhaps more than some MMO players are used to or physically capable of doing). DCUO made a step in that direction and I enjoyed it.. Games like Vindictus and Tera Online went even further (Vindictus combat is crazy fun to the point where I can entertain myself just goofing around pulling off combat moves against the open air). Hopefully Guild Wars 2 will go in that direction rather than trying to be like WoW.


If they dont like this game they wont like any mmo other than wow. And to put hopes on GW2 was the same mistake they made putting their hopes on swtor. They wont be satisfied its almost cult mentality now.

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Because people had very high expectations. Never have high expectations of a newly launched MMO ;)


The people who bought the game to play through the storylines and/or have less time to play and/or take their time levelling are still meandering their way through the levelling. They are mostly enjoying themselves because so far they have been given the game they wanted.


The people who bought the game for the MMO experience and/or who are competitive, efficient levellers and/or are not interested in the story are disappointed because the game did not meet their expectations and they do not have the game they wanted.


Says it all pretty much.

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If they dont like this game they wont like any mmo other than wow. And to put hopes on GW2 was the same mistake they made putting their hopes on swtor. They wont be satisfied its almost cult mentality now.


You should probably re-read what I wrote because you seemed to miss the entire point. I was saying that they're tired of WoW-type MMOs. SWToR is very similar to WoW. If they're tired of WoW-type MMOs, why would they like WoW? I liked WoW at one point, but not any longer. I'm tired of the type of game it is and want my MMOs to play differently now.


Guild Wars 2, by the way, is making every effort to not be like WoW. SWToR, on the other hand, tried very hard to copy WoW's model (and to improve on parts of it, while falling behind in others).

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Completed all content on hardmode, thats why we are bored.


I personally hate levelling up and its not why I play mmo's. In the grand scale of things levelling up in mmo's is a tiny percentage of its gameplay.


Darkfall is probably the best mmo I have played in years, its way too hard and and way too harsh but boy it has its moments.


Shame the "nub" money is not in this type of IP but we are beginning to see the boredom associated with this holy trinity gameplay.

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I think for some it's because, for the most part, many players have been playing an online game very much like this one for the past 5+ years. They were ready and eager for something new, and there just isn't a lot of that here in the parts that really count.


Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the story and the way Bioware has gone about delivering it, but the simple truth is there's a lot of your typical MMO combat in between that really hasn't changed much from WoW. Monitoring cooldowns, clicking the appropriate icons.. it gets old when it's been delivered exactly the same way year after year. I thought this was an amusing, yet appropriate image: http://auditorydepredation.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/1326231905169.jpg


There are different ways to present MMO combat, some which require loads more thought and interaction from the player (perhaps more than some MMO players are comfortable with or physically capable of doing). DCUO made a step in that direction and I enjoyed it. Games like Vindictus and Tera Online went even further (Vindictus combat is crazy fun to the point where I can entertain myself just goofing around pulling off combat moves against the open air). Hopefully Guild Wars 2 will go in that direction rather than trying to be like WoW.[/quote



I agree with all of your points here, but people need to stop saying that the combat is just copying WoW. I dont understand why MMO's for some reason don't follow the same rules in peoples heads about genres. MMO is a genre, and lots of games in genres feel the same. You wouldn't say that battlefield is a call of duty clone. No you wouldn't but they are still both shooters (a genre).


I do however agree that some games are doing things differently, but a lot of those games don't have the proper support or player base to define a change of the genre.

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Because we expect more out of mmorpgs these days. We want enough content/features to keep us entertained. We want something new to the table instead of the same rehashed garbage. I've been playing the game steadily since launch actually watching the quest cutscenes(nothing new just polished and more so than other mmorpgs) and am almost 50. However the quests are all the same kill 5 womp rats and bring their ********s for a Hutt to eat.


We have been asking for core features and content for a while now. Something akin to dcuo/aoc combo systems, or fps/3rd person melee combat. Actually having an impact on the game world. Stuff like this, but apparently Developers are very stupid and don't listen to their community. Instead they try their variant on WoW which usually flop. There are reasons mmorpgs aren't do that well these days and numerous people have pointed out why.


Completed all content on hardmode, thats why we are bored.

Darkfall is probably the best mmo I have played in years, its way too hard and and way too harsh but boy it has its moments.


This. I was reminiscing about darkfall to my guild last night I played up until dcuo because the population was pretty bad at the time. If they add a skill cap, make capturing points more rewarding, add some more utilities for archery and more armor, make sea fortresses more useful and add land variants, more housing nodes, more sandbox features and make the ones they have not useless(treasure digging/map hunting), and other things that escape me the game would be fantastic.


CMON DFO 2.0 dang lazy Greek Devs.

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So, are respec costs just the elephant in the room no one wants to talk about because it's so horrid, or is this thread actually just full of WoWtard trolls trying to torpedo this game so their old folks home of an MMO will remain on top?


Or, could it even be that blizzard, in their infinite marketing genius, has their community managers trolling these forums to make sure their game is mentioned in almost every thread?


Viral marketing ftw?

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Lifeless worlds, no other people around ever, boring quests that are all the same, boring fights with slow combat and the same goddamm pull over and over and over again. Repetative voice overs, no connection wiht character as its not mine its bioware's, no real choices that matter at all, linear gameplay, excessive travel time and too many loading screens.


First off, I was to say I respect your opinion, but I heartily disagree with it, and with respect I submit the following:


You are doing only PvE, which is enough to make an old granny cry with boredom eventually.


1) The worlds are not *lifeless* and I simply cannot imagine how this canard got started. Groups of NPCs dancing in fountains, clapping, playing music, getting into arguments. There's plenty of life. Vendors don't move around and if they did, you wouldn't like it. NPCs don't roam around too much, except for those who are on patrol. "Critters" like space bunnies hopping on the ground won't make it a better game.


2) No people around ever? What? I've never been anyplace in the game that did not have players in it. Nuff said.


3) Boring quests? Matter of opinion.


4) Slow combat? Compared to what? A first-person shooter?


5) Repetitive voiceovers? What? They are all different, which you would know if you didn't constantly bang on the spacebar.


6) The character is BioWare's? Yes, it's the Golden Rule. They have the gold, so they make the rules.


7) Choices do matter -- Light Side vs. Dark Side. Did you need more than this?


8) Linear gameplay. Yes, we know. It's called "leveling up" and "character progression." It's par for the course. Once again, what is it you are looking for?


(If they gave you a Sandbox Game, in short order you would be calling it "directionless and a grindfest.")


9) Excessive travel time? It's a big game. There are ways to move around quickly.


10) Too many loading screens. I mean this in absolute sincerity; there are exactly as many loading screens (some preceeded by nice cinamatic cutscenes) as are required for the purpose of the game. There are not too many, nor too few. A loading screen exists where a loading screen is needed -- and that is all there is to say about that.




But, since we must be polite and welcoming, I politely welcome you to reconsider your points of view ... or not ... and I wish you peace and good karma.



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