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How are people bored already?


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You have to understand, it's easier to say the combat is like WoW than it is to suggest it's like (say) Dark Age of Camelot, because more people have played WoW than DAoC and are more likely to understand exactly what you're talking about.


It's like saying "this taste's just like chicken" instead of saying "this tastes just like snake", even though they both taste similar. More people are going to be able to relate to the former, so it makes more sense to use that.


Interestingly enough, prior to WoW a lot of MMO combat systems (Everquest, DAoC, Anarchy Online) did not play like they do now. It was actually City of Heroes that shocked players and developers alike by showing them that MMO combat could actually be fun and fast paced. When CoH was first introduced to the press, WoW was still in development and Blizzard incorporated several aspects of CoH's combat into their own system.


Unfortunately, Blizzard left out most of the fun parts from CoH's combat and what we instead received was a combat system that was very much based on monitoring relatively rapid cooldowns and cycling through a rotation - a glorified wack-a-mole setup. All they really seemed to get from Cryptic was that "pushing a lot of buttons often = fun". Bleh. And, unfortunately, most MMO's have followed WoW's lead ever since. So it isn't completely wrong to refer to it as WoW's combat system.


Everquest online adventures had a similar combat system and was out before wow and phantasy star online , phantasy star universe has real time fast action combat.



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Most of you trolling against the OP are failing to understand a very basic concept of what has happened here.


A lot of people really want/wanted this game to succeed. The IP (Intellectual Property) bought a lot of people over to the game. People like the OP are stating their cases on the forums not to be hateful; rather they are upset that the game brings nothing different to the genre for them. Hate it or love it, they have that right because they paid for the game same as everyone else. They are allowed to voice their opinions. If they didn't care, they would not waste time posting on the forums and move on to something else.


with that said...


My personal opinion is that there are two very basic, general, underlying schools of thought about SWTOR:


1. I already paid the cost of a Single Player RPG and I am willing to pay a PREMIUM monthly subscription for what is very similar to a Single Player RPG with limited MMO content/features.




2. I already paid the cost of a Single Player RPG but have decided I'm not willing to continue paying a PREMIUM monthly subscription for what is very similar to a Single Player RPG with limited MMO content/features.


It's a matter of preference and what an individual is willing to put up with based on his/her personal standards of online gaming.

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Why is it so hard to understand that some people actually enjoy playing this game? You all throw fanboy out there, but that's just a name. When playing SWTOR, I am having fun. If you aren't, you are more then welcome to move on to somewhere else.
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Level 25 in 4 classes.


The "push" to 25 was getting my ride so I didnt have to run everywhere.


Now that Im off to a new questing planet, I cant seem to get motivated to play.


What is there to look forward to?


More new gear. More PvP. Work more on crew skills. More crafting. New planets to explore. A few more abilities. All just seems...meh.


I have to admit, SWG spoiled me with so many non-combat activities to do.


So yeah, I am officially bored. Still love the game. Maybe just a few day break is all I need.


k so why are you playing a mmo at all? you dont like the expect of new gear you dont like the aspect of pvp you dont like the aspect of crafting skills you dont like to explore or more abilities? only thing you've missed are the flashpoints but you seem to dislike alot of major points wich make an mmo?

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Why is it so hard to understand that some people actually enjoy playing this game? You all throw fanboy out there, but that's just a name. When playing SWTOR, I am having fun. If you aren't, you are more then welcome to move on to somewhere else.


Don't get me wrong I am having fun. but from beta I could foresee this as something that won't hold my attention. You don't want the playerbase to move somewhere else, or you'll be stuck like Warhammer online.

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This argument is now moot. The game has been out long enough that anyone who has played during normal "TV-time" after work can be level 50. At some point you guys are going to have to stop falling back on this. It made sense a week after launch. The game is a month old for most players and it no longer carries any weight. Pretty sure next month at this time we're still going to be hearing defenders using this increasingly irrelevant argument.


I, like the OP am leveling multiple characters in rotation as I go along. So, NO, it's not a given that after one month it's "game over". That's a SPG FPS shooter mind set you got there and it does not server MMOs very well at all.


The reason for my approach is because: 1) I play for the long term, so there is no hurry to get to 50, and I like having multiple characters. 2) new MMOs NEVER have enough end game content to keep you satisfied when you hit level cap.


MMO veterans, if they step back and think about it honestly, know that for MMOs it's not about getting to level cap in month one. It's about all the content, new features, and improvements coming in future patches over the coming years. IF you want mature end game content when you get to level cap DO NOT subscribe to a new game until at least 6 months post launch.

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Why is it so hard to understand that some people actually enjoy playing this game? You all throw fanboy out there, but that's just a name. When playing SWTOR, I am having fun. If you aren't, you are more then welcome to move on to somewhere else.


The same goes both ways. For "funboys" harassing people that try to raise concerns. They are "trolls", "complainers", "whiners", "haters". People that are pure enjoying the game are not calling names to people indicating problems or just expressing their dislike! Let people have their opinions, people.

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Why is it so hard to understand that some people actually enjoy playing this game? You all throw fanboy out there, but that's just a name. When playing SWTOR, I am having fun. If you aren't, you are more then welcome to move on to somewhere else.


I enjoy this game. What I don't enjoy is when someone posts suggestions or critiques of the game and is promptly set upon by a pack of rabid fans telling them to go back to where they came from. This game is not perfect. It has a lot of room for improvement and there is nothing wrong with people stating their opinions on what is wrong with it. BUT when people post even mature, reasonable, non-hyperbolic critiques they are treated the same as someone trolling and bashing. That's wrong and leads to all too common use of the word 'fanboi'.

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1) Rush to 50.

2) Wait for others to catch up.

3) Complain on forums.


Oh, snap! There's no legitimate rejoinder to your list. People know going in to any game, MMO or any other genre, that if you spend dozens of hours a week playing the game you are going to quickly run out of content.

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Hello everyone,


This is a heads up that we recently had to remove several posts from this thread. A reminder that regardless of the topic, it is part of our Rules of Conduct that:

  • Never insult another member of the community.
  • Respect other community members, whether they agree with you or not.
  • Flag, don't fight. Use the "flag" feature to report posts to our Community Team if you see someone breaking the rules – don't respond to them!
  • Make constructive, on-topic posts that add to the discussion.

Thanks you for understanding.

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I enjoy this game. What I don't enjoy is when someone posts suggestions or critiques of the game and is promptly set upon by a pack of rabid fans telling them to go back to where they came from. This game is not perfect. It has a lot of room for improvement and there is nothing wrong with people stating their opinions on what is wrong with it. BUT when people post even mature, reasonable, non-hyperbolic critiques they are treated the same as someone trolling and bashing. That's wrong and leads to all too common use of the word 'fanboi'.


You sire have just posted the definition of a forum. (I thank you) I really wish that last sentence wasn't true though.

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Just hit level 48.


If you think those of us at high + max level didn't rush, you must not see all the lower levels in the fleets.


Put simply. We put in tons of hours within a short amount of time. Intentional or not, whether you spaced or skipped content doesn't matter. If you have played this game over 100s of hours already....you rushed!

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Hello everyone,


This is a heads up that we recently had to remove several posts from this thread. A reminder that regardless of the topic, it is part of our Rules of Conduct that:

  • Never insult another member of the community.
  • Respect other community members, whether they agree with you or not.
  • Flag, don't fight. Use the "flag" feature to report posts to our Community Team if you see someone breaking the rules – don't respond to them!
  • Make constructive, on-topic posts that add to the discussion.

Thanks you for understanding.


Thank you for intervening. I just hope now we can get back to an actual thread related conversation.

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Just hit level 48.


If you think those of us at high + max level didn't rush, you must not see all the lower levels in the fleets.


Put simply. We put in tons of hours within a short amount of time. Intentional or not, whether you spaced or skipped content doesn't matter. If you have played this game over 100s of hours already....you rushed!



I agree my highest is a 21 and ive tried almost every class to about 15, and I still want to lvl them all.

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Why is it so hard to understand that some people actually enjoy playing this game? You all throw fanboy out there, but that's just a name. When playing SWTOR, I am having fun. If you aren't, you are more then welcome to move on to somewhere else.


People can love this game without being a "fanboy." I don't go onto threads and attack OP's who say they love the game unless they attempt to make anyone who doesn't like everything about the game out to be in some way deficient as a human being.


Don't blame other players for not liking the game. "If you don't like the game, it's entirely your fault and has nothing to do with the game itself." These posts are in every thread with even a hint of negativity, finding any way possible to blame the player for not liking something about the game. Bad graphics performance? Your computer must be garbage. Too much focus on story? It's your own fault for not loving story. Bored at 50? It's your own fault for levelling too fast. And if those don't work, then it's "you're self-entitled," or "you didn't do your research on the game," or "you are in some other way psychologically deficient."

Edited by Mannic
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Stop arguing with the OP. I'd actually like to have a conversation with someone on the other side of the fence. (or the same side if thats cool)


Heh good point.


I take it you like the game, and are abit puzzled to why some dislike it?


I obviously can't speak for everyone, but my reasons are as follows:


Sharding, I didnt like it in AoC, and dislike it here aswell, I prefere a huge amount of players, to me it makes the game alot more living, some will obviously prefere sharding, and it's a matter of taste.


I really werent hoping for anything like WoW, I havent played WoW for a long time, but tried out Cata when it launched, I was amazed at how linear it had become, and it limited your freedom imo, I prefere several zones to choose from, and quests that arent that linear, it was nuts, sadly SWTOR is the same (and in my opinion) worse, it's a great tool for telling a story, but I'd take the "freedom" over the 1 road solution.


Beeing the hero or villain is cool and everything, but it just kinda turns into a cliche, when there are 50 Darths hanging out at the space station, I would have prefere beeing the average joy, I knew it was like this when I bought the game, and it is acceptable, but abit odd from a story pov.


Classes, it's obvious that the AC's were a solution to a big problem, 4 classes arent enough, and adding more classes would mean a longer development time due to the voice acting for each class, AC's sorta fixed that problem, but when you see a trooper use his canon as a melee weapon, and that's his prefered way of doing it, you just can't help wondering if it were the better solution they took.


Crafting is a joke, it really is, there a 2 proffessions that are usefull, the rest are just pointless as it is now.


Space station, it's a horrible idea, they could have focues more on Dromund Kass and Coruscant, and made them the main towns, perhaps expand Nar Shadaa as a neutral one, but it's pretty much board the ship when you're 50, and to pvp and ops from there.


PvP servers are pointless atm, you just can't find an enemy anywhere, at tattoine I felt like fighting some same level players, but it's not possible.




My issues with the game arent the bugs, it's the game itself, and I would stop playing it regardsless if they fixed all bugs tomorrow and added 10 ops and 5 new pvp zones, I werent hoping for a WoW clone, but got it, and while I actually didnt think it could be possible, it is worse than WoW.


I've got a SWGEMU and eve to keep me busy ;) but I would obviously have prefered this game to appeal to me, heck it could have 5 times the bugs it does now, and I would have played it, if it werent designed as it is.

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Just hit level 48.


If you think those of us at high + max level didn't rush, you must not see all the lower levels in the fleets.


Put simply. We put in tons of hours within a short amount of time. Intentional or not, whether you spaced or skipped content doesn't matter. If you have played this game over 100s of hours already....you rushed!


Thats pretty much it.


Its a flat out exagerration to say you have a huge social life and are 50 already. Between my fiance, ice hockey and my regular social life there was no way I am getting close to 50 soon. I am 40 now but the leveling is slowing down.


Its disgenuous so come in here, say its too easy to get to 50 and say you didn't even try. Look, the reality is you sat in front of your computer for many hours and power-leveled to 50.


I play a lot too! I run FPs and always play when my fiance is at work or were not going out. I play just as much as I did when I played WoW and while the leveling is faster than WoW, its by no means a blind face roll to 50.

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I am enjoying myself immensely on a daily basis.


The game may have fallen flat for some, for others it did not.


To each their own. But it is FAR from lacking things to do at 50 regardless of what detractors say. I listed in my previous post enough activity to keep most people busy for a full day, doing the same things they would be doing at end game in any themepark MMO.


If they came looking for "the great hidden sandbox" in SW:TOR, they may not like what we have, but I am enjoying it. I will play a different game for my "entertain myself with the sand" fix when one releases worth playing. Until then this is the most enjoyable MMO I can play and steeped in an IP I love.





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This game probably won't kill this game, but this community, and posters like the OP, sure might.
You're really being overly dramatic.


If the game isn't successful, it's precisely because of the highly linear, highly fractured, overall relatively weak for hinging your game on it, advanced class quest story lines.


There's enough content for someone who plays less than ten hours a week. The issue, however, isn't necessarily a lack of content, it's that content is used extremely poorly, and that all kind of barriers were designed into the game to effectively minimize social interaction.

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Heh good point.


I take it you like the game, and are abit puzzled to why some dislike it?


I obviously can't speak for everyone, but my reasons are as follows:


Sharding, I didnt like it in AoC, and dislike it here aswell, I prefere a huge amount of players, to me it makes the game alot more living, some will obviously prefere sharding, and it's a matter of taste.


I really werent hoping for anything like WoW, I havent played WoW for a long time, but tried out Cata when it launched, I was amazed at how linear it had become, and it limited your freedom imo, I prefere several zones to choose from, and quests that arent that linear, it was nuts, sadly SWTOR is the same (and in my opinion) worse, it's a great tool for telling a story, but I'd take the "freedom" over the 1 road solution.


Beeing the hero or villain is cool and everything, but it just kinda turns into a cliche, when there are 50 Darths hanging out at the space station, I would have prefere beeing the average joy, I knew it was like this when I bought the game, and it is acceptable, but abit odd from a story pov.


Classes, it's obvious that the AC's were a solution to a big problem, 4 classes arent enough, and adding more classes would mean a longer development time due to the voice acting for each class, AC's sorta fixed that problem, but when you see a trooper use his canon as a melee weapon, and that's his prefered way of doing it, you just can't help wondering if it were the better solution they took.


Crafting is a joke, it really is, there a 2 proffessions that are usefull, the rest are just pointless as it is now.


Space station, it's a horrible idea, they could have focues more on Dromund Kass and Coruscant, and made them the main towns, perhaps expand Nar Shadaa as a neutral one, but it's pretty much board the ship when you're 50, and to pvp and ops from there.


PvP servers are pointless atm, you just can't find an enemy anywhere, at tattoine I felt like fighting some same level players, but it's not possible.




My issues with the game arent the bugs, it's the game itself, and I would stop playing it regardsless if they fixed all bugs tomorrow and added 10 ops and 5 new pvp zones, I werent hoping for a WoW clone, but got it, and while I actually didnt think it could be possible, it is worse than WoW.


I've got a SWGEMU and eve to keep me busy ;) but I would obviously have prefered this game to appeal to me, heck it could have 5 times the bugs it does now, and I would have played it, if it werent designed as it is.


Heres the facts: You should just quit if the game doesn't appeal to you. I appreciate you taking the time to type this all out, but the hard reality is this game isn't for you. There is no use trying to prove that point on a forum.

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For those that are bored I think one such reason might be the ease of the game. It is pretty easy to get to max level quickly. The endgame content is pretty easy (despite some bugs and HM gated content). It's also easy to gear up quickly. When a game is pretty easy some are going to get bored real fast. Those types of player may have expected/wanted more of a grind/time sink at max level and when they didn't get it....'bored.'
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Heh good point.


I take it you like the game, and are abit puzzled to why some dislike it?


I obviously can't speak for everyone, but my reasons are as follows:


Sharding, I didnt like it in AoC, and dislike it here aswell, I prefere a huge amount of players, to me it makes the game alot more living, some will obviously prefere sharding, and it's a matter of taste.


I really werent hoping for anything like WoW, I havent played WoW for a long time, but tried out Cata when it launched, I was amazed at how linear it had become, and it limited your freedom imo, I prefere several zones to choose from, and quests that arent that linear, it was nuts, sadly SWTOR is the same (and in my opinion) worse, it's a great tool for telling a story, but I'd take the "freedom" over the 1 road solution.


Beeing the hero or villain is cool and everything, but it just kinda turns into a cliche, when there are 50 Darths hanging out at the space station, I would have prefere beeing the average joy, I knew it was like this when I bought the game, and it is acceptable, but abit odd from a story pov.


Classes, it's obvious that the AC's were a solution to a big problem, 4 classes arent enough, and adding more classes would mean a longer development time due to the voice acting for each class, AC's sorta fixed that problem, but when you see a trooper use his canon as a melee weapon, and that's his prefered way of doing it, you just can't help wondering if it were the better solution they took.


Crafting is a joke, it really is, there a 2 proffessions that are usefull, the rest are just pointless as it is now.


Space station, it's a horrible idea, they could have focues more on Dromund Kass and Coruscant, and made them the main towns, perhaps expand Nar Shadaa as a neutral one, but it's pretty much board the ship when you're 50, and to pvp and ops from there.


PvP servers are pointless atm, you just can't find an enemy anywhere, at tattoine I felt like fighting some same level players, but it's not possible.




My issues with the game arent the bugs, it's the game itself, and I would stop playing it regardsless if they fixed all bugs tomorrow and added 10 ops and 5 new pvp zones, I werent hoping for a WoW clone, but got it, and while I actually didnt think it could be possible, it is worse than WoW.


I've got a SWGEMU and eve to keep me busy ;) but I would obviously have prefered this game to appeal to me, heck it could have 5 times the bugs it does now, and I would have played it, if it werent designed as it is.



I've never found myself puzzled with people disliking this game. Especially thanks to people like you who actually take the time to explain why.


I personally like this game basically I suppose because I didn't expect a lot from it. I was looking for KOTOR with friends and I basically got what I wanted. But I do agree that they should have structured it much differently.

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Heres the facts: You should just quit if the game doesn't appeal to you. I appreciate you taking the time to type this all out, but the hard reality is this game isn't for you. There is no use trying to prove that point on a forum.


The post was an answer to Devonloy.


I'm not here trying to tell everyone else that the game sucks because I think so, I am glad that alot of people enjoy this game, and I do want it to succeed wether I like it or not, the mmo scene does need a competitor to that other mmo imo, and I think SWTOR can pull it of.

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