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How are people bored already?


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I rotate between 3 classes leveling and pvp. Unless you're 50 and sitting around waiting for people to catch up i dont understand how people are getting bored. Maybe its the notorious new mmo grind but i find it to be necessary to change up your classes instead of sticking with one all the way to 50.
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I rotate between 3 classes leveling and pvp. Unless you're 50 and sitting around waiting for people to catch up i dont understand how people are getting bored. Maybe its the notorious new mmo grind but i find it to be necessary to change up your classes instead of sticking with one all the way to 50.


1) Rush to 50.

2) Wait for others to catch up.

3) Complain on forums.

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I'm not bored of the game, but bored of the cutscenes. There are too many IMO. Every quest doesn't need a cutscene. They should have just made the important quests have a cutscene.


Now I spacebar through almost all cutscenes because I realize it doesn't affect much. Still having fun killing stuff though, but game still needs a lot of work. No high res textures hurts my eyes at times.

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Because people had very high expectations. Never have high expectations of a newly launched MMO ;)


The people who bought the game to play through the storylines and/or have less time to play and/or take their time levelling are still meandering their way through the levelling. They are mostly enjoying themselves because so far they have been given the game they wanted.


The people who bought the game for the MMO experience and/or who are competitive, efficient levellers and/or are not interested in the story are disappointed because the game did not meet their expectations and they do not have the game they wanted.

Edited by Slightlycampana
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Respec costs.


If I can respec my toon at a fair price at a decent rate, I have fun. If I have to wait a full week to reset my skills I end up abandoning that character and starting another one.


The second or third time through the same content, I realize my third character is going to run into the same wall.


Starting a fourth character means running all the same content a fourth time.


At this point I do one of two things...


Play bored and hope bioware ignores the tryhards / fanbois and fixes this stupidity or...


Cancel / uninstall and go play something fun.

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Because people had very high expectations. Never have high expectations of a newly launched MMO ;)


The people who bought the game to play through the storylines and/or have less time to play and/or take their time levelling are still meandering their way through the levelling. They are mostly enjoying themselves because so far they have been given the game they wanted.


The people who bought the game for the MMO experience and/or who are competitive efficient levellers and/or are not interested in the story are disappointed because the game did not meet their expectations and they do not have the game they wanted.




nicely put.

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1) Rush to 50.

2) Wait for others to catch up.

3) Complain on forums.




Lifeless worlds, no other people around ever, boring quests that are all the same, boring fights with slow combat and the same goddamm pull over and over and over again. Repetative voice overs, no connection wiht character as its not mine its bioware's, no real choices that matter at all, linear gameplay, excessive travel time and too many loading screens.


Just some ideas. People can have valid complaints, you may like it, but putting forward arguements against people who disagree with you just makes you look like a blinker fanboi of rather limited intellect.

Edited by Notannos
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Because people had very high expectations. Never have high expectations of a newly launched MMO ;)


The people who bought the game to play through the storylines and/or have less time to play and/or take their time levelling are still meandering their way through the levelling. They are mostly enjoying themselves because so far they have been given the game they wanted.


The people who bought the game for the MMO experience and/or who are competitive, efficient levellers and/or are not interested in the story are disappointed because the game did not meet their expectations and they do not have the game they wanted.


What about the people who bought the game for the story, but were utterly dissapointed with other problems with the game? I for one was enjoying the story, but other issues in the game were making it hard for me to like the game overall..


Graphics being one of the main factors for me, and the fact that they didn't release the game with high-res textures or AA was a huge letdown for me, and many many others.

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too many loading screens.



It is a very minor gripe compared to respec costs and unintuitive lfg interface, but I have to agree, there is just no reason for those little space stations to be there at all.


Where you have to leave your ship, walk through an empty space station, board a shuttle, and end up on the planet. What is the purpose of this space station, and that extra loading screen?

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I'm not bored of the game, but bored of the cutscenes. There are too many IMO. Every quest doesn't need a cutscene. They should have just made the important quests have a cutscene.


Now I spacebar through almost all cutscenes because I realize it doesn't affect much. Still having fun killing stuff though, but game still needs a lot of work. No high res textures hurts my eyes at times.


I love the cut scenes. I do not know how I can go back to a standard mmo with a wall of text to read informing me of a mission. TOR has already spoiled me

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Lifeless worlds, no other people around ever, boring quests that are all the same, boring fights with slow combat and the same goddamm pull over and over and over again. Repetative voice overs, no connection wiht character as its not mine its bioware's, no real choices that matter at all, linear gameplay, excessive travel time and too many loading screens.


Just some ideas. People can have valid complaints, you may like it, but putting forward arguements against people who disagree with you just makes you look like a blinker fanboi of rather limited intellect.


You realize you just described everything that WoW has as well.

Edited by Notannos
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I rotate between 3 classes leveling and pvp. Unless you're 50 and sitting around waiting for people to catch up i dont understand how people are getting bored. Maybe its the notorious new mmo grind but i find it to be necessary to change up your classes instead of sticking with one all the way to 50.


Some people have a lot of focus on only one character.


Some people only play the game to PvP and race to 50.


Some people expected a different game.


Why does it matter? People liking or not liking the game is human nature. Enjoy it and don't worry about it.

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What about the people who bought the game for the story, but were utterly dissapointed with other problems with the game? I for one was enjoying the story, but other issues in the game were making it hard for me to like the game overall..


Graphics being one of the main factors for me, and the fact that they didn't release the game with high-res textures or AA was a huge letdown for me, and many many others.


Well, I was over-generalising, and it was aimed more at the end-content/MMO functionality topic rather than the graphics.


I would say you were disappointed in the game, but not bored of it (which was the complaint of the OP).

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Lifeless worlds, no other people around ever, boring quests that are all the same, boring fights with slow combat and the same goddamm pull over and over and over again. Repetative voice overs, no connection wiht character as its not mine its bioware's, no real choices that matter at all, linear gameplay, excessive travel time and too many loading screens.


Just some ideas. People can have valid complaints, you may like it, but putting forward arguements against people who disagree with you just makes you look like a blinker fanboi of rather limited intellect.


That is what is really getting to me now. Had a quest on Tatooine last night and my BH actually said the EXACT same thing twice in that same quest turn in. "We better settle up" seems to be my BH's favorite catch phrase. Wouldn't be bad if the same exact sentence wasn't said in exactly the same tone and inflection each time I hear it. I say the same tings in real life a lot but I don't carry a recording of it so I can say it the exact same way everytime. VO is costly yes but how about everytime you do these crappy one liners you, Bioware, have them do several takes saying the same thing in different tones/mannerisms and that way I don't cringe everytime I hear the same thing.

Edited by Notannos
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1) Rush to 50.

2) Wait for others to catch up.

3) Complain on forums.


This argument is now moot. The game has been out long enough that anyone who has played during normal "TV-time" after work can be level 50. At some point you guys are going to have to stop falling back on this. It made sense a week after launch. The game is a month old for most players and it no longer carries any weight. Pretty sure next month at this time we're still going to be hearing defenders using this increasingly irrelevant argument.

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You realize you just described everything that WoW has as well.


And there is a reason I stopped playing wow quite a while ago..



To be honest I dont think the arguement that wow is crap is a good one to keep me playing swtor.


Is that the best you can come up with? To bash another game, rather than point out any good points of swtor? Says it all really I suppose.


If I was countering my own post I may have mentioned the immersive star wars theme, the option of challenge in group quests, the pvp which whilst not prefect is pretty fun, the space missions which whilst not everone's favorite thing is an interesting diversion in an MMO like this and so on. But no, your only agruement is that wow is bad.....

Edited by Cameirus
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This is why I hate threads like this...


They always boil down to one person telling another person


- "You can't play the game how you want"


- "You can't enjoy the game unless you play it my way"


- "Your reason for not enjoying the game isn't valid for me so you are wrong".



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And there is a reason I stopped playing wow quite a while ago..



To be honest I dont think the arguement that wow is crap is a good one to keep me playing swtor.


Is that the best you can come up with? To bash another game, rather than point out any good points of swtor? Says it all really I suppose.


Why bother arguing with you. You've already made up your mind you dont like this game. The funny part is you'll either A. go back to wow and be just as bored as you are here. Or B. Try another mmo and go through the same progression of getting bored again. Problem isnt the game, its you.

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Level 25 in 4 classes.


The "push" to 25 was getting my ride so I didnt have to run everywhere.


Now that Im off to a new questing planet, I cant seem to get motivated to play.


What is there to look forward to?


More new gear. More PvP. Work more on crew skills. More crafting. New planets to explore. A few more abilities. All just seems...meh.


I have to admit, SWG spoiled me with so many non-combat activities to do.


So yeah, I am officially bored. Still love the game. Maybe just a few day break is all I need.

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