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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I Haven't Played SWTOR in a Week - and here is WHY.


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Why is your guild so broken that folks won't help others? You can't help lower level folks quest or gear up?


It seems when people say they want groups to play with, what they mean is they want groups to finish their quests or carry them to better gear.


Yeah, for reals. I want to know what THAT guy is smoking, never mind anyone else. If you join a guild of elitists, that's your own bad. Most guilds form solely for the sake of being able to help each other out and experience the game's content together in the most fun and enjoyable way possible.

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I haven't heard of any guilds doing runs to gear people or "keying" people for maelstrom.


Don't be mad that folks won't help you when you won't help others. You just seem hurt that you can't have an on-demand tool to make people appear to carry your through quests or get you wanted gear.


This is more about you than about any game, including this one.

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Yeah, for reals. I want to know what THAT guy is smoking, never mind anyone else. If you join a guild of elitists, that's your own bad. Most guilds form solely for the sake of being able to help each other out and experience the game's content together in the most fun and enjoyable way possible.


I'd bet that those who complain the most about groups or lack of "help" are those who never visit content unless it has something in it for them, be it loot or quest needs.

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Finding yourself painted into a corner I see.


No, but generally when someone doesn't play for a week, it's for reasons that they previously experienced which may have been mentioned in the original topic.


As opposed to not playing for a week then coming on here to complain I couldn't get a group.

Edited by Reztastic
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I haven't heard of any guilds doing runs to gear people or "keying" people for maelstrom.


That's funny. We just did this, as a guild, last night. I sh*t you not. Me and a buddy were both "keyed" for Maelstrom (lolz @ people's idea of keying these days) but the healer and DPS (both also guildies) we had run Taral V with were offline. we also had a bunch of guy just reaching our level and really wanting to knock out the Jedi Prisoner quest. So, I formed one group and my buddy formed a second; between us we managed to get six other guildies geared up nicely in Taral V and ready to run Maelstrom, which we did right after. :rolleyes:

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No, but generally when someone doesn't play for a week, it's for reasons that they previously experienced which may have been mentioned in the original topic.


As opposed to not playing for a week then coming on here to complain I couldn't get a group.


You did not play for a week and then come here to complain you couldn't get a group.

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You did not play for a week and then come here to complain you couldn't get a group.


Yes, but not in the way you would make it seem. I chose not to play for a week. I did not expect to get a group during this week. I admit, I was going groupless.


My complaint is what lead up to the absence.

Edited by Reztastic
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Lol, another person claiming (Falsely it seems) that there is no-one to group with. Either Thana Vesh (The server I am on) is some super server where everyone is nice and groups together and talks or these threads are highly exaggerated....


I am going to go with the latter. I am sure there are some low pop servers but most of the time it seems to be pretty busy during peak times.


And plus, I don't know about you guys but some of us work. Some of us work and go to school. I have played twice this week but it sure wasn't because I am bored or can't find a group. I don't have time to play everyday....

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Yep, I'm confounded. I just asked twice for a full group for a 4-man quest and got one within 10 minutes. Perhaps it's the way you're asking.


It must be.


Perhaps including heroics was a stretch. People do tend to cling on to the weak point of a small wall of text.


I hereby amend it, without amending it, that I remove that heroic bit.


Focus on flashpoints.

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Not the slightest itch has occurred that made me want to start SWTOR up.


I can't find groups to run content with, such as Flashpoints.


I can't complete heroics, no one to run them with.


There's a large disconnect with a significant percentage of players that seem to think this is a single player game and the only interaction should be based on an 'as needed" basis which then would terminate as soon as that function is filled without so much as a 'thanks for the run', only to find them asking for help yet again in 15 mins. Disconnect.


I would like to run flashpoints to accumulate gear/social points/whatever but it's impossible past the very beginning flashpoints because I can not find people to run with.


Even with a guild with a couple of dozen members, this game feels barren and desolate.


This is a MMO. Give us some MMO Tools to engage the single player crowd to make it easier for them to run group content or participate.


For me, the terrible chat interface deters me from talking to other players much because its cumbersome, inconvenient, and annoying. Mostly a result of the absence of chat bubbles. Until chat bubbles are added, no real community interaction. Absence of Player housing is the other community issue i think.

Edited by RaulTheConquerer
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Lol, another person claiming (Falsely it seems) that there is no-one to group with. Either Thana Vesh (The server I am on) is some super server where everyone is nice and groups together and talks or these threads are highly exaggerated....


I am going to go with the latter. I am sure there are some low pop servers but most of the time it seems to be pretty busy during peak times.


And plus, I don't know about you guys but some of us work. Some of us work and go to school. I have played twice this week but it sure wasn't because I am bored or can't find a group. I don't have time to play everyday....


It's not some conspiracy. You simply have a more popular server/ better player enviroment/ or some other factor.


My experience remains though. I can't find a group.

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For me, the terrible chat interface deters me from talking to other players much because its cumbersome, inconvenient, and annoying. Mostly a result of the absence of chat bubbles. Until chat bubbles are added, no real community interaction. Absence of Player housing is the other community issue i think.


Refusing to interact based on no chat bubbles?


You add to my point.

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Refusing to interact based on no chat bubbles?


You add to my point.


Yes, its a very real problem for me. It's honestly too much of a departure from the norm. I do interact but not nearly as much as if TOR had retained the added visual dimension of chat bubbles. Take it how you will, I'm not alone.

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Yes, its a very real problem for me. It's honestly too much of a departure from the norm. I do interact but not nearly as much as if TOR had retained the added visual dimension of chat bubbles. Take it how you will, I'm not alone.


It would clog the visual field.

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It's not some conspiracy. You simply have a more popular server/ better player enviroment/ or some other factor.


My experience remains though. I can't find a group.


Maybe, maybe not..... Don't know.... I am just here on the forums waiting for the game to install to my new laptop. I will be playing and grouping soon. Sorry you have been having so many problems finding groups....

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If this felt like a good single player game, for example Fallout: New Vegas, that would have some redeeming value, but alas no.


Fallout: New Vegas was also made by the old Black Isle people. You know, the people responsible for the games that made BW what they are today and whose games they have been repeating with new settings ever since.

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It must be.


Perhaps including heroics was a stretch. People do tend to cling on to the weak point of a small wall of text.


I hereby amend it, without amending it, that I remove that heroic bit.


Focus on flashpoints.


Flashpoints are easier to find groups for than 4-man heroics. More people hanging around in the fleet doing nothing than on a quest planet.

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