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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Buggy? Yes. Not worth playing? Hardly.


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I cannot understand what people are going on about with all the game-breaking "problems" with the game. Yes - it has its issues, and some of them are inacceptable (See a certain level 33'ish IA class quest, for example). But the general whining on this forum is incredible.


Does anyone even remember WoW when launched? It was rather 'buggy' aswell. SWTOR at the current state might be worse, but still - It launched a month ago - And it's the biggest MMO to days date.

Bugs will always occur in a newly launched MMO, and these will be fixed in a while!




I also think most people needs to realize that, even though this game looks like WoW, and uses it as a big inspiration - it's not going to be exactly like it!


People who cannot enjoy this game for what it is, clearly does not appreciate high quality story-telling and a beautiful environment (THAT YOU ACTUALLY GET TO EXPERIENCE).


Call me a fanboy - But the fact is that I loved playing WoW for 6 years, and I probably still would, if it wasn't for a few things like:



- Dead worlds - (Flying mounts and teleport in the LFD issue all over again.)

- Bossfights, and content based on being hard after what Addons offer!


Suggestions on making the game better asap have already been stated by other people on this forum, but I'll mention them anyway:


- Create a looking for dungeon system - Which you have to go to the Flashpoint Section on the Fleet to activate by clicking something which could remind of a meeting stone. This must never be cross-server!


- Don't focus on putting in new content yet - Fix the most annoying (As stated above with the certain IA quest), and then the other bugs.


- Add more flightpaths around questing planets - But try to maintain a possibiltiy of open world PvP.


- Time to remove scaling in PvP, indeed. Do not make this cross server, ever.


- Combat log is coming. Now add some kind of target dummys in the capital areas where people can test their dps and rotation (Yuck). These should not work whilst actually doing PvE content - Because you get too focused on numbers, and not game mechanics. (As already debated)


Oh, and last a few dribbling suggestions, only to keep me happy:


- Give us a vendor which sells "fake" credentials, so we don't aggro unwanted mobs when questing. Let these credentials be effective until we get too close and a mob "realizes" we're not one of them. Should only work on Humanoid mobs.


Flame, support, Report grammar errors in a PM, etc..

Edited by LayneStaley
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I cannot understand what people are going on about with all the game-breaking "problems" with the game. Yes - it has its issues, and some of them are inacceptable (See a certain level 33'ish IA class quest, for example). But the general whining on this forum is incredible.


People have had it in for this game since it was announced.


A fair amount of rage has been building about it in other forums for years.


It's partly this, and partly that when you come from a game that's highly polished and been out for years, it's like the princess with the pea (the slightest discomfort is magnified - things people would have taken in their stride in their first MMO, because they had that "magic" feeling, are magnified because they no longer have that "magic" feeling).


Objectively speaking, this game has had a pretty good launch and,while it's not perfect, it largely does what it says on the tin. This is reflected in all the professional reviews, which give pros and cons.


It's mostly inexperienced gamers, or people with a bee in their bonnet about various things, who come to the forums to complain. I wouldn't worry about it. Ultimately, anybody who's even vaguely into either BioWare games or Star Wars will try the game at some point, and if they like it they'll stick with it for a while. Some of those people will have never experiened an MMO before, so for them it will have that "magic" feeling and they'll stay with it. Obviously some people are going to leave after 1 month and 3 months. We'll see what happens then.


BW really need to a) sort out ability delay and b) pump out some serious amount of new endgame content at the 3 month mark, I think, that will probably be the real test of whether the game has legs or not.

Edited by gurugeorge
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We will always have to endure negative Nancies. Every game has them. No matter what BioWare does or how great the game is ther will always be some who enjoy complaining. Most of the people who say they will quit never do and many who do will be back but no matter what, they will always come to whatever forum they can access and whine.
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Hey I like flying mounts! You try doing Molten Front dailies without flying over the mountains when you're fresh out of the portal, on the way to Setharia's Roost, or to any other location to complete the dailies. You try completing the nightmare known as Outland with the quests too far from quest givers, you try stomaching Northrend. Lack of flying mounts = hello more BG grinding, and not for honor points this time!
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Comparing a game that was released in 2004 to a game that was released in December 2011, with four timer the budget and 7 years of work put into it, lol'd.


Buggy? Yes.

Worth Playing? No.

Will SWTOR lose more than half of their subscribers after January? Yes.

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I assume you're talking about the bugs that people reported months ago in beta that are still in the release client as of this day?


I was in the beta myself, and much work was done. Not enough to be close to 100% (Which people are expecting) ofcourse - But that is to be expected. As I already mentioned because of the size of this game, and the fact that it is a MMO.


People that talk about the budget; Do you forget that this game is in the Guiness World record because of the amount of dialog? Where hundreds of voice actors are paid to deliver a high quality questing experience.


Ofcourse you expect less bugs when you look at the budget, but do you even give a thought about what we have in this MMO compared to other?

Edited by LayneStaley
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Wowtrolls are just mad because their game has plateaued, hopefully after january they will all go back to pandacraft when 30days is up.


I for one am absolutly loving Swtor, it has its issues but this is the most fun i've had in an MMO in years.

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Ofcourse you expect less bugs when you look at the budget, but do you even give a thought about what we have in this MMO compared to other?


Sometimes hardcore Achievers are so narrowly-focussed that they don't even see anything else in the game other than a sequence of ladders of various sorts. That's not to rag on the Achiever game style, just to try and put things in perspective.


Being able to do storyline quests with high quality VO in a group is something absolutely new and unique in MMOs.


But not all players are able to actually notice that, especially if all they're concerned about is progression and/or competition.


But it is noticed more by Explorers and Socializers.


Actually, in a way, this is the first major MMO of recent times that's had a good balance of playstyles for all 4 Bartle types. Most MMOs are heavily skewed either to Achievers or Player Killers, with catering to Explorers and Socializers usually being minimal (a chat box and a few exploration badges or something).


In this MMO, all 4 playstyles have something for them.

Edited by gurugeorge
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Wowtrolls are just mad because their game has plateaued, hopefully after january they will all go back to pandacraft when 30days is up.


I for one am absolutly loving Swtor, it has its issues but this is the most fun i've had in an MMO in years.


So you're somewhere in your mid-thirties then.

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People who cannot enjoy this game for what it is, clearly does not appreciate high quality story-telling and a beautiful environment (THAT YOU ACTUALLY GET TO EXPERIENCE).


the game is full of exhaustion zones that keep you on the linear path also its not worth paying to play when you get 10-15FPS in warzones, until they fix the FPS issues its not worth it.

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I cannot understand what people are going on about with all the game-breaking "problems" with the game. Yes - it has its issues, and some of them are inacceptable (See a certain level 33'ish IA class quest, for example). But the general whining on this forum is incredible.


Does anyone even remember WoW when launched? It was rather 'buggy' aswell. SWTOR at the current state might be worse, but still - It launched a month ago - And it's the biggest MMO to days date.

Bugs will always occur in a newly launched MMO, and these will be fixed in a while!




I also think most people needs to realize that, even though this game looks like WoW, and uses it as a big inspiration - it's not going to be exactly like it!


People who cannot enjoy this game for what it is, clearly does not appreciate high quality story-telling and a beautiful environment (THAT YOU ACTUALLY GET TO EXPERIENCE).


Call me a fanboy - But the fact is that I loved playing WoW for 6 years, and I probably still would, if it wasn't for a few things like:



- Dead worlds - (Flying mounts and teleport in the LFD issue all over again.)

- Bossfights, and content based on being hard after what Addons offer!


Suggestions on making the game better asap have already been stated by other people on this forum, but I'll mention them anyway:


- Create a looking for dungeon system - Which you have to go to the Flashpoint Section on the Fleet to activate by clicking something which could remind of a meeting stone. This must never be cross-server!


- Don't focus on putting in new content yet - Fix the most annoying (As stated above with the certain IA quest), and then the other bugs.


- Add more flightpaths around questing planets - But try to maintain a possibiltiy of open world PvP.


- Time to remove scaling in PvP, indeed. Do not make this cross server, ever.


- Combat log is coming. Now add some kind of target dummys in the capital areas where people can test their dps and rotation (Yuck). These should not work whilst actually doing PvE content - Because you get too focused on numbers, and not game mechanics. (As already debated)


Oh, and last a few dribbling suggestions, only to keep me happy:


- Give us a vendor which sells "fake" credentials, so we don't aggro unwanted mobs when questing. Let these credentials be effective until we get too close and a mob "realizes" we're not one of them. Should only work on Humanoid mobs.


Flame, support, Report grammar errors in a PM, etc..




Yo gotta love that ppl still use wow 2004 vs a game that came out 2012 (111220)


Do you compare everything that comes out on the market today vs the first computer, games, tv and everything you can come up with ?!?!


if you dont, stop compare this game vs a game that came out 2004 and how buggy that was


dont gonna say what i am thinking because then i will get a perma ban.

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Wowtrolls are just mad because their game has plateaued, hopefully after january they will all go back to pandacraft when 30days is up.


I for one am absolutly loving Swtor, it has its issues but this is the most fun i've had in an MMO in years.



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Yo gotta love that ppl still use wow 2004 vs a game that came out 2012 (111220)


Do you compare everything that comes out on the market today vs the first computer, games, tv and everything you can come up with ?!?!


if you dont, stop compare this game vs a game that came out 2004 and how buggy that was


dont gonna say what i am thinking because then i will get a perma ban.



I compare with the one of the only viable games in its genre. Ok, apologies. If I edit out all words that include WoW, and replace them with for example Age of Conan/STO/Warhammer/Rift (Was pretty smooth, mind) - My point still stands.


Then enter my argument about how huge this game is, compared to most other MMO's. Then I want to tell YOU what I'm thinking, but I won't, cause then I too will get a perma ban. I admit that there are issues, I hope you saw that.

Edited by LayneStaley
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- Dead worlds - (Flying mounts and teleport in the LFD issue all over again.)

- Bossfights, and content based on being hard after what Addons offer!


1. The community is worse in SWTOR.

2. The world is more dead in SWTOR because of the phasing.

3. The bossfights are more fun with addons (that take 5 second to install) because they make it so you're struggling against boss mechanics instead of struggling against your UI's limitations.


Also, anyone who says WoW had this many bugs at release is smoking something because it flat out didn't. I'm not saying it was bug-free but SWTOR you can't go 2 minutes without running into a bug at the higher levels. And on top of that a larger percentage of these bugs are things you can't just avoid and have a big impact on your enjoyment of the game.

Edited by Shillen
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my only problem with this game is the lag. when this computer can play every game that came out in 2011 and only have problems with this one then something needs to be done.


dont tell me i need a new card when every other game works.


dont tell me to change or try new settings. i have.


i have done everything possible from tweaking settings, new drivers, etc and when i can play other new releases this year with even better graphics then something here is really wrong.


this is what makes this game unplayable for me. the other stuff i can work around or wait to be implemented but a single digit frame rate doesnt cut it in caves, dream type instances, buildings and etc. most outland stuff is fine.


please dont tell me to read this post or that here about it. i have. i have read everything i can get my hands on to remedy this problem. i still have problems as stated above. i have 8 gigs of ram so dont blame that and a quad core. there are no viruses and etc.


sadly im not alone on this either.


enough about me.


back to the buggy part. game really isnt terribly buggy. just alot of the playability is alpha test style. the ui is getting revamped which it needs badly. you can go afk while at the gtn and the widows cant be moved around are minor annoyances that are growing. stuff is getting fixed. it will be a slow process. generally mmo players are not a very forgiving crowd. most will move on and come back later for a second try. it is then that stuff will need to be greatly improved.


sadly if the names bioware and starewars wasnt involved in this mmo there would have been a stampede to canceling subscriptions. but thier names are involved so there is hope. half of my guild wont be playing after the 20th but will come back when things get resolved or so they say. time will tell.

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1. The community is worse in SWTOR.

2. The world is more dead in SWTOR because of the phasing.

3. The bossfights are more fun with addons (that take 5 second to install) because they make it so you're struggling against boss mechanics instead of struggling against your UI's limitations.




1. HOW is the community worse, have you even grouped with players yet?


I've got involved with nothing but positive groups so far. Mature, respecting and funny people. This is due to how the game is built up. It doesn't support people looking at numbers (dps) - and not the amount of CC a person put out after a wipe.


2. No. You meet people - In a huge zone. Phasing sucks, but atleast it isn't desolate.


3. How on earth, is looking at timers more fun than the boss mechanics itself? Even Blizzard says that they want to make the bossfights independent of (other than their own) addons.



EDIT: A couple of edits due to poor writing and problems to express myself.

Edited by LayneStaley
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So you're somewhere in your mid-thirties then.


I agree with her. I'm loving SWTOR and can't wait until the WoW-fans go back to their game in a week. I'm also 39 years old, and have been playing MMOs since the first year of EQ1. What does that have to do with anything?

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  • 4 weeks later...

First Thing i wanna say is good post LayneStaley, i totally agree with you. This game is great and while there are bugs in this game, they arent nearly as game breaking as people will lead on.


There is a great community in this game. I started playing recently but wow what a community. i am currently on typhon and everyone is talking and actuvely helping one another, and there isnt any trolling. It so far has been one of the best communities ive ever experienced. I played wow myself and, while i am a big fan of the game, it seemed that with the exception of a few, it was mainly trolls who couldnt keep their mouths shut going off on chat.


Secondly i havent noitced that the SWOTR world id dead. maybe the characters arent doing much but they are doing something. that coupled with the amount of players, and the amount of things you can do makes this world awsome and somethign worth exploring.


The gameplay in this game is also great, its like The old Knights of The Old Republic games meets great mmo gameplay from games like wow and guild wars. Yes there are bugs but its been two months after launch. while this may seem like a long time, i myself am a programmer. its not easy fixing bugs when they are all being found at once and people coplain. This game is awsome, and i agree with what it needs, as stated in the original post, and it does need a bug fix, but i understand why its not happening quickly and i still love this game for what it is, one of the best MMO's ever.

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Great post OP.


People keep saying the zones are dead and I keep running into people either in towns or out questing and I am not on a high pop server.


Yes SWTOR has bugs and yes they are trying to fix them.


I have decided that a game could come out with NO bugs in it and people would still gripe about something. Oh, the grass isnt green enough, the sky is to blue. Doesnt matter it will happen. They could fix every bug and put out everything they said they where going to and what people are asking for all next week and people will still screem.

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