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I'll gladly renew my sub when...


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So BW (and anyone who cares to comment), as someone who loves PvP I will gladly sub again when you guys/gals provide the following:


...when brackets are in place....

There is nothing like going into a warzone and watching a geared level 50 taking 20-50% health per hit off your teammates. Brackets should have been in place since day one (even one for 50 and one for everyone under 50) and I lack to see how BW could have been so shortsighted. The first people to 50 should have just had to wait. So now everyone under level 50 gets their skulls bashed in over and over again just so it wouldn't be so lonely at the top? It strikes me as somewhat ridiculous. What is also problematic is that now you have a small population on each server that has the market share of kills and the best possible gear to show for it. I wonder how this will play out with fresh level 50's wanting to PvP when/if brackets do come along. In Rift, the disparity in gear was so bad that it killed PvP for anyone who was a fresh level 50 and wanting to PvP and I have fears that SWTOR will travel down that same path.


Either way, this is NOT something I am going to pay money for.




...when players get better XP gains for PvP....

XP gains in warzones are pitiful even if you do well, win the match, and are sitting at the top of the score sheet. I understand the story quests are important (for either getting your character's story or whatever)...but pretty much every side quest is not. WoW was able to keep my sub for a long time after I had lost my interest in their PvE aspects by virtue of the fact that I could level in BG's. It was fun, there was a sense of achievement that came with it, and you learned to play your class (and to counter other classes) extremely well.


If those two things are put in the game you'll have a very happy, long-term customer out of me. I am forgiving of bugs and random disconnects and crashes as this is a new MMO, after all. But I have a hard time wanting to play a game where simple forethought is completely missing.

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10-49 bracket is coming on tuesday. Once lvl 50 players are gone the leveling PvP will be better. Is more bracketing needed ? I don't think so, but we will see once it is live. The xp from PvP makes you valor capped most of the time, but I don't mind the speed ... there is no rush.
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10-49 bracket is coming on tuesday. Once lvl 50 players are gone the leveling pvp will be better. Is more bracketing needed ? I don't think so, but we will see once it is live. The xp from pvp makes you valor capped most of the time, but i don't mind the speed ... There is no rush.



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50 pvp bracket would have been idiotic @ launch, but there's enough 50's to add it now.


Still should have been in at launch. All the current system has done is give the hardcore 1 free month of gearing up by farming lowbies.


When the players still levelling to 50 do get there they are going to be so far behind it will be like it is now with geared 50's slaughtering new 50's in premades.


Bioware killed off any hope of a fair pvp system the moment they went live without a 50's bracket and with this stupid rng system of gearing.


This is pretty much exactly the same as what happened in age of conan and that game had 2 years of premade teams killing off pvp before they finally fixed it by which time it was far too late.

Edited by Lasica
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50 pvp bracket would have been idiotic @ launch, but there's enough 50's to add it now.


xp gain from pvp is fine, I was regularly getting 18-20k per match.


XP is not fine, the XP you are talking about is from high lvl, second when the other faction lose(mostly republic) they get 1/3 less XP credits valor per match.


The XP from warzones in TOR is a joke.They even a while back reduced the XP for warzones because they thought it was to high, so sad. And with everything else the lack of support there is for PvP in TOR is beyond me.They clearly dont want players lvl doing warzones.


Even the 1 winn match daily one do is a complete joke. XP is crap and not to mention the green lvl 13 item one always get no matter what lvl.I dont think anyone have actully used this, maybe a few lvl 13 player, but me like most others just drag it to the screen and delete it.Dont even want the few credits for selling it.


Doesnt matter really, PvP developers dont read these forums,not like they have ever given anyone on the PvP boards a reply :rolleyes:

Edited by Lord_Karsk
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50 pvp bracket would have been idiotic @ launch, but there's enough 50's to add it now.


xp gain from pvp is fine, I was regularly getting 18-20k per match.


Yes it would but then so would have been adding expertise to only level 50 gear (and what 40 gear too?).


Yet they did that.


It was a high level of incompetence that lead to that, instead of waiting for brackets we should have had level 50s waiting for expertise to be added and a bracket made just for them.


Then PvP would have been fun from day one for everyone with a little bit of whining from very fast levellers that they had nothing to achieve.

Edited by Dravinian
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Yes it would but then so would have been adding expertise to only level 50 gear (and what 40 gear too?).


Yet they did that.


It was a high level of incompetence that lead to that, instead of waiting for brackets we should have had level 50s waiting for expertise to be added and a bracket made just for them.


Then PvP would have been fun from day one for everyone with a little bit of whining from very fast levellers that they had nothing to achieve.


This I can agree with.


Given that the big decider is Expertise, not level, I would have added expertise at the same time as the lvl 50 bracket.

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50 pvp bracket would have been idiotic @ launch, but there's enough 50's to add it now.


xp gain from pvp is fine, I was regularly getting 18-20k per match.


Level 50 bracket from launch idiotic? Like I said, level 50's should have had to wait. Having to wait versus being fully decked out in PvP gear and smashing anyone in their path with LOLFACEROLLKILLZ....sorry, but it seems what is already in place was rather idiotic. Getting expertise and farming anyone below them will make those just starting out in PvP at level 50 that much more difficult and will result in fewer people wanting to take part.



All MMO's who have traveled down this path have had notorious failures of PvP.



In my 30's on one of my characters and even scoring first or second highest on the medals/score sheet with a win yields 11k....and that is IF we win (that is still less than the reward for a single, mindless quest of the same level).


If we get ****ed by a bunch of 50's then the XP gains are much smaller than that...and that is if the team doesn't abort which means you walk away with next to nothing...and guess how often that sort of thing is happening now days?


Part of WoW's success was being able to level different ways. Some people spammed instances, others quested, and still others PvP'd (or a combination of the four).


PS-WoW is only being used as a comparative before losers start with the 'go back to WoW' crap.

Edited by Scopian
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50 pvp bracket would have been idiotic @ launch, but there's enough 50's to add it now.


xp gain from pvp is fine, I was regularly getting 18-20k per match.


Why? Just because a few kiddies rush to the end doesn't mean everyone else should suffer. Let the kiddies stand around alone in Warzones for a few weeks while everyone else plays the game.


BW chose to reward the kiddies, not the masses of players that actually PLAY the game.

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Have fun with that. It was nerfed for a reason.


Good reasons too...


And even after the nerf, the amount of people using automated scripts to enter warzones and just run into a wall, or continually cast random abilities is still just as high.


When they do this 24/7, even with the reduced XP, the gain is still there for them.


For 2 days straight, we had one individual in nearly every warzone I joined that was doing this.


It took a ton of reports from numerous players before action was taken. Or I assume action was taken since that particular individual is nowhere to be seen now.


And yet, you still see it happening quite often.

Edited by Hudsonkm
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Level 50 bracket from launch idiotic? Like I said, level 50's should have had to wait. Having to wait versus being fully decked out in PvP gear and smashing anyone in their path with LOLFACEROLLKILLZ....sorry, but it seems what is already in place was rather idiotic. Getting expertise and farming anyone below them will make those just starting out in PvP at level 50 that much more difficult and will result in fewer people wanting to take part.



All MMO's who have traveled down this path have had notorious failures of PvP.



In my 30's on one of my characters and even scoring first or second highest on the medals/score sheet with a win yields 11k....and that is IF we win (that is still less than the reward for a single, mindless quest of the same level).


If we get ****ed by a bunch of 50's then the XP gains are much smaller than that...and that is if the team doesn't abort which means you walk away with next to nothing...and guess how often that sort of thing is happening now days?


Part of WoW's success was being able to level different ways. Some people spammed instances, others quested, and still others PvP'd (or a combination of the four).


PS-WoW is only being used as a comparative before losers start with the 'go back to WoW' crap.


The rate at which you leveled in WoW PvP was dramatically increased later. It wasn't like that at start. And comparing anything to WoW pvp is not a good thing. It wasn't exactly stellar. Ever. But, that's what happens when you try to homogenize everything equally with a base that was never equal. Which, they didn't even do equally. "Let's give defense/control heavy classes equal damage as damage classes and damage classes will get...uhm...hmm."


The reason there is only one tier is probably for numbers and queue times. Instant gratification junkies. That said, it's a horrible idea with the gear and ability gap. If they want to be anti twink and keep leveling pvp with the artificial buffing, they should still do it in brackets/tiers based on ability gain and gear limits. As it is now, you can either skip entering or keep hindering your team. A loss in all regards.


I tried my first three warzones yesterday. Horrible experience. Rolled by a group of geared 50s. In one, people left before the first door was down. Frustration seemed abundant. I'd rather wait for a good experience than be rewarded with instant frustration.

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