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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What would you like to see implemented?


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Hello fellow SWTOR players!


I made this thread to hear what YOU want/wish to see implemented in SWTOR!

I am not talking about bug fixes, class balance or the like, but actual changes and additions to the game.



I don’t know if BW already have talked about some of the things mentioned below, but these are my thoughts and ideas that would greatly improve my overall impression of the game:




Cooldown timer

Add a cooldown timer on top of your abilities. This will make it easier to see which abilities are still on cooldown or which are ready to be used.

I play a Jedi Sentinel and about 60% of all my abilities are blue and the-already-implemented cooldown graphics are also blue. This makes it difficult to (quickly) see which abilities are ready and which are not. I find myself looking more at the hotbar than at the actual fight.



Target’s target

Why is this not already implemented?



No crew skills notifications when in combat

Self-explanatory. Really annoying.



Better options for damage text

The damage text is for me, way to random and messy. Make options so the player can decide whether the text should be centered, at the left side, at the right side or whatever. Also adding the logo of the ability next to the text will make it more easy to see where the damage comes from.



Options for own and enemy health/powerbar

At the moment the health and powerbar are way too small. Please add options so we can decide how wide/long they should be.



Stay in party after a Warzone match

Self-explanatory. Really annoying.



Dual spec function

Self-explanatory. Would be nice.



Remove the “Create a ticket” keybinding

At the moment the “Create a ticket” button is the one at the left of “1”. Sometimes I accidently press this button, while in combat which is a pain! And it is currently not possible to change these settings.



Better sort function when at an “equipment” vendor

For example: I would like search for Medium armor only, which includes Strength.



Better search function when at the GTM (search only by text)

Why do I have the select Crafting, mission, materials or whatever to be able to search on something I already know the name of?



Sell items per single item (not only stacks)

Sometimes I have a stack of 80 crafting materials and I have to manually “de-stack” them into 20 if I only want to sell them in a stack of 20.



Stackable items when depositing in the bank

Self-explanatory. Really annoying.



Extract/divide items only by shift+click - not by shift+click+drag

Why this extra function?



Options for sticky channel

Why start in /general? Why not start in /say



Guild bank

Where’s it at?



A “are you sure you want to buy” option

Everybody has tried this. You accidently press an item you do not want, but it’s already too late.



Commendation refunds

In addition to the previous headline, when you accidently buy the wrong commendation equipment, you wont get commendations back, but credits. Why not implement a “get-your-commendations-back-within-the-hour-after-purchase refund”?




These were my thoughts/ideas for changes in the game. Some might be there already, but I just haven’t found them yet or some might already be on the to-do list for BW.


What are yours?



Edited by Blochand
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How so? :)


A housing system like SWG or EQ2, only expanded. Interactive items, maybe mini-games, perhaps a war room that gives "preparation" buffs that guilds can use before raids. Pets that run around and you can interact with. A place for trophies ala LoTRO. Not to mention the possible economy of furniture/decoration crafting.


It can be a ship, it can be a building, apartment on Coruscant, meditation garden on Tyhon, etc.

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better races to choose from


better customization options (sliders for body, nose, eyes, head shape...etc)


more open world planets to explore (none of this stuck on a track stuff that most planets are right now)


dx11, better textures, more graphics options for higher settings, better optimization


more color crystal colors


neutral gear



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UI mod tools - current UI is beyond terrible


cross-server flashpoint finder system so I can get a group quickly when my guildies aren't on


Reduced travel times - remove the starports entirely, let me click on the front door and go to my ship, when I get off my ship make me appear outside the starport


Let me quick travel to any point in the galaxy, not just on the planet I'm on, if not reduce fleet pass cooldown to 1 hour or less


Mouse-over healing


Significantly reduce ability delay


Fix combat animations


Make crafted items worthwhile for all crew skills at 50


Reduce effectiveness of PvP gear in PvE. I don't want to PvP but the gear I can get from solo PVP is far better than what I can get in solo PvE.


Millions of bug fixes that are too plentiful to list.


Improve space combat (and make it far more difficult) and integrate it into the class storylines


Reduce load times, improve computer performance. There's no reason my computer struggles with this game and runs other more advanced games just fine.


Macros. I have way too many abilities. I want to be able to macro some of them together.

Edited by Shillen
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UI mod tools - current UI is beyond terrible


I concur!!


There's also a lot of ideas that I havent even thought of yet!


Reduced cooldown on the Fleet Pass function (20 hours, really? /facepalm)

And beside better graphics options, the performance also needs a boost. Got a monster of a computer, but everytime I hit the fleet I get major lag spikes and counting the time in loading screen get's really annoying in the end!


I can run Crysis, Skyrim and whatever on max settings with no issues, but still I have to wait almost a minute to get away from the loading screen in this game..




I am actually not very fund of thewhole macro idea.. Yes, we do have a ton of abilities (BW should remove some of them and perhaps make others stronger), but for me it shows that if you can handle a lot of abilities with no auto attack and no macro = a lot of skills..

But I think they are already working on the macro thingy (so I've heard)..






I like that there are a lot of good comments/ideas.. Lets hope some read this :)

Edited by Blochand
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I like all of OP's suggestions basically because they are all easy to implement and they really would help the game.


Some things I would like to see...

- Bug fixes for raid content

- Imperial Fleet Pass on a shorter cooldown

- Spaceports done away with or drastically changed to lower travel time.

- The way the camera behaves. For example, I like to be max zoomed out but when a wall forces me close to my character the camera does not automatically zoom out. Drives me crazy, especially as a tank who needs to see everything that's going on.

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Agreed with all on the OP's list...






Let me make my terrible UI smaller at least.

GET RID OF BOLSTER Warzone combat BLOWS because of it.

Faster mounts please.

More Warzones

FIX ILUM...omg this place is stupid right now.



Would like to reiterate some points about space.. Be warned,the SW purist in me is raging about how lame space is in this game.


I think we can all agree that space travel and space combat in this game is fail and does NOT have a Star Wars feel whatsoever. The ships are anti-climatic at best.. I LOVE how you quest up to it and the feeling you have when you first walk in it...


That all goes away once you USE it..


Or the LACK of use rather..


Why can't I fly this thing?? THIS IS STAR WARS!!!!!!!! This tunneled crap is... CRAP!!!!! The graphics and music are nice.. The missions would actually be fun IF I WAS DOING THE FLYING!!!!!!!


Why are other players NOT allowed in my ship??? Why cant they MAN THE GUN TURRETS??


Why is Space a complete AFTERTHOUGHT in this game??? Why is it not as epic as the ground stuff???





Space travel should work like this (givin the existing engine)


The green door should be on the back of your ship...and the thing you click on the back of your ship...should be in the cockpit..You should have to sit in the pilot seat to access ship control. When you sit in the seat options should appear and I should not have to land on an orbital station to get to a planet.


At least make the existing system less clunky.


The entire space system in this game is FAIL from every aspect and needs a COMPLETE overhaul... Throw the existing BS we have now in the trash and start over. Freakin Xwing Alliance and Xwing vs Tie Fighter are WAY better than what we have in swtor as far as space combat goes... all I can say to that is... Really Bioware??


Why can I drive more Vehicles in battlefield 1942 than I can in a STAR WARS UNIVERSE??


THe lack of vehicles and terrible space travel/combat make this game really feel like a MMO with a star wars skin..



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