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How to force PVP on a PVE Server


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Ever want to totally screw with the other side?


Stealth (while flagged) and stand in the middle of a chokepoint of mobs in an enclosed quest area for the other faction.


There's a level 35 doing that to a bunch of us level 20 somethings on Tattoine, and he's literally shut off an area quest chain. Tickets to customer service are telling us that players are supposed to be flagged on PVE servers when they catch PVP players in AOE attacks.



So there we have it. Apparently, Bioware condones and supports PVP players completely screwing you over on a PVE server. Thanks a lot.


And the best part? The only safe zone (where you can unflag) is all the way back in Anchorhead. I disapprove of this approved behavior.


Stay Classy Bioware.

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I got a question does stealth works effectively with mobs, it's as if they are psychic or something with my assassin.


It's like you have to stand behind in order for stealth to work or something :/




On my scoundrel, I've come to believe that mobs have a "cone of vision" wherever they are facing. I can walk right up to something from behind, and only within about 15 feet from the front.

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I got a question does stealth works effectively with mobs, it's as if they are psychic or something with my assassin.


It's like you have to stand behind in order for stealth to work or something :/


Depends how close to your level they are. You'll get to the point where you're sufficiently higher than them that they can't see you.

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Ever want to totally screw with the other side?


Stealth (while flagged) and stand in the middle of a chokepoint of mobs in an enclosed quest area for the other faction.


There's a level 35 doing that to a bunch of us level 20 somethings on Tattoine, and he's literally shut off an area quest chain. Tickets to customer service are telling us that players are supposed to be flagged on PVE servers when they catch PVP players in AOE attacks.



So there we have it. Apparently, Bioware condones and supports PVP players completely screwing you over on a PVE server. Thanks a lot.


And the best part? The only safe zone (where you can unflag) is all the way back in Anchorhead. I disapprove of this approved behavior.


Stay Classy Bioware.



What you mentioned is both exploiting a bug, and griefing. If you do this and get reported I wouldn't be surprised if you get banned. Specially if a person opens a ticket and explains they are on a PvE server and someone is exploiting a bug to grief you. Also.... I think trying to get people to use said exploits on the forums may be breaking a rule or two on its own.

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What you mentioned is both exploiting a bug, and griefing.


I suggest they outright fix this fool mechanic so we don't have to treat each individual incident as "griefing" in the first place - fix the design flaw = no chance to grief.


They've handed griefers griefing tools.

Edited by lollie
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I got a question does stealth works effectively with mobs, it's as if they are psychic or something with my assassin.


It's like you have to stand behind in order for stealth to work or something :/


You actually do.


It's part of the design.


You are more likely to be seen if standing in front of another player/mob

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What you mentioned is both exploiting a bug, and griefing. If you do this and get reported I wouldn't be surprised if you get banned. Specially if a person opens a ticket and explains they are on a PvE server and someone is exploiting a bug to grief you. Also.... I think trying to get people to use said exploits on the forums may be breaking a rule or two on its own.


It's not an exploit. It's intended according to the Code.


AOE will flag you for pvp.

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Ever want to totally screw with the other side?


Stealth (while flagged) and stand in the middle of a chokepoint of mobs in an enclosed quest area for the other faction.


There's a level 35 doing that to a bunch of us level 20 somethings on Tattoine, and he's literally shut off an area quest chain. Tickets to customer service are telling us that players are supposed to be flagged on PVE servers when they catch PVP players in AOE attacks.



So there we have it. Apparently, Bioware condones and supports PVP players completely screwing you over on a PVE server. Thanks a lot.


And the best part? The only safe zone (where you can unflag) is all the way back in Anchorhead. I disapprove of this approved behavior.


Stay Classy Bioware.


Well not according to their server descriptions it is not condoned as it specifically says both parties must agree or be in a PvP zone. If either of those are not applicable then report the player for exploiting a mechanic and link this page from Bioware's own support section so that the CS team will have a bit of a clue of what this issue is.


Remain polite and explain that you did not explicitly agree to pvp and you are being forced flagged by a player exploiting a game mechanic. If enough people do this then I hope Bioware will take some notice. Though having said that there is a 29 page post about this very issue that they have so far ignored so maybe not :(

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I don't think they've even stopped by to address this issue, despite several long threads having been created about it.


They don't care.


Not addressing it right away does not mean its a acceptable behavior. At some point common sense has to take apart of peoples thinking process. Forcing PvP on a PvE server is a exploit thats a no-brainer.

Edited by Xukuth
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You'd think eh.


They need to fix this issue now, not in three months.


Without seeing the code its impossible to know how difficult this would be to change. They are likely looking into fixing it as soon as possible. Sometimes things that seem like a easy fix can be a logistic nightmare.

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This happened to me a couple of nights ago in Tatooine. I was suddenly jumped upon by some Republic idiot who was 10 levels higher than me after letting loose some of my AOE.


Funny thing was that I still managed to kill him. so moral of the story is: if you are going to try this, make sure you actually know how to PVP first. ;)

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This could happen in other games but they tend to have solo mobs so no need to aoe. This game focused on groups of mobs.


It does sound like griefing and reportable. But gms are so busy as it is I'm not sure how they can verify it.


I guess the easiest fix is not to flag yourself if you simply damage a stealthed flagged enemy.

Edited by fro_do_fraggins
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