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If you claim to not experience ability delay....


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Please tell me which other MMOs you have played, and how far you progressed through them.


Have you played WoW?


I just want to know if those people claiming to not have ability delay actually know what real character responsiveness feels like.

Edited by Motoeric
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yeah, i have no ability delay. I do have ability and/or global cooldown though. I also have "casting time" before an ability fires.


I often wonder if people claiming "OMG BUG" know what they're taking about.


It reminds of the the old SWG "knock down bug" where you got knocked down and while using your knock down recovery ability you couldnt get up. The recover was a "chance" to recover but yet when it didnt work on teh first use people yelled "OMG BUG"

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Please tell me which other MMOs you have played, and how far you progressed through them.


Have you played WoW?


I just want to know if those people claiming to not have ability delay actually know what real character responsiveness feels like.


I have played



The Realms

Dark Sun Online

Meridian 59

Twilight Lands

Ultima Online


Dark Age of Camelot

Star Wars Galaxies

Dungeons and Dragons Online


Lineage 2

Ashrons Call

Anarcy Online

Age of Conan



And many more that escape my memory at this time


And I beta tested WOW but found it to be the biggest steaming pile of Bantha poo that I REFUSED to play retail WOW (and quite honestly get a very good laugh when someone tries to pass it off as some great MMO that build market knowledge or experience. It was MMOs version of McDonalds, nothing but. Lowest quality you can get by on but hugely popular because of marketing)


And I notice no ability delay outside of the every 3rd day when the memory leak in game in about to crash the game, and lock it up, on me in TOR.


So whats the next theory you want to suggest?

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I didn't think I got this, and then... well, yeah, I get it a lot. Especially on my JK using Riposte, which is supposed to fire off the GCD, so it really shouldn't matter much when I hit it. Sometimes I have to wait through one (or, less frequently) two GCD cycles, doing nothing but standing there and pressing that button when it lights up, until I can get it to fire.
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it's wow players who are used to spamming.


in wow, you spam what you wanna cast/use next and it is like timing it perfectly


in swtor, it is like when you spam ENTER on your computer and hangs it up.


yeah it's a bug, yes it's mostly avoidable. you can't spam in this game.


No its people who are used to having a fast paced system that makes them feel directly in control of their characters actions rather than activating instant abilities significantly after cast times have expired (but not).


Combat does not feel anywhere near as fluid as many other games. With no auto-attack-esque ability it should feel like DCUO in terms of input to response fluidity, but it doesn't, it feels slow and painful especially when combined with a number of animation/cast-time bugs within the game.


Even playing the vanilla UO I felt my character would do what I asked. Here I find myself grumpy that my animations do no seamlessly interact. I think some of this could be solved by a decent UI though, the amount of times during PvP I am non-the-wiser of why my abilities do not resolve, yes red text at the top of my 30inch screen while my cool-downs are at the bottom is a brilliant idea.

Edited by GURTUS
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Please tell me which other MMOs you have played, and how far you progressed through them.


Have you played WoW?


I just want to know if those people claiming to not have ability delay actually know what real character responsiveness feels like.


played mmo's since the 90's I don't have ability delay either.

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No its people who are used to having a fast pace system that makes them feel directly in control of their characters actions rather than activating instant abilities significantly after cast times have expired (but not). Combat does not feel anywhere near as fluid as many other games. With no auto-attack-esque ability it should feel like DCUO in terms of input to response fluidity, but it doesn't, it feels slow and painful especially when combined with a number of animation/cast-time bugs within the game.


Even playing the vanilla UO I felt my character would do what I asked.


i know what you're saying i'm just saying that you're being a big ****** and making a mountain out of a mole hill


stop spamming, set the queue to .5 like it was and you'll be fine 99% of the time.


or you can go back to wow and get the **** kicked out of you by blood dks 1v1, your choice

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Yea all of this no ability delay is bullcrap, the very easiest way to prove it, get on your mount start running before the mount has appeared but the spell bar has filled up... Despite sitting through the entire length of the cast time your cast will still be cancelled by your moving which means you have to watch the animation as well... so a 0.5 sec cast time is actually a 1 sec cast time due to the animation.



Lets also not forget the fun times Ive had as a healer where i run round a corner, hit healing trance watch my character go through teh full animation before realising that, not only has the CD been popped on healing trance and the animation gone on as it shouldve done, but i got 0 healing from it because it bugged out.



Yea, there are some very major ability issues in this game, from delay to them just not starting at all, needs fixing asap.

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Yay another troll topic, but I'll bite.


WoW -> Vanilla, TBC, WOTLK Several server firsts.

WAR -> Several city sieges

FFXI -> Lots of endgame experience (PLD, WHM, WAR, BLM at 75)


And no, don't experience this "LOL DELAY OMG IMAQUIT" people keep screaming about.

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i know what you're saying i'm just saying that you're being a big ****** and making a mountain out of a mole hill


stop spamming, set the queue to .5 like it was and you'll be fine 99% of the time.


or you can go back to wow and get the **** kicked out of you by blood dks 1v1, your choice


I play many games, WoW and SWTOR included. I want the time I play to be as fun as possible, if i have issues with a game I will say it. Why wouldn't I?

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Lets also not forget the fun times Ive had as a healer where i run round a corner, hit healing trance watch my character go through teh full animation before realising that, not only has the CD been popped on healing trance and the animation gone on as it shouldve done, but i got 0 healing from it because it bugged out.




I happens to me all the time, since i am a healer too........ or use to be since i have unsubscribed.

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I didn't think I got this, and then... well, yeah, I get it a lot. Especially on my JK using Riposte, which is supposed to fire off the GCD, so it really shouldn't matter much when I hit it. Sometimes I have to wait through one (or, less frequently) two GCD cycles, doing nothing but standing there and pressing that button when it lights up, until I can get it to fire.


this, i play a JK aswell and im constantly getting clipped animations and annoying gcds that cause me to just stand there taking dmg

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Lets also not forget the fun times Ive had as a healer where i run round a corner, hit healing trance watch my character go through teh full animation before realising that, not only has the CD been popped on healing trance and the animation gone on as it shouldve done, but i got 0 healing from it because it bugged out.



So glad I am not the only one who has seen this.

Thought I was going crazy.


The GCD is the worst imo as it just seems wildly inconsistent.


But on top of that all the casting and animation weirdness makes combat so awkward.

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If someone after this vid claims there is no ability delay he is either blind, doesn't know what ability delay is or i dunno, maybe plays other game?


another one


this is how it should be


Edited by Mazari
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i dont understand the logic...why ask for other games?


i think most of the so called ability delays came from other players who youse skills tp interrupt yours and wayround...some people dont realise it and hammer the keyboard .


to the video...i cant see evidence for klicking they key...and from what i can see its made on a crappy PC ...maybe he downloaded some donkey p*** in the background..i dont care..


i never had something like this...

Edited by angrYdog
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i dont understand the logic...why ask for other games?


i think most of the so called ability delays came from other players who youse skills tp interrupt yours and wayround...some people dont realise it and hammer the keyboard .


to the video...i cant see evidence for klicking they key...and from what i can see its made on a crappy PC ...maybe he downloaded some donkey p*** in the background..i dont care..


i never had something like this...



You're the perfect example of why people don't see it.


It's NOT crappy PC, it is SLOWED DOWN, you see MILISECONDS playing there. SLOWMO to illustrate problem.


Other players interrupting have NOTHING to do with ability delay. Ability delay is time after which skill activates AFTER using that skill, any interrupts come later.


I canno for example use Thrash and instantly use Jolt even tho it's instant and off GCD, most of the time it will bug and not go off at all forcing e to wait ~1sec before i can use it.

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As a sage healer the ability delay bugs really are making the game borderline unplayable for me. Sometimes a heal goes off, sometimes just the animation. I get no real feel for when my heal lands because it takes like .5secs for the heal to land, even after I've finished casting. I feel like I'm not in control of my character. And it's up to RNG if I can save someone from burst in WZs...
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