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I know how to save this game, very easy fix!!!!


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The only thing this game needs.



just one thing mind you.




Make 1-50 take 3 months.


Make every quest a bonus series


Make getting gear near impossible. But possible with grind.


Nobody will leave we will all be busy grinding for gear.


When the grind is done release the next tier.


We can do this forever!!!!

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It has a certain logic. I grinded over 1 year to get sith/jedi holos for my robe in SWG. The hardest one to get I bought at a ridiculously low price at the bazaar at 3 AM. Guy selling it didn't know its worth.


I've got free game time until the 18th. Cancelled my sub 1 week ago. Haven't even logged in over 24 hours. I've been leveling a new dwarven shamen in WoW. Might try Guild Wars 2 when it's released in 3 months.

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Yes, let's do that. Because doing nothing but shooting everything in sight for hour after hour without the benefit of advancing the plot wouldn't get boring at all.


You get to level fifty in two weeks? Great, there are seven other storylines, each unique, to experience.


This is not a game based on mindless slaughter of every last living thing in the circular pursuit of do stuff to get stuff to do stuff to get stuff to do stuff to get stuff. This is a story-driven game. Even the quests that run something along the lines of "Kill x number of [insert opponent here]" are related to one of the sub-stories.


If you want tedious, mindless grinding there are several other MMO's out there that offer that. I hear WoW has a lot of free server space at the moment...

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You want to grind right? Then stop taking quests and just kill things. No one is forcing you to take quests. Do only your class quest after you have leveled beyond the planet's level, then go to the next.


People complain about not being able to grind when you can just grind if you want. No one is forcing you to quest.

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