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Why is this different?


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If you're disappointed you either didn't want to enjoy the game in the first place, or you allowed hype / hate machine to pull you in.


I tend to imagine with most trolls, it's the former.


Or TOR is just not an enjoyable product to them.


The description of the pre-release game, and the actual execution can vary enough for customers, without requiring some sort of unrealistic expectation of the final product.


Edited by Loekii
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I do not think it requires 'new technology' to have presented story paths differently.


GW2 seems to have something slightly different -- without needing access to the spaceship at Roswell.


BW also seems to have been able to present different class stories, without such 'futuristic' equipment.



Imo, BW had the ability to create a Light Side and Dark Side story path, but simply chose not to.


This is not a 'hater' observation, but rather just simply an observation. If you can present impartial evidence to why BW would have needed 'futurisitic' equipment, lets see the links.



Without such links, I say the OP's criticisms are valid.



He says it's no effect, i disagree with that premise.


Unlike other MMO's i find i'm able to acutally have a personality with this character, I'm able to choose different paths on different quests (which he dismisses). I can kill someone or spare their life. I can choose to not kill someone and take their money instead.


I disagree with the entire premise of what he considers facts so i would disagree that the OP's criticisms are valid.

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I disagree with the entire premise of what he considers facts so i would disagree that the OP's criticisms are valid.


What the OP is citing as fact, is factual.


He is not talking about the subtle aspects of the story you pointed out, but rather the broader points he pointed out.


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DA2 didn't have 35 years of fanboyism to mask its poop.





I can make a survey on one of my websites in minutes that lets me branch out answers based on previous answers.

Bioware was just rushed and didn't play it out right.


Bioware should take notes from this guy. Please create a scripted text adventure for us.

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Forum Troll asking a serious question here, because I want an actual answer from non-trolls:


Why, when Bioware basically railroaded you with the plot of DA2, people said that was awful, but this game gets a total pass when it comes to that?


In DA2, basically the story was set in stone about what would happen at the end. It would not let you change the outcome of the game and generally made most choices you made had little more then a cosmetic effect. People complained about this and said it was cheap tactic that hurt the game.


In this game, I played the same class as a friend, except we were playing very different ways making very different choices, and it made no difference in the story. I was not rewarded/punished for making choices that were morally correct but pragmatically wrong, and him vice versa. And yet everyone talks about how awesome the story is.


Is it just that most people aren't getting that peak behind the curtain that I got? Am I missing something here? Was DA 2 held to an unfair standard? Because I honestly feel if this was "Space Opera" by Company X, a lot of people would not be giving them the leeway that they are getting.


DA2 was deliberately dumbed-down by focus group, for console babies.


This is a multiplayer game, you can't reasonably expect the same depth of storyline as the single player games. What you can reasonably expect from this game is a) a more immersive way of killing 10 rats, and b) the possibility of doing storylines with groups (which is actually a pretty huge innovation, IMHO, although a bit of a dead end for MMOs, as at present only BioWare have the resources and experience to pull it off).

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I do not think it requires 'new technology' to have presented story paths differently.


GW2 seems to have something slightly different -- without needing access to the spaceship at Roswell.


BW also seems to have been able to present different class stories, without such 'futuristic' equipment.



Imo, BW had the ability to create a Light Side and Dark Side story path, but simply chose not to.


This is not a 'hater' observation, but rather just simply an observation. If you can present impartial evidence to why BW would have needed 'futurisitic' equipment, lets see the links.



Without such links, I say the OP's criticisms are valid.


My point about technology went right over your head. The point was that processing power, and Artificial Intelligence is simply not far enough along to give us the real type of freedom we want out of games.


When I finish a game maybe I want to blow up the world, but I can't because the programmers didn't put that into the game.


Edit: Figured I would add this. Not completely sure of specifics but I think people are saying processing power wont reach human brain levels for like 30-50 years.

Edited by Jswizzle
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My point about technology went right over your head. The point was that processing power, and Artificial Intelligence is simply not far enough along to give us the real type of freedom we want out of games.


When I finish a game maybe I want to blow up the world, but I can't because the programmers didn't put that into the game.




For me, that doesn't mean that BW could not have provided a much better experience with the tools currently available to them.

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Eew, DA2 was horrid.


TOR gets a pass because it's an MMO. If the Jedi Knight story were the story for an SP RPG (KOTOR 3 for example), the game would be ***** and pillaged by critics and fans.


Like someone else said, the game has a good story....for an MMO. Compared to most SP RPGs, it just doesn't compare.

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Eve doesn't have an ending nor is it set in stone. It's player created.


Try to think outside the box.


That's because there isn't a story to follow in Eve. You either mine roids, do the same 5 mission for mission level over and over or sit in low sec space and kill people. Boring game but great graphics.

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Your logic seems flawed. People did not dislike DA2 due to railroading. They disliked it because it eliminated & dumbed down the vast majority of what worked in DA. The entirety of Act 2 & 3 was terrible. Immersion disintegrated & there were some absolutely terrible design decisions (reuse of maps, painfully obviously so, bossfights that were so different to the rest of the content that your existing builds turned out to be useless, and so on). Not once has TOR said 'you've come back to the same planet ten years later, but everyone is exactly the same, hasn't moved, and says the same things'.


DA2 was genuinely, from my perspective, a poor sequel. Like it or not, there's a key word in there. Sequel. That sets a load of expectations.


By contrast, the phrase Star Wars sets expectations that have nothing to do with gameplay and everything to do with story, lore, and the environment the game is set in.

Eve doesn't have an ending nor is it set in stone. It's player created.


Try to think outside the box.

It's also total dross in most cases. There's nothing epic or immersive about EVE. What it is is a vast opportunity for e-peen waving.


Don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed EVE and waved the e-peen, but player generated content will never hold a candle to an actual writer sitting down and creating something. Even the roleplayers of EVE mostly just bang rocks together.

Edited by Grammarye
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That's because there isn't a story to follow in Eve. You either mine roids, do the same 5 mission for mission level over and over or sit in low sec space and kill people. Boring game but great graphics.




Look at the history of some Nullsec alliances.

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Forum Troll asking a serious question here, because I want an actual answer from non-trolls:


Why, when Bioware basically railroaded you with the plot of DA2, people said that was awful, but this game gets a total pass when it comes to that?


In DA2, basically the story was set in stone about what would happen at the end. It would not let you change the outcome of the game and generally made most choices you made had little more then a cosmetic effect. People complained about this and said it was cheap tactic that hurt the game.


In this game, I played the same class as a friend, except we were playing very different ways making very different choices, and it made no difference in the story. I was not rewarded/punished for making choices that were morally correct but pragmatically wrong, and him vice versa. And yet everyone talks about how awesome the story is.


Is it just that most people aren't getting that peak behind the curtain that I got? Am I missing something here? Was DA 2 held to an unfair standard? Because I honestly feel if this was "Space Opera" by Company X, a lot of people would not be giving them the leeway that they are getting.


Because SWTOR is an MMO, story and choices dont mean much here. Its all about gear, dps, healing and tanking and PVPing.


Bioware has created a creature with head of lion and body of a donkey, its neither a full lion nor a donkey. It has no place in this world.

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While the end may be the same, the story in the middle changes, different titles may be gained, etc etc. I'll give you an example of how things are different.


A friend of mine was playing a sith as was the person he was playing with, they were in the same room and one of them talked to a quest person before the other. In one case one had khem val or whatever the "monster" looking companion is out and the npc says something along the lines of "who's the monster?", my friend didn't have his out and the npc says something like "Where's your companion?"


I've done quest dialouge where I've had Kaliyo out and she comments on the conversation, if she's not out the dialouge is a bit different.

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Forum Troll asking a serious question here, because I want an actual answer from non-trolls:


Why, when Bioware basically railroaded you with the plot of DA2, people said that was awful, but this game gets a total pass when it comes to that?


In DA2, basically the story was set in stone about what would happen at the end. It would not let you change the outcome of the game and generally made most choices you made had little more then a cosmetic effect. People complained about this and said it was cheap tactic that hurt the game.


In this game, I played the same class as a friend, except we were playing very different ways making very different choices, and it made no difference in the story. I was not rewarded/punished for making choices that were morally correct but pragmatically wrong, and him vice versa. And yet everyone talks about how awesome the story is.


Is it just that most people aren't getting that peak behind the curtain that I got? Am I missing something here? Was DA 2 held to an unfair standard? Because I honestly feel if this was "Space Opera" by Company X, a lot of people would not be giving them the leeway that they are getting.


Because DA2 had to live up to DA1. My expectation was it was going to be a huge game (all in my head btw). Bioware failed to deliver, it as a half assed game with reused caves, simpler combat and not as good as DA1.


SWTOR is a new game.

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