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PC Help - Bad Framerate, Can I even play this?


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Hey all,


I jumped on last night and the game runs, but never got above 10-15 fps. I know my GPU really is not quite supported and is the bottleneck, yet WoW runs on medium to med-high, and I have seen videos of people with my exact model of laptop (same specs and all) running Modern Warfare 3 with a solid framerate, so I am perplexed if SWTOR is just that much more intensive than WoW or even MW3.



Processor: Intel Core i5 CPU, M560 @ 2.67 GHz

RAM: 8.00 GB

Win 7, 64 bit



Are there any performance settings I should check outside of the game client? Anything else I can try to be able to play this? I really don't want to cancel my pre-order.

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Are all your settings on low? Also, I noticed a strange glitch with myself and a few of my guild mates. Try maxing out all settings, then turning them all back down to low. I think when you first start the settings aren't accurate. For me, the shadows were actually at high quality even though they said low. Turned them all the way up then back down again, and my FPS jumped from the original 30-40fps to 50-60fps.
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MW3 is a bit different because it only has to load a small map and a handful of people. SWTOR on the other hand loads huge maps with way more people, interactive objects, etc.


Before you choose your character to login, change your settings so that your graphics are set to low. See if this makes a difference. Try it in different places and test the FPS. If you're testing it in the Republic Fleet the whole time, well it might always be low :p. Also, make sure you are playing in full-screen mode.


It seems your computer is very eligible to play the game except for the video card. Games only get more advance, so I'd be saving up money to either buy a new card or a cheaper desktop.

Edited by ElektronJohn
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Another thing you can do to diagnose is, while in game, press Ctrl-Shift-F. This will bring up your FPS counter on the bottom left. Is it primarily red or green lettering?


If it's red then what is bottlenecking your system is your CPU. If it's green then it's your GPU.

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Are all your settings on low? Also, I noticed a strange glitch with myself and a few of my guild mates. Try maxing out all settings, then turning them all back down to low. I think when you first start the settings aren't accurate. For me, the shadows were actually at high quality even though they said low. Turned them all the way up then back down again, and my FPS jumped from the original 30-40fps to 50-60fps.


Just wanted to thank you for this. My wife was just having issues with Framerate and she did what you said and her Framerate jumped! We were just about to go out and buy a new video card.

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Are all your settings on low? Also, I noticed a strange glitch with myself and a few of my guild mates. Try maxing out all settings, then turning them all back down to low. I think when you first start the settings aren't accurate. For me, the shadows were actually at high quality even though they said low. Turned them all the way up then back down again, and my FPS jumped from the original 30-40fps to 50-60fps.



Interesting indeed. I will try this out later on for sure.


As for the framerate tool in-game, I did turn that on, and I believe it was in green, but am not 100%.


All my settings in-game are/were on low when I first started the game.


I know the GPU is the main bottleneck here, I was just hoping with BW's talk on how they were making the game accessible to lower end PCs my work laptop that runs WoW on med-high would be fine.


I'll try out some suggestions tonight. Thanks!

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Hey all,


I jumped on last night and the game runs, but never got above 10-15 fps. I know my GPU really is not quite supported and is the bottleneck, yet WoW runs on medium to med-high, and I have seen videos of people with my exact model of laptop (same specs and all) running Modern Warfare 3 with a solid framerate, so I am perplexed if SWTOR is just that much more intensive than WoW or even MW3.



Processor: Intel Core i5 CPU, M560 @ 2.67 GHz

RAM: 8.00 GB

Win 7, 64 bit



Are there any performance settings I should check outside of the game client? Anything else I can try to be able to play this? I really don't want to cancel my pre-order.


My Lenovo T410s has very similar specs (M540 @ 2.53GHz and an NVS 3100m) and it did not do well with the beta client, it really bogged down at the lowest settings.


As for MW3 and WoW, I certainly do not get "solid" frame rates with either of them and both at their lowest settings @ 1440x900.


WoW runs ok for questing but 5-mans and raids are in the single digits for FPS. As for MW3, on some maps the game is unplayable period.


The bottom line is you don't have a gaming video card, you have a business video card designed for reliability and not gaming performance.

Edited by iain_b
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My Lenovo T410s has very similar specs (M540 @ 2.53GHz and an NVS 3100m) and it did not do well with the beta client, it really bogged down at the lowest settings.


As for MW3 and WoW, I certainly do not get "solid" frame rates with either of them and both at their lowest settings @ 1440x900.


WoW runs ok for questing but 5-mans and raids are in the single digits for FPS. As for MW3, on some maps the game is unplayable period.


The bottom line is you don't have a gaming video card, you have a business video card designed for reliability and not gaming performance.


Yeah, I am aware. I was able to run wow on Medium to Medium high with up to 60-70 fps depending on what level the graphics were at.


Maybe I can play around with it again and get a few more frames out of it. :p

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Are all your settings on low? Also, I noticed a strange glitch with myself and a few of my guild mates. Try maxing out all settings, then turning them all back down to low. I think when you first start the settings aren't accurate. For me, the shadows were actually at high quality even though they said low. Turned them all the way up then back down again, and my FPS jumped from the original 30-40fps to 50-60fps.


+1. My frame rates were much worse than in beta weekends and trying this instantly doubled my fps.

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Hi there!


There is an active discussion topic for issues with lag/performance:


Too laggy to move/fight


You may also want to check out these two guides for increasing performance on your computer:


*Ultimate* Desktop PC Performance Guide

Ultimate Guide to speeding up Win 7 on low/mid range systems


In the interest of consolidating discussion, we have closed this thread and ask that you use the one linked above for any further discussion. Thank you!

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