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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Please add in some sort of Stun/Snare Immunity..


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I already know the 'leet kids' will try to flame me for this, but wanted to make a post about it anyway.


The upcomming 1.1 patch, which puts the lvl 50's with the experties gear into their own bracket, cant come quick enough. But, that only solves 1/2 of the problem with pvp right now. The other 1/2 is something that you dont usualy see 'much' of in 2 of the queue'd warzones, but you see all the time in hutt-ball. Chain-stunning.


Chainstuns, in most pvp fights dont realy seem that big a deal, but durring Huttball it definantly shows its ugly head. Lets say you have the ball and your running around towards the other end of the map. You get stunned by someone that managed to get into range. So you pop your stun/snare removal skill so you can continue moving, or pass the ball, only, as soon as you pop your de-stun/snare skill your INSTANTLY stunned again (and vary likely its the same exact persone that stuned you the first time useing their 2nd, but shorter, stun). And guess what? your now screwed and there's absolutly nothing you can do about it. You cannot even pass the ball while stuned.


As it stands now, we all only have one single skill we can use to break free of stuns and other assorted CC. But, that one single skill is on a 2 minute timer that does NOT reset if you die. Now the stuns?.. Most classes have one stun/mez or such that breaks on damage. And atleast 1 if not 2 other stuns that do NOT break on damage as well as a Snare. These generaly have a 30-45 second reuse timmer on them. Thats 3-4 skills you can use,back to back, to completely imobolize someone, vs the 1 single skill they have to break free.


Problem? one 2 minut reuse skill to break out of stuns, vs 2-4 30-40 second skills used to stun/snare, X 10 people. Even a 2 year old who hasnt learned his numbers yet can see the problem with that.


Sollution? Give us some type of stun immunity, even if its only 5-10 seconds it'll make a HUGE difference in the pvp gameplay. As it stands right now, unless your a Jedi or a Sith that can leap/pull yourself across the map faster than you can be targeted, your screwed when you have the ball and you get stunned even once. Because that one stun will slow you down long enough for the entirety of the other team to get within casting range and form then on your going to be 100% imobile as stuns are thrown onto you one ontop of another, ontop of another.


And yes, i know the resolve meeter is sapose to help aleviate this thing, But that dosnt help for jack when your hp drops 3x faster than the resolve meter goes up. By the time the thing gets near being full, your either dead and respawning (in which case you lose all resolve within 5 seconds), or so close to being dead you might as well have not had the resolve at all.


Either give us some sort of Auto-immunity to stuns that lasts for 5-10 seconds every time were hit by a stun, or make that 2 minut reuse skill to break out of stuns give us a 30 second stun imunity. In its current form its absolutly worthless in pvp because as soon as you pop that 2 minut skill, you can (and often are) immediatly re-stuned and all you can do is sit there and wait till your finaly killed.


And yes, this likely looks like a bit of a rant, but it honestly is something that i think needs to be addressed. Every single game i have ever played with pvp in it has had some sort of auto-imunity/diminishing durration effect added to ALL CC skills.

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Personally I think they have two possible solutions.


One is to tone down the overall damage, making fights last longer. So that this 4 sec stun, even followed by another, shorter stun, is not a be-all-end-all combo.


Two is to make knockbacks and roots cost just as much resolve as stuns. Currently I believe a stun is 200 resolve a second, and knockbacks are 200 per knockback. In other words, you could eat 5 knockbacks back to back before you become immune. That's insane. Knockbacks should be at least 400 per knockback, or 50 per meter of knockback or something - the longer the knock, the more it costs. And if the knocbkack has a root on the end, the root's effect should count towards resolve as well.


In other words, they still have an awful lot of balancing to do. The question now is - can they do it in time. Natives are getting restless, and if Bioware messes about for 6-12 months, it'll be a ghost town long before fixes come. And lest we forget, this year promises some significant competition, MMO and semi-MMO wise. So they don't exactly have a lot of time.

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Please read before posting irrelevant threads.


Its only irrelevant if the system works as intended. As of right now it does not due to how slowly the Resolve bar fills up. As i said, Unless your a tank with 5billion hp, by the time the resolve bar 'does' fill up to the point that you gain immunity, your already dead.


So, as i said, they either need to fix the resolve system, or simply give everyone an automatic, instant, stun imunity that lasts for 5 - 10 seconds.


So yea, the realy long winded post you linked is good for 50 on 50 fights were both players are useing full expertiese gear. But for those not lvl 50 (especialy when going up against 50's) Your not only dead, but overkill-dead befor your resolve bar even gets to the 3/4 mark WHILE being chain-stuned.

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Resolve is working, the only time you can be killed while stunned currently is when the enemy team has a big numbers advantage on you, which strangely can happen a lot in huttball.


mostly you can take two stuns before you resolve is full, yes only two stuns, however you can take up to 3 or 4 snares before it fills up, which can lead to the idea that you have lost control of your character which you really haven't(just movement which can be bad enough standing in the fire in huttball :p).


A good way to counter dying so such things is situational awareness really, maybe I am lucky being tank speced Jugg, but I will wait with my pvp trinket till I have full resolve then use it never before.


Just a last losing statement, if you get burned down while stunned and you are outmanned 2>1 it's totally fair that you never get out of that stun if those two players have any kind of idea of how to play.


Teamplay in this game is to be regarded very highly.

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How is resolve not working? When the bar fills up I can no longer be stunned, grappled, etc.


"not filling as fast as I personally want it to" is not the same as "not working as intended".


The playerbase does not decide the intended speed that it fills up. They may have opinions on whether it's fast enough or slow enough but only the people who designed the resolve system can tell us if it's filling at the intended speed.

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How is resolve not working? When the bar fills up I can no longer be stunned, grappled, etc.


"not filling as fast as I personally want it to" is not the same as "not working as intended".


The playerbase does not decide the intended speed that it fills up. They may have opinions on whether it's fast enough or slow enough but only the people who designed the resolve system can tell us if it's filling at the intended speed.


ok well i have it on a video, and have more clips, people have seen it, 6 or so stuns, resolve reaches 100% full. fully white and everything, i then proceed to be studded 4-5 more times afterward. if its working as intended its broke as all **** and need immediate revision.

and yes snares an roots are a different thing all together, none of it stops after 100% either way.

Edited by HollowVamp
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ok well i have it on a video, and have more clips, people have seen it, 6 or so stuns, resolve reaches 100% full. fully white and everything, i then proceed to be studded 4-5 more times afterward. if its working as intended its broke as all **** and need immediate revision.


Feel free to post links.


If you are correct and it's not working consistently then I agree it should be fixed. Once you link us to these videos which you have we can take a look.

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reroll powertech or juggernaut if you can't enjoy pvp while stunned.






I really don't have an issue with stuns playing any of my characters (one is a jugg with unstoppable though, always fun to force charge into some poor ranged and see him waste his knockback when I am immune)

Although resolve needs to be fixed as it is bugged currently. I will always try to stun someone with full resolve bar as 1/3 of the time it actually works anyway.

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Its not the snares that my origional post was targeting, Its the stuns themselves. I dont think i have ever resisted a single stun in all the pvp matches ive played at all. Mostly because by the time the resolve bar has filled im already dead.


It seems the only classes that can take advantage of the resolve bar (when it does actualy work) are the 'tank' classes. Any other class that dosnt have the 20,000 hp to survive the damage put out in the 10-15 seconds your stuck stuned after getting 2-3x chainstuned will never see that resolve bar fill up. And if you do somehow survive to the point that your resolve bar does actualy turn white, you likely only have 200 or less hp left, so the resistance to stuns is mute as all they have to do is breath on you and your dead. Then your resolve bar drops down to 0 again 5 seconds after respawning.

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