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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Assault Commandos can do just fine in PvP.


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assault puts out more damage, but its weak, easily healed through damage. THe spec lacks proper on demand burst.


it comes down to, go assault if you want to pad your stats, go Gunnery if you actually want to kill people fast.


drawback of course is playing gunnery will bore even the best of us to tears over time

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I don't think anyones said AS is bad? A lot of people here would argue it's better for PvP than gunnery.


Both specs are situational. AS shines if you're being attacked, you can still do almost as much damage as if you stood still. Gunnery shines when you're not being attacked because then you're just dumping damage on people but take a massive damage hit if a melee jumps on you because they stun and interupt and just lock you down.


My roomate is capable of completely locking me out of grav round for an entire duel if I don't get lucky with timing my juke of his force kick. We're very very succeptable to being locked down by a melee class (especially tanks because they get the most CC).

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Yeah, what's up with your keybinds?


1 2 3 4 5 q e r t f g v x z and all their shift/ctrl counterparts (which ever is more comfortable).


Bind that ****, makes playing so much easier. Also mouse 4 and 5 (thumb buttons) and their shift counterparts as well.

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Your fire dot can be removed lowering the effectiveness of all your other abilities. The grav round debuff is not removable. I laugh when a BH sets me on fire because I know I will be able to heal through his damage while I kill them. I have to LOS tracer missle BHs. Edited by Aaoogaa
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I love Assault in PvP. Went back to Gunnery for two days to play around with it but found the lack of mobility and survivability to be a real bummer. True Gunnery has just insane damage. But only when no one notices 'em. If an enemy throws a pebble at ya you're in trouble ;)


For Gunnery I think a short duration sprint would be in order. Or a cooldown which prevents interupts/pushback for a short while. Another option would be to give 'em a skill that reduces the cooldown on Tech Override whenever they crit, get hit, or something.


As others have said Assault is lacking a bit on the burst department. When my HIB crits with Assault Plastique coupled with a proc from Full Auto I can utterly destroy opponents though. But I would love some ability getting close to that 5k crit for the takedowns. That's not saying I ain't getting crits close to that but they aren't as reliable as Gunnery's Demolition Round. I'd also like to rearrange the skill trees a bit. There are a tad to many fillers in the lower tiers and to many mandatory skills in the higher.


And what do you guys think about Adrenaline Fueled? I can't make up my mind about it. Adrenaline Rush is a kinda lackluster heal (and it doesn't work as the tooltip says) but it is a nice buffer. The Reserve Powercell component of that skill is very good though and at times I feel it's almost the backbone of our ammo restoration.

I do find the way skills work to be odd. I'd rather have the first point give a 100% chance to proc but for a lower effect than both points increasing the proc chance AND the effect. With the former we'd have much more freedom in picking skills. If I only want 1 point in a certain skill I should be able to place only 1 point without gimping the skill two-fold.


For PvE I'm finding Assault to be very good as well. Compared to other MMOs movement on bosses are very important. I'm also liking how Assault feels more involved than Grav Roundx2, Demolition Round, HIB, Full Auto on proc.. Rince and repeat ;)

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Well, I played Gunnery for 20ish Valor ranks from 45-50 and, honestly Assault, for me at least, feels far more effective in PvP. Gunnery only shines when no one notices you ;)


Eh, I would argue that isn't always true. I played a few matches earlier in Gunnery at level 14 (yeah, just starting out on my Commando) and I did more damage than half the map every game. In addition, I got 3rd in damage despite my team getting annihilated on Alderaan and having 5 kills and 8 deaths.


However, your point is well taken. If someone decides to focus lots of cc and interrupts on you, you are useless.

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Well if we're posting scoreboards as assault:




Don't really take scoreboard screens, have had a few with 500k+ damage games I didn't screen.


Do note the number of kills I have relative to my team, I certianly do not let dots tick on people for extra damage :p

Edited by Endeava
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I generally don't post epeen crap like this, but I wanted to reassure all my DPS Commando brothers and sisters that you can do decent DPS in PvP. FYI, I only have 181 Expertise.


Voidstar Stats


At this point our premade was 9-1 :)


Well of course it's good in PvP, it's the PvP tree. If you look at all of the shared trees, they really are designed with PvP in mind up front.


Think about it. With Assault you're a lot more mobile. Incediary round is your bread and butter, but you need to reload often to compensate for it. Assault has a talen that reduces the cooldown on Recharge Cells.

Once I hit 40 I'm re-speccing and seeing how it feels.

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If incendiary round is your bread and butter, then you're doing it oh so wrong. You put it down on them so you can HIB them. I wouldn't waste the ammo if I knew plasma cell would proc reliably.


Incendiary does the most damage per cast out of any of your abilities, bar full auto. It also has burst uses as it ticks during Assault - Charged Bolts - HiB combo.

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