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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bioware, Stop Protecting the Baddies


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It's you.


Asking people to not be cave dwelling knuckle draggers in their play style isn't being elitest. It is expecting more than the bare minimum.


If people want to do the bare minimum then fine.. do it in a single player game. If you are ok with losing.. fine do it in a single player game. I expect you who is playing along side of me to be able to perform the tasks that are required of you by the standards of the video game you are playing. If you can not or find it too stressful or you are too loaded or you have kids or you have any reason at all.. Maybe playing multiplayer games isn't for you at this time.


It is not ok to impose you inabilities on others and expect them to pick up your slack. There are tons of video games out there. Play by yourself in one of those games if you cannot perform up to the standard that is multiplayer.

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Bioware's repeated effort to limit the ability for players to not only judge themselves, but judge other players as well has reached a point of disgust. If you want to create a game in which you expect people to co-exist, you need to be able to know how the person you are forced to play with is doing.


I'm tired of grouping with a "tank" who I later find out is simply a DPS juggernaut after being forced to watch his buffs every pull. I'm tired of grouping with a DPS who I find out is specced into reduction in AoE damage. I'm tired of wiping on a boss because of enrage timer and I can't find out who the weak link is, is it me? Or is it someone else. I can't figure out rotations, or spells to use/not use because there is no target dummy, and there is no Recount.


If you're going to make it so I need eight players to do an operation, then I need to be able to see my fellow players spec. If you expect to ever create a game in which endgame is actually challenging, and I am going to HAVE to be able to see at least my damage, but the damage of others would be nice too.


This isn't a single player game, optimizing damage and my class is not only fun to me, it's imperative. If you're going to give almost every boss and enrage timer, logically I have to be able to see the damage I can put on in that duration. Stop preventing me from seeing what other players are doing, it's ridiculous for Bioware, or the community, to expect me to just take whoever, this isn't elitist, this is logic. Go roll Mass Effect if you don't want your play style critiqued.




A lot of us MMO fans have been playing MMOs for over a decade without the "necessary tools" newer players keep claiming every MMO needs. So, in reality, who is the true "baddie"?

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Bioware's repeated effort to limit the ability for players to not only judge themselves, but judge other players as well has reached a point of disgust. If you want to create a game in which you expect people to co-exist, you need to be able to know how the person you are forced to play with is doing.


I'm tired of grouping with a "tank" who I later find out is simply a DPS juggernaut after being forced to watch his buffs every pull. I'm tired of grouping with a DPS who I find out is specced into reduction in AoE damage. I'm tired of wiping on a boss because of enrage timer and I can't find out who the weak link is, is it me? Or is it someone else. I can't figure out rotations, or spells to use/not use because there is no target dummy, and there is no Recount.


If you're going to make it so I need eight players to do an operation, then I need to be able to see my fellow players spec. If you expect to ever create a game in which endgame is actually challenging, and I am going to HAVE to be able to see at least my damage, but the damage of others would be nice too.


This isn't a single player game, optimizing damage and my class is not only fun to me, it's imperative. If you're going to give almost every boss and enrage timer, logically I have to be able to see the damage I can put on in that duration. Stop preventing me from seeing what other players are doing, it's ridiculous for Bioware, or the community, to expect me to just take whoever, this isn't elitist, this is logic. Go roll Mass Effect if you don't want your play style critiqued.



I find the title of your post Rude insulting and uninviting

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For the love of falling hydrospanners, READ THE DEV POSTS. They are working a combat log, where you will AT LEAST be able to see your own performance. As for the rest of it... try finding a guild. I'm sure there are some other elitists you can count beans with.


This. Why is this thread even a discussion. They know we want it and are working on it. Chill.

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Bioware's repeated effort to limit the ability for players to not only judge themselves, but judge other players as well has reached a point of disgust. If you want to create a game in which you expect people to co-exist, you need to be able to know how the person you are forced to play with is doing.


I'm tired of grouping with a "tank" who I later find out is simply a DPS juggernaut after being forced to watch his buffs every pull. I'm tired of grouping with a DPS who I find out is specced into reduction in AoE damage. I'm tired of wiping on a boss because of enrage timer and I can't find out who the weak link is, is it me? Or is it someone else. I can't figure out rotations, or spells to use/not use because there is no target dummy, and there is no Recount.


If you're going to make it so I need eight players to do an operation, then I need to be able to see my fellow players spec. If you expect to ever create a game in which endgame is actually challenging, and I am going to HAVE to be able to see at least my damage, but the damage of others would be nice too.


This isn't a single player game, optimizing damage and my class is not only fun to me, it's imperative. If you're going to give almost every boss and enrage timer, logically I have to be able to see the damage I can put on in that duration. Stop preventing me from seeing what other players are doing, it's ridiculous for Bioware, or the community, to expect me to just take whoever, this isn't elitist, this is logic. Go roll Mass Effect if you don't want your play style critiqued.


This is quite elitist; and classless actually.


You make an ATTEMPT to guise your request for good: but then ruin it and how your true feelings; exposed yourself as an incapable tool you did.


You sit around and wait for your meters and logs and what not; once they are in someone will theorycraft for you so you can cut n paste their findings and call yourself a skilled player.


Meanwhile; I will be over here killing **** and helping out those who need it. You can catch up.



(oh, btw - the game is a month old. Which means the players you are going to run into are going to be anywhere from 2-6 weeks or so into the game. It is FAR to early to be labeling anyone baddies because of how they are playing. Luckily, we can start to filter out the baddies based on attitudes. Thank you! )

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I wanna play like an idiot and my crap performance should be hidden and not judged by my team mates.

I wanna be carried through content by superior players while I just have fun and none of the work. Work is for basement dwellers.

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I like the personal combat logs. You can still deduce who is the problem from them. If someone lies.. it becomes obvious anyways if you just watch the person play. With no cross realm stuff.. it is really easy to exclude the *******.


It's you.


Asking people to not be cave dwelling knuckle draggers in their play style isn't being elitest. It is expecting more than the bare minimum.


If people want to do the bare minimum then fine.. do it in a single player game. If you are ok with losing.. fine do it in a single player game. I expect you, who is playing along side of me, to be able to perform the tasks that are required of you by the standards of the video game you are playing. If you can not or find it too stressful, or you are too loaded, or you have kids, or you have any reason at all.. Maybe playing multiplayer games isn't for you at this time.


It is not ok to impose your inabilities on others and expect them to pick up your slack. There are tons of video games out there. Go play by yourself in one of those games if you cannot perform up to the standard that is multiplayer.

Edited by Vastalee
rude quote
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Keep saying stuff about going back to Pandas by the way.


Those Pandas you keep making fun of are going to take everything that isn't nailed down from this piece of **** in a few short months.

LOL What?


I don't see anything about pandas in any post I've ever made on this forum.


I think your forum meter is off...it's telling you to respond to posts that don't exist.

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Keep saying stuff about going back to Pandas by the way.


Those Pandas you keep making fun of are going to take everything that isn't nailed down from this piece of **** in a few short months.


If it means taking the credit farmers, the pseudo-hardcore, and the loudmouths, then they're welcome to Mighty Morphin' Power Pandas, with my blessing.

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Asking people to not be cave dwelling knuckle draggers in their play style isn't being elitest. It is expecting more than the bare minimum.


If people want to do the bare minimum then fine.. do it in a single player game. If you are ok with losing.. fine do it in a single player game. I expect you who is playing along side of me to be able to perform the tasks that are required of you by the standards of the video game you are playing. If you can not or find it too stressful or you are too loaded or you have kids or you have any reason at all.. Maybe playing multiplayer games isn't for you at this time.


It is not ok to impose you inabilities on others and expect them to pick up your slack. There are tons of video games out there. Play by yourself in one of those games if you cannot perform up to the standard that is multiplayer.


The trouble with text communication is tone of voice and body language are absent to indicate "these words are sarcastic".


That said, everything I have quoted from you smacks (to me - again, shortcomings of text communication) of elitism-in-denial.


One does not need damage logs, meters, or parsers to improve their play. All of the basics are already provided. I know my basic attack does X damge, and is available every GCD. I know attack 2 does Y damage on a 6 second cool down, etc., etc. From that we can come up with rotations and whatnot. It's only slightly more difficult than parsing trial logs at a combat dummy, or watching a dps add-on graph spike.

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The trouble with text communication is tone of voice and body language are absent to indicate "these words are sarcastic".


That said, everything I have quoted from you smacks (to me - again, shortcomings of text communication) of elitism-in-denial.


One does not need damage logs, meters, or parsers to improve their play. All of the basics are already provided. I know my basic attack does X damge, and is available every GCD. I know attack 2 does Y damage on a 6 second cool down, etc., etc. From that we can come up with rotations and whatnot. It's only slightly more difficult than parsing trial logs at a combat dummy, or watching a dps add-on graph spike.


Yeah, and if you have skin thicker than a jellyfish and aren't in the 33rd percentile for class performance those addons don't really have a downside, do they?

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Yeah, and you wanna hide your bad DPS.


See, I can just make blanket insults too.


It really isn't that hard.


Except, you know, the OP said as much in his post. Heck, look at the title. Don't be angry because you have to work out your own rotation. I am sure, somewhere, there is a forum that is telling you how you have to play your class.


My DPS does suck, but I tank or heal, so it's expected.

Edited by Saber_Six
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I'm tired of having to group with people who cannot think for themselves, apply a 1+1=2 logic, and need a crutch to do so, after which they consider themselves to be elite gamers who tell everyone how fond they are of theorycrafting and "crunching the numbers", in order to make them seem more intelligent than the lack of acuity they possess.



Well said, and Read the Dev posts I think they answered your question already OP

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Yeah, and if you have skin thicker than a jellyfish and aren't in the 33rd percentile for class performance those addons don't really have a downside, do they?


Just how they grant the elitist jackholes one more stick with which they can measure how much more elite the are than you.


(Using "you" in the general sense.)


There will be epeen measuring no matter what. I have no issues limiting the number of measuring devices to in game accomplishments.

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Why exactly do people feel the need to bash on the OP? You knew exactly what you were getting when you clicked on this thread. Sure, he sounds like an elitist dick, but there's something you are all forgetting: YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PLAY WITH HIM.


Wow...that is such a complicated deduction to make isn't it? Were I on his server, and looking for a semi-casual progression-ish guild...I would not seek out his. I know my abilities, and how much I'm willing to put into a game, and it doesn't match his criteria. He is honest and straightforward in his statement of the type of player he wants to group with. If there is a tool that will allow him to find those people...the why the hell should you care? You can go find a group of people who play like you. I'll be finding a group of people who play like me. He'll be finding a bunch of anal-retentive number-crunchers who play like him! =p


(I make fun of you in jest OP! But theorycrafters and number-crunchers mystify me!)

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I know.. isn't it ironic too, how all the self-proclaimed hardcore and elite players are the ones who need all these modifications and tools in order to perform?


Last I heard, guilds were already clearing content just fine without them.


I agree wholeheartedly.


Asking people to not be cave dwelling knuckle draggers in their play style isn't being elitest. It is expecting more than the bare minimum.


If people want to do the bare minimum then fine.. do it in a single player game. If you are ok with losing.. fine do it in a single player game. I expect you who is playing along side of me to be able to perform the tasks that are required of you by the standards of the video game you are playing. If you can not or find it too stressful or you are too loaded or you have kids or you have any reason at all.. Maybe playing multiplayer games isn't for you at this time.


It is not ok to impose you inabilities on others and expect them to pick up your slack. There are tons of video games out there. Play by yourself in one of those games if you cannot perform up to the standard that is multiplayer.


Been playing MMO's for years with and without mods. It doesn't take rocket science to pick put those who are knuckledraggers. Really. it doesn't. you don't need a meter to tell that the tank is new to MMO's when he asks you what the mark above the CC target is for. Or what CC even is. It's not too hard to figure out when the DPS to the left of you attacks the CC'ed target 3x in a row why you are wiping...


Meters and graphs only make it easy for the unskilled to think their really good. in an environment where being the top 5% doesn't really matter. I've played plenty of MMO's without meters, and people beat bosses and survived just fine. If you can't play without your crutches, if you cannot figure out who is making smart choices in an encounter, and who isn't, , then perhaps you do need the meters.


IF you think you need meters to finish content in this game, you are mistaken. Real world results prove wrong. If a game needs meters to push people THAT hard to finish content...I don't want to play that game. There is a reason I quit WoW. I don't want this game to go that direction. I hope Bio understands this.

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