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Bioware: Allow Advanced Class Respec!


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There is a con, I dont like it, so now you're proven wrong. No.


You "not liking it" isnt a con, thats simply your opinion. "Not liking it" doesnt detract from the classes functionality, its skills or abilities or its capabilities in combat.

Edited by Redorbz
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Your right about part of that. But the difference is, they announced publicly, and in various print sources that it would be possible to change AC, post launch. which proves that even they understand the significance, and advantage of implementing this. Regardless of the semantics of "Is ac its own class"


Yes, and then they changed their minds, presumably by having had another good look at it :)


There are four classes, each with 2 specialisations.


Same Main stat

Same Class quests

Shared Abilities

Same Ship

Same Trainer

Same companion

Same Armor type

Even a shared talent tree.

Both fall under the same forum heading.

etc....I could go on and on.


They're not all the same though. If every single classes Advanced Classes were exactly the same there'd be a line of argument but they aren't.


Yes my Marauder trains at the Sith Warrior trainer, yes her Ship is the same as the Jugg and yes we share a talent tree and companions. But I cannot equip a shield no matter where I put my points in the Skill Trees and I cannot wear heavy armour. The Jugg cannot duel wield lightsabers no matter where they put their points in the Skill Tree.

That's why the Advance Classes are different from each other and why it's arguing semantics :)

Edited by Cadiva
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The easiest thing to do is roll the mirror character on the opposite faction and play it in the other advanced class. I'm doing a powertech bounty hunter and a commando trooper. It's the same class and resource. It's just different animations and names of abilities.


The commando is the same as me leveling another bounty hunter and going mercenary, but why do that, when there is a whole new story I can play through?

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Thats a terrible comparison btw. A rogue in this game is much more closely related to a Imperial agent Operative, not a sith inquisitor assassin.


Operative has stealth, poison coated blade, poison dart, backstab, CC from stealth. So an assassin isnt as close to a rogue, compared to an operative.


Assassins have stealth, CC from stealth, backstab (maul), a lightning covered blade which is not a talent and is persistent so is more like the rogues poison, and their energy(force) system is more similar to rogues than the operatives energy system.


Assassins are MUCH more like rogues than operatives.


Edit: hell, assassins even have a talent that increases force regen while stealthed and for a few second after stealth ends. For anyone that has played a rogue that sounds AWFULLY familiar (hint its a carbon copy of a rogue talent).

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Yes, and then they changed their minds, presumably by having had another good look at it :)




They're not all the same though. If every single classes Advanced Classes were exactly the same there'd be a line of argument but they aren't.


Yes my Marauder trains at the Sith Warrior trainer, yes her Ship is the same as the Jugg and yes we share a talent tree and companions. But I cannot equip a shield no matter where I put my points in the Skill Trees and I cannot wear heavy armour. The Jugg cannot duel wield lightsabers no matter where they put their points in the Skill Tree.

That's why the Advance Classes are different from each other and why it's arguing semantics :)


A fury warrior can't equip a shield.......have a nice day, leaving again.

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A fury warrior can't equip a shield.......have a nice day, leaving again.


And, they use to be able to, before the change in talents. Arms could also dual wield then too.


Your point?


In DAoC, Armsman, Paladin, and Reaver could all equip a shield...are they the same class because at one point they all started with the Fighter Baseline?

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The reason most of the games that had this set up at launch and now don't are because of people like you that refuse to understand that the Advanced Class is a class. And eventually, the developers have to accommodate the lowest common denominator.



which is you.

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Oh man, I'd love switching between a hunter and a druid in WoW, and it seems totally balanced! I want it to happen in star wars too!


Except I'm being sarcastic because me being an operative one day and a sniper the next is really, really, bad.


I think BioWare made the mistake of making "Classes" and "Advanced Classes", in the sense that a "Class" is like, a basic basic thing, where an "Advanced Class", is what modern games would understand a class to be. (OMG PREPOSITION ENDING LOLOLOLOLOL)


So think of it this way, there are 8 classes in the game, you choose your path at level 10, level 1 choice is just what story you want.


/signed for no switch

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I bet one day, you'll get an option to change factions and class for the right price. Just a matter of time and money.

I'd pay good money right now if the majority of people with opposing views on this thread (not you Kourage!) would realise that they really aren't going to change each others' opinions now matter how long this thread continues... let's all just agree to disagree shall we? :)


Who was it who said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results? ;)

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There are four classes, each with 2 specialisations.


Same Main stat

Same Class quests

Shared Abilities

Same Ship

Same Trainer

Same companion

Same Armor type

Even a shared talent tree.

Both fall under the same forum heading.

etc....I could go on and on.



In the youtube press conference I posted, the devs say "class sepcialization".


We wont agree on this until they make another statement. So until then, its moot point.

Can someone post something of value to this discussion , rather than batting around this same tired issue of "AC is a class or AC is not a class"?


Surely there are more salient points to be made, without bringing this up.


You're getting it wrong.


Those are irrelevant. Yes, the story is the same.


However, the game-play is completely different. One AC from the other plays completely differently and uses completely different gear.


You can also spec in the same trees in each advanced class, so you can still do damage as a Juggernaut or a Marauder. However the game play to that is different as a Rogue would be different to a Warrior for example. (A better example of that would be comparing sorcerer to assassin)


In terms of gameplay they are two completely different classes, which is a fantastic choice on BioWare's side to give a little more variety to the game.

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This has been discussed even before release. I can understand that making the wrong choice at level 10 and wanting to change but not when you're 50 and bored with the current choice.


Going from a shadow (melee) to a sage (ranged) on the fly shouldn't be an option.


I know we can repec with th AC but with all the LFG groups looking for healers and tanks there should be some sort of dual spec system.

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Please allow Advanced Class Respec. There's no reason for this, give players the choice! If you're worried it will hurt your story or something - don't. You don't seem to care you send Jedi to go slaughter hundreds of Sand People, so why care about something that is needlessly restricting players?





If you want to say "NO" or "Bioware will never do this!"...




Thanks to Salzwasser for the link.


...and to finally put matters to rest, read: http://torwars.com/2011/12/01/stephen-reid-on-advanced-class-switching/




You mean to tell me that all of the information posted online, including YT videos, including walkthroughs, abilities, play throughs...you can't make an informed choice?


Sweet mother of god...seriously? Why aren't people happy with a decision...yes, I said DECISION!


If you can't make an informed choice in a game, I feel sorry for you in life.


It's permanent. You have enough information to make an informed choice, why in the hell would they give you an option to do that?


Yeah, and for those who are complaining about not having it...here you go, just for

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The amount of wannabe elitists in this thread is hilarious. Its the exact same arguments used before World of Warcraft had dual spec. I pushed hard for dual spec in World of Warcraft. I made a few threads and tried to post in pro dual talent threads. The arguments here are the same ones used in those threads. Hilarious really.


Oh if you've never played WoW they implemented dual specs, and 99.9% of everyone is happy they did. Bioware isnt dumb. This will be implemented as it makes sense. Think of this from their point of view. Would you quit if this were implemented? Probably not. I imagine you fanbois would need so much to change before you did. Now, will this be a useful feature that 99% of their subscribers will use? Yes.


Mark my words it will be implemented and it will cost credits (not rl money like some guy said earlier, srsly lol dude you're out there).


That is Dual SPEC not Dual Classes. This guys is talking about changing from a rogue to a priest not from a healer to damage dealer.

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I really dont understand anyone arguing against this. What are your reasons for not wanting this? (and please dont reply with anything having to do with the class vs subclass argument.) Other than that, what are your reasons behind not wanting this?


My pov is that you can read all the guides you want, watch all the youtube videos you want, be able to recite from memory every talent point and ability of each seperate Ac, but until you actually play it you wont know if you really like it or not. By then youve invested 4o hours, thats five 8 hour days into the character. Expecting the majority of people to then "reroll" HOPING that it will be better? Are you Serious, have you actually thought any of that through? The vast majority of players have one character in most MMOs. Thats it. If they dont like it, they usually leave and never return. Thats not good for anyone. People have and will continue to leave over this issue.


It has nothing to do with having things handed to us, or expecting the game to play itself. We simply want a choice.


If you disagree with AC change, then you dont have to change your AC. If you think its such a big deal, then simply dont do it.


Ive not seen 1 single argument citing any valid reasons for not allowing this , other than "I dont like it, so no" or "its not a subclass its a class".


If you dont want Ac change, then if it becomes a choice, dont AC change. Its very simple. But why try and deny the majority the choice?


Why do you feel the desire to mandate someone elses ability to choose? Without a valid argument it sounds like the politicians who want to restrict your choice on any number of issues.

Edited by Redorbz
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I really dont understand anyone arguing against this. What are your reasons for not wanting this? (and please dont reply with anything having to do with the class vs subclass argument.) Other than that, what are your reasons behind not wanting this?


My pov is that you can read all the guides you want, watch all the youtube videos you want, be able to recite from memory every talent point and ability of each seperate Ac, but until you actually play it you wont know if you really like it or not. By then youve invested 4o hours, thats five 8 hour days into the character. Expecting the majority of people to then "reroll" HOPING that it will be better? Are you Serious, have you actually thought any of that through? The vast majority of players have one character in most MMOs. Thats it. If they dont like it, they usually leave and never return. Thats not good for anyone. People have and will continue to leave over this issue.


It has nothing to do with having things handed to us, or expecting the game to play itself. We simply want a choice.


If you disagree with AC change, then you dont have to change your AC. If you think its such a big deal, then simply dont do it.


Ive not seen 1 single argument citing any valid reasons for not allowing this , other than "I dont like it, so no" or "its not a subclass its a clas".


If you dont want Ac change, then if it becomes a choice, dont AC change. Its very simple. But why try and deny the majority the choice?


Why do you feel the desire to mandate someone elses ability to choose? Without a valid argument it sounds like the politicians who want to restrict your choice on any number of issues.


Why can't I switch my lvl 50 SW to a SI? It's a choice other people don't have to do it so why can't we have it? That is a basic of your 'logic'.

Edited by HKFortyEight
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And for those who picked a advanced class they didn't like then what? I would hate to rerole and spend all of that time getting back to the point I was at. For example I chose Assassin think it would be fun, it wasn't. I fully understand how to use it but I hate it so much. But I am a lvl 20 and I don't want to rerole becuase unlike some people I don't have that much time.


Anyway there are no cons to respecing your advanced class so /signed.


All that Time???? What all 3 hours max to get to 10??? Boo Hoo!

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Why can't I switch my lvl 50 SW to a SI? It's a choice other people don't have to do it so why can't we have it? That is a basic of your 'logic'.


If that was a proper english sentence I might undertstand what you just tried to say.


All I got from this is that your making the same tired argument I asked everyone not to refrain.


Im looking for reasons other than the class vs subclass argument and other than QQ. Your post is the opposite.


But since you mention it ...


I had a quest at level 10 as a Bounty Hunter. It directed me to two Bounty hunters on the empire fleet. Theres a voice-over dialogue where they both state they are Bounty hunters. One expresses how he likes to use big armor and shields and the other guys states his preference. Then they say something like "whichever way you go its up to you, youll be a good bounty hunter either way"

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