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Bioware: Allow Advanced Class Respec!


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WRONG! Again go to their Holocon! Under class it says specialization which then lists Maurader Juggernaut etc.


Dude, you keep harping this argument. Check this out: Game info>Game system>advanced class.


Advanced Classes are ...


Advanced Classes are specialized careers that your characters can choose in Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. As your character becomes more seasoned through adventure, you will be given the opportunity to undertake one of two Advanced Classes. This decision is equally as important as choosing your initial class at character creation. Your choice will not only make your character more distinct and powerful, but will also help further define the role you wish to play in Star Wars: The Old Republic.


Your choice of Advanced Class not only defines which skill trees are available to your character (there are two unique trees per Advanced Class as well as one shared tree for the class), they also provide access to various special abilities, such as the ability to dual wield Lightsabers, wear heavy armor, etc.


It's crystal clear bud.

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So now because I made a valid point you have to resort to that? lol


Except for where you haven't. I pointed to the game whose class structure more closely resembles this game. You keep using warcraft, whose class structure does not.


The misconception on how base class, advanced class, and skill trees work is on you.

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Please allow Advanced Class Respec. There's no reason for this, give players the choice! If you're worried it will hurt your story or something - don't. You don't seem to care you send Jedi to go slaughter hundreds of Sand People, so why care about something that is needlessly restricting players?







I am sorry, but don't you have a choice when you reach level 10?


How is this restricting?


there is no need to have an advanced class respec .. you don't like the class you chose .. reroll and start a new one

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Dude, you keep harping this argument. Check this out: Game info>Game system>advanced class.


Advanced Classes are ...


Advanced Classes are specialized careers that your characters can choose in Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. As your character becomes more seasoned through adventure, you will be given the opportunity to undertake one of two Advanced Classes. This decision is equally as important as choosing your initial class at character creation. Your choice will not only make your character more distinct and powerful, but will also help further define the role you wish to play in Star Wars: The Old Republic.


Your choice of Advanced Class not only defines which skill trees are available to your character (there are two unique trees per Advanced Class as well as one shared tree for the class), they also provide access to various special abilities, such as the ability to dual wield Lightsabers, wear heavy armor, etc.


It's crystal clear bud.


You're right, I am harping this argument because they (the people who made the game) say on their website under classes SPECIALIZATION, as in you have 4 classes each with unique specializations which lead to subspecializations! If I didn't already play this game and I read on their website one thing and came on and played only to see another I would be quite mad......so are they liars or are you wrong?!?!

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Then under classes they should have to pick Marauder or Juggernaut not "Sith Warrior" and under classes they should have all those options not 4 options and then specialization which is long form for spec.



From a previous post


Advanced Classes are specialized careers that your characters can choose in Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. As your character becomes more seasoned through adventure, you will be given the opportunity to undertake one of two Advanced Classes. This decision is equally as important as choosing your initial class at character creation. Your choice will not only make your character more distinct and powerful, but will also help further define the role you wish to play in Star Wars: The Old Republic.


Your choice of Advanced Class not only defines which skill trees are available to your character (there are two unique trees per Advanced Class as well as one shared tree for the class), they also provide access to various special abilities, such as the ability to dual wield Lightsabers, wear heavy armor, etc."


Like a lot of Eastern mmos, this game starts the player off with a base class that has many branches into other classes. Those other classes are unique classes, just like a rogue is a unique class and a hunter is a unique class.


In wow there are people asking for a class change feature, and the answer there is a pretty resounding "hell no"

Edited by nabrass
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WRONG! Again go to their Holocon! Under class it says specialization which then lists Maurader Juggernaut etc.


Maybe they used some poor wording on the site?


Clearly they did.


Why do you keep hooking into that same mistake then?


Oh wait, its because that spurious use of the word specialixation is all you have...


Carry on :)



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or maybe they wanted to give you a variaty of ways to play their storylines and simply missnamed their "Classes" and should have refered to them as story. that way when you create a character you would choose your story and at level 10 you would pick your class, then people like you would have no arguement whatsoever.

Wait, did I miss something? If I reroll smuggler just to try gunslinger I will get a different main quest scheme? Or at least main quest is not linear and have various ways of completing, and different endings based on your decisions through entire game (vide: The Witcher)? Otherwise your post has absolutely no sense at all...

Edited by dadamowsky
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From a previous post




Like a lot of Eastern mmos, this game starts the player off with a base class that has many branches into other classes. Those other classes are unique classes, just like a rogue is a unique class and a hunter is a unique class.


In wow there are people asking for a class change feature, and the answer there is a pretty resounding "hell no"


See my post above you.

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You're right, I am harping this argument because they (the people who made the game) say on their website under classes SPECIALIZATION, as in you have 4 classes each with unique specializations which lead to subspecializations! If I didn't already play this game and I read on their website one thing and came on and played only to see another I would be quite mad......so are they liars or are you wrong?!?!




Freaking hijacking the thread.

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This thread has gone so far off topic that a post about the correct subject would be out of context.


What's with the nerdrage whine-fest?




edit: I'll venture a rational opinion. People not enjoying their AC means that they're not enjoying the game. If they don't bother to reroll, then they'll probably just cancel. It's enough of a punishment to relearn how to play as a new role. And it's the same story for either AC.


I agree .. no matter what happens those same people will complain no matter what because they are just in general not happy and bored and need something to complain about.. it's these people that ruin games because every game they cry cry till the devs cater just to shut them up then when their changes are implemented they quit and move on to the next game.


Don't let these people ruin this game like they have all the others.


trust me they will NEVER stop .. no matter what you give them they will always want more

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That ought to kick customer satisfaction down a few notches.


Fun new experience becomes --> pain in the *** re-do.


I wouldnt call a few hours playing a game I enjoy from a slightly different angle in order to correct my own bad choice a pain in the ***...


Depends on your definition of effort / reward I guess...


There is much self entitlement in this thread.



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You're right, I am harping this argument because they (the people who made the game) say on their website under classes SPECIALIZATION, as in you have 4 classes each with unique specializations which lead to subspecializations! If I didn't already play this game and I read on their website one thing and came on and played only to see another I would be quite mad......so are they liars or are you wrong?!?!


so how are they lying?


be specific .. prove it to us


and show us quotes from Bioware to back up your claims

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I agree .. no matter what happens those same people will complain no matter what because they are just in general not happy and bored and need something to complain about.. it's these people that ruin games because every game they cry cry till the devs cater just to shut them up then when their changes are implemented they quit and move on to the next game.


Don't let these people ruin this game like they have all the others.


trust me they will NEVER stop .. no matter what you give them they will always want more


Actually I am enjoying certain classes with different specs, there are just certain specs I regret making on my Inquisitor and wish to be able to fix that without having to go through 33 levels of the same stuff I saw already.

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You are warned when you're given the option to pick your AC that it is permanent and irreversible. If you didn't like your AC why play it all the way to lv 35 and then start QQ'n on the forums? Not only do they warn you, but they give you full detail on how the class and what their spec trees are. Edited by TalkingDinosaur
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I really have not seen a single argument how advanced class change would make this game worse. Not one. Just a bunch of "just reroll" from people that like to do so. Once again, if they implement it, that would be OPTIONAL. That means that people who do like leveling in this game, would NOT use the convenience. While others would.


Why are there people that want to prevent others to have fun they way they want to? Opinions are more than welcome but why object to having an OPTIONAL feature?

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Not my fault the people in this thread can't grasp it.


It's clear that the only thing we will agree on is that BW fails at consistent wordage. Since I also found a place where they go in depth (not just 1 word like in your exampled) to explain the definition of class, advanced class, and spec and you still don't grasp it I will go ahead and realize that that amazing IQ of yours gives you and amazing sense of tunnel vision.


Interesting you have failed to respond to any other arguments against it like they say its irreversible 3 times in game. Or that simply the set up of how you develop your character is innately different than WoW.

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