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Bioware: Allow Advanced Class Respec!


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I think people get too hung up on the label "class" and not what it is functionally representing.


Either they exist to give the illusion of more variety then there really is or Bioware wanted to have a bit of a throwback to older MMOs while copying WoW in overall class functionality (aka Inqs = druid)


i think people are just to lazy to reroll because they cant seem to grasp that AC "IS" your class, its even been stated by BW that their "ACs are more like classes in other games"

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Sigh. If i'm playing wow and some dps needs on a tanking piece, he will most likely get removed from the group. However I avoid this by simply grouping with people that I know. MS>OS


not if they add AC respec, then it will be more like MACS>MACOS>OACMS>OACOS>COMP

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not if they add AC respec, then it will be more like MACS>MACOS>OACMS>OACOS>COMP


No. Thats not right. Druids have access to Bear, Cat, Boomkin, Healer. However they will say they have one Mainspec, and one offspec. If they say "i'm here as kitty dps, os healer" then it's pretty easy to figure out what they mean. If a Jugg comes in and says "i'm Mainspec Jugg, OS ______" same deal.

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If they implement this you gonna quit tikiboy?


Just curious.


yes as a matter of fact i will. they wanted a story driven MMORPG but then they go and remove the story element by making it so you dont even have to go through it to play the other classes? my not just add a button to make you lvl 50 at character creation because god forbid you have to play the game?


this would be the first step BW takes to dumbing down their own product. you already see people that dont like the current faction/class makeup, money says would be the next to go and youll have republic BHs and Imperial Troopers.

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yes as a matter of fact i will. they wanted a story driven MMORPG but then they go and remove the story element by making it so you dont even have to go through it to play the other classes? my not just add a button to make you lvl 50 at character creation because god forbid you have to play the game?


this would be the first step BW takes to dumbing down their own product. you already see people that dont like the current faction/class makeup, money says would be the next to go and youll have republic BHs and Imperial Troopers.


Ok i'm gonna bookmark this. Its a no brainer that this will be implemented. Just gonna check back on a few people when it is. Oh I should add I did the same thing when dual specs were being discussed in WoW. The amount of mental gymnastics those guys performed when I asked them why they hadn't quit after dual spec was implemented was pretty impressive. See ya later tiki.

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No No No No to AC switching. Its bad when players are too lazy to roll another class so they just want it given to them. AC switching will destroy this game.


No No No No to Dual specs. Its bad when players are too lazy/cheap to respec and they want everything given to them. Dual specs will destroy this game. :cool:

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The amount of wannabe elitists in this thread is hilarious. Its the exact same arguments used before World of Warcraft had dual spec. I pushed hard for dual spec in World of Warcraft. I made a few threads and tried to post in pro dual talent threads. The arguments here are the same ones used in those threads. Hilarious really.


Oh if you've never played WoW they implemented dual specs, and 99.9% of everyone is happy they did. Bioware isnt dumb. This will be implemented as it makes sense. Think of this from their point of view. Would you quit if this were implemented? Probably not. I imagine you fanbois would need so much to change before you did. Now, will this be a useful feature that 99% of their subscribers will use? Yes.


Mark my words it will be implemented and it will cost credits (not rl money like some guy said earlier, srsly lol dude you're out there).


Dual Spec isn't the same thing as being able to change your Advanced class.


I agree Dual Spec is actually a good idea for a lvl 50, but being able to change your Advanced class - not so much.

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No No No No to Dual specs. Its bad when players are too lazy/cheap to respec and they want everything given to them. Dual specs will destroy this game. :cool:


Because no other game has duel spec, amirite? Please name a game that you can totally swap classes at the drop of a hat. Stop being lazy and reroll.


Edit: BTW this is about AC switching. Why are u even bringing up duel speccing? Is that the only thing you have to drop back on?

Edited by Gibbzter
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You know, I see a lot of people saying things like "ac respect would be like going from rogue to priest." Then somebody else says "no it's like going from holy to shadow."


Assassin - rogue (or tank I Know), with 3 distinct trees

Sorceror - priest (shaman is probably more accurate), with 3distinct trees


So please stop saying that wow respec is the same as changing ac, clearly it is not


People wanting ac changing do in fact want the ability to change from rogue to shaman.

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Dual Spec isn't the same thing as being able to change your Advanced class.


I agree Dual Spec is actually a good idea for a lvl 50, but being able to change your Advanced class - not so much.


BH has a healing class within an advanced class that is dps. 2 of the trees for mercs are dps and 1 is heals. If warrior has a tanking AC, and the other AC is all one thing, (dps) does this not seem a little unfair?


It won't hurt anything to put it in the game. It will however allow people to try new stuff out that they might not have done before. I mean how many people are gonna lvl the same class all the way to 50 just to see how it is when they already have that class. That'd be like a healing druid rerolling a new character just to see what bear tanking is like. How ridiculous.

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Aion doesn't have it why should they here?


I'm not saying i'm for or against advanced class switching. Overall, Aion had the worst game features I've ever experienced. To put it bluntly, Aion designers wouldn't know what would please the western market even if their lives depended on it! Never compare Aion to TOR. They are not equals!

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Because no other game has duel spec, amirite? Please name a game that you can totally swap classes at the drop of a hat. Stop being lazy and reroll.


Edit: BTW this is about AC switching. Why are u even bringing up duel speccing? Is that the only thing you have to drop back on?


No one asked to be able to swap classes (BH, to a inquisitor or w/e) The dual spec is an analogy. Forums were aghast at the idea of dual specs in wow for all of the aforementioned reasons here. It didn't detract from the game in the slightest, instead it added to it. Just like this would be a positive change for this game. No one is asking to change their class. Just their advanced role. A jugg respeccing to a marauder is not gamebreaking dude.

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BH has a healing class within an advanced class that is dps. 2 of the trees for mercs are dps and 1 is heals. If warrior has a tanking AC, and the other AC is all one thing, (dps) does this not seem a little unfair?


It won't hurt anything to put it in the game. It will however allow people to try new stuff out that they might not have done before. I mean how many people are gonna lvl the same class all the way to 50 just to see how it is when they already have that class. That'd be like a healing druid rerolling a new character just to see what bear tanking is like. How ridiculous.


no it would be like a healing druid rerolling to see what a warrior tanking is like. even if your spec'd as a healing druid you still have the ability to go bear and tank (just not well). if you choose an assassin you CANNOT heal, you have no healing abilities, you have no healing talents, this SI is """""NOT"""" like a druid.

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I saw that they said they are probably gonna implement this. Could you show me where they said they aren't.


i saw there they said its a possablity, but if it does happen wont be for a very long time. could you show me where they said they say its going to happen no matter what?

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I saw that they said they are probably gonna implement this. Could you show me where they said they aren't.


Actually they said at the end of beta they MIGHT allow you to switch AC before you reach e.g. level 20, so you have 1 chance to change your mind. But they either scrapped the idea of won't do it for a long time. Most testers didn't like the idea.


The game just isn't designed for people being able to swap AC when they want, it means some classes would be able to fill all 4 roles while some would only get 2.

Edited by NasherUK
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no it would be like a healing druid rerolling to see what a warrior tanking is like. even if your spec'd as a healing druid you still have the ability to go bear and tank (just not well). if you choose an assassin you CANNOT heal, you have no healing abilities, you have no healing talents, this SI is """""NOT"""" like a druid.


IDK if you've played WoW so I'm gonna explain something real quick. A healing druid uses intellect leather. A cat/bear druid uses agility leather. Different gear. A jugg would use X gear while a marauder would use Y. Also bears atm are very good tanks. If a healer had the gear to switch to a bear he'd tank just fine if he had dual spec (bear obviously). If AC switching were allowed a Marauder could tank just as well as a jugg if he had the gear. Notice in both examples they would need different gearsets.


One pro off the top of my head would be this: "Damn guys our tank can't make tonight, sorry we don't have another tank gotta call it." "I got OS tank" "Oh sweet, lets grab that other dps and go." Yeah that'd be horrible having increased flexibility in your raiding -_-

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Yeah. I kind of wish this option was available. I was playing a trooper and decided to play as a tank. I got to actually playing as a tank and realized I really hated the feel of it. I rerolled at around level 15 and respec'ed as a healer.
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