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Bioware: Allow Advanced Class Respec!


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Please allow Advanced Class Respec. There's no reason for this, give players the choice! If you're worried it will hurt your story or something - don't. You don't seem to care you send Jedi to go slaughter hundreds of Sand People, so why care about something that is needlessly restricting players?





If you want to say "NO" or "Bioware will never do this!"...




Thanks to Salzwasser for the link.


...and to finally put matters to rest, read: http://torwars.com/2011/12/01/stephen-reid-on-advanced-class-switching/


Why can't people take responsibility for their own actions these days? Do your homework, make a decision, and live with it.

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Please allow Advanced Class Respec. There's no reason for this, give players the choice! If you're worried it will hurt your story or something - don't. You don't seem to care you send Jedi to go slaughter hundreds of Sand People, so why care about something that is needlessly restricting players?





If you want to say "NO" or "Bioware will never do this!"...




Thanks to Salzwasser for the link.


...and to finally put matters to rest, read: http://torwars.com/2011/12/01/stephen-reid-on-advanced-class-switching/



(Because the forum has a 5 char. minimum)

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Like I said earlier, and I'll repeat it because you clearly didn't read it: -


If this wasn't a completely new game, I would accept that point, but I did not know what to expect from the Juggernaught when I chose the AC apart from the fact that it can tank or DPS and other little bits of information I gleamed from previewing the spec tree.


It was only until I got to level 13, trained new abilities and played it for a while, that I thought "in fairness this AC is not really for me, I did play a Marauder in beta and I'd rather play one again".


It's a very simple change of mind for completely understandable reasons, and I don't know why people get so upset just because people like me would rather respec than grind out 13 levels of the exact same content again. It isn't difficult or challenging, it's just tedious.


Well of course you would rather respec than actually have to do something.


And why is everything that requires even the most inconsequential amount of effort branded as "tedious"? "Tedious" has become a code word for a certain group of gamers for "a game mechanic that deprives me of instant gratification".

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I reported once of his posts for the insults already.


It's quite clear that he knows he can't win the argument with logic or facts, so he's resorting to name calling.


Actually I have both logic AND fact at my disposal. What do you have?

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hahaha i find it funny when people apose simple quality of life ideas.


Changing classes is a simple quality of life thing?


No, your playing a game made by Developers (you players are not developers).


Then why are you railing against people who want the game to stay the same as it is now?

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The people that want the ability to change their advanced class on whim seem to be missing something...


advanced CLASS. Now Advanced Spec. It says CLASS. As in, Sage CLASS, Assassin CLASS, Powertech CLASS.


In each of those CLASSES there are SPECS. Sage CLASS has Heal SPEC, Telekinetic SPEC, Balance SPEC.


Since I'm assuming most of you are people that have played WoW let me put it to you this way.


There are 10 classes in the game. Warrior. Paladin. Rogue. Mage. Warlock. Druid. Priest. Shaman. Death Knight. Hunter.


Those are all CLASSES. In each of those CLASSES they have three different SPECS. Mages have Arcane, Frost and Fire.


The same goes for TOR. There may be only four classes at level 1 to pick from at the beginning, you truly pick your CLASS and not your SPEC at level 10. After you pick your CLASS you then pick your SPEC after you pick your CLASS.


You do not cry to Blizzard or NCSOFT or ArenaNet or SOE or any other MMO company out there to allow you to change from magic classes to sword wielding warrior classes do you? No I didn't think so.


Don't make me repeat this message or I'm turning this car around and no goddamn Disney World for you!

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About 4 to 5 hours of gameplay to just get a new character to 13. Not really much of an issue in the grand scheme of things.


But it's really not. It takes an hour to an hour and a half to get back to 13.


It's simple: Press space bar in every conversation. You skip everything you've already done, and get to enjoy your new class.


Maybe 4 or 5 hours worth of time is worth a lot more to me than it is to you, if I'm going to invest even one hour I'm not going to enjoy grinding the exact same content like some space-bar mashing zombie.


But yet I'm still not hearing what would be taken away from the game if I could do it. Just "yeh well ur an idiotz 4 not piking da rite AC! LOL" and "just grind it over again because I think your time is as worthless as mine".


Well of course you would rather respec than actually have to do something.


And why is everything that requires even the most inconsequential amount of effort branded as "tedious"? "Tedious" has become a code word for a certain group of gamers for "a game mechanic that deprives me of instant gratification".


And we're back to pathetic straw men.


I call it tedious with careful consideration because, unlike you, mashing my space bar through 13 levels requires zero effort. I could re-trace my steps exactly and not die a single time barring a technical hitch. How is it providing any challenge?


I'd love to hear how, because not one person has explained why me being able to respec would take something away from the game. Name one important thing it would take away.

Edited by PJEBarlow
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Your correct, the advanced class is NOT labelled as a class. Words matter, especially placement and definition.


Think of Coke as an example. You have Coke, then you have Cherry Coke. See how that word Cherry changes everything ;)


Both ADVANCED classes of each of the 4 actual classes share about 6 abilities, the main stat (Aim, cunning etc.) a talent tree and even the storyline with the other advanced class.



Advanced: adjective; meaning = ahead of or further along in progress, complexity, knowledge, skill, etc.


By its very definition an AC is a subset of class, not seperate from. You act like allowng to change AC is going to break the game.


+1 for this.

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Actually I have both logic AND fact at my disposal. What do you have?


You don't actually have fact. What you have is words spoken by people who can change their minds as they see fit. Did you even read the article you posted? They said 'may" and that they would take feedback into consideration. Given the size of this thread, and from its actual contents, there are about 3 people for this, and many more who are not.

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It's a very simple change of mind for completely understandable reasons, and I don't know why people get so upset just because people like me would rather respec than grind out 13 levels of the exact same content again. It isn't difficult or challenging, it's just tedious.


And at level 13 it would probably take you a couple of hours to get to the same level. I've run Korriban and Dromond Kaas about six times through beta and release, it takes me a few hours to get to level 11. Once I'm level 11 I can run daily Flashpoints, Warfronts and do the Heroics to level without having to touch any of the other side quests. Once you get your ship you can do the daily Space Missions, all a completely different way of leveling.


ETA: Changed days to hours as I'm an idiot.

Edited by Cadiva
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Changing classes is a simple quality of life thing?




Then why are you railing against people who want the game to stay the same as it is now?


They arn't classes, they are advanced classes. Completely different. And yes its quality of life. Please tell me how being forcced to reroll my 45 shadow because i wanna try sage isnt quality of life?


Clearly you dont see the point i was trying to make. But you did gather enough from my post to rile you up enough to spew nonsensical comebacks in the form of this.

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People are being ignorant or they are confused. They keep calling the AC a "class" when , even in the game its called an "Advanced Class". An "advanced class" which , in fact, shares about 6 abilities, the main stat (Aim, cunning etc.) and a talent tree and even the storyline with the other advanced class.


Stop calling it a class, if they had meant it to be a class they wouldv'e labelled it as such. Dont go putting words in biowares mouth by trying to call an advanced class a class in its own right, its clearly not.


And saying that going from an operative to a sniper is anything even remotely like going from a lock to a rogue is asinine. Your dont know what your talking about, or possibly just a troll if you say something anything like this.


This is a critical issue that needs to be fixed. No one coming to swtor from other mmos will accept this for very long. Its the opposite of all other modern MMOs. The whole mmo industry has been moving away from that model for years, and bioware decides to reinvent the wheel?


Theres a reason changing specs is good for business. it retains players.


Except that Bioware themselves have stated that for all intents and purposes the Advanced Class is your CLASS

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Maybe 4 or 5 hours worth of time is worth a lot more to me than it is to you, if I'm going to invest even one hour I'm not going to enjoy grinding the exact same content like some space-bar mashing zombie.


But yet I'm still not hearing what would be taken away from the game if I could do it. Just "yeh well ur an idiotz 4 not piking da rite AC! LOL" and "just grind it over again because I think your time is as worthless as mine".


And then he pulls out the other argument of the instant gratification crowd..."it doesn't affect you"...


Its almost like you can't read what you write. You CHOSE your AC and decided you didn't like it. You then CHOSE to reroll a completely different class. If you can do that, you can reroll your original class too.

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My vote:


No on AC changing

Yes on dual (or more) specs within your AC trees.

Yes on cheap respecs within your AC.


Basically Bioware, copy Rift in this regard.


Actually they would not be. Rift had far more uniqueness in each soul then SWTOR has in talent trees. They would have to add AC switching (Roles via souls in RIFT) to copy them.

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They arn't classes, they are advanced classes. Completely different. And yes its quality of life. Please tell me how being forcced to reroll my 45 shadow because i wanna try sage isnt quality of life?


Clearly you dont see the point i was trying to make. But you did gather enough from my post to rile you up enough to spew nonsensical comebacks in the form of this.


Because you chose shadow as your class and not sage, that's why.

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Please allow Advanced Class Respec. There's no reason for this, give players the choice! If you're worried it will hurt your story or something - don't. You don't seem to care you send Jedi to go slaughter hundreds of Sand People, so why care about something that is needlessly restricting players?





If you want to say "NO" or "Bioware will never do this!"...




Thanks to Salzwasser for the link.


...and to finally put matters to rest, read: http://torwars.com/2011/12/01/stephen-reid-on-advanced-class-switching/


I must admit I don't understand the unnecessary strictness when it comes to doing this.

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Except that Bioware themselves have stated that for all intents and purposes the Advanced Class is your CLASS


Did they? Hmm, quote please. Maybe they forgot to change the name on my Jedi Knight trainer and the Jedi Knight shared abilities I've been learning since level 10.

Edited by Dunzo
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Anyone arguing against Ac change is actually saying "Yes we like having no choice, please make all our decisions for us, and by all means dont let us expiriment then change our minds later after having learned from first hand experience that we hate this style. By all means dont let us PLAY.



You can read all the guides you want, watch all the youtube videos you want, be able to recite from memory every talent point and ability of each seperate Ac, but until you actually play it you wont know if you really like it or not. By then youve invested 4o hours, thats five 8 hour days into the character. Expecting the majority of people to then "reroll" HOPING that it will be better? Are you Serious, have you actually thought any of that through? People wont stick around if things dont change, then youll be alone in fleet, twiddling your light saber. Have fun with the tumbleweeds!

Edited by Redorbz
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They arn't classes, they are advanced classes. Completely different. And yes its quality of life. Please tell me how being forcced to reroll my 45 shadow because i wanna try sage isnt quality of life?


Clearly you dont see the point i was trying to make. But you did gather enough from my post to rile you up enough to spew nonsensical comebacks in the form of this.


QoL is the new code word for "I don't feel like it" or "I should be held accountable for any choices I make in game".

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Except that Bioware themselves have stated that for all intents and purposes the Advanced Class is your CLASS


They also said there are 16 AC when effectively there are 8. Bioware has said lots of things that are true on paper but not really true once you get in the game.

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