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OK We have Bashed the Prequels. But what would have made them BETTER?


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I enjoyed the prequels when I watched them in theater, but I do think they could have been better. The acting was horrible in some places, and the script was weak in a lot of places.


I think the thing that was the most painful to me was the history lesson. I know they were prequels, but that doesn't mean that every character from the original movies had to have their history depicted in the prequels - and worse they all tied together.


Like someone else mentioned here, the lightsaber duels and space combat was the best part of the prequel movies.

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4 things I would have done differently -


1) George Lucas as a consultant only. No directing, writing, or producing from him.


2) Less CGI.


3) Someone other than Natalie "the most overrated actress ever" Portmann.


4). No little-kidsie crap like Anakin's pod race or Jar Jar.

Edited by DarylMusashi
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OP's points 6 and 11 definitely.


They should have started when he was already a teen and just ditched episode 1: CGI Menace altogether (although the duel at the end was epic but that is the only reason to watch it anymore). Episode 1 really laid a measly 30mins. of necessary back story if that. Basically a movie used to showcase new effects.


Should have been:


1) Introduce Anakin as a teen, back story, etc.


2) Turn Anakin throughout


3) Vader fest


By the 3rd movie we should be seeing evil Anakin/Vader is all his sadistic glory, laughing all the way to the Sith bank.


I also agree that a non Jedi hero like a Han Solo would have REALLY helped the storylines.


Real directors, Lucas just to advise what he wants in.


Vader kills Jar-Jar Binks in episode 3=epic


No metachlorians/2 siths junk.


Keep r2 and 3PO out of all 3 because it's way too much a silly coincidence.


Lose the word "padawan" from the script.

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Less Sith, the stronger they are.



Read DB.


Have not read any sw books in years so I don't know :)


I do know it seemed silly in the movies though for like 100 jedi to be worried about 2 sith.


Adding some sort of speech in 1-3 about how there is a lot of force behind those saber swings the more powerful you are may have made the slo-mo duels of 4-6 seem a little better and make a bit more sense as well. Just to tie things together.


oh and seeing Anakin actually USE all that power we heard about would have been nice. Throw a ship or something in anger, geez.

Edited by CarverX
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The Number 1 thing that would have made the movies much better is if George Lucas had taken more time and not just settled for each shot. Make the actors give their all instead of ok that's a wrap. He also should have hired the "other" kid to play Anakin for Episode 1. Yes the kid who won the role had the "look" but he wasn't very good at acting like the other one. The singe worse thing about the prequels was hearing that kind say "Boonta Eve" It should be outlawed. Also the "Yippie" thing was pretty bad too.


Jar Jar Binks: Honestly, let's be honest here. I remember Episode 1. Everyone liked Jar Jar, what turned everyone against Jar Jar was all the morons going around talking like him. People got sick to death of hearing people say "Weesa gonna die. Meesa Jar Jar Binks. Personally I think Jar Jar got the shaft. Did you see Amadala cut him off so rudely in Episode 2. He was in the middle of his "Messa accept with much humility..... when all of a sudden Amadala says "Yes Jar Jar, I'm sure youre busy" or some crap like that. Translation: "**** Jar Jar" If your'e gonna make a character, at least stick by your decision and don't screw him over like that.


Episode 1 is probably my all time favorite. The acting was good (Except for the kid who played Anakin) and Darth Maul was sick. The duel at the end is probably my favorite.


Episode 2: Anakin: Hayden Christensen is a good actor. It was George Lucas' inability to make him perform better or his ability to just accept mediocre shots. Hayden was great in Jumper. Ever see Awake? He's a pretty good actor. The fault doesn't lie with him. It lies with George Lucas and the producers. George should have turned the last 2 films over to someone the way he did with episode 5 and 6.


Episode 3: Much better, not perfect but pretty good. The Montage of Jedi being slain was pure awesome.


I for one enjoyed the prequals quite a bit. But let's be honest. There is NO WAY he could ever top the first three. Number one, there's no Harrisson Ford. The guys a genius and brought alot of comedy and value to the series along with Chewbacca. The cast for the original Star Wars was stellar. There was a bit of bad acting such as Luke in the beginning of A New Hope whinning how he wanted to go get power converters but it seems like they just took more time to make the actors perform the best they could compared to the prequals. Ewan McGregor was top notch as usual. The guy's an awesome actor no matter what role you put him in. I do think the Over abundance of CGI probably made it very hard for alot of the actors. I know Liam Nesson said he didn't ever want to do another star wars film lol.

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Episode 1: Introduce Anakin and Obi. Show some Jedi training scenes, some action scenes with Anakin showing off his prowess. At the end have Anakin meet Padme, briefly.


Episode 2: Brief, short scenes of Padme and Anakin establishing the union, but not focusing on it. Lengthy Clone Wars scenes, reminiscent of the animated series, jedi fights, space battles, etc... End movie showing Anakins seduction to the Dark Side almost complete.


Episode 3: Vader being Vader. Hunting Jedi, bashing rebels. Vader in all his glory.


this, and make episode 3, 5 hours long muahaha.

Edited by Ilusiontde
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1 NO kids, remove them they are annoying and they only apeel to other young kids in the audience. (those stupid kids were the staffs children, so that makes me hate them even more


2 NO forced romance between Anakin and Padmé


3 DONT make Qui gon jin the Phantom of Phantom menace, he is so dull, he uses the force to trick people, and he cant smile


4 DONT make Obi one the silent guy in the first movie, he dident have more than 20 lines of dialog, and he spend most of his time doing nothing


5 NO jarjar, he was only there to lure more kids to watch the movie


6 DONT give qui gon the script of the first movie, he knew what sort of toxic gas they breath without trying. He knew what the Droid army was about to, and he knew how the trade federation thauht.

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Casting a better Annakin in all three films. There, fixed.


A young Ryan Gosling would have made the most awesome Annakin in the later two films.


Not sure for the first one but they made him about 5 years too young imo. Maybe the kid who played Bastian in the first Neverending Story :D

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Name a few things you think would have made the Prequels better, assuming the same General storyline is kept the same, which of course it has to be. These can be anything from things within the film or outside, ie Director/Scriptwriting etc.


1. No Prophecy. No Chosen One. No Mediclorians (or however you spell it). How about just a story about a powerful young Jedi Anakin Skywalker.


2. Make the general feel of the films more Adult. Why make a kids movie when your fan base have grown up into ADULTS? No Jar Jar Binks or comparable characters.


3. Much less CGI and more of a real look to locations. CGI at the moment is not all its cracked up to be. Use CGI when necessary, Gollum for example. Don't make the entire movie into a CGI cartoon.


4. 1 or 2 meaningful lighsaber duels per film. Not 5 like in Revenge of the Sith. They actually got this right with Menace and Clones.


5. Hire a capable Director and a team of good scripwriters.


6. Start with Anakin as a young Adult and remove the need for switching Actors. Perhaps even remove Qui Gon Jin altogether and start with Obi Wan and Anakin together.


7. Bring a much loved character like Yoda into the plot more. Unlike Phantom Menace where he basically sits in the Council Chamber, not involved in the plot at all.


8. Remove silly rules that make no sense and hold back the movies potential, like There are ONLY 2 Sith or the Jedi do not have children.


9. Don't skip briefly over important sequences within the movie. Yoda's escape from Kashyyk for example. Show us a battle between Yoda and the Wookies taking on the Clones or the attack on the Jedi temple. Generally try to have less going on so you can give more time to what should have been highlights of the film.


10. Get the Emperor more invloved. A fascinating character from ROTJ lets see him get a bit more active. No need to hide his face behind a cloak for the first two parts, we all know who he is.


11. Interesting characters. Where is the Han Solo of the prequels?


12. Remove R2 and C3PO from the prequels altogether. I mean cmon it is a litle bit silly.


Many more I'm sure.


I would agree with you on many points, although Qui-gon Jinn I would've kept, and to be honest, I'd have kept him til the second film.


Also, I like that they started Anakin young, though I would prefer him to be maybe a *few* years older (pegging him around 13-14).


I like that they kept Han Solo out, and honestly, I wish Chewie hadn't been shoe-horned in, even as much as I love him. Keep the Wookies, just don't force cameos. I would've included a brief cameo of R2 in the last film, that's it.


Also, I disagree on the subject of CGI, I think they really helped flesh-out the series more. I agree that the third film had maybe too many Lightsaber battles, but the whole third film, in general, just felt stretched-thin; I would have extended Episode 2 into Episode 3.





More than anything, though -- DON'T REVEAL BOBA FETT'S TRUE IDENTITY!!!


Jango Fett seemed like an genuinely interesting character, and the actor really stole the show when he was speaking. But a lot of Boba Fett's appeal was the fact that he was so mysterious; show Jango Fett, but leave us with a more mysterious Boba Fett.

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And I'm back for Episode 2! Ready? Hope so!


Episode 2: The opening let's us know that three years have passed and in that time; the clone army has been taking systems and steadily moving inward on Republic space, the senate has allowed for the formation of an army, and that the Jedi are lending a hand in repelling the clones.

Camera pans down on a Republic ship as it makes its way down to Corusant. Once the ship lands, Anakin and Obi step off, and we can see that they have been fighting from a some facial scars. They head towards the Jedi Temple and split up, Obi says he must confer with the council about their next assignment, and Anakin says he is going to rest. But as we follow Anakin, he makes a B-line to where Maul is being held. Once he gets to Maul, he tries talking with him, attempting as others have failed to discover who he was working for and to what means. Maul remains silent and Anakin leaves. Obi contacts Anakin via holo and informs him that they have a small reprieve from the war.

Upon getting this information, Anakin leaves for Naboo, but lies to Obi, telling his master he is heading to Tatooine to visit his friend Owen. Once on Naboo, Anakin and Padame meet and retreat to a room where Padame shows him all the letters and holos Anakin sent her while he was away. Over the 3 years that have passed, the relationship between the two has become quite intimate. Padame lost her seat on the senate 2 years ago once the right to form an army was passed, and has since become ensconced by Anakin's lifestyle. And while Anakin's training tells him he is not to fall for another, Padame has become the person he can open up to.

Palpatine visits the Jedi Temple to thank them for their help and sacrifices thus far. While he's there, he mentions how some of the Jedi seem different. Yoda and Obi try to explain how war is not in a Jedi's nature and that it affects them poorly. He then also asks if there has been any progress with Maul, but they tell him no which he then shortly leaves after hearing.

Anakin and Obi are called back into action, they are sent to Vanqor where they are to stop the clones' advance into Republic space. Upon them taking a ship down to the planet, it is shot down and they land into a nest of Gundarks where they are forced to fight their way out. After fending off several Gundarks, Obi takes notice of how Anakin is finishing a Gundark, severing it's limbs and killing the beast rather violently. Obi stops his padawan and Anakin loses his temper, he quickly collects himself and apologizes to Obi-wan. The two manage to escape the nest intact and head to the nearest Republic camp.

Palpatine leaves Corusant as he decides to head to a separatist planet in an attempt to have them rejoin the Republic, but midway through his flight he is forced to stop as the planet has fallen to the clone army. His ship lands on Naboo so that his ship can refuel. But just after landing, the clones make a surprise assault on Naboo.

Anakin wakes from a nightmare where he sees Padame being gunned down by clone troopers. He runs for the nearest shuttle but Obi intercepts him, demanding he tell him where he going. Anakin tells Obi that he saw Naboo being attacked, saying that the force was telling him he must go there. Obi-wan is reluctant at first but trusts Anakin's instincts as he and Anakin leave the planet. Obi contacts the Republic fleet, alerting them to an attack on Naboo. Upon reaching Naboo, they discover several clone ships surrounding the planet. The captain of the ship the two are on explains he will not go any closer for fear of being blown up.

Anakin rushes to the hanger with Obi on his heels. Anakin takes a fighter and Obi-wan takes his place in the fighter's gun. Anakin flies the fighter straight toward the planet and maneuvers his way through enemy fire until he makes it through without either of them being harmed and descends on the planet. Once they are planet-side, Obi-wan instructs Anakin to use the force to find who the force has demanded they save. Anakin quickly senses Padame and Anakin leads them. Obi instructs them that they should sneak by as they are vastly out-numbered, Anakin accepts and they manage to get by without being caught.

They find where Padame and others are being held, Obi-wan is convinced once he sees Palpatine that this is who they were meant to rescue. They release all they can and head for a secure location but are caught off by the clones. Obi-wan is separated from the others and once Anakin, Padame, and Palpatine get to a safe spot, they discover Padame has suffered a fatal wound. Anakin watches as Padame's life slips away and is helpless to stop it. Palpatine moves Anakin aside and uses the force to bring Padame back and heal her wound. Anakin is shaken by these events but he has no time to think as another squad appears and shoots Palpatine. Anakin is fueled by rage as he dispatches the clones ruthlessly then returns to Palpatine who has not suffered a fatal wound. But Palpatine explains that now his life is directly tied to Padame's. Anakin thanks him and proceeds to get them both out, but not before Palpatine demands Anakin tell no one what he has just witnessed.

The Republic fleet shows up and forces the clone ships to leave, taking any prisoners that they can on the planet. The four are rescued and taken into medical care. Obi takes notice of Anakin's care for Padame but decides against confronting him about it.

Back on Corusant, Anakin is called to Palpatine's office and Palpatine explains that what he used to save Padame's life was something a Jedi could not teach, and that her illness has been removed. Anakin immediately comes to the conclusion that Palpatine is a Sith. He takes out his saber and approaches Palapatine at his desk. Anakin then kneels before Palpatine and offers him his saber, his way of showing he is willing to serve.

Anakin and Padame then get married discretely and the scene changes to Maul who is hearing Palpatine's voice, telling him that it is almost time. Maul's eyes open and he is seen surrounded by three Jedi, they nod and turn to leave. And all of their eyes are seen changing to a yellow hue. Credit...


There's 2, I'll have my thoughts on how 3 should have been later :)

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Have not read any sw books in years so I don't know :)


I do know it seemed silly in the movies though for like 100 jedi to be worried about 2 sith.


Adding some sort of speech in 1-3 about how there is a lot of force behind those saber swings the more powerful you are may have made the slo-mo duels of 4-6 seem a little better and make a bit more sense as well. Just to tie things together.


oh and seeing Anakin actually USE all that power we heard about would have been nice. Throw a ship or something in anger, geez.


This is a very good point.


Other than Yoda, basically ALL the Jedi ever do is ignite a lightsaber, deflect the odd blaster bolt and that silly force throw at the end.


We re told that Anakin has all this power and what? he ignites his lightsaber, deflects the odd blaster bolt and uses a force throw/choke at the end. How about Anakin taps into his so called immense power to save the Jedi in the Arena in episode 2.


You think that maybe Yoda would have thought it a good idea to train the Jedi in a few more advanced techniques after the appearance of the Sith in Ep 1.

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I would agree with you on many points, although Qui-gon Jinn I would've kept, and to be honest, I'd have kept him til the second film.


Also, I like that they started Anakin young, though I would prefer him to be maybe a *few* years older (pegging him around 13-14).


I like that they kept Han Solo out, and honestly, I wish Chewie hadn't been shoe-horned in, even as much as I love him. Keep the Wookies, just don't force cameos. I would've included a brief cameo of R2 in the last film, that's it.


Also, I disagree on the subject of CGI, I think they really helped flesh-out the series more. I agree that the third film had maybe too many Lightsaber battles, but the whole third film, in general, just felt stretched-thin; I would have extended Episode 2 into Episode 3.





More than anything, though -- DON'T REVEAL BOBA FETT'S TRUE IDENTITY!!!


Jango Fett seemed like an genuinely interesting character, and the actor really stole the show when he was speaking. But a lot of Boba Fett's appeal was the fact that he was so mysterious; show Jango Fett, but leave us with a more mysterious Boba Fett.


I wasnt saying bring in the actual Han Solo but how about a rogue type character with the heros. Perhaps Jango Fett could have been that rogue with the Good guys, with his son becoming bad, kinda the opposite of Vader/Luke.


Your right about C3PO, R2, Chewbacca. It's an immense Galaxy, just stupid to run into same characters.

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Personally, I would have kept the force more mysterious. I wouldn't have had the midichlorians, but I understand why he did.


But really, it doesn't matter what Lucas did or didn't do, some people would hate them, others like them. He knew he was screwed no matter what way he went with the movies, and I am fine with what he made. It was his story.


Sure, there are other ideas, some I think are better, but he did what he did. Why are some people so critical? Some have even said they are disapointed and felt betrayed. They are movies! At least they aren't The Matrix series....now those are crap!

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Personally, I would have kept the force more mysterious. I wouldn't have had the midichlorians, but I understand why he did.


But really, it doesn't matter what Lucas did or didn't do, some people would hate them, others like them. He knew he was screwed no matter what way he went with the movies, and I am fine with what he made. It was his story.


Sure, there are other ideas, some I think are better, but he did what he did. Why are some people so critical? Some have even said they are disapointed and felt betrayed. They are movies! At least they aren't The Matrix series....now those are crap!



What makes the Matrix series any different than the Star Wars prequels? Both kept the same directors/writers and both veered so far off course they were reviled by both fanbases.

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6. Start with Anakin as a young Adult and remove the need for switching Actors. Perhaps even remove Qui Gon Jin altogether and start with Obi Wan and Anakin together.



8. Remove silly rules that make no sense and hold back the movies potential, like There are ONLY 2 Sith or the Jedi do not have children.



Many more I'm sure.


I agree with most of your points but the Sith Rule of Two does makes sense. I could only recommend that you read the Darth Bane trilogy (EU, but do make a lot of sense and provide a good read).


Also, as much as I loved Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon seems to be a fan-favourite. He was a more realistic character, as he was somewhat a maverick and broke the normal Jedi archetype.


As for the questionable aspects of the Jedi code, we may not agree with them but the Jedi code is an important and established part of SW lore. It's part of being a Jedi.


Also, what really ruined the prequels for me was Hayden Christiansen. He is a poor actor and he portrayed Anakin(Darth Vader!) as a whiny kid.

Edited by Wegabe_Awock
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YOU SIR HAVE NO RESPECT FOR THE JEDI's WHAT IF JUST Obi Wan was dead or perhaps start without a jedi order lets make it better no Mace Windu too what you going to take Samuel L. Jackson Because his *********** BLACK you sir you sir should be banned from all that is star wars for talking about such heretics about letting Qui-Gon Be dead from the beginning oh i revoke your licence to port a lightsaber on any Comic-On in the world....



have a nice day and remember your membership is about to expire please renew thank you..

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1.) No Jar Jar Binks!


2.) Story focusing on Obi Wan's/Anakin's friendship, not just them retelling past experiences and expecting us to believe they're just friends while they constantly talk bad about each other, that way I'll actually feel bad when Obi Wan slices Anakin's legs off. (See Redlettermedia's Star Wars prequels review on Youtube)


3.) Better writing with less plot holes. I was glad to see Anakin get sliced up. -_- (See Redlettermedia)


4.) No child Skywalker.


5.) No midichlorians.


6.) Less use of lightsabers. Like a lot less. I want to be on the edge of my seat everytime Jedi/Sith turn on their lightsabers, cause you know somethings gonna go down rather than seeing a bunch of droids get chopped up. Wheres the fun in watching droids that have absolutely no chance at victory getting sliced up. I would even be fine with just having them be useful rather than meat shields for Jedi.


7.) Anakin's fall to the dark side needs to be more dramatic rather than "I need him to save Padme omgdarkside kill younglings."


8.) No Hayden Christensen. Don't know about everyone else but I've never enjoyed any of his movies/acting.


9.) Greater role of clone troopers throughout the movie, that way I could actually feel something when they die.

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And the final episode, oh joy


Episode 3 - Opening credits tell us a year has passed and in that time the clone army has nearly been beaten back to their home planet. In this short time, Palpatine managed to bring back a few of the separatist and his position in the senate has only grown more secure. The Jedi have pulled out from the was effort as their casualties were too high but some Jedi continue to aide the Republic forces despite the council's stance.

Camera comes down on a fleet of Republic ships attacking a pair of fleeing clone ships as they try to get back to Kamino. Several fighters converge on one another and Anakin's ship comes into focus as he fights his way to a clone ship. He manages to cut through the clones' defenses and wrecks havoc on the clone ship. He manages to disable the ship but the second manages to jump.

Anakin returns to Corusant after the battle and on his way to meet with Palpatine, Obi confronts him. Kenobi tries to convince Anakin to stop going against the order as he may be expelled if the masters discover what he is doing. Anakin tries to reassure Obi that the order won't find out, but Obi isn't convinced. Anakin goes to Palpatine who explains how the war is going. Palpatine doesn't act surprised as he tells Anakin that he has a new plan for him. He wants to Anakin to sabotage certain components within the jedi temple. Anakin is hesitant but Palpatine reminds him of who's life he holds. Anakin leaves and goes to meet Padame before he starts his tasks.

Obi and Yoda walk through the temple and the feeling of dread is mutual as many of the jedi are hurt or trying deal with what they endured. Yoda tells Obi that he is having trouble using the force of late, telling him there is something blocking him. Obi tells Yoda he is fearful for Anakin's future as he believes he may be turning away from the order. Yoda tells Obi to bring Anakin to the temple to attune himself. Obi leaves and shortly after he finds Anakin who is fine with coming to meditate at the temple.

As Anakin pretends to relearn his Jedi ways, he begins to sabotage the inner workings of the temple, setting some systems to blow up and quit working at a certain time. While he is setting the prison cells to malfunction, Obi spots Anakin, and instead of confronting him, Obi follows Anakin to discover for why and whom he is doing it for. Obi follows Anakin back to Palpatine's office and eavesdrop on their conversation. Once it is made clear Palpatine aims to destroy the jedi temple, Obi tries to warn Yoda but is found out by Palpatine's guards. The guards bring him before Palpatine and after removing Obi of his holo and saber, he hits Obi with a blast of lighting, blasting him out the window. Immediately afterwards, Palpatine sets off the traps Anakin set up.

Maul is released from his cell and holds, the jedi Maul has managed to turn come to his aid and arm him with his saber. Throughout the confusion in the temple, Maul and his acolytes kill off any jedi that they can find. After destroying a majority of the jedi in the temple and even killing have the jedi on the council, Maul orders his acolytes to remain here and continue to hunt the down as he leaves to reunite with his master. Maul and Palpatine meet and Palpatine tells Maul that if he wants to continue being his apprentice that he must fight and kill his new apprentice, Anakin.

The two meet up within Palpatine's chambers. They fight and Anakin manages to break Maul's saber and cut him before Maul returns the favor by severing Anakin's hand, getting some hits on his head, and stabbing Anakin in the leg. Maul takes Anakin's saber and and crushes it as he goes to deliver the final blow. Anakin let's his inner rage out as the thought of never seeing Padame again crosses his mind. He blasts Maul with the force, robs Maul of his saber and kills Maul with it.

Upon his victory, Palpatine has Anakin taken into medical care as he leaves to address the people of Corusant about what has transpired at the Jedi Temple. He tells them that the jedi had a civil war and that one had even tried to attack him but was saved by another who is now being medically treated. As Palpatine lets the fear of crazed jedi fill everyone's minds, he tells them he will be working to make changes to insure this won't happen again, in the form of a galactic empire.

Obi comes to focus as he is hobbling to the temple but is stopped by Yoda before he gets to there. Yoda keeps Obi from proceeding as the temple is lost and troopers are guarding the entrances and exits so to keep any jedi from escaping. Obi-wan tells Yoda of what he has learned and what happened and Yoda decides they must end this madness. But Yoda makes Obi rest before the fight, and gives him his original saber, the first saber Obi-wan constructed when Yoda was training him.

After a couple days of resting, Obi and Yoda come out of hiding and go to confront Palpatine and Anakin. They fight through some of Palpatine's guards but manage to get to him. Upon finding Palpatine, Obi and Yoda see Anakin who has had pieces of himself reconstructed by robotic parts. They try to give Anakin the chance to lay down his weapon but Anakin refuses, stating he will not allow them to harm Padame. Obi and Yoda are confused by his remark but they ignore it as Anakin moves to attack with a new red colored saber. Obi decides to take Anakin as Yoda faces Palpatine.

Anakin and Obi take their fight into an empty the empty senate meeting room. Yoda and Palpatine attack one another with different force techniques. As Anakin and Obi fight each other, they soon discover they are evenly matched from years of working together. Neither one truly wants to kill each other and they back off momentarily and Obi asks why Anakin turned to the dark side and what this has to do with Padame. Anakin explains what happened to change him and why he did it. Obi says how Anakin has slandered the Jedi name but Anakin states that the jedi are weak as they don't possess the power to save the people he loves. Anakin attacks Obi and while Obi knows he must defeat Anakin he knows he must be stopped. Obi fends off Anakin's flurry of attacks and grips Anakin's organs with the force. He damages them to the point that Anakin drops to all fours as he can not breath. Obi leaves Anakin in hopes that Anakin will no longer be able to cause harm to the galaxy.

Yoda and Palpatine's fight causes destruction throughout Palpatine's office. Over the course of the fight, Palpatine's true face begins to show has he unleashes force lighting on Yoda who deflects it. Yoda tries to throw pieces of debris at Palpatine but has no luck. Palpatine intensifies the lighting and it's more than what Yoda can deflect as he is thrown into the wall. Palpatine walks forward with his hands raised as they spark to life. Yoda gets himself out of the wall and uses the last of his power to throw Palpatine through a couple of walls, allowing him a chance to escape.

Yoda and Obi leave but Obi says they must collect Padame for her own safety before they leave Corusant. When the find her she is going through labor and they must deliver her children. Once she gives birth, they leave on ship owned by friends of the jedi, senator Organa. Obi tells Padame the situation and that it would be best if she take the children far away. Padame asks Obi to take Luke to a friend Anakin mentioned back on Tattoine, saying that he will take care of him and protect him from any chance of becoming a jedi. Padame takes Leah with her to Alderaan so she'll be protected by Organa's family as she can feel her life fading. Obi and senator Organa agree to Padame's wishes and separate as Yoda leaves to hide himself from Palpatine's gaze.

Palpatine is helped out from the debris from his guards and sends them to see to Anakin. They find him and Palpatine gets him set back up to be fixed. Once he is fixed up and put in the suit, he asks about Padame. Palpatine tells him that he lost the connection from the fight with Yoda. Anakin becomes enraged and tries to attack Palpatine but is stopped when Palpatine chokes him with the force. Palpatine tells him he is under his control and that he will obey as his apprentice, Vader. And just before the credits roll, Palpatine explains that Vader is going to start the construction of a super weapon.


And that is what I believe could have been done to make the prequels better. None of that kiddy stuff, no R2, C3PO, or Chewbacca cameos, and a story that is filled with just enough characters, not so many new bad guys that we don't know why we should hate them. And possibly most importantly, if there is going to be a love story between Anakin and Padame, make it real, not forced and awkward as it was from the prequels. Thank you if you read how I thought it should have gone but obviously not everyone is going to care or agree. ;)

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One of the things I thought of yesterday is that the Obi-Wan/Anakin duel should have had some cat-and-mouse in it. Obi-Wan forced to disengage, Anakin stalking him through Mustafar... add some horror to it, like Obi-Wan trying to rest and recover and Anakin shoves his lightsaber through the wall an inch from his face. I feel it would have tied in with the Empire Strikes Back duel, where Vader was playing with Luke.
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