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Forum Changes Coming!


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I hate to be a sour apple here, but jolly bad show.


As I may or may not have said in this topic (Could have been another one) this just shows that you think we need to be babysat.


The ONLY reason you're doing this is so it's more convenient for big brother to look over all our shoulders.


If you are going to merge servers under the same umbrella on here, then merge them in the game too.


You want to put all the RP servers on the same board, fine. But I want to group and party up with any friends I may meet in that oversized swimming pool of a forum. Let all RP servers become one big RP server community, for example.


You won't do that though. If I'm on say, Kath Hound, than I'm on Kath Hound alone. People on other servers may as well not even exist, since I can never play with them. So don't make me share a forum with them. If I can play with them, I'm happy to share a forum with them.


Most importantly, stop treating your paying customers like idiots and children. Stop thinking of the boards as "your boards" and start thinking of them as "our boards". The customers boards.


If you aren't going to link the servers, then don't link the servers on here. It's just insulting.

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Why do stickys persist beyond the first page?


I saw them when I read page 1, why have them on every other page?


When I try to read the forums beyond page 1, the first thing I have to do is identify where the stickys stop and the content I want to see begins. They are even the same color, making this so much more difficult than it needs to be. Sometimes half the page is taken up with stickys.


I agree wholeheartedly, There are too many stickies and putting them anywhere but page one is idiotic.


Can you people just hire me and let me run things for a bit? I could use the money and you could really use my expertise apparently...

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BioWare, are you trying to tick off your consumers? Are you really this daft?


Look, I know some may say that this is a step in the right direction. But the amount of feet dragging is baffling. The lack of respect for the communities wishes is surprising. And this lateral move would be hilarious if I wasn't paying money for this.


Lets compare to those "other guys." World of Warcraft has server forums. They have had server forums as long as I can remember. The World of Warcraft server forums create a community that is unique to each server, and allow communication between guilds both intra- and inter-factionally. But somehow the fastest growing MMO in history can't manage to grasp the fact that the community wants DEDICATED FORUMS for EACH SERVER as is STANDARD IN ALMOST EVERY OTHER AAA MMO.


Hell, SWG had dedicated server forums for both discussion AND trade if I remember correctly. That game is like 9 years old.


If you are going to try to create a AAA MMO, then act like it and give us something that should have been in at launch. If you are going to brag about how fast your game is growing, use that money on creating communities that will increase the games lifespan for years. Do you think SWG lasted so long because it was a great game? No it was the community.


If you don't want strong communities that will help the game last years, fine. Its your money.


Implement dedicated server forums, not this crap.

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As a heavy forum user for every game I've played, I'm actually saddened by the fact that I don't really use these boards. Why? I have no reason to come here. General discussion is littered with complaints at an extremely high pace,(Which is normal) and all of the somewhat counter-intuitive sub-forums don't really appeal or interest me.


So much this. I have no reason to use these forums without dedicated server forums. I want to feel a part of my community, but its clearly lacking in this game.

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Can someone explain why each server isn't getting a forum to themselves? Does this save bioware money or resources or something?


I guess it saves them money, or at least they think it does. I don't see how 1 moderator responsible for 5 servers on 1 forum is any different than that same moderator responsible for 5 servers on 5 forums.


I guess BioWare just... I don't know what. I honestly don't know. It defies logic.

Edited by Woolamander
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Can someone explain why each server isn't getting a forum to themselves? Does this save bioware money or resources or something?


It's because BioWare thinks we're idiots, and that we need to be babysat like children. It's all so that it's easier for them to come in and lock topics and ban people.

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We ask that you please use a [server Name] tag in front of your threads in these forums when they open to make it easy to see when you make a thread that is specifically intended for other members of your server, and to make sure everyone can see relevant threads easily.



Ok i think we all know this isn't going to work.


Instead of delaying the inevitable why can't you guys just make the individual server forums. You guys are trying to half-arse this stuff and its not helping in the customer department.

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Thanks for your constructive feedback! We're looking forward to improving the Forums and getting continued feedback from everyone, and hope the new layout will be helpful and make the Forums much easier to use!


This make me lol. There was no constuctive feedback there whatsoever. Just extreme *** kissing. The only post to get replied to is the one with the brownest nose. lol

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This make me lol. There was no constuctive feedback there whatsoever. Just extreme *** kissing. The only post to get replied to is the one with the brownest nose. lol


Pretty much this. No constructive feedback at all.


Bioware's reason for not having cross server interaction for pve or pvp was to create a sense of community however they are going against this "sense of community" with the forums.


Each server should have its own sub-forum!

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Server forums are pretty critical to developing community. Bioware's apparent fear of them is bizarre.


Server forums might ruin immersion. I think that's the same reason why you rarely see other people while questing.

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BioWare, are you trying to tick off your consumers? Are you really this daft?


Look, I know some may say that this is a step in the right direction. But the amount of feet dragging is baffling. The lack of respect for the communities wishes is surprising. And this lateral move would be hilarious if I wasn't paying money for this.


Lets compare to those "other guys." World of Warcraft has server forums. They have had server forums as long as I can remember. The World of Warcraft server forums create a community that is unique to each server, and allow communication between guilds both intra- and inter-factionally. But somehow the fastest growing MMO in history can't manage to grasp the fact that the community wants DEDICATED FORUMS for EACH SERVER as is STANDARD IN ALMOST EVERY OTHER AAA MMO.


Hell, SWG had dedicated server forums for both discussion AND trade if I remember correctly. That game is like 9 years old.


If you are going to try to create a AAA MMO, then act like it and give us something that should have been in at launch. If you are going to brag about how fast your game is growing, use that money on creating communities that will increase the games lifespan for years. Do you think SWG lasted so long because it was a great game? No it was the community.


If you don't want strong communities that will help the game last years, fine. Its your money.


Implement dedicated server forums, not this crap.


Good post. Too bad it's not about how much you love BioWare and how great this decision is and how much you love this game, or it might be considered constructive criticism.

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This is rather bizarre. You seem to be putting in an awful lot of effort to deliver something rather complicated that no one really wants.


Im still trying to work it out. We have servers broken into pvp, pve, rp... and then theyre alphebatised... but at this point we have to then put in our server name so we dont get all confused about which server with the letter S we're talking about when we start a thread?


What an awfully silly way of not delivering what people have UNANIMOUSLY asked for.


Ive honestly no idea why youve gone and changed it to ALMOST whats people want and then at the last step, just decided "that'll do." Its mindblowing. Youve done something positive in listening to your customers, and then needlessly shot yourself in the foot by not quite delivering it for reasons that only you guys seem aware of.


Just go the extra step for heavens sake and split off each server beginning with the same letter into its own section. Or in other words, just give us individual server forums. Are you planning on some future alphabetised battlegroups or something?... Oh dear lord, does this mean youre honestly thinking about cross realm warzones?


So er two things then.


1. Just give us server forums. When youre this close to delivering it, why turn a positive into a negative by tryting to find an entirely needless compromise with no logic to it at all.

2. The only logic would be if youre planning some kind of battlegroup in the future based on the letters of the alphabet. Please dont do it. Cross realm battlegrounds destroyed the reason to queue for battlegrounds (outside of the gear grind). Before cross realms, people actually enjoyed the COMMUNITY aspect of pvp rivalries. Please dont destroy this before youve even started to foster it.


(PS. you foster it through server forums in case you havent got the message yet from the many many posts in the server forum thread).


Please reconsider, this is just silly.

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Why not just make a forum for every server BW? Why all this BS, its like you guys are constantly trying to not do as much work as you should be. I don't think you guys know the importance of server forums in an mmo and how it can make communities last for years to come.
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Here is an idea, lets half *** the server forums like we half assed everything else in the game!



That being said this is still an awesome game that I love. It just sucks to watch BW tare down what could be an amazing game....


PS: I'm having less and less fun every day that goes by.

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