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Sentinel is an Excellent Class That Is Masked By A Few Key Issues


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I believe that the sentinel/marauder is a very well designed class and if anything is one of the stronger classes in the game, not weaker. Unfortunately the power of this class is masked by a few underlying issues.


1. Ability Delay - Ability Stutter


Simply put, Jedi Knights and Sith Warriors suffer from the poor combat responsiveness in this game more then any other class due to our focus/rage energy system, melee requirements, etc. This issue alone severely weakens class performance.


2. Focus/Rage Energy System


This is the most complex energy system to use for the average person, due to the fact that you have to build it up before you can use it. It takes a while to get used to it and adapt. Most people want to be able to push a button and use an ability right away, but you cannot do that with this class. You must first build Focus/Rage.


3. Melee Range Requirement


It is much easier to play a class which does not require being in 4-10m range of your opponent. The fact that we require short range makes combat movement as important as the abilities we use.


4. The class is a late bloomer


This class is extremely weak to the average gamer until level 40. For gamers who are good with this type of class, the class is mediocre until level 40. Everything changes at level 40, and the reason for this is our 31 point talents. We are extremely dependant on our 31 point talent in basically every tree (less so for watchman which starts to excel as soon as you get overload saber). It is almost as if a switch is flipped at level 40 which gives us incredible power.



The sentinel/marauder is one of the best classes in the game if you learn how to play it properly, and get above level 40. Once the combat responsiveness issues are ironed out this class will be extremely rewarding to play.

Edited by sabresandiego
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I disagree with that assessment.


First of all, the energy management system is fairly easy, especially for those of us who used to play WoW, because its similar to the Warrior's.


Furthermore - i found that game incredibly easy until lvl40 or so. I could solo most 2-Player-Quests and the occasional random champion spawn on my own. I almost never died until Belsaris. That was more of less the turning point of the game for me.


At present, even the lvl50 quests are sometimes fairly difficult to solo, which, i have to admit, is mostly a result of the shoddy companion AI.

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I believe that the sentinel/marauder is a very well designed class and if anything is one of the stronger classes in the game, not weaker. Unfortunately the power of this class is masked by a few underlying issues.


Agree, fervently.


4. The class is a late bloomer


This class is extremely weak to the average gamer until level 40. For gamers who are good with this type of class, the class is mediocre until level 40. .


Disagree, but I've heard this before.



From the moment I hit lvl 20, as a Watchman, I felt pretty unstoppable. I loved the pacing. Then again, I prefer classes like this. It's only getting better, for me, but I hope everyone having trouble gets past the parts that are proving difficult for them...because Sentinel is so much fun :D

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From the moment I hit lvl 20, as a Watchman, I felt pretty unstoppable. I loved the pacing. Then again, I prefer classes like this. It's only getting better, for me, but I hope everyone having trouble gets past the parts that are proving difficult for them...because Sentinel is so much fun :D


Giving Overload Saber at lvl 20 is a good thing. Giving Ataru in its most primitive form at level 20 was a mistake.


You must choose between Juyo + Overload Saber or Zealous + Shi-Sho or... just Ataru?


Combat main problem is there for lvl 20-30. Ataru should be switched with Precision Strike and the damage buffed up.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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You must choose between Juyo + Overload Saber or Zealous + Shi-Sho or... just Ataru?


Combat main problem is there for lvl 20-30. Ataru should be switched with Precision Strike and the damage buffed up.


That's an interesting proposition. I haven't tried Combat yet, but I can see where you're coming from on the early half of the game from that viewpoint.

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Watchman is definitely the best spec sub level 30. Once you get gauranteed crit sweeps after a charge then focus is just as good as watchman for pve.

While I agree with your OP, I'm going to disagree here- partially.


For level 10-19 this time around on Live (Sentinel #4), I went 5W/5C/0F in Shii-Cho. That gave me a short sweep, refund on slash (amazing with Shii-Cho Zen up for leveling), a offhand boost, and a defensive boost. At 20 or 21, I paid the 1400 credits to grab full watchman and never looked back. Juyo isn't worth it until you have overload saber.

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While I agree with your OP, I'm going to disagree here- partially.


For level 10-19 this time around on Live (Sentinel #4), I went 5W/5C/0F in Shii-Cho. That gave me a short sweep, refund on slash (amazing with Shii-Cho Zen up for leveling), a offhand boost, and a defensive boost. At 20 or 21, I paid the 1400 credits to grab full watchman and never looked back. Juyo isn't worth it until you have overload saber.


Look! A player that adapted to change!


Less than three.

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I disagree with that assessment.


First of all, the energy management system is fairly easy, especially for those of us who used to play WoW, because its similar to the Warrior's.


i disagree i played warrior as my main in wow and the rage system was easy sauce didn't require half of the upkeep sentinels have to deal with. im not saying its hard to keep focus rolling just that it does require attention whereas i found warriors in wow no upkeep.

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As someone who leveled from 1-50 and to 58 valor so far exclusively in a Combat build I can agree 100% with the OP.


When, IF, the fix the skill stuttering we'll see if a non-watchman Sent is viable. Time will tell.

Edited by thanealpha
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