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Keybind transfer between characters.


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  • 4 months later...
It astounds me how games continue to get released without the same basic, user-friendly functionality that EVERY prior game has requested.


Do the Devs not play MMOs?


On that note, how is it that the guild window in every single MMO is absolutely dire, lacking core functionality, or just flat-out broken at launch? True of every game I can think of, and SWTOR is no exception.


They might... but apparently not THIS one. :(

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  • 2 years later...
Does anyone know of a way to transfer all your keybind information to a new toon? I have extensively modified my key bindings and was wondering if there is a short cut I can use when creating an Alt that would start with the same key bindings.


Why don't key bindings start the same for the second character you make? Why does it start with the default? This makes me think that each character has it's own file with these settings, but I can't find it!


Thanks for the help.


Oh my god yes pls.

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I feel like your keybinds would be totally different anyway once you switched characters. I only have 1 main character (Sentinel) and I plan to make my next character a Sniper.


New character seems like new binds and it wouldnt translate over.


I bind 1 skill at a time when making characters, as I get them. And you only start with 2 anyway. Maybe I'm missing something but unless your alts are mirror classes, I don't see the big deal.

Maybe it's just the way I play, but I keep cooldowns I need to look at in a specific spot, and instant abilities in a specific spot. And I need to arrange things differently around my fingers depending on how this character plays.


But I guess what you guys say makes sense.


I use a g13 and so I would restart my bindings and stuff anyway.



Whoa... me from like... almost 4 years ago... Thanks for the blast from the past bump... :eek::)


Man, I remember my first character, my sentinel. And in the end I didn't make the Sniper next, I made an Operative healer. Eventually I deleted my sentinel and remade him as a Guardian. This was back when I only had a single character... now I have all 8, I wish I could go back and replay all classes as a new player again... this christmas i'll envious of a lot new players.


I'm still using that G13 (although it's a bit buggy on me now), so I've had it for almost 4 years... it doesn't feel that old...man I'm old... damn you necrobump! I can't even.

Edited by Lionflash
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