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Trading from one Faction to another


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I assume it is not possible to trade or mail from Republic to Imperial side or vice versa, and yet i saw some items in the Republican AH that require a Sith Warrior. I understand the reason for having Light Side and Dark Side items on opposing respective sides of the war, but Class items? Is this a glitch? Is it possible to trade from one Faction to the other?


Thanks in advance


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I occasionally get recipes from Underworld Trading which require Empire classes. What I do is keep them in bank until I gather a few, along with any drops which require Dark, and then take a trip to Nar Shaddaa to post all of them at once. I usually post them for 2 days, but so far they have sold immediately.


The neutral AH is also a great place to find deals for your own faction. It's a long run from the hangar and I think a lot of people underprice things just to make sure they sell the first time. I've picked up a few nice recipes for friends for very cheap, some mats, relics, etc.

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I've yet to test this but apparently you can use the neutral GM to move items and credits between your alts of different factions.


One person said you may not be able to do this if alts are on same account, but another has said that they have done it successfully.


Good news for crafting.


Can anyone confirm this is possible?

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