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'Heavy' Servers still = a small population


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Could someone conclusively explain to me, why having hundreds of players running around you is helping your personal game experience in any way? For me a planet's population is okay, when I can find a group for a heroic quest in an acceptable period of time (I have never waited longer than a few minutes).


Other than that I don't really need other players' avatars around me, because they don't add to my immersion or experience or whatever. They are just there doing what they're doing, while I'm doing what I'm doing. The only times I interact with the players in my immediate surrounding is when I'm in a quest-area and there is either a tough boss, or there's only one mob that more people need to kill. To find a group, I don't need the players to be near me, they only need to be on the same planet and that, as mentioned before, hasn't been a problem for me in the past month.



I love these threads. You always have the people come in and say, "well on MY server it's always crowded and there are a LOT of people to play with".


Thing is, they NEVER tell you what server they are on.



Force Harvester

Edited by CaptainHagbard
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I love these threads. You always have the people come in and say, "well on MY server it's always crowded and there are a LOT of people to play with".


Thing is, they NEVER tell you what server they are on.


That is because you never ask


Lord Adraas for me

Edited by Mr_Crueak
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300K concurrent was the very highest peak during the holidays.


I doubt we're getting anywhere close to 300K concurrent lately. Last night on my server there were 3 people on Hoth and I was the only person on Corellia. My guildy said he was one of 6 people on Tatooine.


I mean, it's getting sad now.


Varies by server. At 2 AM this morning on an East Coast NA server there were 30+ people on Tatooine on my server. In more prime time I can go to planets and there are 100+ people.


And since there is an accusation of "LOL they never say what server they are on": Dreshdae Cantina.

Edited by ptwonline
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Could someone conclusively explain to me, why having hundreds of players running around you is helping your personal game experience in any way? For me a planet's population is okay, when I can find a group for a heroic quest in an acceptable period of time (I have never waited longer than a few minutes).


Other than that I don't really need other players' avatars around me, because they don't add to my immersion or experience or whatever. They are just there doing what they're doing, while I'm doing what I'm doing. The only times I interact with the players in my immediate surrounding is when I'm in a quest-area and there is either a tough boss, or there's only one mob that more people need to kill. To find a group, I don't need the players to be near me, they only need to be on the same planet and that, as mentioned before, hasn't been a problem for me in the past month.


I like running into people, personally, and the fact that I spend most of my quests killing enemies alone with a nearly-dead general chat and a zone-wide population of 32 on a good day makes me feel like there's absolutely no social aspect to the game whatsoever.


I understand we're different, but I feel those complaining about low-pops are more like me: Seeing people and questing alongside them, helping them out etc etc add to our enjoyment of the MMO aspect of the game, even if it slightly disturbs the storytelling aspect. BioWare implemented measures to ensure the game went the opposite way, and it's negatively impacting our enjoyability.

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It really is depressing leveling a character right now. It's hard to find groups, the cities are a ghost town, and you run into the same 3-4 players the whole time you're on that planet. It's bad.



I think the only zone that ever needs to be sharded (EVER) are the fleets, and even then it doesn't need to be split apart until at least 300 players.

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Could someone conclusively explain to me, why having hundreds of players running around you is helping your personal game experience in any way? For me a planet's population is okay, when I can find a group for a heroic quest in an acceptable period of time (I have never waited longer than a few minutes).


Other than that I don't really need other players' avatars around me, because they don't add to my immersion or experience or whatever. They are just there doing what they're doing, while I'm doing what I'm doing. The only times I interact with the players in my immediate surrounding is when I'm in a quest-area and there is either a tough boss, or there's only one mob that more people need to kill. To find a group, I don't need the players to be near me, they only need to be on the same planet and that, as mentioned before, hasn't been a problem for me in the past month.






Force Harvester


I solo most of the time, but I don't want to have to wait for an hour to do a heroic because there are only 50 people on a planet. So far, it hasn't really been an issue, but I'm thinking a couple months from now it will be literally impossible to get 4 people to do any sub lvl 50 content.

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There have been a few times that I have been in when the server has felt empty...usually around 1-2 am west coast time. Last night I was on around 11pm on Vornskr server. My character is lvl 29 and Tatooine had a good amount of people on it. as a matter of fact I was trying to kill a certain mob and waiting for my guildmate to come help me and in that wait 3 other groups came and killed it and the last even had to wait around for the respawn.


I understand what you are saying about some places being empty, especially later on but I think one of the reasons is re-rolls....loving alts. I go back to some of the earlier planets and they have a really healthy number on them.


Just my personal experience not doubting or challenging that yours or others may differ. :)

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I like running into people, personally, and the fact that I spend most of my quests killing enemies alone with a nearly-dead general chat and a zone-wide population of 32 on a good day makes me feel like there's absolutely no social aspect to the game whatsoever.


I understand we're different, but I feel those complaining about low-pops are more like me: Seeing people and questing alongside them, helping them out etc etc add to our enjoyment of the MMO aspect of the game, even if it slightly disturbs the storytelling aspect. BioWare implemented measures to ensure the game went the opposite way, and it's negatively impacting our enjoyability.


Okay, I can accept that. There are different approaches to a MMO and taking in this many players just adds to that melting pot. Well, maybe when more players reach the level cap, the community will gather in other places than the Fleet. :)



I solo most of the time, but I don't want to have to wait for an hour to do a heroic because there are only 50 people on a planet. So far, it hasn't really been an issue, but I'm thinking a couple months from now it will be literally impossible to get 4 people to do any sub lvl 50 content.


True, but that's the case in most MMOs. Not so much in the low-level areas, but the mid-range is always a little underpopulated. On the other hand, I'm very interested in seeing if that particular problem has an impact on this game, because it really encourages rolling alts and going through with them.

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Agreed. Looking for a group in mid-range level planets on the "heavy" servers is more challenging than running the missions. This shouldn't be a issue for a game that is less than a month into post-Christmas launch. Something is terribly wrong here.



I have been noticing this as well, and for someone that switched to a higher population server I can still only find groups in peak hours.


There is still lots of people around 80+ on fleet, around a hundred on Drummand, Balmorra, Nar Shadda but the grouping aspect is just so counter intuitive to the entire rest of what is going on, quest, crafts etc that only a few are LFG. I have had a much easier time finding groups to do 4m heroics on the planet then a FP.


I am actually not a fan of LFG tool and Xserver capability but I think this game warrentss it if any. If folks could find a group for FP from anywhere and be put back where they were to continue on questing and such grouping would open right up. *However* I would be very cautious on any tool BW was able to come up with in less than 8-12 months, so yea.

Edited by WutsInAName
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The other problem that may make the world feel empty is i'm sure others are like me, i am a complete rerollaholic. I will take a character to the mid teens and decide there is something id on't like about the looks of him/her and reroll just to change a freakin hair style. or to simply try out another class etc, etc. So if there are alot like me that would mean less people in the higher lvl worlds Edited by Mr_Crueak
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That is because you never ask


Lord Adraas for me


That's interesting, same server as me. Out of interest what level are you etc? My main problem is with the sharding itself, but certainly at the higher level planets your looking at 30 people if your lucky. On Voss yesterday during peak time, there were 13 people for example.

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There are 251 servers with around 300,000 concurrent players. This equals an average of 1200 online on each server. That's essentially 600 players per faction. Generally half of this population is either on the fleet or drommund Kaas on my server. Meaning there's about 300 people spread across the 7 other worlds, PvP, flashpoints.


Not only are server populations tiny at the moment, but the use of sharding on planets is bewildering. Most planets are bigger than zones you find in MMO's that don't use sharding.


We get these massive beautifully realised worlds, with absolutely no one populating them. They need to increase population and get rid of sharding.


Flaws in your thinking


  • The average concurrent connections is 350k as of 2 weeks ago - I expect this has gone up now
  • The server distribution is timestretched - i.e. more users will be on in Europe and less in US at this time of day
  • Varying server pops vary - Who'd have thunked it???


I would suggest that on a Full server right now there are probably upwards of 6000 players, 3000 on each side, based on what I have seen travelling across my server.

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Have anyone here ever checked their RAM usage when playing SWTOR?


I have


Like most people I've got 4 Gb of RAM and when playing swtor at the maximum settings my RAM usage almost hits the limit. You see, when the computer run out of RAM for processes to use it starts using your hard drive as RAM and when the computer does that the performance will be severely impacted.


Skype, Origin, Google Chrome and the game used about 2.5 Gb RAM for me then there's a load of other applications that need RAM. I'm using Windows 7 which isn't as RAM dependent as Vista which I suspect many still uses.


Ordered 8 Gb of new RAM yesterday and it will probably do a great deal to keep my game running smooth even when a large amount of players appears.


Other computer specs: i5 2500k, GTX460 SLI both heavily OC'ed.

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Have anyone here ever checked their RAM usage when playing SWTOR?


I have


Like most people I've got 4 Gb of RAM and when playing swtor at the maximum settings my RAM usage almost hits the limit. You see, when the computer run out of RAM for processes to use it starts using your hard drive as RAM and when the computer does that the performance will be severely impacted.


Skype, Origin, Google Chrome and the game used about 2.5 Gb RAM for me then there's a load of other applications that need RAM. I'm using Windows 7 which isn't as RAM dependent as Vista which I suspect many still uses.


Ordered 8 Gb of new RAM yesterday and it will probably do a great deal to keep my game running smooth even when a large amount of players appears.


Other computer specs: i5 2500k, GTX460 SLI both heavily OC'ed.

You running Windows 7 64bit I hope, else you won't be able to address all that RAM.
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You running Windows 7 64bit I hope, else you won't be able to address all that RAM.


even if he is running win 7 64bit, swtor will still only take adventage of the first 3 gigs of ram since it is still 32bit. that extra ram will help him with multitasking though while running the game.

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Sadly, guys, my WoW server, US-Eredar, a suposedly ''dead'' server have around 500-600 active players alliance, and twice that number Horde.


And it's a dead server. My Courageous server had 15 people online on fleet ten minutes ago.


So the SWTOR community has less people during the day than WoW? Wonder if it has anything to do with older playerbase and being the middle of the day/working hours. Nah that couldn't be it. Even though i had a queue last night to get on to my server.

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I would suggest that on a Full server right now there are probably upwards of 6000 players, 3000 on each side, based on what I have seen travelling across my server.


Actually I think that it's not possible to say how many people are on a "full" server, becaue they have been boosting the capacity of the extremly full servers during the first few weeks, so that it's entirely possible that one "full" server has 4,000 players, while another has 6,000 (completly random numbers, without any maths behind them ;) )

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Flaws in your thinking


  • The average concurrent connections is 350k as of 2 weeks ago - I expect this has gone up now
  • The server distribution is timestretched - i.e. more users will be on in Europe and less in US at this time of day
  • Varying server pops vary - Who'd have thunked it???


I would suggest that on a Full server right now there are probably upwards of 6000 players, 3000 on each side, based on what I have seen travelling across my server.


you're crazy lol 350k people on at once? Thats higher then the CAP highest ever they said were on during Christmas breaks. 6k a server? I must be missing something when there's 2 instances of nar shadda on Prophecy of the 5 with 30-60 people. Guess each Planet has more then 500 people on it? lol

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you're crazy lol 350k people on at once? Thats higher then the CAP highest ever they said were on during Christmas breaks. 6k a server? I must be missing something when there's 2 instances of nar shadda on Prophecy of the 5 with 30-60 people. Guess each Planet has more then 500 people on it? lol


The 350k was reported all over the place......

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