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You must be new to MMO's, The level is only a speedbump for character progression into end game. If you wanted story go play a single player game. its cheaper and overall a better experience if you enjoy that sort of thing.


You must be new to MMOs. Leveling to cap before wow used to take years, and the content was rich at all levels. And you'd get new abilities all the way up to top, since you were leveling.


Now, you just level to cap in a week and then hunt better gear but get nothing new ever in terms of new skills/abilities.


I personally preferred the first type. Too bad that even the old, some call then "asian MMOs" now turned to the new model of making you level <cap> in a couple days of in-game time. Only thing is, they don't really have end-game now, because most of their content was designed for enjoyable leveling. So I came here, and I honestly can't say it's not fun. The leveling is finally enjoyable again, rather than just a grind to cap.

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You must be new to MMO's, The level is only a speedbump for character progression into end game. If you wanted story go play a single player game. its cheaper and overall a better experience if you enjoy that sort of thing.


Actually your the one with the misunderstanding.

BIO has stated over and over the story is part of this MMO.


And guess what long before WOW the story was part of the MMO.

Granted they never got as in depth as SWTOR as back then you where expected to create your own story and they just created the world in which you played.


Somewhere along the line, I guess it was the WOW generation and the reintroduction of console games into the market it stopped being about the story and turned into something else.


There were some that held true through the whole thing but for others I guess it is just lack of understanding. Makes me wonder if the current generation of gamers have any imagination at all.


Somebody once asked, why I am re-reading a book. My answer was have you ever watched the same movie more then once and they finally understood.

Edited by Korizan
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Heh, March. Def. not sticking around that long, oh well. Going to miss you TOR, woulda been nice to play you with all features in at launch having been fully functional, but, your Bioware, you do things half a**ed, good luck, have fun.


Dude leave already. I don't think I've ever experienced whining on such a massive scale before all the fanboys got pissed that this isn't SWGWoWEQ

Edited by Siyko
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Not really no. MMO cater to different kind of people, PVPer , raider, etc...

For example I like to explore, find niche stuff, boss not everybody find, read the story, sniff at the flower, etc...


As a raider, YOU think the level 1-50 content is just there for the grind after 50 to prepare you. You are only 1 type of gamer MMO cater to.


In fact TOR is catering to single story player a LOT, by having all those 8 different story. I can tell you for one I have no intention to speed through those and no intention whatsoever to raid.


None of your and my gameplay is the king or whatever. We just have different approach and neither is better nor worst than the others. Just different.


I wish those people which psot "1-50 is only a speedbump" would start to realize that it is only their viewpoint and not really more valid than other's.


ETA: to make my point clear , WOW is DEVOID of content comapred to TOR's 8 stories.


I agree with this

If you want a game to have mass appeal, you have to cater for everyone not just a niche market

Films that are blockbusters do this too


The trick is to give all what they want without pissing off another part of your customer base



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You must be new to MMOs. Leveling to cap before wow used to take years, and the content was rich at all levels. And you'd get new abilities all the way up to top, since you were leveling.


Now, you just level to cap in a week and then hunt better gear but get nothing new ever in terms of new skills/abilities.


I personally preferred the first type. Too bad that even the old, some call then "asian MMOs" now turned to the new model of making you level <cap> in a couple days of in-game time. Only thing is, they don't really have end-game now, because most of their content was designed for enjoyable leveling. So I came here, and I honestly can't say it's not fun. The leveling is finally enjoyable again, rather than just a grind to cap.


I agree with the fact that it used to take a long time to level, rather than now which seems to be much quicker. But after that I disagree. The Asian MMO's are usually grind fests, well at least the Korean ones are. I stopped playing Aion just because it was such a grind fest, I couldn't stand it anymore. So, there needs to be a balance. I think SWTOR may be a bit too fast, but not fast enough to really make it a problem.


Since story is part of the game, I think they're playing more to the alt crowd, who will have different toons because they want to see more of the story. I'm not rushing, I played a lot during Christmas break, but since then it's been about normal.

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"Our content is more complex than your typical MMO content. It requires voiceovers, cinematics and all that..." Good job so I thought blizzard was slow on content(every six months) haha.... 2013 for this game's content? Wow..... Pretty much we have to wait a year because they are no VOs in yet. Fail.
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Sorry, but once I'm gone, I'm gone. I keep going back to WoW because it's a excellent game with a few bad ideas, the main problem is the content delivery speed, if WoW had content patches each month, even just a new instance, I'd never have left. TOR is just a WoW wanna-be with clunky, delayed combat, laggy PvP even with sub 20ms pings and high end hardware (talking both frame rate and actual latency), and the sheer fact there is no choice, you're going to do x, y and z in that order, over and over and over, there is no options, whereas leveling up in WoW you at least have some options in where you go to make it less tedious.


WoW is what 7 years old? ofc they are in a better postion. Where will this be in 7 years?

If WoW is so great go back and stay there please.....



Some or even most or even a few are here because they are bored of WoW not because they thought it would be better just different

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"Our content is more complex than your typical MMO content. It requires voiceovers, cinematics and all that..." Good job so I thought blizzard was slow on content(every six months) haha.... 2013 for this game's content? Wow..... Pretty much we have to wait a year because they are no VOs in yet. Fail.


Uh, you should try reading the entire article. They have plans up to 2013, but stuff is going to be coming out soon.

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"Our content is more complex than your typical MMO content. It requires voiceovers, cinematics and all that..." Good job so I thought blizzard was slow on content(every six months) haha.... 2013 for this game's content? Wow..... Pretty much we have to wait a year because they are no VOs in yet. Fail.


You obviously didn't read the part where they stated that they want to release new content more often than Blizzard...


Just because the game released with the content it did does not mean that they were not already developing content for release down the road. They have been working on post-release content months before the actual game release, which is why they want to give us new content in every major patch.

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Uh, you should try reading the entire article. They have plans up to 2013, but stuff is going to be coming out soon.


I did. Still you don't think it's hilarious that their major content is almost finished but have to wait 1 year to get the voice overs in? lol I am not impressed with what they did in the 5 years except for the story and it feels like they are doing the same thing again: Emphasis on voice overs. And before people get on their periods, this is just my opinion.

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I agree with the fact that it used to take a long time to level, rather than now which seems to be much quicker. But after that I disagree. The Asian MMO's are usually grind fests, well at least the Korean ones are. I stopped playing Aion just because it was such a grind fest, I couldn't stand it anymore. So, there needs to be a balance. I think SWTOR may be a bit too fast, but not fast enough to really make it a problem.


Since story is part of the game, I think they're playing more to the alt crowd, who will have different toons because they want to see more of the story. I'm not rushing, I played a lot during Christmas break, but since then it's been about normal.


Thing is, most of the "grindcore" asian MMOs changed a lot recently. I don't know Aion, I only played for a month and it was just plain bad. Combat sucked, it wasn't very social, and the content wasn't even new. It was a badly made Lineage 2. It might have even been fine, but when they introduced factions, things went south. Splitting the community in two is bad in a pvp oriented game.


As for the other games, I used to play a lot of Ragnarok Online. Getting to 99 transcendent class used to be a grind of epic proportions (I never did it). Now it takes less than a week, and even though level cap got changed to 150, there's plenty of people that hit it less than a month since the patch that increased it.


Then there's Lineage 2. Notoriously known also as Grindage. Took me one weekend to reach level 50+40 on alt on the European f2p launch two months ago, and I didn't even play that much, because I had raid timers to catch in DDO. Yeah, it's still pretty grindy above level 85 (cap is 99 now), but it's really not any worse than say, getting higher tiers of gears in "end-game raiding content" type MMOs.

Edited by Truga
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I did. Still you don't think it's hilarious that their major content is almost finished but have to wait 1 year to get the voice overs in? lol I am not impressed with what they did in the 5 years except for the story and it feels like they are doing the same thing again: Emphasis on voice overs. And before people get on their periods, this is just my opinion.


I am disheartened by a few things by Bioware, as in their lack of acknowledging a few issues, at least tells us when things are planned on being fixed. The limited functionality of guilds is annoying at this moment as well.


As for the content, I think what they are talking about is the next expansion, but maybe not. WoW has an expansion every 1.5-2 years? This would be quicker if it was an expansion. But they are released new events like they said, so I assume more stuff like this will come out every few months which would be good.


But they shouldn't put too much in, like every month like Rift did. After a while it got kind of annoying. Every month a new special event was happening, and you always wanted to do them all, but it just got to be too much.

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Heh, March. Def. not sticking around that long, oh well. Going to miss you TOR, woulda been nice to play you with all features in at launch having been fully functional, but, your Bioware, you do things half a**ed, good luck, have fun.


well do like alot of people leave for few months then come back i mean if you liked the game itself its worth it.


no LFG tool

no recount

they are adding AA 1.1 so that cant be said

no dual spec

no mods/addons

ui need to be custumizabele< i keybind every skill i use the 1 thing i would like is to have certian skills that need to be used when x happens have a bigger icon

bugs there is no game breaking bug in the game where it prevents you from playen


all these things will be added or fixed just not now. alll those things are not game breakers

so if you are quiten over that all it shows is that you are a spoiled brat


now if your quiten over


just did not like the lore

game did not play well on your machine

just did not like the game


then that is all well then

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I did. Still you don't think it's hilarious that their major content is almost finished but have to wait 1 year to get the voice overs in? lol I am not impressed with what they did in the 5 years except for the story and it feels like they are doing the same thing again: Emphasis on voice overs. And before people get on their periods, this is just my opinion.


What they did in 5 years was build a game from the ground up so lets not pretend that now that they have a game, engine and foundation that content release pace is analogous to the initial development process.


It is only natural that if all other things being equal between two games that the one that requires VO will take a bit longer. I for one think it is worth it though and can't imagine ever having to go back to meaningless text box driven drivel.

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Thing is, most of the "grindcore" asian MMOs changed a lot recently. I don't know Aion, I only played for a month and it was just plain bad. Combat sucked, it wasn't very social, and the content wasn't even new. It was a badly made Lineage 2. It might have even been fine, but when they introduced factions, things went south. Splitting the community in two is bad in a pvp oriented game.


As for the other games, I used to play a lot of Ragnarok Online. Getting to 99 transcendent class used to be a grind of epic proportions (I never did it). Now it takes less than a week, and even though level cap got changed to 150, there's plenty of people that hit it less than a month since the patch that increased it.


Then there's Lineage 2. Notoriously known also as Grindage. Took me one weekend to reach level 50+40 on alt on the European f2p launch two months ago, and I didn't even play that much, because I had raid timers to catch in DDO. Yeah, it's still pretty grindy above level 85 (cap is 99 now), but it's really not any worse than say, getting higher tiers of gears in "end-game raiding content" type MMOs.


Well, I know of is Aion and that is the only one I've played that was "Asian". From other people I heard generally they have a grinding culture for some reason. To each their own. I loved Aion, and then hit level 34. No quests, no dungeons that gave exp. You could be ganked and lose your pvp rating which was annoying. But I was looking at a two week grind fest for a level, and I'm talking every day, at least 2-3 hours, and more on the weekend. That's the only one I've played however.

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I am disheartened by a few things by Bioware, as in their lack of acknowledging a few issues, at least tells us when things are planned on being fixed. The limited functionality of guilds is annoying at this moment as well.


As for the content, I think what they are talking about is the next expansion, but maybe not. WoW has an expansion every 1.5-2 years? This would be quicker if it was an expansion. But they are released new events like they said, so I assume more stuff like this will come out every few months which would be good.


But they shouldn't put too much in, like every month like Rift did. After a while it got kind of annoying. Every month a new special event was happening, and you always wanted to do them all, but it just got to be too much.


took wow like 4 years to get the 1st expansion set out after that they wanted to push out 1 a year. wow did exist b4 BC you knowhence is why i stopped playen wow it just got old

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"Our content is more complex than your typical MMO content. It requires voiceovers, cinematics and all that..." Good job so I thought blizzard was slow on content(every six months) haha.... 2013 for this game's content? Wow..... Pretty much we have to wait a year because they are no VOs in yet. Fail.



Your lack of reading skill is disturbing.

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As to the gripes on Legacy mode...I just don't get it. Legacy is only your last name if YOU chose to make it your last name. You can easily disable it or chose to make it "the XXX Legacy" which in no way would imply that two toons are related but merely are somehow involved in a common struggle/event/historic time of your own choosing. Compare that to many other MMO's that don't have surnames at all and I just look at the QQ as nonsense.


ZOMG!!!! My Twi'lek should not have the same last name as my Chiss!! It makes no sense!!!! QQ! QQ! :rolleyes:


Ok guy, then they won't! Simple...

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the game is dead?? lololol


1 million in first week of the realese


That number after the 20th will be DRAMATICALLY less, I ASSURE you.


Also post above me, you have to choose a Legacy name unless you want to be pesetered by the "CHOOSE YOUR LEGACY NOW!!!1!!!" pop-up like some kind of Free MMO trying to entice you into their cash shop on login.

Edited by Faxxon
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"In terms of game systems we're releasing the full Legacy system. It's a system that really benefits players who like to play alts - instead of having characters who have no relation to each other you can create a family, and when you're playing any member of that family you earn experience points for your Legacy tree."


So disappointing. I am all about playing alts, but this does not 'benefit' me at all. Quite the opposite, as I *DO NOT WANT* my alts to be members of a 'family'. I want them to be altogether different and individual characters. With different names. Damn it.


Boo, Bioware. Boo.


You don't even have to do your legacy. You have a choice.

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Well, I know of is Aion and that is the only one I've played that was "Asian". From other people I heard generally they have a grinding culture for some reason. To each their own. I loved Aion, and then hit level 34. No quests, no dungeons that gave exp. You could be ganked and lose your pvp rating which was annoying. But I was looking at a two week grind fest for a level, and I'm talking every day, at least 2-3 hours, and more on the weekend. That's the only one I've played however.


Aion had several problems on launch, one of which was lack of quests after level 3x, while the exp was balanced with quests in mind. Thus, you had to grind for weeks while not even close to cap. Couple this with the two factions thingy, where everyone that can gank you will gank you just because they can, rather than a real pk system like eve and lineage had, and you're looking at depressing grind.


Most other "grind" games have an exp curve where being level 96 out of level 99 means you've gathered less than half total exp required, and the last two or three levels were reserved for people who go above and beyond, and actually try hard to be on top for end-game pvp. Much like hard-core raiders grind their raids for hours upon end, just to squeeze that extra 2% out of their character before the next content update comes out.


The grind is the same, but for some reason, the western population prefers grinding gear to grinding levels. I have no idea why. Nor am I judging, when I want to just grind some exp and play with friends, Lineage is free to play now, and polearms are still bloody awesome.

Edited by Truga
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Love the positive post but I still can't get the act that they are forcing all of my characters to have the same last name.


This is supposed to be an rp/immersion based system?


Ya I can really buy that my Mirialan Jedi and Twi'lek Smuggler and Human Trooper all have the same last name...that is bordering on an insulting and lazy way to incorporate surnames into the game.


The whole concept smells like BS imo, at least with the forced surnames as it is.


The way I've been looking at it is as a way people can identify you, as in the player, rather than go "aww what a f*$ked up family tree that must be"


i kinda like the concept that someone can spot your legacy name and know that it's so and so playing over there, he's helped me before maybe he needs a hand on his alt / he was a jerk maybe i can train some mobs onto him


:p the option is always there to hide it to

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You don't even have to do your legacy. You have a choice.


The choice I do not have is the choice to give my non-related alts different last names.


Luke Skywalker

Han Solo

Leia Organa

Boba Fett

Lando Calrissian

Wedge Antilles

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Bib Fortuna

Mace Windu

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The choice I do not have is the choice to give my non-related alts different last names.


Luke Skywalker

Han Solo

Leia Organa

Boba Fett

Lando Calrissian

Wedge Antilles

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Bib Fortuna

Mace Windu


Can't you just have a common legacy and name the characters anything you want? Oh, yea you can...

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