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So I did it.


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What's appalling is acting like we should continue to pay for the game until they fix it. I canceled, but will come back after they fix a majority of the problems. How is this unreasonable?


It is not unreasonable to expect a fix. It is quite unreasonable to come in the forum and whine and print screenshot of your unsubscribe action and request ACTION before a few day are gone otherwise you really quit. And that is not even counting those who keep saying they will quit or even already unsubbed but keep posting here and in various thread to voice their discontent.


You can be discontent. But what msot people are getting sick of, is not having a different opinion, but rather the whiney way some do express it, with in addition the spamming of various thread with the same issues and "deadlining" setting "if you don#t solve it within a few day I'll quit".


I am sorry, unless they are kids, any reasonable adult by now KNOWS that in IT in general and game or MMO in particular you rarely have quick solution.


Just unsub, quit, and put why in your unsub feedback. And then observe. But whining over and over is tiring and unreasonable. Expecting change within short frame for a software is unreasonable.

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It is not unreasonable to expect a fix. It is quite unreasonable to come in the forum and whine and print screenshot of your unsubscribe action and request ACTION before a few day are gone otherwise you really quit. And that is not even counting those who keep saying they will quit or even already unsubbed but keep posting here and in various thread to voice their discontent.


You can be discontent. But what msot people are getting sick of, is not having a different opinion, but rather the whiney way some do express it, with in addition the spamming of various thread with the same issues and "deadlining" setting "if you don#t solve it within a few day I'll quit".


I am sorry, unless they are kids, any reasonable adult by now KNOWS that in IT in general and game or MMO in particular you rarely have quick solution.


Just unsub, quit, and put why in your unsub feedback. And then observe. But whining over and over is tiring and unreasonable. Expecting change within short frame for a software is unreasonable.


If you hadn't noticed,you are whining about someone whining.Which in turn makes you a whiner too? just sayin :p

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They are already working on the delay issue, which will be fixed.

And the mirror class imbalances will obviously be fixed.


Seeing as you have played WoW though, I do not understand how you can be this impatient?

I rather want them to take time releasing bigger patches with better changes, then releasing a patch every **** that just ****s up the game even more, like they did in WoW.


No patience at all.


People are not waiting till March for fixes... People play games for fun and entertainment.. and when you get frustrated playing... thats no good. By March classes that are OP will have full gear, making the gap impossible to overcome unless they do somethnig with expertise or until they come out with a new level of pvp gear. everyone will be biochem, and pugging for the casual pvper will be a nightmare against geared out premades consisting of 8 sorcerers running the ball 5 times in the first 3 minutes in hutball. farming for the next 11.5 min then capping.

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Although the game is pretty good in term of pve/leveling, I did it. PvP is my end-game, and well:




If it can make them move.

We'll see. But no way I'm gonna pay for that warzone experience, it's simply terrible.

A pity.


And yes, sadly, I'll have fun with pandas. No other choices.


Good for you, I have a few days left myself and as Im writing this Im installing another MMO that knows PvP... If they fix this mess I can see me coming back but its good that your not just rage quiting without input of why.. Hopefully they will fix this up for us PvP players.

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Although the game is pretty good in term of pve/leveling, I did it. PvP is my end-game, and well:




If it can make them move.

We'll see. But no way I'm gonna pay for that warzone experience, it's simply terrible.

A pity.


And yes, sadly, I'll have fun with pandas. No other choices.


Me too. Last night I started to roll a Shaman. I heard frost mages were going to get the nerf. Also, waiting for guild wars 2 to release. I think the 18th is the last day in this game.

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Your logic is so flawed.


Hardcores don't make money. They are the minority.








They claimed this game would NOT cater to the Hardcore. and so far it has. If you didnt rush to 50 and pvp and gear up fast, you are screwed at 50 now. even if they move the 50's to their own bracket.

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They claimed this game would NOT cater to the Hardcore. and so far it has. If you didnt rush to 50 and pvp and gear up fast, you are screwed at 50 now. even if they move the 50's to their own bracket.


Read pls what you qoutet again and then what you wrote. It doesn't make any sense at all.

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Read pls what you qoutet again and then what you wrote. It doesn't make any sense at all.


You clearly have no knowledge of the business aspect of the gaming industry.



There's a reason why the trend for almost all games nowadays is more towards casual, as there's a larger audience.

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You clearly have no knowledge of the business aspect of the gaming industry.



There's a reason why the trend for almost all games nowadays is more towards casual, as there's a larger audience.


Are you kidding me? Where did i make any assumptions? I just pointed out that the poster didn'T understand what his quote meant. I think reading must be a superpower nowadays.

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my problem isn't that you canceled because you dont like the game. Just the attitude you giving to bioware and the whole community as if this game would be total crap and thats simply not true. So stop nagging or stop playing but i dont want to read any ******** " i cancel my sub" threats, as if bioware would give a ****.


edit: this game is now a month old. Think about wow when it was at that stage and then think again.


So every game reinvents the wheel? Are we still buying Model T's? God, I hope game companies can do better than this...LOL

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There are multiple 20-50 pages threads about this with 20k + views and not one response from a dev.


How can you say they will "obviously" be fixed.


What makes it obvious to you?


If you see a pile of dumb hooligans that beat eachother up like hell and you don't know the reason why they're doing that, i think you wouldn't jump in and say "dont worry guys i will fix all your problems". What do you think would happen.


I have to make clear that the term dumb is very important to my metaphor

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So every game reinvents the wheel? Are we still buying Model T's? God, I hope game companies can do better than this...LOL


No you are way to simpleminded if you really think this. You can't take things easy from another mmorgp just because it worked for them. MMOs will always start slow. It has always been like this and it wont change. If you want to know why, then go and learn something about gamedevelopement so you can understand how your idea wont work in 100 years.

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If I go for good - if nothing is done and the game sinks, yes, you can have my 350 000 credits.

If they manage to correct the ability lag and the pvp imbalance, then no. I might come back.

They have until next thursday for me.


Result! Heres hoping the game fails!


Erm ...

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On a serious note this is a shame cos I pvp my whole time in game and have seen no ability lag personally - annoying if its just lack of uniform service thats driving people away.


Only thing that comes close to this really is los fail, i see someone casting so i run behind a wall before they get the shot but it comes through scenery to hit me. Oddly this seems to happen way more with players than npcs.

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Why would anyone pay for something that they don't like?


Would you pay $15 per month to eat all the creamed spinach you want if you HATE creamed spinach?


Looks like old Milo was right....


"Shut up and give me my ten bucks per month, little man. My Porsche needs some performance upgrades." -Milo Cooper



He knew his customers would keep paying for that spinach. Just like you will.

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They are already working on the delay issue, which will be fixed.

And the mirror class imbalances will obviously be fixed.


Seeing as you have played WoW though, I do not understand how you can be this impatient?

I rather want them to take time releasing bigger patches with better changes, then releasing a patch every **** that just ****s up the game even more, like they did in WoW.


No patience at all.


Maybe they should have taken the time to listen to thousands of bug reports and fixed their game prior to release rather than charging a subscription fee for Beta

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You buy cars with flaws, you buy coffee makers with flaws, you buy scented candles with flaws.


The perfect product has never been released. There are, however great products on the market that have come close once given the time to mature.


Those items have an expectation of functionality and are also not competiting against other owners for that functionality.


When my coffee maker kicks on at 5am every morning, there's no competition to make the coffee better or faster then my neighbors.


I don't race my truck, I expect it to get me from A to B without issue - and it does that. Yes, it had a recall to fix the cord for the tailgate latch about two years after release (when the problem became apparent). The vast majority of the problems in SWTOR have been known since the first BETA invites went out. Bioware has had a ridiculous amount of time to fix these things and they haven't. That's what is so frustrating about a lot of these issues - THEY ARE NOT NEW.


You can't compare things like these to a subscription based video game especially when the majority of the game-breaking features only become game breaking when you're put in the competitive environment of something like a warzone.


The ability delay always sucks - but it's more destructive to your game experience when you're in pvp. Now, if the coffee maker that I bought *only* worked correctly on days I wasn't going into work, and failed all other times - then it would be a somewhat appropriate comparison.

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You buy cars with flaws, you buy coffee makers with flaws, you buy scented candles with flaws.


The perfect product has never been released. There are, however great products on the market that have come close once given the time to mature.

A flawed comparison.


If I buy a car or a coffee maker that doesn't work, I take it back and either get it replaced or refunded.


But I can't really take this game back to Bestbuy and ask for a refund because and reason that the game mechanics are broken.


You can release patches to fix a game glitch or flaw, which is free of charge, but I don't know how you're going to get a car or an appliance fixed short of sending it back due to recall because the product doesn't work.



With that said, I think its perfectly reasonable for anyone to unsubscribe but will consider to subscribe once the issue has been fixed, and honestly, waiting till March for a specific problem to be fixed is kind of ridiculous.

Edited by Seductivpancakes
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The Ability lag is already announced to have a fix by patch 1.2 set to release in March.


March 2012 or March 2013?



I keep my opinion and decision: sub canceled until they correct it--- someday. hahaha

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No you are way to simpleminded if you really think this. You can't take things easy from another mmorgp just because it worked for them. MMOs will always start slow. It has always been like this and it wont change. If you want to know why, then go and learn something about gamedevelopement so you can understand how your idea wont work in 100 years.


I'm not exactly sure what you're talking about...I wasn't throwing an idea around, but instead it's just a simple metaphor. I understand gaming companies want to make money, but making money by throwing an unfinished product on the shelf kind of stinks. Yeah, yeah, yeah...it's an MMO. I get that, but it really should be more polished than this after being in development of 6+ years. If you didn't understand my Model T metaphor than let me explain. I think the average gamer comes to expect more from their games and as technology and our experience increases so should our expectations from gaming companies.

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