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How would you explai things like Hammer shot with the lore?


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There are some things that seem really immersion breaking in the game like hammer shot healing your allies or the scoundrel healing with a 'tricorder'.


What kind of technology could make a gun heal someone or a device in your hand heal someone by scanning them?



How would you epxlain that with the star wars lore?



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The same way I would explain:


characters in this game can run indefinitely

No one ever needs to eat

No one ever needs to go to the bathroom (there aren't even any bathrooms)

You can walk across the known universe in less than 8 hours

your hair never grows

You don't instantly die when a grenade is dropped at your feet

You don't instantly die when you are hit in the face with bullets/rockets/etc

Your legs don't break from jumping off the roof of a building

You can carry multiple sniper rifles, a vehicle, bombs, first aid kits, various machines, clothes, etc on your person and it doesn't effect your ability to move.

You don't get sick and die from trench foot even though you're running around in knee high water, mud, and refuse for days on end.


"lore" isn't supposed to be a straight jacket. It is supposed to be the jumping off point for these kinds of adventures. At a certain point, you just have to go with it and let the inconsistencies be. Or go read James Joyce instead.

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The guns that shoot healing can be explained pretty quickly in my early morning brain...




I would say that a small attachment is placed on the gun that has a cartridge of super concentrated kolto liquid mixed with an adrenaline component and local anesthesia.

You fire a super powered stream of this liquid, much like the diabetic "hypo spray" Injex insulin system. This numbs the spot of entry, adrenaline pumps you up to move it through your body faster and the kolto does what kolto does.


Expensive? Heck yes, and very possible in the lore I would say.

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Hit Points aren't flesh points but a combination of luck, morale and stamina. An amazing shot of an ally impresses you and motiviates you to fight harder, so you get more hit points. A "Tricorder" scan allows you to recognize that the pain you may have felt is not based on an actual deep injury and relieves you a little, increasing your morale again, or it helps you see how to avoid hurting yourself more, increasing your stamina.
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  • 4 weeks later...

It should be noted that game mechanics are considered non-canonical in all Star Wars lore and entries.


In essence...


Kyle Katarn does not really heal instantaneously by touching bacta packs, nor can he carry 10 weapons at once, unencumbered. (Dark Forces)


Force users don't really have a set "force pool" of definite energy before they need to wait a second before using more powers (almost every game where you play a force user ever).


The shields of rebel craft are not necessarily as strong as they are in the X-Wing series...


And while I'm at it, people are not limited by things like "levels" or "feats" or "skill points" in what abilities they may or may not have (Star Wars d20 and KotOR I and II)


Hmm... am I forgetting anything? I am sure I am, but I think my point has been made.

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Kolto is a rejuvenative liquid used widely at the time (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Kolto). For hammer shot, it's quite simple to believe that it's an encased Kolto concentrate, held together by a particle beam, which dispers es on impact, providing a small healing factor.


You can easily switch between this and regular impact ammos (for enemies) by a switch near the trigger, as long as you're using the proper cell.


Or whatever :)

Edited by Kemorand
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It wouldn't be the first time a healing compound in a weapon was used in Star Wars.




Kolto and Bacta are miracle medicines. They interact in such a way with flesh that they promote rapid regeneration, and relieve pain.


So there's precedence for it, just... it probably doesn't work the same way as the game shows.

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Hit Points aren't flesh points but a combination of luck, morale and stamina. An amazing shot of an ally impresses you and motiviates you to fight harder, so you get more hit points. A "Tricorder" scan allows you to recognize that the pain you may have felt is not based on an actual deep injury and relieves you a little, increasing your morale again, or it helps you see how to avoid hurting yourself more, increasing your stamina.


I will never look at a health bar the same again!

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I will never look at a health bar the same again!


This is why LOTR uses "morale" instead of "health". When your morale drops to zero, you give up the fight and fall over.


My own take on healthbars in games is similar. Since you have no degradation in performance until you hit zero and fall over, health bars are just somewhat arbitrary numbers assigned to your characters to represent your will to fight, and your skill at avoiding death.


Take the opening cinematic where Satele's master fights the two sith in the hangar of the ship. The fight was a lot of jumping around, hurling things at each other, blocking, dodging, etc. Then at the end, one would stab the other and they'd fall over. Now people tend to look at that, then look in-game where you're hacking on someone for a while with a lightsaber, and go "That's not right!"


But it is, really. All those swings? They were near-misses. The person's "healthbar" dropped a bit, but they never actually got directly HIT by the weapon. Either they barely dodged, deflected at the last moment, were grazed, etc. But it's slowly wearing them down. And finally, when you take the last of their health, it's a "direct hit", or in the case of cinematics, the "death blow".


As far as the OP's question is concerned, both the trooper and the BH load special cartridges when they're using their "healing shots" (you can see them change it when you switch to that toggle). My take would be that it's simply a high-capacity kolto chamber that is capable of firing crystalized kolto at someone. The shards hit, are embedded in the skin, and absorbed, healing damage. Considering how wide-spread kolto is, it wouldn't surprise me that some inventive person has "weaponized" it, allowing it to be used on the field.

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Still... Even "Kolto" and "Bacta" take hours of submersion in a tank for fairly minor wounds.


Well, that's apparently not entirely true. The padawans on Tython carry some with them apparently for emergency use. The ones you go looking for who fought off the flesh raider used theirs on their wounded friend.


Snippet from the wiki on kolto:

Kolto was also one of the primary components of a medpac during the Jedi Civil War.[1] Small amounts of the liquid could be placed in the medpac and easily carried or transported. Therefore, the amount of kolto was usually not substantial, so it functioned primarily as a first aid supplement.

Edited by LyriaFrost
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Eventual you have to just give in and relise there is a difference in making a good game and compleatly realistic game. They could stay true to every aspect of real life and lore in it but it would turn it into a compleatly unplayable game.


It is a fine line to walk between keeping a game true to lore and realism and making it enjoyable.

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