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What level of writing should be expected from a video game?


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The Exile was a pretty interesting character. It CAN be done. I'm not saying that the "create a character" aspect shouldn't be respected. My characters, like yours, have a backstory. Its important. I'm just saying that BioWare tries hard, but I think they're overrated. But what they are is a symptom of good things, an improvement in storytelling. They are on the positive end of the spectrum.


The emotional impact is what drives me to go forward. I just don't know of anything right now that can even be called spectacular. If you do please tell me

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Issue one to insult someones "writing" please be comperable to the english language. I don't mean to be a grammar Nazi but if you intend to nitpick please be aware that you will be nitpicked back. On to more relevant data... The issue with a Kotar story in an MMO is the first M kotar was ment to be a story driven game and with TOR is the most story driven MMO to date (I love that most of my quests actually matter to the story especially my class quests) If you start adding things like decision on how to go its going to be hard to keep the community United. For example you could have a group of 4 in Kotar and conquer almost any challenge in TOR you need a group of people other then NPCs. Those "other living people" are also playing the game and progressing through the story and quest lines. So regardless your not the hero exile your one of many heroes trying to save/destroy the republic. Now although you can do that in either was (light/dark decisions) your goal on either side is always the same... defeat the other side and anyone else that stands in your sides way. In conclusion this game isn't ment to make you feel like Odysseus or Revan or even Chuck Norris... This game is ment to make you feel like part of something bigger that you are working with others for an end game goal... and as we all know thats defeating the... just kidding its getting fat loot!


Your spelling, grammar, and punctuation are all atrocious. :)

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The emotional impact is what drives me to go forward. I just don't know of anything right now that can even be called spectacular. If you do please tell me


Jedi Consular story, the first act, from beginning to end. After the first act though, it all goes down hill in a major way. Not because act 2 and 3 suck, but because they don't live up to the awesomeness that is act one. Especially near the end, I really did feel like I was playing something with the quality of KotOR 2 again.

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However, there are other people who absolutely love the Inquisitor's story. Granted, bodice rippers are probably the height of these people's literary ambitions, but to each their own. :)


I like the Inquisitor's story because you really got to explore the character of the power-hungry Sith, and got to examine the themes of the dark side and Sith teaching in general. It literally embodied what it means to be a Sith on the path to ruin, and epotmized the reality of the dark side, in that self matters more than anything else.

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I like the Inquisitor's story because you really got to explore the character of the power-hungry Sith, and got to examine the themes of the dark side and Sith teaching in general. It literally embodied what it means to be a Sith on the path to ruin, and epotmized the reality of the dark side, in that self matters more than anything else.


Why do people hate it so much then?


I am confused as hell

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Why do people hate it so much then?


I am confused as hell


I don't know, honestly. My guess (note, I said guess, not fact) is that the ones who hate it, hate it because it was something other than what they expected or were hoping for. Though even I think it starts rolling in its own ***** by the start of the third act. The first and second acts were great though.

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I don't know, honestly. My guess (note, I said guess, not fact) is that the ones who hate it, hate it because it was something other than what they expected or were hoping for. Though even I think it starts rolling in its own ***** by the start of the third act. The first and second acts were great though.


I don't think the ghost buster complaint is really that valid. But i guess the only thing i am confused about is how does the warrior get more options in regards to manipulation.

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I've been playing TOR for awhile, I think the Sith warrior and Bounty hunter storylines are enjoyable so far. Not the best thing in the world but still enjoyable. However, i do have one question.



Should the fact that the medium is a video game and not a book make it ok to create subpar or just Basic level of good when it comes to writing characters and stories in general. I guess i am just expecting too much but i really wish a story would try and include the main character in the writing process. What i mean is allow an opportunity for the player to examine not only themeslves but the actions they have made. Through this internal look at oneself the player/main character could be put in a position to decide if what they have done so far is necedarilly what they want to continue doing. They could go through a change of some sort, learn something about themselves that they didn't before. Grow as a character basically.


Maybe my expectations are high but i don't think that "Just because a PCC is controlled by the player that there is nothing more to it. Is it so wrong to want the player character to feel involved in the story rather than a prop to it?


I know it isn't fair but for example in Planescape torment the game was practically about the main character. Same with Kotor 2, The player character was almost the central focus of the whole game in that Her actions are haunting and she has to overcome her past to face the present and future. Am i saying that all characters should be like the exile? No i am just asking if a video game can ever support the concept of Characters driving the plot and not the plot driving characters.


I obviously am not expecting this game to change because of my minor complaint but is it possible for any game in the future to do this?


The pro and antagonist being well developed (maybe 3d characters) and at the end their ambitions/ goals would clash and maybe the protagonist might not even win persay. Idk about anyone else but Archdemons/Reapers don't cut it.


anyway what are your thoughts?


As opposed to most mindless criticism, you make a good point. I think the answer to your question is yes and no. Yes, single player video games have the potential as you cite a couple as evidence. The problem with SWTOR is that it is an MMO. If you are looking for a full fledged story for each archtype, your creating 9 different games. That is a tall order and far beyond the scope of the initial release of an MMO.


There is hope, though. I suspect we are going to get small chunks of great story throughout the life of SWTOR. Maybe in a couple of years, it will add up to a lot.

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I have no idea who wrote those. For all I know it could have been him, but I honestly doubt it. Doesn't seem like his style.


Joss Whedon did a script for the first one, but it was rejected. The final script for the first X-Men movie was done by David Hayter, who, coincidentally, is the voice actor for the male Jedi Knight in this game.

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Joss Whedon did a script for the first one, but it was rejected. The final script for the first X-Men movie was done by David Hayter, who, coincidentally, is the voice actor for the male Jedi Knight in this game.


thanks for the reply

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I've been playing TOR for awhile, I think the Sith warrior and Bounty hunter storylines are enjoyable so far. Not the best thing in the world but still enjoyable. However, i do have one question.



Should the fact that the medium is a video game and not a book make it ok to create subpar or just Basic level of good when it comes to writing characters and stories in general. I guess i am just expecting too much but i really wish a story would try and include the main character in the writing process. What i mean is allow an opportunity for the player to examine not only themeslves but the actions they have made. Through this internal look at oneself the player/main character could be put in a position to decide if what they have done so far is necedarilly what they want to continue doing. They could go through a change of some sort, learn something about themselves that they didn't before. Grow as a character basically.


Maybe my expectations are high but i don't think that "Just because a PCC is controlled by the player that there is nothing more to it. Is it so wrong to want the player character to feel involved in the story rather than a prop to it?


I know it isn't fair but for example in Planescape torment the game was practically about the main character. Same with Kotor 2, The player character was almost the central focus of the whole game in that Her actions are haunting and she has to overcome her past to face the present and future. Am i saying that all characters should be like the exile? No i am just asking if a video game can ever support the concept of Characters driving the plot and not the plot driving characters.


I obviously am not expecting this game to change because of my minor complaint but is it possible for any game in the future to do this?


The pro and antagonist being well developed (maybe 3d characters) and at the end their ambitions/ goals would clash and maybe the protagonist might not even win persay. Idk about anyone else but Archdemons/Reapers don't cut it.


anyway what are your thoughts?


Planescape: Torment is arguably the best written game of all time.


SWTOR is written by who? Fanfic writers mostly. I know you try to provoke a discussion but SWTOR is simply a case of terrible writing (mostly). Nothing else can be said, unless you're a bioware fanboy or have zero idea about writing and your expectations are incredibly low.

Edited by Kozor
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