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Marauder issues not in ptr 1.1 notes.


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It has come to my attention that there are a few issues that have not been put into the 1.1 ptr notes for the Marauder. The first one I just found out today and if BW has not been working on a fix for it putting this exploit out there will make them work that much faster. I tried using the in game feature to report this but it seems that the petition feature is bugged as well.


Anyways, I was playing my Marauder today and I found out that you are able to use Battering Assault and Deadly Saber at the same time on the same GCD and get the benefits from both abilities. However I was unable to see if both abilities were doing damage because of lack of a combat log (wink wink BW). I know this was not an intended mechanic and gives Marauders quite a leg up in the pvp world when 1 GCD can mean life or death. After finding out this bug I decided to basically face roll mortal combat button mash all of my bound hot keys and guess what? I was killing elite mobs twice as fast as I was when I was playing "legitimately".


Another bug I have found that is not in the PTR notes is when using Ravage sometimes it will come off cool down right after it is done casting and you are able to do another full duration Ravage right after....yikes.


I realized I will probably get flamed for spilling the beans on these issues but really I care not. There are many players that want nothing more than an even playing field and fixing issues such as these will bring the game one step closer to everyone being on the same plane of play.

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Deadly saber is only a buff that lets you put a bleed on your target, it is off the GCD because it needs to always be up. As far as ravage goes it is true that it will often not go on CD but will also do no damage. I have had to go through up to 4 ravage animations before it did any damage. Look at the numbers popping up next time.
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Yeah that is the main problem with the marauder. I see it happens most with retaliation, ravage, force scream and sometimes force choke. It cam be the difference between winning and losing a fight especially in pvp. hopefully it is fixed soon but until then marauder isnt nearly as good as it should be.
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are all marauders using the same avatar for the forum? haha


OT: i read somewhere that BioWare will address major issues in 1.2 patch. just give it time.


vanilla WoW was buggy as hell also. It was even buggier than this. People think they are self entitled to everything. i mean i know that you pay for this game but come on... they are only human and its not like they are holding off on its paying customers.

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The ravage thing is actually a bug detrimental to any melee class. If you notice, when it does that, you do no damage at all, so basically the ability did not actually fire, which is why you can use it again. The animation plays, the cooldown triggers but you don't actually damage the target. This happens all the time and can chain multiple times back to back. I've had it where I've used Ravage or Master strike 4 times back to back and it never actually did any damage.


This is actually one of my major problems with melee classes right now, it happens on a number of abilities. You'll hit the button, the animation will play, the GCD will trigger but you don't actually do damage. The other thing that really plagues melee classes is hitting the button and nothing actually happens, your toon will motion like he's about to do it then stop. This makes playing any melee class very annoying and it actually puts us at a disadvantage b/c I have not noticed this with the ranged classes I've played. This causes loss of damage which obviously translates into a detriment in both pve and pvp.


Bioware seriously needs to fix this as currently it really is just silly, how this even got out of beta this way is a bit comical to me; right now combat as melee just feels so disjointed, I feel like my character is not doing what I want him to actually do a lot of the time or I'm constantly repeating the same skills b/c they don't cast as they shold. Really kills the combat flow and enjoyment for me; this isn't some sporadic bug, it literally happens all the time so there's no reason they can't track this down and work a fix.

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The Marauder is the most frustrating class to play in pvp atm because of the animation bug that does no damage, the abilities that should not be on Global Cool downs that are on global cool downs.


The other players must laugh there asses off when they see a Marauder sitting on their face for 20-40 seconds and not doing any damage to them..


This class is severly broken, too many abilities, abilities that just plain won't fire in pvp, you have to spam keys to make stuff work, etc..



Bioware, please fix this class quickly or 1 less registered member for your game.

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The ability failure bug for melee classes, I've found, ALWAYS happens after using any off-the-gcd ability, like retaliation. After using it, my next 1-3 abilities "fail". Vicious slash, for example -- my character will wind up her lightsaber, but then stop.


I'm not, I guess, super far in the game, but so far, my choice of Vengeance as a tree seems to be severely inhibited by the fact that I cannot burn my excess rage with retaliation without rendering myself unable to attack for the next few gcd's.

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The class is just terrible altogether. If I hadn't already leveled mine to 48 before I realized how godawful they were, both because of unnoticed (by Bioware) and unfixed bugs, terrible utility, no damage and no survivability, I would have rolled something else. The fact that Marauders have no stuns that work on players and are countered by knockback and slows (which every class except Marauders/Juggernauts and their republic counterparts have, even then Juggernauts do more damage than Marauders and they have Force push and much better survivability) is just a testement to how many godawful design decisions were made in the development process of this game. Sadly, I'm stuck with it now. Edited by Tyestor
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