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Soo do I just fail at tanking?


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Trolling aside, every time I get knocked/stunned/controlled in some manner the boss turns to somebody else and bashes away until I am back up.


Also every boss has an ability where he beats on another player for like 3 seconds. Its obvious when they legit have aggro or it just turned to do 1 ability, but I'm just curious as to whether the knockdown>target something else and beat on it order is correct or I'm just failing miserably?

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It is the class. You can't do anything. Taunt and pray.


Please, stop listening to this guy. Everything he posts is 'juggernaut sucks' 'juggernaut is awful' 'reroll' etc. The juggernaut is a perfectly capable class, just requires close timing on skills. Try working taunt into your rotation if you still have threat issues.


What boss are you specifically having issues with? Some bosses have such abilities hardwired into them, but for the most part they should stay on you even with a knockdown

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have read a lot on Juggernaut and yes it is scary, most of people complain.


I understand though. Let me share my experience. I am just lvl 14, arriving on Dromund Kaas directly, doing the first missions. Maybe I was innocent , but on my wa to Dromund Kaas, I noticed a mob of 2-3 Yozusk Titan (2 strongs , one elite) and another mob od Mandalorian beast salyers / hunters.


They were all ranked level 10-11. SO I am telling myself, ok, let's be careful, they are 3, i know Juggernaut requires strategy, but at the same time, I am level 14, so it should be manageable.


Conclusion : I died 3 times, even with Vette as companion. Chilling scream and Force scream were not effective for me and I could not cope with the group damages while absorbing damages and doing DPS.


There is maybe something I am doing wrong, probably, but yes I understand the number of posts.


For me, I love Juggernaut and want to learn more how to play but it is true, such experience scares me lol. Any advice ?

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As it has been stated before, some mobs/bosses will stun-aggro reset. This is where we can come in to our own.


So long as your abilities are off cooldown, you can grab some really nice snap aggro after a taunt (Enrage then Backhand, retaliate (If procced - yes I know, its spelt wrong but I can't be bothered to look up the spelling at this time), force scream etc).


We can really build that aggro back up fast and get our defenses up quickly again.


Only way to judge it though is to learn the fight. If you know a boss is going to aggro reset very shortly, save your aggro building abilties and your fast strikes for when you are out of the stun and aggro has been reset.


Hopefully your healer is on the ball and is ready to heal the poor dps that is about to meet his/her maker.

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have read a lot on Juggernaut and yes it is scary, most of people complain.


I understand though. Let me share my experience. I am just lvl 14, arriving on Dromund Kaas directly, doing the first missions. Maybe I was innocent , but on my wa to Dromund Kaas, I noticed a mob of 2-3 Yozusk Titan (2 strongs , one elite) and another mob od Mandalorian beast salyers / hunters.


They were all ranked level 10-11. SO I am telling myself, ok, let's be careful, they are 3, i know Juggernaut requires strategy, but at the same time, I am level 14, so it should be manageable.


Conclusion : I died 3 times, even with Vette as companion. Chilling scream and Force scream were not effective for me and I could not cope with the group damages while absorbing damages and doing DPS.


There is maybe something I am doing wrong, probably, but yes I understand the number of posts.


For me, I love Juggernaut and want to learn more how to play but it is true, such experience scares me lol. Any advice ?


At level 14 no class is fully functional.

As others said, some bosses also reset agro at certain points and need to be retaunted.

It is also important to grab agro of all adds etc and tell the group to focus your main target.


Tanking is not a tank only job, its a group job.

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then tell me why a 14 talens into immortal and 27 in vengence benefit more then 31 immortal?.


tell me why a BH and Assassin can hold AoE agro 10 times better then a jugger and still tank just as good if not better single target, and tell me why we are doing around 25% less damage then a BH....


jugger tanks need a some love and they promised that in beta and we are still waiting!

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I'd have to say not in this game. In WoW I loved my warrior tank where my job was to make everything hit me all the time. In SWTOR I keep the golds and silvers on me while dps handles the trash. Additionally, tanking will always be a "group job" in the sense that my merc DPS shouldn't open with massive AoE damage while I'm gathering aggro with my single target threat abilities. That would just be a bad idea for the group.


To the OP: Make sure (especially on boss fights) you're stacking sunder every time it's GCD is finished that helps spread the threat gap a lot (at least it does for me tanking at lvl 25)

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Do things get this bad at 50? I'm level 37 now and have less issues than the BH tanks in my guild with holding agro and aoe tanking. I also have a level 42 OP healer and like healing Jug tanks a lot more than the other 2 tanking classes. This could be due to me knowing what the tank is capable of and when to watch out for dmg spikes though.
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