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Which RP server for Empire?


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Hey. I haven't really done any RP before, but I really want to get into it, as Im really into the Star Wars lore and the Old Republic era. I currently have an Assassin on Ajunta Pall, but Im not really that into the character. Nevertheless, I do plan on him still being my main, as I have already put a lot of time into him and have a friend with me on Ajunta Pall.


Anyway, I want to create a new character, largely for RP (as I have several great character ideas), and I was thinking of going to another server. Im in the MTN time zone. I went Ajunta Pall because Im out West and it was the only RP-PVP west server, and Jung Ma had huge queues at launch. Now, it clearly seems that Jung Ma probably has the best RP community of the three RP-PVP servers. However, since I already have a char on an RP-PVP server, Im thinking I may want to go RP-PVE. Heck, I have barely seen any open world PVP anyway (though im not that high a level yet), and it seems that the PVP may hinder cross-faction RP (does PVP vs PVE make a difference?).


Anyway, I wanted to ask which server would be best for an RP newbie - Im probably going to only play Empire characters. I have read several threads and seen which servers seem to have the best community. This is kind of an important decision, as I probably will make all my future chars on that server if it turns out good, and I do plan to play this game for quite a while into the future, so it is a long run decision.


Im thinking between Jung Ma, Lord Adraas, and Ebon Hawk.



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Hey there. I'm on Ajunta Pall too, as a Sith Assassin. Let me know if you decide to allocate most of your time on AP so we can add each other as friends.

If nothing else, you could IM (contact info in profile) or PM me.


Take care and goodluck with whatever you choose.

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Obviously you need to decide if you want a PvE or PvP setting too... this is imperative, because the roleplayers rather differ in each environment in terms of how they deal with conflicts and what they spend most of their "free time" doing. But I probably don't need to explain all this to you...


Ajunta Pal DOES seem to be the most active pvp server if I had to guess by the number of advocates it has.


But for a PvE server, I can vouch that Ebon Hawk is far more Empire-centric than Republic. Pop on our "OOC" chat some night (it's always busiest between 8-12), and ask around! We have our lore hounds, but they still seem very friendly and willing to train. As for new rpers, there are several casual RP guilds - and you'd probably have more fun as a bounty hunter/IA, since there are less expectations RP-wise playing non-Force users.

Edited by DuchessOfKvetch
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Lord Adraas is the most active US server for RP (The Progenitor for EU) :) See here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=707



Most populated yes, as you have to account for all the non-roleplayers that rolled there because it was on the top of the server list. Most active? I beg to differ.


Second, Sanctum of the Exalted, raw stats wise ,has a much bigger RP population as listed by the official swtor site. That said it has a very active RP schedule. Sadly for the OP, SoTE has a bigger Republic side, but by no means does it lack excellent RP on the Imperial side.


Third, there are other servers like Shien and Ebon Hawk that have a very healthy and active community with events almost daily. I know because I have alts there to play with friends who chose otehr servers.


Quit falsely advertising your server, it is bad form.

Edited by Damon_Mott
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I'm not even on LA and I know that's BS. Timing is actually more important - WHEN you log in, and who's on when you're around typically.


RPer's are on EVERY server. We are (mostly) just not as well organized yet... these communites are VERY new, and some minimal effort is required to figure out where to go. It rarely will just "drop in your lap".


Every server has a website and custom chat channels. Look around this forum for the relevant posts listing unofficial server websites and channel listings.


Let's not bad mouth other servers, it just sets a bad precedence.

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raw numbers alone mean jack, sorry to say. Plenty of people on these very forums are complaining that theres no actual RP on lord adraas.


Ugh let's not start this again. There is RP on Lord Adraas so that would be vastly incorrect. At the same time there is RP on ALL the servers. There is no reason at this point to pick one server over another except for three reasons:


1. United State/Europe (easy to figure...I would hope)

2. West or East coast - this is important not just because of server lag (if the servers are even on these actual coasts as I have no clue) but so you can attend special events and get involved with your community and/or guild.

3. PVE or PVP - self explanatory


That's it. I'm on Lord Adraas myself but that was just my personal choice. I am still keeping an eye on the West Coast servers since I live in the Central time zone and I can play rather late which makes West Coast good for me. But for RP I am sure I will find it any where I go right now. Either that or I'll just make you all RP because I'm a boss! *smiles*

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That's right. Don't believe anyone that tells you Server X is the biggest bestest RP server with all the RPers in the world! There are several large communities out there right now, and some that a very nice and cozy - which you prefer depends on your playstyle.


As others have said, the best way to find out what works for you is to shop around. Make an alt and try to start some RP and see how it goes.

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Lord Adraas and The Progenitor are definitely the busiest, you only have to look at the forums on http://www.swtor-rp.com to see that, or simply /cjoin RP and /cjoin OOC and /cjoin swtorrp you see a flood of players spam your screen, people that actually RP not just grinders. Can walk into the imperial fleet cantina, drummond or nar shadda cantinas at any hour and find people RPing, it's great :)


Ebon hawk and shien are ghost towns, the only people that actualy RP there spend most of their time on the forums shouting plaintitively for someone to come RP with them.

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Lord Adraas and The Progenitor are definitely the busiest, you only have to look at the forums on http://www.swtor-rp.com to see that, or simply /cjoin RP and /cjoin OOC and /cjoin swtorrp you see a flood of players spam your screen, people that actually RP not just grinders. Can walk into the imperial fleet cantina, drummond or nar shadda cantinas at any hour and find people RPing, it's great :)


Ebon hawk and shien are ghost towns, the only people that actualy RP there spend most of their time on the forums shouting plaintitively for someone to come RP with them.


I really hope you're trolling, because I find it baffling that you wouldn't be able to see that your horrible attitude is actually killing folks' desire to go to Lord Adraas. You are acting like a hostile, aggressive, obnoxious jerk in thread after thread. Glad I went to Ebon Hawk so I wouldn't encounter you.



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Ebon hawk and shien are ghost towns, the only people that actualy RP there spend most of their time on the forums shouting plaintitively for someone to come RP with them.


It's also destructive to make comments like that. You're in essence playing the "cool kids" game (my server is better than yours), and actively TRYING to drive people away from other servers by scaring them.


Assumptive attitudes like this are also what drives some people AWAY from Lord Ardraas.


There are OTHER websites than swtor-rp.com. No one uses that site for their own server because it's so dominated by LA players.


And I don't think anyone is arguing that LA is not "busy". LA had a lot of time to organize. That being said, not everyone wants to fight the "establishment" - or play on servers where people have the "ours is the only real palce to rp" attitude.

Edited by DuchessOfKvetch
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I think you meant JED!


At any rate, I find it very strange that anyone would accuse Ebon Hawk of being a ghost town when it has consistently been one of the most heavily populated RP servers. I mean, there is a lot of RP on all the servers, but you would need to be joking to pick a server that is sometimes over-flowing with players and call it a "ghost town."


But what can you do? How about everyone focuses on building their own community and new players try out several servers to see where they are comfortable?

Edited by Darth_Slaine
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I think you meant JED!


At any rate, I find it very strange that anyone would accuse Ebon Hawk of being a ghost town when it has consistently been one of the most heavily populated RP servers. I mean, there is a lot of RP on all the servers, but you would need to be joking to pick a server that is sometimes over-flowing with players and call it a "ghost town."


But what can you do? How about everyone focuses on building their own community and new players try out several servers to see where they are comfortable?


I think what you really mean is that we should loudly crusade for our server and passive-aggressively insult the other ones, then act shocked and incredulous when called upon it.


This was a humorous and tongue-in-cheek post, calling attention to no one in particular.



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Thanks for the responses guys. Im still not sure which server to go on but it helps me get a picture.


The biggest question seems to be PVP or PVE - which is one of the things I wanted to find out in how it affects RP.


As for the creating some chars on each server and giving it a try, I would, but Im just getting into RP and Im not quite sure how to approach it.


To that end, Ive joined a small RP guild on my Ajunta Pall char and our RP is finally getting started, so I will use that as an opportunity to learn and see how it goes - it will also give me an idea of how I feel about PVP and if I want to stick with it. I think Im going to try the PVE servers, and see how things go with Ajunta Pall for PVP, and maybe end up having chars on both a PVP and PVE server.

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I'm on an RP-PVP server... I figured it'd be good for the PVP side of RP, yet I haven't encountered such just as of yet. Granted i"m only lvl 22, but I've been trying to actually RP a bounty hunter and find bounties...


Well either way, it seems that most ofthe RP guilds tend to try and avoid conflict when it comes to RP. So, honestly, I don't think it's gonna make much difference either way if you choose PVP or PVE. PVP may just provide that avenue of roleplay if you ever do actually get into roleplayed, yet spontanious battles, rather than just agreed-upon duels in a PVE server.


I'm not in a guild yet though... so that might have soemthing to do with it. Honestly, I haven't found a guild I want to join. LOL maybe I'm just too picky.


I say, find a good group to RP with and stick with it. And RP in /say as much as possible and I"m sure you'll learn the ropes pretty quick.

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To that end, Ive joined a small RP guild on my Ajunta Pall char and our RP is finally getting started, so I will use that as an opportunity to learn and see how it goes - it will also give me an idea of how I feel about PVP and if I want to stick with it. I think Im going to try the PVE servers, and see how things go with Ajunta Pall for PVP, and maybe end up having chars on both a PVP and PVE server.


Good luck with it! I've heard some really great things about Ajunta Pall. Let us know how it turns out.

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