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Commando VS Vanguard - Which should I be?


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I always have trouble making choices in games like this. I mean, ok, so in WoW I pretty much always choose to be a healer since that's just how I role. (And no, this isn't going to be me saying 'HOMG WOW IS SO MUCH BETTER', because screw Blizzard, Bioware will always own my soul.)


But when it comes to choosing Trooper specs, I just don't know which way to go. I want to be a healer, but for God's sake! I'm a trooper! I want to kick the snot out of everything and be able to withstand the blows of even the strongest Sith.


So I'd like another opinion: So, which is better? Which should I pick?

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They're both good.


Commandos are valued for their strong healing, though keeping ammo can be a chore. I haven't played Commando entirely though so I'll stop there. Let me just note though you can still shoot stuff as a Commando, you'll just be more versatile for Group content.


Vanguard I have played, and it's an absolute beast in PvE. It's very strong in PvP as well. Shield spec Vanguard just makes leveling to 50 too easy, especially once you get your healer companion. They're also great in Heroics and Flashpoints. From what I heard, HM Flashpoints is when Vanguard begins to falter.

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My commando is 22, so just really starting. But that said, he does a good job at healing the heroics on coruscant and taris. Solo play hasn't been a problem yet either. I'm going full healing tree on him though, haven't played him as dps.


The commando even has ok CC too. I wanna roll a vanguard though, the Jedi Guard kind of sucks at tanking, hear the Vanguard is better.

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As 46 Healer I breezed through solo content and could heal well. Despite what people say, leveling as a healer is easy mode compared to a DPS. I have recently spec'd to DPS and am dying to things I would never have broken a sweat on before. I am finding the game much harder as a DPS, which is not necessarily a bad thing.


You don't do appreciably less AE DPS as a healer than as a DPS. It is really only the single target stuff that is slower. Healing in PvP is rough without a pre-made group. Without a tank looking after you you're a pretty easy target. In PUGs you will heal people, then they will run away and leave the enemy to kill you. With a tank guarding you though it is amazing, so it feels like the viablity in PvP is very heavily dependent on your friends.


As a DPS I can make a good showing in PvP regardless of the make up of the group. It feels more like I am soloing in a warzone.


I have always wanted to play a Vanguard tank, but as my only other character is a Commando, it feels like I would just be doing all the same stuff twice, which would be a bit of a drag.

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I always have trouble making choices in games like this. I mean, ok, so in WoW I pretty much always choose to be a healer since that's just how I role. (And no, this isn't going to be me saying 'HOMG WOW IS SO MUCH BETTER', because screw Blizzard, Bioware will always own my soul.)


But when it comes to choosing Trooper specs, I just don't know which way to go. I want to be a healer, but for God's sake! I'm a trooper! I want to kick the snot out of everything and be able to withstand the blows of even the strongest Sith.


So I'd like another opinion: So, which is better? Which should I pick?

If you want to do ranged DPS, go with Commando- Grav Round is one of the best damaging abilities in the game, even before it's specced to improve in the Gunnery tree.

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Personally, I would switch to Vanguard if given the chance. I enjoy healing and big damage with gunnery but being unkillable while still doing damage, pulling enemies around, leaping and interupting spells is much more fun.


If you enjoy this type of gameplay and don't want to re-roll a Trooper try a Bounty Hunter Powertech specced'd into Shieldtech and Pyrotech, exactly its style of gameplay.

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I cant speak too much to the Vanguard side as I went the Commando route but what I can say is that I am having a blast with it. Im only lvl 31 but my Commando is a beast at ranged DPS. Vanguard may have more survivability but with my healing companion I can survive a lot. Hope this helps!
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lvl 50 rank 44 Commando with most of my champ gear... i would say vanguard if you wanna soak up damage while still dishing out damage. Commando is fun but I think a vanguard would be more enjoyable, unless you like healing.


we are very fragile against geared opponents and our heals are an out of combat thing. Our mobility is non existent as gunnery, excellent damage with Grav round being borderline too strong, commando isnt something you can play as a lone wolf if your opponents are even slightly competent. Assault... well it can put up good damage numbers but most of it is dots that are easily healed through and it has ammo issues... if you like stat padding, assault is the ticket as a commando.


both are fun, but I think a DPS commandos playstyle gets... boring very easily. Go vanguard unless you enjoy healing

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If you enjoy this type of gameplay and don't want to re-roll a Trooper try a Bounty Hunter Powertech specced'd into Shieldtech and Pyrotech, exactly its style of gameplay.


Was considering it so I didn't have to play the same story line, but Sith are a bunch of weiners and completely over-played. Ilum has like 1 republic for every 6 sith on my server.

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Just my thoughts on a couple of comments


1 Vanguard is not just a tank - He/she is also capable of speccing dps.


2 Commando is not just healer - Gunnery specced is awesome dps



Please stop putting AC's into a pre-defined role. IE or your commando so your a healer oh your vanguard so you have to be a tank. Not TRUE

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I haven't played the vanguard yet, so i cant say much about them. But my commando is level 26, and it does have a pretty good balance between healing abilities and damage abilities. But again, I haven't played a vanguard so i cant recomend one over the other
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Just my thoughts on a couple of comments


1 Vanguard is not just a tank - He/she is also capable of speccing dps.


2 Commando is not just healer - Gunnery specced is awesome dps



Please stop putting AC's into a pre-defined role. IE or your commando so your a healer oh your vanguard so you have to be a tank. Not TRUE


as someone with three level 50's in this game one of them a vanguard, anyone who goes with vanguard for damage is going to be SORELY disappointed whether pve or pvp

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I have a 45 vanguard and a 42 commando. What can I say I like troopers. Both have there good points and bad. Depends what play style you like. I lvled vanguard first, but just seemed that things were taking ages to kill, so I lvled a commando. Damage seems alot better but intill they bring out a combat log so we can get a recount type add on running it will be hard to tell by how much. Both have good survivability in pvp the commando seems to be alot better atm they can heal and kite well, but since everything is force elemental damage tanks can't face tank in pvp like blood dks do in wow of they will get face rolled. So intill they fix mitigation issues. Overall I prefer the commando both pve and pvp plus it's going to easy to find a grp as a healer then a tank.


It's up to you what spec you pic a range dps/ healer or a tank with a little less dps that you do most your damage around the 10m range.

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K, i was wondering why it took only a week to become lvl 50 as a vanguard (49 atm and taking my time to stick in the 1-49 pvp bracket a bit lol)


Was shocked I died on one of the lvl 49 quests.


PvE everything is slower when your using a healing companion but besides that everything is killable, except those world bosses and heroics.


But yea as a tank your basically extremely hard to kill, if you got a partner in pvp you basically dominate (1 dps + me) against 3 guys and we won with both of us having half our hp lol. The guard ability rocks, and people usually avoid hitting the tank. only sad part is that on 1 vs 1 it is hard to win, at least when i fight a (competent) dps, i get out damaged but it takes a while and hopefully help comes.


and in pvp for sh*ts and giggles... harpoon people into pits or traps :D


2 healers + me = invincible against 5 opponents lol.. though it only when those 5 are mostly melee.


sadly the highest damage i ever done is 1.5k on a crit.

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my experience is:

commando is more like a column to play, u get a spot and start unloading ur skills

also u can spec it on heal, kinda helpful anywhere.

vanguard is a very mobile class on battlefield, ur on running all time

u need good position for a lot of your skills so u run around.


a quick note, with current game mechanics, there is no tank in high lv game

the role of tanks in high lv games , both pve and pvp is leaning strongly to protector

basically u protect against damage far more than u can soak damage.

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I always have trouble making choices in games like this. I mean, ok, so in WoW I pretty much always choose to be a healer since that's just how I role. (And no, this isn't going to be me saying 'HOMG WOW IS SO MUCH BETTER', because screw Blizzard, Bioware will always own my soul.)


But when it comes to choosing Trooper specs, I just don't know which way to go. I want to be a healer, but for God's sake! I'm a trooper! I want to kick the snot out of everything and be able to withstand the blows of even the strongest Sith.


So I'd like another opinion: So, which is better? Which should I pick?


It's been my experience with mmos that people who like healing and are good at it, generally go back to it eventually. Based on that, I think you would be happier with commando. Commando is awesome dps, but squishy, much squishier than you would expect heavy armor to be.


There is a caveat to this, however. Self heals, unless you are specced heals or hybrid heals, give far less pvp survivability than the tank classes. Everyone can interrupt and the cast times are killers.

Edited by Thankyjack
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I have a 30 Commando. In PvP, I wreck people. Usually I get at least 15 kills/game and am in the top 3 for most damage.


the only thing you gotta worry about with commando, if you're not healing spec, is healing. The girl companion can do this (as I recently found out after investing a lot in the first guy we get) so its important to keep her updated.


Like I said though, for PvP, I'm 30 and its not uncommon to go head-to-head with a 38=42 and annihilate them.

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K, i was wondering why it took only a week to become lvl 50 as a vanguard (49 atm and taking my time to stick in the 1-49 pvp bracket a bit lol)




Hehe made a VG last night /played says 19hrs, im level 21 about 80% to 22 I love VG, I find the damage to be lower compaired to the commando but the fact that you can have a few people beating on you while you team sets the door in voidstar a real fun thing, ive leveld a scoundrel to 50 and im by far enjoying VG more.


That said I did also get a commando to 35 and it was also a great time, I would on most wz top the tree with 180k damage.


Commando for arse kicking dps

VG for tanking and keeping people busy.

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Level 15 Commando here, enjoying it so far! :D

Didn't want to take Vanguard because i already have a Guardian Knight for tanking purposes so i opted for Commando, haven't regretted it so far and i doubt i will regret it later also.

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I'd say commando is better choice. Have myself 50 level vanguard and leveling commando right now.


People may say that being tank is fun. Well what they don't care to mention is that your dps goes lower too and you still might need healer if the dps isn't enough for some reason. And you're not immortal as tank whatever people say.


To me commando looks much better since you can at least heal yourself or companion out of trouble. Or then just dps hell out of target from range.


I'm sure commando has limitations but to me the healing ability gives huge amount of flexibility in all kinds of situations. Note that in this game you can still deliver decent amount of dps as healer while leveling. And what you miss then can companion step in what comes to dps.


Healing is anyway in my opinion more powerful than tanking. Tanks just take somewhat slower damage but they don't actually avoid it all. But healing can offset losing almost all health. Even better is that while tanks can't actually help anybody else except by drawing all mobs to you, healer can help anyone by restoring health.


More you think about, more the tanks seem awfully limited. It's a bounding box that relies on healing but does not have good dps.

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