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Ion Overload/shock useless?


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Rocket punch now has a [50 / 100]% chance to trigger your Ion gas cylinder. In addition, when Ion gas cylinder deals damage, it has a [50 / 100]% chance to shock the target for 125 additional energy damage over 6 seconds.


How is the ion shock not a useless skill. right now it does 60 dmg over 6 secs. My basic attacks do 150, the ion gas cylinder trigger fairly often (so its not worth the rocket punch to trigger it), so why would i waste 2 skill points on such a small dot?


The only thing i can think of is that the wording is wrong and it should state "shock the target for 125 dmg every sec for 6 sec" . That would be a respectable dot.


Enlighten me.

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IGC by itself has no damage-over-time component attached to it.


This talent belongs in the category of Retractable Blade and Incendiary Missile. Its purpose is to allow whichever Powertech tree you belong to to use Rail Shot without outside assistance.

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There are plenty of reasons that it's not only not useless, but taken by pretty much every powertech that even thinks of using ion gas cylinder.


1) Adds extra punch to a key ability that you will use often.


2) Adds a DoT for easy access to Railshot.


3) The only sure-fire auto-proc of ion gas, which is important if you also took Neural Overload.


I'm sure that there are plenty more reasons to take it that people can come up with.

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IGC is not bugged, the tooltip is wrong, the internal formula works pretty well.


Is a must anyway, the proc is like 6% of our total damage (probably more, my spreadsheet still needs some work in that aspect), and the dot is another 3%, and makes Rail Shot always castable.

Edited by MorningMusume
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i guess it is nice to have a proc for rail shot, i was think the igc had a dot but it was my companion doin the dot. and in retrospec it does do about 6% dmg to whoever mentioned that. also, neuron overload or whatever ( i had not seen that skill yet). my mind has been changed on this item. ty.
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IGC is not bugged, the tooltip is wrong, the internal formula works pretty well.


Is a must anyway, the proc is like 6% of our total damage (probably more, my spreadsheet still needs some work in that aspect), and the dot is another 3%, and makes Rail Shot always castable.


then what about the mastery skill that "increases the duration of the dot by 3 secs. wouldn't this technically mean the same 60 dmg over more time meaning less dps? The wording makes no sense to me here.

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then what about the mastery skill that "increases the duration of the dot by 3 secs. wouldn't this technically mean the same 60 dmg over more time meaning less dps? The wording makes no sense to me here.


It means you get an extra tick, as well as 3 secs longer to use rail shot.


I have this in my build (still levelling). Comtemplating visiting a trainer to remove it as 10 extra dmg to IGC dmg + 1 tick could be put to better use.

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IGC is not bugged, the tooltip is wrong, the internal formula works pretty well.


Is a must anyway, the proc is like 6% of our total damage (probably more, my spreadsheet still needs some work in that aspect), and the dot is another 3%, and makes Rail Shot always castable.


It is bugged, the buff stops applying itself to you after death, even though it is still active. Making it so you need to reactivate it each time. It also deals around 40-50% less damage then the tooltip says. You can't say the tooltip is wrong on that, when the evidence is so clear in front of you.


(never been good at math so the % value i said might be a bit lower :p)

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The formula the games uses has been data mined long ago (see torhead), and doesn't correlate with the tooltip, but with the damage in game. So the tooltip is wrong... maybe the formula is wrong too, but we can't know that unless we ask the developers.


SpellDamage: SpellType=>Tech, StandardHealthPercentMin=>0.02, Slot=>None, Coefficient=>0.25, StandardHealthPercentMax=>0.02, AmountModifierPercent=>0.01, DamageType=>Energy

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It is bugged, the buff stops applying itself to you after death, even though it is still active. Making it so you need to reactivate it each time. It also deals around 40-50% less damage then the tooltip says. You can't say the tooltip is wrong on that, when the evidence is so clear in front of you.


(never been good at math so the % value i said might be a bit lower :p)


It works after death. The "testing" that "proved" that it was a bug was ridiculously inadequate ('first I died, then I didn't die! must be bugged!'). It works just fine after you die - I hadn't ever reactivated it for 30 levels after getting it and it worked just fine.


It does deal less damage than advertised, but we can't say that's a bug. As others have pointed out, the damage might be correct while the tooltip is wrong.


Also, neural overload is good for more than just pvp. Kiting melees kept me alive through the penultimate boss on mandalorian raiders.

Edited by Valkenheineken
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I have been testing it for quite a few levels now, on all kinds of different level mobs. In my conclusion the buff deactivates or lessens after death as the damage lowers and the aggro lowers by far. Ive noticed that reactivating solves most of my aggro issues after death.


Inadequate testing maybe, but it is there and I have reported it as a bug none the less. Let the developers figure it out.


Sure it might be that the tooltip is wrong, but a 40 or so % nerf in one of our core abilities since release? That does not make sense to me in anyway. Specially since there was nothing regarding it in patch notes, making it to my conclusion atleast, a bug.


However just like many others, without an actual combat log and a statistic tool ingame, i cannot make a good observation.

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It's great for snap threat and sustained threat.


It allows you to Rocket Punch (your hardest hitting move as a ST spec) then immediately Rail Shot because your punch put up the IGC DoT. it's a great opener that not many DPS will be able to out threat at the beginning of a fight.

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Nueral overload states ion dmg triggers a 2 second slow. Does the dot count as ion dmg meaning the slow gets refreshed on each dot tick?.


No the snare is only for 2 seconds, but if you spam Rapid shots you'll keep applying the Snare.

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