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Level 50 and?


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Im not a programmer, and dont think for a minute that I know about that kind of stuff. But I honestly dont understand how it could cost THAT much money to see what works, and at least replicate it *i.e the auction house* I find it hard to beleive that blizzard has the market cornered on the only capable programers in the world and they have paychecks of millions of dollars a year for their gifts of technical ability. Or that writing the proper codes needed to implement these changes would take that much time. how many years was this game in development and yet they cant have a valid search option on the galactic market auction house? If other jobs were held to such low expectiations America would be a 3rd world country, or Europe. lol.


I won't disagree on some of the features that were included, but done horribly. The galactic market is definitely a glaring example of something that could have easily been done better for the same cost.


But to expect a new game to have every additional feature that another game managed to develop, test, and add over 7 years with its insane amount of subscription revenue is a little silly.

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If you don't like SW: TOR in its current incarnation, quit and come back in 2-3 years, which is more than likely when they developers would have liked to release it, perhaps longer. It was released when it was because of EA, who are notorious for rushing developers. Bioware got out what they could with the timeframe EA has given them. By rights, we shouldn't even be playing yet. Edited by CptZeal
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I like how you specifically bar me from using an argument, as if it automatically makes a win for you. Seriously, look at it:




SW: TOR - 6 years, $150+ million


WoW - 11 years, $500+ million



/boggle @ 500 million


In its best year, WoW had what, 12 million subscribers? Let's just lowball it and say most of those subscribers were on a longer, cheaper plan so again to just keep the numbers low and easy lets say those 12 million people are paying $12/month average.


$12/month x 12 months in a year, $144/year per person. $144 x 12 million people....


About what, 1.7 billion dollars. In one of those 11 years of developement. One year.

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If you don't like SW: TOR in its current incarnation, quit and come back in 2-3 years, which is more than likely when they developers would have liked to release it, perhaps longer. It was released when it was because of EA, who are notorious for rushing developers. Bioware got out what they could with the timeframe EA has given them. By rights, we shouldn't even be playing yet.




That is assuredly what people will do. And it's not good for the game or for EA/Bioware. And it will be due to the fact that they did not deliver a game that can compete in todays market with the existing choice of games out there.

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I think a lot of people are addicted to the MMO type of gaming, but at the same time bored with it.


They keep waiting for that new MMO to have some new exciting quality to it to keep their MMO fix going but also give them back that new car smell they had with their first MMO experience. Unfortunately, it isn't going to happen. When a new MMO is made... they make it to be like an MMO. Which is what many of you are tired of. It will be a grind to get to max level, then it will be a grind for gear. That is what an MMO is. If that doesn't appeal to you, it might be time to move on to other things.


You can do at max level in this game exactly what you can do in any other MMO. You are just tired of it.


One thing this game did do was make the leveling grind a little less unbearable. Even if you don't love the cutscene storyline, at least its something different that adds a breath of fresh air. Unfortunately, this makes the same ol' gear grind at level 50 feel that much more dull, because up until then, you did at least have something slightly new. And now its back to the standard gear grind. Which is expected and what most of us are playing for.

Edited by lueckjathom
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I have yet to see where that huge writing/voice talent budget went to. Many of the voices are obviously the same actor doing slightly different or in some cases the exact same voice. The writing is ok, but in no way could it be considered brilliant to the point that any number of thousands of English majors would jump at the chance to do for 40,000$ a year salary. Its not some great novel. writters dont get paid alot.


The art design is minimal, the zone art is cookie cutter (which was even shown in a dev update how easy the point and clicked the background art to form the zones, took the guy 5 minutes to build a screen, yeah those pieces needed to be originally created, but thats not rocket science or expensive for a design team to do).


The combat animations are well done, and the programming involved probably took a great deal of work/money. So thats a good job from bioware.


But voice talent isnt that expensive, they dont get paid thousands of dollars an hour, heck they could have paid me 20$/hr and I could read a script the same way most of this stuff is done.


I cant imagine they couldnt have used their budget resources better from the start.


Yeah blizzard has billions in their budget, but it doesnt take billions. a little money can do a whole lot when used properly. blizzard makes that much in profit, but dont kid yourself and think that they put that money back into the business, they put it in their pockets.



Imagine if you won the lottery. Would your life be that much different if you won 300million compared to 900 million? you can only spend so much, buy so many cars, clothes, houses, boats, jets, islands....and doing the right programming only costs so much, 100 million compared to 1 billion isnt going to make a difference, the difference is made by the choices they make.

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I think a lot of people are addicted to the MMO type of gaming, but at the same time bored with it.


They keep waiting for that new MMO to have some new exciting quality to it to keep their MMO fix going but also give them back that new car smell they had with their first MMO experience. Unfortunately, it isn't going to happen. When a new MMO is made... they make it to be like an MMO. Which is what many of you are tired of. It will be a grind to get to max level, then it will be a grind for gear. That is what an MMO is. If that doesn't appeal to you, it might be time to move on to other things.


You can do at max level in this game exactly what you can do in any other MMO. You are just tired of it.


One thing this game did do was make the leveling grind a little less unbearable. Even if you don't love the cutscene storyline, at least its something different that adds a breath of fresh air. Unfortunately, this makes the same ol' gear grind at level 50 feel that much more dull, because up until then, you did at least have something slightly new. And now its back to the standard gear grind. Which is expected and what most of us are playing for.





It does get old.


Funny thing for me is, I've had a LOTRO account open since launch of that game, and I play it basically for RP because that game has so much to offer in that area. I haven't killed a mob in over 2 years, but play the game regularly. I think games concentrate too much on the same formula which is what is getting tiresome.

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The combat animations are well done, and the programming involved probably took a great deal of work/money. So thats a good job from bioware.


Yeah, I often times find myself picking fights for no reason other than to watch the lightsaber play.

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well, i'm not to the level cap yet, but I know for a fact that i'm going to revisit every planet and help out newer players with all the heroics and **** that I sat waiting waaaaay to long for a group for, just because I like being a nice guy, and it will entertain me to blow away elites with a couple attacks.
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/boggle @ 500 million


In its best year, WoW had what, 12 million subscribers? Let's just lowball it and say most of those subscribers were on a longer, cheaper plan so again to just keep the numbers low and easy lets say those 12 million people are paying $12/month average.


$12/month x 12 months in a year, $144/year per person. $144 x 12 million people....


About what, 1.7 billion dollars. In one of those 11 years of developement. One year.


Yeah, but not all of that income goes to the game development. For instance, it costs Blizzard $350,000+ A DAY to keep their servers running.

Edited by CptZeal
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Start a new character or be patient and wait for a higher level cap to be released.


thats a pathetic way to excuse a game only coming out a month ago and running out of content thats even mildly amusing. ( and before you troll read on),


I'm talking doing all content, people wil have gone and done every space mission 50x , played the 3 ( lol only 3) warzones over 300x already, even gone back to do lowbie quests they missed, got full pvp gear, done every flash point, got biochem to 400 and crafted their 50 reusable stuff and even some spares, got rid of biochem as its now not needed and taken diploma, got lightside/darkside 5 or stayed neutral, took slicing as theres not much use in anything else as Battlemaster isn't the hardest thing to get, they went and world pvp'ed and realised it was crap and pointless especially as you can just forever respawn where you die anyway and theres no rewards, even when they do bring rewards out, by then even more people will be in the best pvp gear so what possible reward could you get? except for aesthetics? a new orange lightsaber hilt off that jedi that just died ( just random throw out there example, trolls), well forget it, your purple battlemaster is better...


Yes that was a long paragraph, it was mean't to be(trolls)


omg wooohoo new patch in march guys! gonna add a new planet! new quests.... woo maybe level 55? and omg new warzone... wait ***.... one planet? new quests? level 55? well guess that will take all of 24-48 hours for half the population to reach and complete... but wait a warzone,,, hmm playability added? hmmmm will it even bew NEW or just Huttball V2? voidstar but on a republic ship called ' whogivesacrapstar'?


No doubt after literally a week of destroying that warzone ( if you still don't get huttballed to death) it wil become jaded. again.

Yes this post is directed a slight more towards PvP'ers but that is due to me playing a PvP server, being a PvP'er myself and generally makikng that most of the point I play a game. I only ask you to respect that opinion as much as I respect many RP'ers, PVE'ers here won't care for ANY PvP and thus the game probably DOES seem better as you get exactly what you want from this new SW franchise as you can crate 8 characters and quest/rp till your hearts content... well until you have done all 8... unless you felt like making Mr.John the Jedi knights 'darker' brother lol.


Thanks for reading.

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thats a pathetic way to excuse a game only coming out a month ago and running out of content thats even mildly amusing. ( and before you troll read on),


I'm talking doing all content, people wil have gone and done every space mission 50x , played the 3 ( lol only 3) warzones over 300x already, even gone back to do lowbie quests they missed, got full pvp gear, done every flash point, got biochem to 400 and crafted their 50 reusable stuff and even some spares, got rid of biochem as its now not needed and taken diploma, got lightside/darkside 5 or stayed neutral, took slicing as theres not much use in anything else as Battlemaster isn't the hardest thing to get, they went and world pvp'ed and realised it was crap and pointless especially as you can just forever respawn where you die anyway and theres no rewards, even when they do bring rewards out, by then even more people will be in the best pvp gear so what possible reward could you get? except for aesthetics? a new orange lightsaber hilt off that jedi that just died ( just random throw out there example, trolls), well forget it, your purple battlemaster is better...


Yes that was a long paragraph, it was mean't to be(trolls)


omg wooohoo new patch in march guys! gonna add a new planet! new quests.... woo maybe level 55? and omg new warzone... wait ***.... one planet? new quests? level 55? well guess that will take all of 24-48 hours for half the population to reach and complete... but wait a warzone,,, hmm playability added? hmmmm will it even bew NEW or just Huttball V2? voidstar but on a republic ship called ' whogivesacrapstar'?


No doubt after literally a week of destroying that warzone ( if you still don't get huttballed to death) it wil become jaded. again.

Yes this post is directed a slight more towards PvP'ers but that is due to me playing a PvP server, being a PvP'er myself and generally makikng that most of the point I play a game. I only ask you to respect that opinion as much as I respect many RP'ers, PVE'ers here won't care for ANY PvP and thus the game probably DOES seem better as you get exactly what you want from this new SW franchise as you can crate 8 characters and quest/rp till your hearts content... well until you have done all 8... unless you felt like making Mr.John the Jedi knights 'darker' brother lol.


Thanks for reading.


If you've seriously done all that since the game's release, you need to get a life.


At the time of this post, January 13th, 2011, the game has been out less than 25 days.

Edited by CptZeal
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If you've seriously done all that since the game's release, you need to get a life.


HE is making a valid point and trying to be constructive. your post is pointless and does nothing.


If you disagree with him, then fine. If you agree, then fine. But theres on need to attack a person because of their thoughts.

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it's interesting reading the different reactions people have to different threads.


it'd be interesting to see how many people have actually been 50 for a week+, and still not bored.


the game is very different between 1-49, and 50. at 1-49, it's like a very polished console game. very story driven.


i would go as far as to say, that the MMO experience really only begins at 50.. yeah, you grouped and ran FP during 1-49, but that's all part of the quest/story line. at 50, after you get through battle for ilum / false emperor, you pretty much exhaust the story aspect of the game.


personally, i find myself logging in to see if other lvl 50 guildies are on, to run hardmode FPs, if not, i'll queue for a few wz, at which point, if lvl 50s still aren't on (my guild has 150+, but very casual, and the others have like 4-5 toons in 30s), I just afk and watch tv.


i find the social aspect of the game lacking. you can't make any friends online (no server forums), and there's no general gathering spot in game (fleet doesn't count, 250 people at 8:30pm on the harbinger sith side, one of the absolute highest pop server with very heavy sith side pop?)


if we can only communicate with opposite faction via say, we need at least a neutral world that we can congregate at.


the degree this game goes to, to separate people, seems very anti-mmo

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Some of the advise provided in this threat is just lol. I've played since early access, made all quests on all planets, not once did I skip a dialogue. I've been 50 since over a week. Fact is, this game is too easy and progress is too fast. That is BW's fault, not mine for not artificially slowing myself down by staring at grass for 2 hours a day. They knew very well how fast the game progresses so they should've made adjustments. I didn't even rush.


People pay for services so that they do not have to do it themselves. You don't go to a restaurant just so you can cook the meal yourself. Likewise, you don' pay for entertainment so that in the end you have to entertain yourself.

I've tried all of the things and got already tired of them. Flashpoints? Easy. Crafting? Canceled 3 skills I had maxed and already maxed other skills. PvP? Got my full champion except offhand.

The only thing I have not tried is operations and that's due to my working shifts and I can't change that. However, I hear people already clearing them on a regular basis.


So please don't come with "well you have to find things to entertain you". OP's complains are legitimate. Maybe you do not mind paying a company just to have to entertain yourself but many people do.

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You could spend some time replacing your worn out spacebar.


Last time I checked no one was holding a gun to my head when I signed up for my subscription. If you're done, unsub till they come out with new content.

Edited by Midhir
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So lets see u go lvl 50 u finish all the class quest and u do some flashpoints u play warzones and u get pvp gear. Ok good now what? Do u have any other normal quests? and if u do what is the point to make them since u r already 50 with full light side or dark side points? Warzones get bored sometimes if u do them allday and open world pvp suck coz no reward :/


I mean shouldnt be smth more intresting like hmm have the Best guild from each side which will be decided by some guilds pvp with the other faction etc. A new system of team work pvp which has reward or smth. Mayve smth like hmm take common planet every week or so that guilds from each side can take by defeating guilds on the other side. This will be available once every 2 weeks the winner guild will have some rewards etc from this planet. I see no reason to play a game when there are 2 sides and u cant see which is better.


What s ur opinion guys?


What is smth?

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You could spend some time replacing your worn out spacebar.


Last time I checked no one was holding a gun to my head when I signed up for my subscription. If you done, unsub till they come out with new content.

i listened to every single dialog in my BH questline, read every response, and responded thoughtfully, and still got to 50 a week and half ago.


I didn't even play for 5 days during the christmas->NY break since I was visiting family and didn't have time.. and I did all that with a pure PVE healer merc spec. no dmg increase, etc.


if you haven't hit 50 by now, either you are an alt-aholic, very VERY casual, or just terrible.


i refuse to believe anyone is that terrible.


the only place i spacebar through conversation, is heroic BT. it gets kinda old after the 100th time through.

Edited by oredith
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i listened to every single dialog in my BH questline, read every response, and responded thoughtfully, and still got to 50 a week and half ago.


I didn't even play for 5 days during the christmas->NY break since I was visiting family and didn't have time.


if you haven't hit 50 by now, either you are an alt-aholic, very VERY casual, or just terrible.


i refuse to believe anyone is that terrible.


the only place i spacebar through conversation, is heroic BT. it gets kinda old after the 100th time through.



Or you might work alot ( people usually forget that aspect of life) O_O also have a family to look after. ( young ones and very old ones)

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No seriously, if you've done everything that there possibly can be done, you need to get a life. Think about it and do the math.


Let's say that it takes a minimum of 200 hours to do everything you can possibly do. This is a rough guess, and is more than likely a little low. Now, spread out over 25 days evenly, that requires you to play at least 8 hours a day. 8 hours. That's 33.33% of all of your time playing a video game. The average person sleeps for 8 hours a day, and most people work 8 hours a day. That means you'd be spending the majority, if not all, of your free time glued to a computer screen. Therein, the problem lies with the player, not the game.

Edited by CptZeal
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No seriously, if you've done everything that there possibly can be done, you need to get a life. Think about it and do the math.


Let's say that it takes a minimum of 200 hours to do everything you can possibly do. This is a rough guess, and is perhaps a little low. Now, over spread out over 25 days evenly, that requires you to play at least 8 hours a day. 8 hours. That's 33.33% of all of your time playing a video game. The average person sleeps for 8 hours a day, and most people work 8 hours a day. That means you'd be spending the majority, if not all, of your free time glued to a computer screen. The problem lies with the individual, not the game itself. Cry more.

i love how people can turn being good/enthusiastic about a game, into a negative.


and I actually think the 200 hour is an over estimation of how long it takes to "beat the game". not that i could have done it, because i actually took my time, but someone who spacebarred through the quests and power leveling with a group of 3 others would have been able to get to 50 in about 50-60 hours.


then you take the time to farm hardmodes. considering you can reset the instance without killing the final boss, and farm all the previous bosses, you can gear out everyone in full epics within an 10 hour period.

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No seriously, if you've done everything that there possibly can be done, you need to get a life. Think about it and do the math.


Let's say that it takes a minimum of 200 hours to do everything you can possibly do. This is a rough guess, and is more than likely a little low. Now, spread out over 25 days evenly, that requires you to play at least 8 hours a day. 8 hours. That's 33.33% of all of your time playing a video game. The average person sleeps for 8 hours a day, and most people work 8 hours a day. That means you'd be spending the majority, if not all, of your free time glued to a computer screen. Therein, the problem lies with the player, not the game.


I see you backed those numbers up by serious evidence...not. Make it 100 and you are probably right.


Also, the game was released during holiday where people have more time to play. BW should've anticipated it. I work full time, study, have a girlfriend and hobbies and yet I've been 50 for a week now. How much more of a life should I get please?

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