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So.......when we getting the 50 bracket?


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Seriously, whats the deal here bioware?


You sure are taking your time for something that you should have had ready since release.



My server's wz's are now 3/4 50's. Any low lvls get focused down(which doesn't last long) so they tend to either stealth afk or suicide/die every time.



For as little end-game content this game actually has(seroiusly 5 years of dev and THIS is all they got? I lol'd on release sorry), end game pvp is just a grind only prolonged through random drop rates.

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I am all that is left from our group (7) that came to this game. They left for a number of reasons but mostly that they have lives and can't get to lvl 50 in 2 weeks. Most left because of the 50 gankathon.


I am leaving when my sub is up.


Why not just leave now?


Oh that's right, because you're just looking for attention /lol

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I agree that this should have been in from day one. This is sad, and I already know several people who have unsubbed because bioware is dragging their feet.


They couldn't implement it from the start, there would be no 50 community except those ultra no lifers. They need to give everyone something to do until the 50 community grows enough to support their own queue. This isn't an individual server issue but across all servers including those of low pop. So while it may have been needed some time ago on your server, this is a global change and they were waiting for the data to support it.


BW hasn't been dragging their feet. Think of it logically derpatron 5000.

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They couldn't implement it from the start, there would be no 50 community except those ultra no lifers. They need to give everyone something to do until the 50 community grows enough to support their own queue. This isn't an individual server issue but across all servers including those of low pop. So while it may have been needed some time ago on your server, this is a global change and they were waiting for the data to support it.


BW hasn't been dragging their feet. Think of it logically derpatron 5000.


Amen. Someone else like myself who doesn't want hour-long Q's.

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The wait times on warzones will get INSANE if they switch to 50 only warzones. And Imperials will see an even higher % of huttball than now.


Not quite. In my recent WZ's at least 80% of players are 50. If i have to spell it out for you that means there will be a vibrant 50 community and plenty of WZ's. On the other hand, the 10-49 queue will be struggling.


Regarding the empires having more huttball, it's the same ratio. We have lots of huttball now and we'll have lots then too. That is not affected by this change.


One side wasn't more hardcore and leveled to max quicker than the other. The population is proportional regardless of level.

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Brackets should be in from Day 1 and the bolstering system needs a rework to allow for a more robust set of brackets instead of just isolating the 50s.


10-49 won't be THAT much better.


Wholeheartedly agree.


Warzone Brackets should be:








Still use a bolstering system, modified per each bracket. Or don't. Simple.

Edited by Kheldor
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Brackets should be in from Day 1 and the bolstering system needs a rework to allow for a more robust set of brackets instead of just isolating the 50s.


10-49 won't be THAT much better.


It will be significantly better - toolbox is pretty much complete by 30-35 for most classes, what 50s have that is beating everyone's *** is Expertise gear; there won't be Expertise gear in the 1-49 bracket.

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Wholeheartedly agree.


Warzone Brackets should be:








Still use a bolstering system, modified per each bracket. Simple.


Or you can have a 1-49 bracket and not wait 2 hours for a WZ match... :rolleyes:

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We need at least TWO lvl50 brackets.


One for "normal" lvl50s, and another one for battlemasters. Seriously, the expertise system is also a big issue.


Awesome idea. There's like... 5 battlemasters on my server. Guess we'll just not do warzones anymore.

Think before you vomit on the forums. It takes a week at most to get nearly full epics.

Edited by Kricys
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there is no question now that the 50 bracket is needed.

(w/e other brackets are for debate)



Is there a reason it wasn't done this week instead of next?



Surely bioware isn't waiting for the lowest populated server to w/e % of 50's they think is good.........surely they aren't still working on the 50 bracket..........surely they are going to put in a pvp bracket........surely they care about pvp......surely they care about their game.

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I think they should be bracketed by Valor rank, not by level 50.


The bolstering system makes it to where level isnt a huge deal breaker, high teir equipment on a low level in bolstering makes them competitivly strong. Howeever, a level 50 at 20 or so valor (not high enough to get access to his high end pvp gear) wont stand a chance against fully kitted out 50s in pvp gear.

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Guys... READ THE FORUMS! omg.. The bracket is coming in 1.1 and will be in game by next week. There is very good reasons why BW didn't put it in from the beginning.. use your brains.


Even with brackets your gonna lose a lot.. what you gonna complain about then? PVP is never fair. The only thing in the end that will make you win is teamwork and most on the republic side seems to suck at it. There is so many whiners and quitters and losers on the republic side. To bad my guild decided to roll on the republic side.


I just had this dude giving up after we lost one gun on the civil war WZ and spend most of his time typing **** in chat about how it was game over and he didn't want to fight just because he would die. I wish we could have killed him instead.


Stop sucking at WZs and start working together or you will keep on losing and it wont be BW fault that you suck at PVP.

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