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Seriously? Zombies?


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And thats the problem I've been thinking about.


Its star wars, its supposed to be empire vs republic. But they are both player factions, its very difficult to progress a storey without one side claiming bias (its wow all over again), so you end up with some new, neutral enemy to fight that no one really gives a crap about.


At least other MMOs have big bads to fight, but I'm not sure where SWTOR can go to be honest. Is it destined for a series of operations and flashpoints where you fight a series of "new" threats that affect both republic and empire, and that you dont really care about? Or do the empire suddenly seize worlds, or invent a superweapon (lol another....) which the republic have to raid to destroy? Do you have faction specific raids to further the storey?


I'm, just not sure where they go from here in terms of endgame and further storey progression.

What game have you been playing? I have been teabagging Jedi and Republic Generals all day the last weeks.

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What game have you been playing? I have been teabagging Jedi and Republic Generals all day the last weeks.


which is fine, and right now its ok, but as I say its more of a concern about how they manage to take the storey forward in a meaningful way.


Right now its a kind of detente between republic and empire, with a few skirmishes here and there. But are they going to be able to shift that? Can you imagine the QQ if the empire was shown to suddenly push into republic space for the purposes of storey, or if the empire had major setbacks in the name of plot development.


You'd get huge amounts of QQ about Biowars bias towards one side or the other.

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What game have you been playing? I have been teabagging Jedi and Republic Generals all day the last weeks.


ROFL!!!! Well said sir, well said. I too have been tea-bagging. Unfortunately, my toon is female and she's a Republic Jedi. So I guess I've been "pulling the curtains" so to speak?

Edited by Alkiii
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Would you rather the Sith invade Carebear Cloud and have the Jedi's come to rescue their idols?


They are bad for everything, we kill them, take their purplez. You act like I cared about killing Voodoo Trolls, no, but they had purples.


Hahaha to true.

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YES zombies - (Rakghoul really, but they are inferring diseased humanoids in half states which would by today's criteria be zombies).


They just were dying for a certain portion of the playerbase to have even more things to complain and mindlessly, tirelessly go on and on about.


Looks like they succeeded.

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I have no real issue with the Rakghouls, but they just don't appeal to me.


Some people are here because they are KotOR fans, while others are here because they are Star Wars fans. I'm glad the KotOR fans are getting something they enjoy. Personally, I'm looking forward to some additions (or a complete overhaul) to the Space Combat system.


Space Combat says "STAR WARS" to me more than Rakghoul/Zombies.

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They are not zombies they are rakghouls! and everyone knows zombies and rakghouls are totally different things!


I mean the name difference says it all. Additionally I like to think of it as a "doom" type expansion.


Additionally ... what else would people have preferred? Space dragons? Space panda's, Space Eygpt, Space goats, Alternate space dimensions, time travel, space atlantis. There are only so many themes I'm afraid. We are eventually going to see them all :(

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