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The "how are my stats at lvl X" thread


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You will find at 50 there are 4 sets of gear choices. It all depends on what your role is and what you want to do and spec has to what choice you go.


I use Survival gear has I am Kinetic(Tank) speced all the time. Although with the amount of extra gear that is dropping and or I am getting assigned I might be building a Stalker set too soon I have 2nd Columi Chest and Head tokens in my cargo hold right now just trying to see if they do a dual spec thing or not.


I would not say I flew though levels. I did all the quests and things and went though the progress to get to 50. There was a ton more 50s than me when I made it. Never the less I found that with 4 to 5 hours of play you could gain a level easy from 40 to 50 and more lower.


The point of it is that the game changes at 50 and what you are attempting is pretty well a waste of time and effort has below 50 your gear and things change all the time.


Stop trying to come in the thread and act like you are teaching us. Duh yes most of us know the game changes at 50. You know how we know this? Experience and playing the game.


This thread is good to make sure Im wearing comparable gear to others at my level. Oh you know another place the game changes? Like level 33 when most gear at least mods start carrying 4 stats i.e. willpower,endurance,crit,surge or power.


I am new to MMO also and this thread is a good help obvously if people are still looking at it and its 5 pages long its not a waste. Notice the 50's that posted in this thread also? Plz stop trying to troll idiot.

Edited by Rasheth
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When I ticked over to 47 I was at:

Kinetic Combat (31/0/7)


Strength = 102;

Presence = 216;

Aim = 51;

Cunning = 49;

Endurance = 950;

Willpower = 821;

Expertise = 0.


Melee :

Damage = 399-507;

Bonus damage = 184.1;

Accuracy = 91.38%;

Critical chance = 12.29%;

Critical multiplier = 50%.


Force :

Bonus damage = 281.5;

Bonus healing = 101.0;

Accuracy = 102.30%;

Critical chance = 17.24%;

Critical multiplier = 55.2%;


Defense :

Health = 11750;

Armor rating = 4951;

Damage reduction = 34.68%;

Defence chance = 19.65%;

Shield chance = 24.616%;

Shield absorption = 22.77%.


Since then I have (on Voss) started getting level appropriate resolve armouring (finally). I'm sure my stats are already very different from this.

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Stop trying to come in the thread and act like you are teaching us. Duh yes most of us know the game changes at 50. You know how we know this? Experience and playing the game.


This thread is good to make sure Im wearing comparable gear to others at my level. Oh you know another place the game changes? Like level 33 when most gear at least mods start carrying 4 stats i.e. willpower,endurance,crit,surge or power.


I am new to MMO also and this thread is a good help obvously if people are still looking at it and its 5 pages long its not a waste. Notice the 50's that posted in this thread also? Plz stop trying to troll idiot.


I think (being charitable) he is trying to tell us to not make the same mistake as he and spend loads of cash on gear now since priorities will change later. I haven't been doing that because of this thread at all. I'm just trying to get a basic handle on how tweeks to certain stats affect other stats. I've been taking the best gear that I've found as I've leveled and done flashpoints. But if I WANTED to try to optimize my gear, well, I'm sitting on 400k in credits so it wouldn't be unreasonable. I think so far I have bought one item off the GTN, a nice purple resolve hilt.

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I think (being charitable) he is trying to tell us to not make the same mistake as he and spend loads of cash on gear now since priorities will change later. I haven't been doing that because of this thread at all. I'm just trying to get a basic handle on how tweeks to certain stats affect other stats. I've been taking the best gear that I've found as I've leveled and done flashpoints. But if I WANTED to try to optimize my gear, well, I'm sitting on 400k in credits so it wouldn't be unreasonable. I think so far I have bought one item off the GTN, a nice purple resolve hilt.


Thank You for putting it out in other terms.


Yes I wasted a lot of credit, crafting, and time while leveling and spent coms and all on things that really did not mean much of anything. That is the point of not focusing on gear or buying it or going out of your way for it till you are 50.


Now if the loot gods would just give me my Columi Offhand shield I could be very happy.

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Currently 33 full Kinetic build, running our buff and a level 32 fortitude stim that I always have on


Strength = 76

Presence = 163;

Aim = 38

Cunning = 38

Endurance = 774

Willpower = 596

Expertise = 0.


Melee :

Damage =269-333

Bonus damage = 140

Accuracy =90

Critical chance = 18.17

Critical multiplier = 59.15


Force :

Bonus damage = 217.3

Bonus healing = 68

Accuracy = 100

Critical chance = 17.5

Critical multiplier = 59.15


Defense :

Health = 8984

Armor rating = 3594

Damage reduction = 32.61

Defence chance = 19.92

Shield chance = 20

Shield absorption = 30.51

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What the heck are you wearing Lonewolf? Those are some seriously strong defense/end stats.


Well, have done all heroics quest on the 2 planets before the one i'm on atm (belsavis), and got some very good mods with tank stats. Also some from no heroic quests, but can't remember wich quests.


And, so, instead of using the comendations on mods, that don't have much tank stats, imo, used them instead on modded gear and took out the 1/2 tank mods that i needed.


Tank mods for me are mods with endurance, defense/shield chance and/or shield absorption.


That don't mean i'm doing it right, i can be lacking on dps for aggro.


But, more or less since lvl30, haven't been in the mood to stay looking at the walls on republic fleet to find a group to fp's (don't like to create groups/be party leader), so decided to stack more on defense stats to give my healer comp more time to heal me when solo figthing elites/champions.


The fights will be a little longer, but will also give me more chances to train the use of my abilities, specially the long cooldown ones, and i like that.


Probably i'm just crazy, but who cares. I don't. :)


Edit :


I also try to stay with gear close to the lvl i'm when i go to a new planet, so buying gear from gtn, light vendor, etc, if i have the money for. Specially ear, implants and generator gear and sometimes blue/purple mods if they are low priced.

Edited by LoneWolf_pt
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Spent Levels 20-24 PvPing to get enough commendations for all the level 20 gear from the PvP vendor, now just looking for a shield for my offhand but haven't had any luck finding one. Going down the Kinetic Tree.



Level 24 - Recently started Taris.

Strength = 61

Presence = 133

Aim = 33

Cunning = 30

Endurance = 457

Willpower = 400

Expertise = 0


Melee :

Damage = 190 - 238

Bonus damage = 95

Accuracy = 90

Critical chance = 15.62

Critical multiplier = 50


Force :

Bonus damage = 153.2

Bonus healing = 54.1

Accuracy = 100

Critical chance = 14.6

Critical multiplier = 5.00


Defense :

Health = 5329

Armor rating = 2174

Damage reduction = 27.97

Defence chance = 14

Shield chance = 0

Shield absorption = 0

Edited by MGreenberg
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What the heck are you wearing Lonewolf? Those are some seriously strong defense/end stats.


In my previous post i forgot to say that i also have 3 points in a passive skill that gives me more 3% endurance.


Anyway, i made a small video which shows my stats, gear and skill tree, so you can see why i have that amount of endurance and defense.


Atm at lvl 44 and just arrived at Voss.


Also remember i'm no expert on this stuff. I'm just doing things this way because it's what feels better to me.


Video link :

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Thanks for the vid LW, I will check it out later today.


Level 48 - On Voss.


Kinetic Combat

Strength = 98

Presence = 219

Aim = 50

Cunning = 48

Endurance = 947

Willpower = 800

Expertise = 0


Damage = 413-529

Bonus damage = 179.8

Accuracy = 91.360

Critical chance = 16.88

Critical multiplier = 54.77


Defense :

Health = 11804

Armor rating = 4951

Damage reduction = 34.25

Defence chance = 19.58

Shield chance = 24.52

Shield absorption = 28.68


Just got the +4 End datachron before taking these stats. I'm not intentionally stacking End, but its hard to avoid, as Kitru has been saying all along.

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Hi All,


Level 50 Infil Shadow named Popkorn on Darth Bandon. I'm in 5/5 columi with the rakata earpiece and 2 rakata implants as well as Mastercrafted Rakata bracers and belt with +28 Power augments.


Using Burning Force Relic as well as the Matrix Cube one. Columi Shadowsaber and OH as well.


Here are my stats:


Strength = 107

Presence = 227

Aim = 52

Cunning = 55

Endurance = 1575

Willpower = 1704

Expertise = 0


Melee :

Damage = 825 - 1006

Bonus damage = 462.5

Accuracy = 97.77%

Critical chance = 35.19%

Critical multiplier = 81.49%


Force :

Bonus damage = 732.2

Bonus healing = 276.7

Accuracy = 107.77%

Critical chance = 34.33%

Critical multiplier = 81.49%


Defense :

Health = 18250

Armor rating = 3189

Damage reduction = 22.80%

Defence chance = 10.00%

Shield chance = 0

Shield absorption = 0



Hadn't really seen too many 50s post, just thought I'd give you some idea of what End Game stats would look like. I've sacrificed some Accuracy for surge, but I honestly don't find myself missing at all on Raid Bosses to even miss it.


Link to pic: Popkorn <Martial Cadence>




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Kinetic Tank lvl 48 Stats (31/2/6) :


Strenght = 107;

Presence = 229;

Aim = 57;

Cunning = 55;

Endurance = 1200;

Willpower = 845;

Expertise = 0.


Melee :

Damage = 461-597;

Bonus damage = 191.2;

Accuracy = 91.54%;

Critical chance = 12.27%;

Critical multiplier = 50%.


Force :

Bonus damage = 347.9;

Bonus healing = 132.1;

Accuracy = 101.54%;

Critical chance = 11.37%;

Critical multiplier = 50%;

Force regeneration = 10.4;

Activation speed = 0.00%.


Defense :

Health = 14330;

Armor rating = 5444;

Damage reduction = 36.36%;

Defence chance = 23.44%;

Shield chance = 28.90%;

Shield absorption = 28.89%.

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Level 50 2/31/8 Build -- Few Pieces or Champ gear or Cent Gear from PVP. Valor at 31


Strength 124

Presence 243

Aim 76

Cunning 76

Endurance 1184

Willpower 1287

Expertise 333



Damage 629-796

Bonus Damage 295.7

Accuracy 101.27

Critical Chance 28.21

Critical Multiplier 60.15



Health 14340

Armor Rating 5835

Damage Reduction 37.08

Defense Chances 10

Shield Chance 0

Shield Absorb 0



Bonus Damage 553.5

Bonus Healing 218.8

Accuracy 111.27

Critical Chance 27.22

Critical Multiplier 60.15

Force Regen Rate 8

Activation Speed 1.02



PVP Damage Boost, Damage Reduction and Healing Boost 7.56

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I just turned 50 a week or so ago, don't have any expertise rating gear at all yet.

31/0/10 standard KC shadow tank.




Strength: 128

Presence: 243

Aim: 71

Cunning: 71

Endurance: 1273

Willpower: 1190

Expertise: 0




Damage: 584-747

Accuracy: 92.10%

Critical Chance: 18.65%

Critical Multiplier: 56.56%




Bonus Damage: 446.3

Bonus Healing: 154.0

Accuracy: 102.10%

Critical Chance: 17.62%

Critical Multiplier: 56.56%

Force Regen Rate: 10.4

Activation Speed: 0.00%




Health: 15226

Armor: 6186

Damage Reduction: 38.42%

Defense Chance: 23.63%

Shield Chance: 34.08%

Shield Absorption: 34.05%




No buffs except the basic consular buff. Usually I have a biochem reusable END/DEF stim on.

Working on stacking more willpower and shield/defense

Using all PvE gear, just orange modded stuff.

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OK so I've been 50 for a week. I ran EV normal last week and for whatever reason didn't understand how the looting worked so I missed out on a lot. *d'oh*


But how much difference a day can make...Started at this last night:



Ran a few War Zones and finished my daily (won at Huttball!), and cashed the commendations that came in the champ bag in on a Centurion survivor implant (or motivator, I dunno, they have all the same specs). Fear my level 18 valor. :rolleyes:


Then my guild Ops. Went 5/5 EV and 4/5 KP (quitting due to the late hour) normal mode. Adding a new Tionese shield bought with accumulated tokens I ended the day like this:


I got 3 pieces of Columi Force Master gaining a bonus, and an awesome Columi main hand. I thought I also got a relic but apparently that was reserved for a guildmate. I now have a bunch of supernumerary mods/enhancements that I could swap in or out to bump crit or shield or whatever, but I'm still getting a handle on where those levels should ideally be.


Getting closer to running HM ops I think.

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Kinetic Combat (Tank) lvl 50 Stats (32/2/7) :


Strenght = 111;

Presence = 237;

Aim = 59;

Cunning = 57;

Endurance = 1418;

Willpower = 1035;

Expertise = 0.


Melee :

Damage = 561-728;

Bonus damage = 228.3;

Accuracy = 93.05%;

Critical chance = 13.24%;

Critical multiplier = 50%.


Force :

Bonus damage = 410.1;

Bonus healing = 150.1;

Accuracy = 103.05%;

Critical chance = 12.34%;

Critical multiplier = 50%;

Force regeneration = 10.4;

Activation speed = 0.00%.


Defense :

Health = 16684;

Armor rating = 6181;

Damage reduction = 38.40%;

Defence chance = 26.70;

Shield chance = 35.72%;

Shield absorption = 30.98%.



Stats, gear and skill tree in video :


Level 50 around 1 week. Been doing almost all daylies in Ilum and Belsavis everyday.

Also some shopping on the GTN.

No lvl50 FPs so far, because of net problems related to my isp.

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Been 50 for a about 3 weeks now, still don't have any expertise rating gear at all yet.

Haven't really gelt the need to yet.

31/0/10 standard KC shadow tank.




Strength: 128

Presence: 243

Aim: 76

Cunning: 71

Endurance: 1420

Willpower: 1307

Expertise: 0




Damage: 623-786

Bonus Damage: 297.8

Accuracy: 92.10%

Critical Chance: 21.08%

Critical Multiplier: 56.56%




Bonus Damage: 486.9

Bonus Healing: 166.6

Accuracy: 102.10%

Critical Chance: 20.06%

Critical Multiplier: 56.56%

Force Regen Rate: 10.4

Activation Speed: 0.00%




Health: 16701

Armor: 6385

Damage Reduction: 39.15%

Defense Chance: 22.44%

Shield Chance: 33.40%

Shield Absorption: 39.48%




Using the basic consular buff and a biochem reusable END/DEF stim.

Using almost all PvE gear, just orange modded stuff. Purple mods in everything. I can still manage a decent amount of medals in warzones and be quite annoying to the enemy.

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reusable stims are the crafting skill "exclusive perk" for the Biochem skill right now.


there are a couple kinds, I just use the basic consumable ones I get from the crew skill vendor RNG'ed into purple reusable.


Requires biochem 380 to use

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You will find at 50 there are 4 sets of gear choices. It all depends on what your role is and what you want to do and spec has to what choice you go.


I use Survival gear has I am Kinetic(Tank) speced all the time. Although with the amount of extra gear that is dropping and or I am getting assigned I might be building a Stalker set too soon I have 2nd Columi Chest and Head tokens in my cargo hold right now just trying to see if they do a dual spec thing or not.


I would not say I flew though levels. I did all the quests and things and went though the progress to get to 50. There was a ton more 50s than me when I made it. Never the less I found that with 4 to 5 hours of play you could gain a level easy from 40 to 50 and more lower.


The point of it is that the game changes at 50 and what you are attempting is pretty well a waste of time and effort has below 50 your gear and things change all the time.


You're missing the point. I'm level 37, and I really like this post. I am not burning to 50, and I want to be useful in FPs and WZs along the way, so this post is very useful. To disregard that is pretty silly. Just because you don't find it useful at 50 means nothing to me.

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  • 6 months later...

This thread has been really helpful to me. It's made me realize my armor rating is ridiculously low, which I never even noticed, and that is why I've felt a bit squishy lately, as you can see from my stats below...


Level 38 Balance Shadow (3-6-20)


Strength - 83

Presence - 190

Aim - 43

Cunning - 50

Endurance - 643

Willpower - 609


Damage - 291-361

Bonus Damage - 151.1

Accuracy - 90%

Critical Chance - 16.93%

Critical Multiplier - 55.11%


Health - 8,000

Armor Rating - 1729

Damage Reduction - 18.67%

Defense Chance - 14.11%


As I'm more focused on DPS, I equip a force focus instead of a shield, but it's obvious I need to focus more on my armor rating. Thanks thread!

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