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TotalBiscuit on SWTOR [2,5h podcast]


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Hello dear SWTOR fans!

Wanted to share this "

" (actually pure audio) with you, where TotalBiscuit, a very popular games comentator and famous WoW veteran, expresses his views on this game.

A very educated and deep opinion about both the upsides and the downsides of Bioware's latest MMO.


Edited by Gradivus
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I was hoping he was going to play the game and comment on it. I don't want to listen to him speak I want to listen him speak as he complains about whatever he is doing.


Give it time, he's currently enthralled by the story and voice acting. In 6 months or so when he hits level cap he might change his tune

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2 and a half hours long? yeah no. I know professional Announcers who couldn't talk about one thing for that long so I'm not going to sit through this.


I never understood why the common theme among "podcasts" is to make them as long as you can. I'd much rather listen to a 15 minute one that got to the point, told it's arguement, maybe joked around a bit if that's what you want to do and finish the thing!


I don't need 40 minutes of a group of guys sitting around going "um" and laughing every 2 minutes.

Edited by Limecake
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Posting a summary after I finish listening.


I'm too lazy for that...


About the length - TB's videos are rarely over 30min long. This is by far the longest I've seen from him. But they're not talking random nonsense there, it's all quite on the topic. I find it informative and entertaining.

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he thinks he is a really good player and loves put down others when is is really just bad himself, stopped watching his videos for that reason


I have watched quite a few of his videos to get a feel for a prospective game, and he really is quite oblivious to what's going on quite often. Many times he will be looking for how to do something, and I will talk to the monitor, "It's right there in front of you" type of stuff. :)

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I have watched quite a few of his videos to get a feel for a prospective game, and he really is quite oblivious to what's going on quite often. Many times he will be looking for how to do something, and I will talk to the monitor, "It's right there in front of you" type of stuff. :)


Haha, yes. In puzzle games. It's hilarious.

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Good podcast. Good discussion of positives & negatives; more positive in fact than I was expecting from those three. In summary: they very much like the game as it is (better than WoW is heard), but are reserving judgement from a longevity perspective. Particular note (that I agree with) was made by Jesse that the flashpoints Hammer, Athiss and a couple of others subsequently are pretty poor compared to Black Talon etc.


It's important to put this in perspective. Internet personalities, and this includes gaming review sites too, are still really just one or two people. Form your own opinions. I like TB and mostly agree with his views most of the time, but I'm in no danger of mindlessly following his views just because.


Edit: I do happen to be a cynical Brit though.

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Good podcast. Good discussion of positives & negatives; more positive in fact than I was expecting from those three. In summary: they very much like the game as it is (better than WoW is heard), but are reserving judgement from a longevity perspective.


In a nutshell, yes. I was also somewhat surprised to hear TB talk so well about an MMO, especially one that is so similar to WoW gameplay wise.

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One other thing to note: Due to the very nature of being who they are, reviewers like TB play lots of games. This gives great perspective, but also means that on average they will be playing games like TOR less frequently. Thus they will be levelling more slowly, and seeing the game at a slower pace. That's actually a good thing in some respects; it avoids launch-only reviews of the entire game; but worth bearing in mind.
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good listen, doubt i'll listen to it all in 1 go tho lol TB and jesse cox are awesome to listen to tho :p


Heh, yes. Their Terraria series is among the best content available on YouTube!

What I did notice is that TB is one of the only "reviewers" (he says he isn't one) who correctly understands that the space combat in SWTOR is about and rates it accordingly. He has also a video specifically on

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I listened to about the first hour. Of course I did, he's a Brit!


They were gushing over the Voice acting, Companions and Story base of the game. That's all I got in the first hour. There was some bashing of WoW also.


It is good to listen to this because it does give you another angle on the game, and you go - oh yeah, that is kind of awesome, isn't it.



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