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What's my bottleneck?


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Okay, seriously, think about this for a second.


He was running 3 1 GB sticks of dual channel RAM, 1 matched pair and 1 single stick in the other pair of slots. This means his motherboard switched to single channel mode.


Just making matched pairs, regardless of how much more RAM he has, would improve overall performance significantly since his board is now running in dual channel mode. It effectively doubles the throughput of the pipeline between the RAM and CPU.


Dual channel RAM is a serious performance improvement over single. Do you disagree with that statement?


Having his board work in Dual Channel might help...a tad. You can't seriously be suggesting he has gone from 1 fps to 60 fps just by buying new memory though and I suspect that you are well aware of that.


Also, my memory is dual channel, 4 GB and it's still performing badly in the same area. Why is that? It's performing badly with 6 GB as well...because there is no difference between 4 and 6 GB in this game.

Edited by LionRampant
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Having his board work in Dual Channel might help...a tad. You can't seriously be suggesting he has gone from 1 fps to 60 fps just by buying new memory though and I suspect that you are well aware of that.


Well, I don't particularly have a reason to be skeptical. I have, however, found you to be an entirely abrasive, prideful, and inflexible person in this short forum exchange. And I'm far from confident that you really understand as much about hardware as you'd like us to think.


Lots of people made suggestions based on what they know, me included. I grant that I don't know everything about computers. But an upgrade of RAM for 50 bucks, and the OP is a happy camper. Is that a bad outcome?


If the OP upgraded his RAM and is now happy with his performance, that was the point of this thread, was it not? That's why I believe him when he says it's better. Why would he lie about that?


Yeah, I'm done, by the way. I was enjoying talking about hardware. This has devolved into pretty useless stuff now.

Edited by daeseer
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Your RAM and AMD sound like the culprit here. I used to run a Phenom X940 or something and 3 gigs of ram, recently upgraded to Intel I7 2600K Sandy Bridge and 8gigs of ram.


Now runs as smooth butta!! Even though Intel is x2 the cost of AMD, I will never go back. Again I am not a college crash strapped student anymore either.


If you are not willing to invest in a new CPU try getting more RAM.


Go in UEFI (the replacement for Bios) and turn off hyperthreading and it will be even faster unless you multitask alot.

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Having his board work in Dual Channel might help...a tad. You can't seriously be suggesting he has gone from 1 fps to 60 fps just by buying new memory though and I suspect that you are well aware of that.


Also, my memory is dual channel, 4 GB and it's still performing badly in the same area. Why is that? It's performing badly with 6 GB as well...because there is no difference between 4 and 6 GB in this game.


He also tuned down the GFX to get 59FPS. he went from 2 to 20 with the mem upgrade b4 tuning down GFX a bit.

Edited by DeeckTator
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Well, I don't particularly have a reason to be skeptical. I have, however, found you to be an entirely abrasive, prideful, and inflexible person in this short forum exchange. And I'm far from confident that you really understand as much about hardware as you'd like us to think.


I started out trying to help the OP and got nothing but venom back from the start.



Lots of people made suggestions based on what they know, me included. I grant that I don't know everything about computers. But an upgrade of RAM for 50 bucks, and the OP is a happy camper. Is that a bad outcome?


Great outcome. Had nothing to do with the extra RAM.


If the OP upgraded his RAM and is now happy with his performance, that was the point of this thread, was it not? That's why I believe him when he says it's better. Why would he lie about that?


That "pride" word both you and he mentioned. I know what the OP is experiencing, I've shown numerous screenshots showing that memory usage is constant at 2.5 GB - btw weren't you going to screenshot yours with only SWTOR playing? - yet he insists that a measly 1 GB upgrade is somehow increasing fps from 2 to 60?


Hundreds of people could read this and actually believe they need more RAM when they don't - and plenty of people can't afford hardware upgrades willy-nilly. You people are a menace.

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If you have a copy of the game that runs well on one machine and badly on the other i would suggest doing what i did and delete the game on the machine running badly and doing a copy from the computer running well ... It seem dumb but it fixed most of my bad fps issue . My bd ocmputer had an install taking 21.5g and the good one 19.5... Everyone should have 19.5 gig space used on their tor folder not anymore than that.
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He also tuned down the GFX to get 59FPS. he went from 2 to 20 with the mem upgrade b4 tuning down GFX a bit.


So you're saying that he didn't tune the graphics down before now?


Come on wake the hell up. The OP "claims" to have bought more memory...but didn't screenshot the results until after he had installed the latest Nvidia drivers...and now you are suggesting he wouldn't turn down the graphics settings before buying new memory?


If you had a gaming problem would you change graphics settings or install drivers first...or go out and buy some memory? :rolleyes:


Seriously...use some logic. I'm still waiting on his task manager screenshot because frankly I'm not convinced he even bought more memory - somebody probably pointed him to a new driver instead of the one he got with the card and that has fixed his problem.

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I started out trying to help the OP and got nothing but venom back from the start.


Great outcome. Had nothing to do with the extra RAM.


1. Why did you stick around then?

2. Yes it did. Win 7 can easily eat 4gigs before you ever launch a game, depending on what you have installed, what services are running and so on.

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So you're saying that he didn't tune the graphics down before now?


I'm not claiming anything, just told you about one of his posts you seem to have missed.

Just after he installed the memory he went from 2-20, then he turned shadows to low and got 59FPS.


Why are you still here trying to pick a fight? just let it go, boot the game or something and have some fun.

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2. Yes it did. Win 7 can easily eat 4gigs before you ever launch a game, depending on what you have installed, what services are running and so on.


You'd have to be really going something to be using another 1.5 GB of RAM. What are you doing, running two games at once?


This game uses 2.6 GB RAM max, because my whole system is using 2.6 GB RAM while running on a clean install of Win 7. I already screenshotted proof of this, it's undeniable.

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I'm not claiming anything, just told you about one of his posts you seem to have missed.

Just after he installed the memory he went from 2-20, then he turned shadows to low and got 59FPS.


He had already installed the new drivers before then. I asked him to show a screenshot with his extra RAM only - he refused and intalled the new drivers, then took screenshots. That says it all to me. :)

Edited by LionRampant
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You'd have to be really going something to be using another 1.5 GB of RAM. What are you doing, running two games at once?


This game uses 2.6 GB RAM max, because my whole system is using 2.6 GB RAM while running on a clean install of Win 7. I already screenshotted proof of this, it's undeniable.


Ok, I'm not gonna argue with you anymore , check my SS again. I'm using 6GB without anything heavy running. I do have lots of apps running in background since my puter can handle it easily.


Anyway, I'm not here to argue with you. Just live in your dreamworld that 4GB is all you'd ever need! I'm ending this right here, right now!

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He had already installed the new drivers before then. I asked him to show a screenshot with his extra RAM only - he refused and intalled the new drivers, then took screenshots. That says it all to me. :)


Damn you tricked me into answering one more time. When is the last time you saw a betadriver alone increase performance 10 fold?



Edited by DeeckTator
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Damn you tricked me. And when is the last time you saw a betadriver alone increase performance 10 fold?




Compared to the driver from the 1 year old 560 Ti disc? It's probably quite a lot.


When did you ever see 1 GB extra memory increase gaming performance 30 fold? That's what the OP is claiming here. What a joke!


2 fps to 60 fps just by adding 1 GB more RAM? Please.

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Ok, I'm not gonna argue with you anymore , check my SS again. I'm using 6GB without anything heavy running. I do have lots of apps running in background since my puter can handle it easily.


Anyway, I'm not here to argue with you. Just live in your dreamworld that 4GB is all you'd ever need! I'm ending this right here, right now!


Ok seriously now.


You are using 6 GB because...you have the RAM and can afford to keep stuff open. Do you think that if you didn't have 6 GB you'd still do that, or would you close some stuff first?




Ps I checked your screenshot - you are using 20% of 16GB RAM. That's 3.2 GB...with (in your words) "lots of apps running in the background"







I mean how much proof is needed? 3278 used out of 16384 installed? :confused:

Edited by LionRampant
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its the game, not your machine. don't waste your money upgrading for this game.


i've got a


i7 3970k

32gb ram

ati 6970

256 gb ssd agility 3.


i get stutter and 30 fps.


I have an i7 920 with 15Gb RAM and a nVidia 470 and I get over 70 fps with all video options set to max.


Your system is far better than mine... maybe the problem is sludge between the keyboard and the chair.

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its the game, not your machine. don't waste your money upgrading for this game.


i've got a


i7 3970k

32gb ram

ati 6970

256 gb ssd agility 3.


i get stutter and 30 fps.


I'm not so sure really. My brother has a "gamer" laptop (supposedly they exist! ;)) and he runs the game perfectly fine. And the specs aren't even that good either. Some GeForce 400 series videocard and a Quad Core with 2.20 GHz.


I've ordered a GTX 560 today. I think the problem with my PC is the GTX 260. Even if this game has some problems, I doubt the GTX 260 would be able to carry this game. I also have low FPS in fairly new games like Saints Row The Third.

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Ok, I'm not gonna argue with you anymore , check my SS again. I'm using 6GB without anything heavy running. I do have lots of apps running in background since my puter can handle it easily.


Anyway, I'm not here to argue with you. Just live in your dreamworld that 4GB is all you'd ever need! I'm ending this right here, right now!


Youre using 6gb of ram not doing anything heavy? Sorry but you have something eating your ram or you have your comp poorly optimized. Seriously. Start checking for viruses.

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its the game, not your machine. don't waste your money upgrading for this game.


i've got a


i7 3970k

32gb ram

ati 6970

256 gb ssd agility 3.


i get stutter and 30 fps.



What OS are you running? since the 32gb sounds like it would need a server main board to work since most gaming stuff will only take 16 gb at most.


Also an imaginary chip since the top of the i7 extreme line is the 3960x at least according to Intel.

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Hey guys, I just had a quick question about my computer setup at home. I have had the opportunity to play SWTOR on my home and work computer. For some reason the game runs a lot faster on my work computer even though my home computer has a better graphics card. However, everything else is slightly worse than my work computer. I'm just curious what you guys think my bottleneck would be.


Here are my specs for both computers:


Work computer


Windows 7 Professional 64-bit

NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT

Intel Core i7 CPU 950 @ 3.07GHz

8gb RAM


Home computer


Windows 7 Professional 64-bit


AMD Phenom 9600 Quad-Core Processor

3gb RAM


My home computer really struggles when there are a lot of NPCs in the area. Particularly in the black sun taxi area on Coruscant. I chug so hard there when I'm at home because of all the NPCs fighting below the taxi platform, but that area runs fine at work.


Would my processor be the culprit or would it be my RAM? Or is there something else you think is holding me up?


Thanks for the help!


Unoptimized clunky game engine.

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