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So... Where did all the customization go?


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Okay, as much as I disagree with it, I can understand WHY Bioware had to put playable alien races on the backburner. I can understand WHY color unification had to be taken away. Heck, I can even understand WHY they they went with presets over sliders. (Again, even if I disagree with it.)


But can anyone PLEASE explain to me WHY we have limits on an already limited character creation? I'm not asking them to devote time and precious resources to creating all new humanoid faces. (Time that could be better spent on some of the aliens... *Ahem*) But can anyone explain to me why we can't, at the very least, pick and choose which PART of a preset we want to use? Why can't I pick Preset mouth 3 with Preset eyes 8? Why does every face HAVE to change depending on on the body-type? Why must eyebrows be locked in with makeup and complexion? Seriously, I can't be the only one who feels this way.

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no, no you aren't.....maybe I got spoiled by playing sims, where I have downloaded extra sliders and can make all the sims very individual looking. Now I am not saying they need to add that level of customization but more then there is would be nice, esp at this point in time were it is implemented in so many games now.
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You're not alone. I don't mind the body types thing because let's face it, it makes it a zillion times faster to get new armor models in game. However, I don't like a lot of the makeup/markings pairings and a number of the faces just look weird unless you pair them with a specific body type (or if you like the look of really really thin lips and sunken cheeks).


I'd love to see some of the texture type options separated. Why can't my twi'lek have markings X but makeup pattern Z?

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Well, I'm glad that some people share what I'm feeling. Still, I'm pretty surprised at the lack of overall support customization threads seem to be getting. o-o It may just be a 'me' thing, but I always Considered customization to be a semi-high priority thing, I'd love to hear Bioware and the rest of the community's thoughts on this, good or bad. .-.
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You are not alone. At first I was dissappointed with the character creation tool. Then after playing with it for a while I noticed that I could actually make quite good looking characters with it.


Also on the same note. Wish the armors and clothes would be more customizable. Ok I like that you can wear the oranges you want and upgrade them until lvl50. After that its get this fugly armor and look like a clone.

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Nope not alone at all. The char creation is abysmal imo. Even worse -- since the textures are so low - you can't even appreciate the differences you DO try to make when in game (And I'm running all settings on max on a 30" screen res - 2560 X 1600) I also noted -- a toon may look ok in the generator -- but in game - look like Frankenstein. This is something I hoped they fix in the future -- along with the lack of customization in general.
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I think its funny. A game where you and your friends get to see your character up close ALL the time. Most games you create your character with many options and you barley ever see them again. This game you actually should look more unique cause all the cut-scenes you will be in. I just don't understand why Character creation got so ridged.


to be honest, i was pretty disappointed in Beta when I found out how many difference races you can choose from. From what I can tell the only difference between those races are the facial features... Its pretty disappointing.

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I think its funny. A game where you and your friends get to see your character up close ALL the time. Most games you create your character with many options and you barley ever see them again. This game you actually should look more unique cause all the cut-scenes you will be in. I just don't understand why Character creation got so ridged.


My guess is that this is why it became so ridged -- the cinematics. Cinematics are rendered in high detail. I'd bet that all the cinematics in game are essentially prerendered to an extent based on the preset character features. If they had to render completely on the fly the cinematics would really underperform?


Just a theory.

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It's not just bringing new armors.

Try to imagine rendering a scene with all the charcters.

Aion has awesome customisation options, and looks like a beast. And while in solo, or party-instance I have 40-60 fps, it's around 10 in the main cities, and 0 in a raid. Not kidding, with all the graphic options minimum, the CPU sweats on 100% and I get a frame around every 10 seconds.


The complexity of the player models is not only on the vga, it's very much kills the cpu and the data transfer, net and HDD. All comes all the time about how fast and responsive wow is, yet no one seems to realise it's not coincidence that even the new player maps are low res compared to swtor, that there only one bodytype, and maybe 4-6 faces available. No complexity, no make up, no jevelry, etc.

The more generic the objects, the models, the faster and more responsive the game is. Simple as that.

And I do think swtor did a good compromise on the field, with the promise that we get more with updates.

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Yeah I love this game but the customisation options could be so much better. It's not a priority or anything but if you release a brand new MMO looking to take up a chunk of market share one area you could try to dominate is variation.


Hoods up/hoods down option.

Hoods over masks.

Colour match outfits.

The ability to dye your outfit to whatever you want.

Height Slider.

Weight Slider.

As many playable races as physically possible: this can't be all that hard to implement.

More faces to choose from as even the distinctly asian looking faces make the character look lie a white guy.

More hair options, especially long hair... as why can't there be a long hair option? I understand the hair in this game is static (although tentacles on twi'lecks are not as much) but with a little bit of care long hair is an easy fit.


Just imagine the change in the feel of the game, and how much more diverse it would be if these options were available.


Also in the future there should be a "design your own lightsaber/gun option".

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another reason I will more than likely return to Aion, for a 2011/12 game of this day and age it just ANOTHER thing thats missing to add to the list, I mean Aion uses the crytec engine and manages to have some AMAZING customization ( don't even bother to comment on its awesomeness unless you have seen it(especially in its even newer form)).
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another reason I will more than likely return to Aion, for a 2011/12 game of this day and age it just ANOTHER thing thats missing to add to the list, I mean Aion uses the crytec engine and manages to have some AMAZING customization ( don't even bother to comment on its awesomeness unless you have seen it(especially in its even newer form)).


I might have to check that out. I played at launch and it was a lot of fun until about level30 and then things got ugly.


The game was absolutely beautiful at the time, with a great customizable UI, high rez textures, macros, and chat bubbles. All the things that make up a AAA MMORPG.


There were even other players you could see as you level up.

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In game "Image Designer" would be nice to have. This would give the ability to alter most aspects of appearance for a cost.


As the system becomes more proven, please add the ability to slide change characters proportions or mix and match features.


Although the game is fun, it seems like "Attack of the Clones" right now.

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another reason I will more than likely return to Aion, for a 2011/12 game of this day and age it just ANOTHER thing thats missing to add to the list, I mean Aion uses the crytec engine and manages to have some AMAZING customization ( don't even bother to comment on its awesomeness unless you have seen it(especially in its even newer form)).


Easy now. I'm upset too, but I don't want this turning into another doom thread.


And as for the other person who mentioned more races, I agree 110%. I can understand why they may want to take their time with human-like races like the Nautolon and the Togruta, but what baffles me is the exclusion of the definitive alien races like the Mon Cal's and the Rodians. I mean, seeing as there are only so many ways you can change a Rodian, I figured they would be a shoe-in. o-o



SWTOR /really/ needs this diversity, because the choices we have right now makes the game feel more like Star Trek than Star Wars.

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You're not the only one, OP, and I was (well, still am, really) one right along with you. However, I have a feeling a response by Stephen Reid to another topic is the answer for the rather strange pre-set combinations. Specifically:


"When a character in the game is 'seen' by another character - ie, gets close to your field of view - the client has to 'draw' that character for you to see. As the character is 'drawn' for you there are a number of what are known as 'draw calls' where the client pulls information from the repository it has on your hard disk, including textures, and then renders the character. Every draw call that is made is a demand on your PC, so keeping that number of draw calls low per character is important. With our 'maximum resolution' textures a large number of draw calls are made per character, but that wasn't practical for normal gameplay, especially when a large number of characters were in one place; the number of draw calls made on your client would multiply very quickly. The solution was to 'texture atlas' - essentially to put a number of smaller textures together into one larger texture. This reduces the number of draw calls dramatically and allows the client to render characters quicker, which improves performance dramatically."


The bolded part is the reason for things like combining eyebrows with complexions, or so I suspect. I can't prove this, of course, and this is pure speculation on my part.

Edited by Kharnis
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Why must eyebrows be locked in with makeup and complexion? Seriously, I can't be the only one who feels this way.
It's funny you say this. My favourite eyebrows have awfully stupid complexions and my favourite noses are with faces I don't like. It's always bugged me.
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Yeah I just want a longer hair option for males, the dreadlocks are hideous and the medium cut above the shoulders is even worse..


I can't wait til I level my Sith Warrior up and can cover his ugly *** hair with a helmet...

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They are probably holding back until more people get settled in and get to 50. then they'll be like oh btw we got some new awesome character creation stuff now. then you will pay real money to customize your 50 or reroll and assure them more monthly payment.
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Yeah I just want a longer hair option for males, the dreadlocks are hideous and the medium cut above the shoulders is even worse..


I can't wait til I level my Sith Warrior up and can cover his ugly *** hair with a helmet...



heh, yeah. Go try and make a twi'lek smuggler. the bewildering array of face choices leaves me stumped. I am being sarcastic because there is only 3 twi'lek faces with slight variations on shading. talk about el-cheapo.

Edited by Shortwave
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The limitations on character creation / customization along with amount of playable races amoung other things for a modern mmo like sw:tor is dissapointing to say it mildly and bioware doesn't do anything but dissapoint me really.
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Why can a Twi'lek male be purple but female can't be?


Just one more example of customization limitations that make me go "wuh?"


Oh, Oh - I love the cyborg choices. I mean I can pick between an excellent assortment of bluetooth headsets and RayBans. Cyborg? Nah, it looks like the toon belongs in a starbucks with a LAPTOP! The cybernetics are weak. It should have been a option for the regualr humans. at least then cyborgs would have gotten facial hair to hide that cliche and ugly jawline.


OMG are you serious!



Way to inflate the species choices. we got humans and humans with sunglasses

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